Visual Studio: How to dock multiple buttons at bottom - visual-studio-2012

the buttons inside the greyed bottom stay at the bottom even when the form is resized.. is this something from the toolbox?


Menu button on keyboard to get Excel Context Menu

Normally on an excel file, when I click the Menu button on the keyboard, the normal context menu like below first screenshot will show. However I got a new computer and it gives me a totally different context menu like below 2nd screenshot. How can I change excel to show me the context menu like the first screenshot when I click the menu button on the keyboard? Many thanks.

Collapsible QDockWidget when clicking on the tab

I am trying to mimic the behaviour on PyCharm, where there are docks on the edges and, if the user clicks on the tab, it exapnds and collapses the dock to increase the central widget.
I managed to put the tabs on the site, and I can subscribe to the tabBarClicked event to detect QDockWidgets, but I still need to figure out 2 problems:
How to always display a tab on each region where there is a dock (if there is more than 1 dock on that area, the tabs are automatically handled, but if there is only 1 dockwidget, no tabs are shown).
How to keep the tab if I hide the dock (for collapsing the widget).
Any ideas? This is what I got so far. As you can see, the QDockWidget on the bottom does not have a tab, but a title bar.

Add Git buttons on the Toolbar in Android Studio (merge, rebase, new branch)

If you often create, merge, rebase, compare branches, you should know how to add icons from Main menu to the Toolbar. Sometimes clicking Git buttons is difficult inside menus, see screenshots.
Where is that "New branch" command inside a list of branches?
First, you should separate the Toolbar from Main menu, if it was not done before. View > Appearance > Toolbar.
Right-click on empty space in the Toolbar and press "Customize Menus and Toolbars...".
Expand "Main Toolbar" in the tree.
Scroll down and expand "MainToolBarSettings", "VCS Actions", click "Rollback", then in the top press "plus" and click "Add Action..." Here we will add new buttons.
In a window find "new branch". Select several commands with Ctrl click in Windows. Press "OK" and "OK".
Now you will see 3 new buttons in the Toolbar.

I need macro for editing Menu in Quick Access Toolbar

I have questions about QAT.
How do I add my tooltip to a button. How do I add a tooltip to any button?
How to change the icon of the button White Arrow?
How to insert my own icons?
Is it possible to add more Submenus. For example Submenus_1; Submenus_2; Submenus_3; Submenus_4; Submenus_5.

Python + GTK - Scrolled menu bugged

Basically, when we click on a combobox near to the bottom edge of the screen, the first item of the menu begins at the same vertical position of the combobox, leaving a blank space on top of this.
This way the menu is created with the size to hold all the menu items, but since the first element of these is not put at the top of the menu, the menu has to scroll to see them.
Link to the image:
It's not a bug in my code. The menu is created correctly. The bug is in the GTK libraries.
So, what do you suggest me?, how can I resolve this situation?, maybe moving to menu position?
