Cannot delete user in SAMBA - linux

I'm using GADMIN-SAMBA program on Linux for administering Samba server, and in the list of users in the "Users" tab in the first row there is the following data:
"WARNING" "Group name not found" "No value has been set" "No value has been set"`
When I select this row and click "Delete" button, the following message appears:
Could not remove the samba user: WARNING
And the row remains unchanged.
I could not find any records with a user named "Warning" in /etc/smb.conf, /etc/samba/smbusers files and in /var/samba/profiles directory. How can this record be removed from the users list?

If I'm not mistaken, the problem is (1) you have no users added to the SAM database, or (2) that you do not have the following SAM files available for pdbedit to read:
Since samba makes use of pdbedit -L to generate a user list to be displayed. If you either (1) have no users, or (2) do not have the SAM files available, you will generate an error attempting to access that information. It appears that GADMIN is taking the first line returned (the error) as the user and attempting to display it. You cannot delete this.


Graph API DriveItem: How can I only get query results from the root directory (PREVENT recursive searching)?,00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444/drive/search(q='Matrix')
The above correctly returns all drive files with the word "Matrix" in them within the Shared%20Documents directory for the site's provided site ID (00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444).
However, it's recursive: it returns files with the word "Matrix" in them within subfolders too. I only want to query files in the root directory.
How do I search for file names, only within the root directory? I tried changing /drive to /drive/root like below, but it did not make a difference:,00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444/drive/root/search(q='Matrix')
ChatGPT recommended adding the filter $filter=parentReference/path eq '/drive/root':,00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444/drive/search(q='Matrix')?$filter=parentReference/path eq '/drive/root'
...but I got the error "Only createdDateTime,, is supported for filtering" which ChatGPT didn't know how to get past
I solved this by obtaining the folder id of the root folder and using the /drive/items/{folderId}/children$filter URI instead of /drive/search. I obtained the folder ID of the root folder by copying the id within the parentReference of an item that lies within my root directory from the output of my first command.
Then I queried the files in the root directory with the following format:,{siteId}/drive/items/{folderId}/children?$filter=startswith(name,'MyWord')
So in my case, the URI ended up looking like below:,00000000-1111-2222-3333-444444444444/drive/items/01NCSFADN6Y2GOVW7725BZO354PWSELRRZ/children?$filter=startswith(name,'Install')
Unfortunately, I couldn't use the contains function (which functions similarly to /search) and had to use startswith because contains isn't supported on $filter for text fields.
Finally, you can optionally tack on the end whichever field(s) you're interested in retrieving with the select parameter:

Execute shell commands with excel VBA and collect output [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Capture output value from a shell command in VBA?
(8 answers)
Closed last year.
I am trying to make a ticket tool we have where I work a little better and make it so the tech team doesn't have to open Active Directory to make sure the ticket sender is eligible to make certain requests. What I need is the ability to run net user /domain <username> then collect the comment line and store it in a variable in VBA. The variable will then be sent in an email to the ticket software along with anything the user entered in the text boxes.
My thoughts were to run the command and send the output string to another variable then pull the line information from the larger output since I cant seem to find a way to get only the comment.
I've added a sample of the output below with an arrow pointing at the data that needs extracted into the variable.
I'm still pretty new to VBA so bear with me.
C:\Users\jdoe\Desktop>net user /domain jdoe
The request will be processed at a domain controller for domain StackOverflow.wh.
User name jdoe
Full Name John Doe
Comment Anlst Tech Supp <----- this is what needs extracted
User's comment
Country/region code 000 (System Default)
Account active Yes
Account expires Never
Password last set 11/1/2021 8:58:44 AM
Password expires 1/30/2022 8:58:44 AM
Password changeable 11/1/2021 8:58:44 AM
Password required Yes
User may change password Yes
Workstations allowed All
Logon script
User profile
Home directory
Last logon 1/15/2022 11:43:12 AM
Logon hours allowed All
Local Group Memberships
Global Group memberships *Domain Users
The command completed successfully.
On Error Resume Next
Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\.\root\cimv2")
Set config = objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_UserAccount")
For Each thing in Config
Msgbox thing.caption & " " & thing.Description
Programmers don't call user's commands. They are for humans not programs.
See for more info.

How to change a numeric ID into a sentence in Graylog using pipelines?

I am trying to "beautify" the data I receive from some windows logs on Graylog. My idea is to change the windows log ID from a number to the actual definition for that ID. For example: I receive a log with ID 4625, I want to show in my widget "An account failed to log on".
To do that, I am using a pipeline and a lookup table, which reads the IDs and the respective definitions in natural language from a .csv that I've uploaded on the server.
This is the rule that I wrote for my pipeline, that doesn't seem to work:
rule "eventid_windows_rule"
let winlogbeat_winlog_italiano = lookup("winlogbeat_winlog_event_id", to_string($message.winlogbeat_winlog_event_id));
set_field("winlogbeat_winlog_italiano", winlogbeat_winlog_italiano);
I think my problem is specifically in this rule, because Graylog allows to test the lookup tables, and if I manually write an ID, the lookup table finds the respective description.
I solved the issue myself, this is the correct code for the rule:
rule "eventid_windows_rule"
let winlogbeat_winlog_italiano = lookup("eventid_widget_windows_lookup", $message.winlogbeat_winlog_event_id);
set_field("winlogbeat_winlog_italiano", winlogbeat_winlog_italiano);
This rule checks if the log has the field "winlogbeat_winlog_event_id", then it generates the new field "winlogbeat_winlog_italiano", associates the numeric value of "winlogbeat_winlog_event_id" with the description in natural language thanks to the .csv that I've created, then puts the description in the field "winlogbeat_winlog_italiano".

Excel Import of custom mandatory field doesn't work [Hybris 6.7.0]

I'm using Hybris version 6.7.0 and I stuck with the following problem:
When I trying to perform importing products from excel file. It gives me the following error ->
I've checked the excel file and there is, of course, field "Subscription Term*", it is mandatory that's why there is an asterisk there. Good to mention that this field is custom, so I write custom translator to it and exporting part works fine, but in importing part when I did debugging I found strange fact:
This WorkbookMandatoryColumnsValidator validator calls the method findColumnIndex(typeSystemSheet, sheet, this.prepareSelectedAttribute(mandatoryField)); from DefaultExcelTemplateService this method returns -1 and the validation does not passed. I dig into this method and there is such line of code:
String attributeDisplayName = this.findAttributeDisplayNameInTypeSystemSheet(typeSystemSheet, selectedAttribute); which returns "Subscription Term" string as you can see without an asterisk.
I've checked the other mandatory fields e.g. "Catalog version*^" it returns with 2 symbols after it.
The thing is that "Subscription Term" and "Subscription Term*" after string equality operation returns false and the validation fails as you can see here:
Of course the second value is taken from the excel file where the asterisk sign presents.
If I remove an asterisk from excel file then I receive: Unknown attributes of type ISku error in WorkbookTypeCodeAndSelectedAttributeValidator validator:
The asterisk should be presented in excel file, I've just checked what would be...
It doesn't help me at all to understand what really happens.
I can't understand one thing: What is the source of "Subscription Term" string? Why without an asterisk? Is it predefined constant somewhere?
From debug I couldn't figure out from which source that string comes from.
I do not know for sure but I expect that string( i.e Subscription Term) to come from a localization file based on backoffice current session language ( e.g {extensionName} if the current language is en).
Try to search after "Subscription Term" in all properties files.
Maybe, if the attribute is mandatory(i.e optional="false" in items.xml) then Hybris will add to its name an "*" when performing the import.
Check whether you provided read and write permission to that attribute for that user.
Check with admin user before doing that. If there is no issue with admin user, then only permission issue with the user.

Excel in SSIS: How to import a column that may have more than 255 characters when DT_NTEXT causes failures?

OK, so my latest project requires loading an Excel 2007 spreadsheet into a SQL Server table. I'm working in SSIS 2008R2. Based on some stuff I found on the internet, I opened the Excel source in Advanced editor and changed the datatype of the long column to DT_NTEXT, so that it wouldn't truncate it. Then I made the database column VARCHAR(MAX). This runs correctly in debug mode on my laptop.
Then I deployed it to the development server and attempted to load the same test file. It failed with the following error messages:
Error: Code: 0xC0208265
Source: Main Data Flow Task Get Main Data [1]
Description: Failed to retrieve long data for column "DESCR".
End Error
Error: Code: 0xC020901C
Source: Main Data Flow Task Get Main Data [1]
Description: There was an error with output column "DESCR" (72) on output "Excel Source Output" (9). The column status returned was: "DBSTATUS_UNAVAILABLE".
End Error
Error: Code: 0xC0209029
Source: Main Data Flow Task Get Main Data [1]
Description: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_INDUCEDTRANSFORMFAILUREONERROR. The "output column "DESCR" (72)" failed because error code 0xC0209071 occurred, and the error row disposition on "output column "DESCR" (72)" specifies failure on error. An error occurred on the specified object of the specified component. There may be error messages posted before this with more information about the failure.
End Error
Searching for information about the error, I found about a million sites offering the same three suggested solutions:
Add 'IMEX=1' to the extended properties of the connection string.
It was already there.
Change the TypeGuessRows key in the registry.
This was set to zero on the server, which I understand to mean that it should look at the entire file. Nevertheless, I changed it to 8 to match my laptop. The same error occurred when I ran it again. Then I changed it to 1,763, which is more than the number of rows in the spreadsheet. It still gave the same error. So, I put it back to zero. (There's a 1,900-character value in the first row of my test file, so it shouldn't really matter how many it checks, in this case.)
Change the datatype to DT_WSTR(4000) in the source.
The column is supposed to have up to 10,000 characters, so I'm not sure this would be a good idea even if it worked. However, I tried it anyway. This time it gave me a truncation error. I changed the truncation error disposition to "ignore failure" and it loaded the data, but truncated the value to 255 characters. I have verified that the length is 4000 and doesn't get changed when I save the file, but it's still truncating at 255 characters.
I have no idea what else to look at. Any help would be appreciated.
UPDATE 1/29: The package, without any changes, works correctly when running on the pre-production server. It still fails when running on the development server. Both servers have the same version of SSIS (including minor version numbers) as well as the same versions of Windows, Access and Excel. I do not know how to explain this, nor do I know how to tell if it would work in production.
I created a new package with similar non-functional requirements (Excel 2007 file, SSIS 2008, SQL Server 2008 R2, VARCHAR(MAX) target column) and it worked just fine after deployment into the database server. My package:
Metadata at the Excel Source component's output (checked using Advanced Editor): DT_NTEXT
Derived Column component between source and destination to cast to non-unicode from unicode using (DT_TEXT,1252)
Metadata at the OLE DB Destination component's input (checked using Advanced Editor): DT_TEXT
Target Column data type: VARCHAR(MAX)
I do not explicitly use the extended property IMEX in the connection
Executed by right-clicking on the package at the database server, and loaded a file with a few thousand characters per record into the table without truncation. Hope this helps
I have faced this issue while importing an excel file with a field containing more than 255 characters. I solved the issue using Python.
Simply, import the excel in a pandas data frame and then calculate the length of each of those string values per row.
Then, sort the dataframe in descending order. This will enable SSIS to allocate maximum space for that field as it scans the first 3 rows to allocate storage:
df = pd.read_excel(f,sheet_name=0,skiprows = 1)
df = df.drop(df.columns[[0]], axis = 1)
df['length'] = df['Item Description'].str.len()
df.sort_values('length', ascending=False, inplace=True)
writer = ExcelWriter('Clean/Cleaned_'+f[5:])
