How can I bold upcoming text in Etherpad? - etherpad

Is there a way that one can bold upcoming text in Etherpad?
For example, I want to press ctrl+b, and start typing in Bold. Then press ctrl+b again and go to normal formatting.

I wrote a plugin to enable this behaviour:
Install the sticky attributes plugin on your Etherpad deployment


Sublime Text 3: bold text in plain text mode

I'm pretty new in Sublime Text 3, and I know it allows for a wide customization.
I would like to know how I could make some part of the text bold, italic or underlined, or even coloured, when I'm writing a plain text. It may sound dumb, but I have no idea how to do it and whether I can do it.
Thank you!
Your best bet is to use the MarkdownPreview plugin combined with the LiveReload plugin to display Markdown text written in Sublime as HTML displayed in your web browser. Unfortunately there isn't anything at this time that can display rendered HTML or Markdown in Sublime itself.
EDIT Apparently there is also MarkdownLivePreview, which I wasn't aware of before. I haven't tested it yet, but it's very popular, so you might want to try it.

Sublime Text Editor with '+' sign on the left side

Why there are plus signs on the left side of my sublime text 3 text editor on every line? How to remove it?
You have probably installed the GitGutter package. It highlights additions to your code with a + symbol, removal with a - symbol and changes with a circle.
If you don't like this feature, you can either disable (or uninstall) the entire package or use the GitGutter: Disable for View command to disable the markers for the current document.
If you don't like the appearance of those markers, you can change the styles by running the Preferences: GitGutter Popup Stylesheet command and edit the styles.

Android Studio where is color picker for Flutter plugin

In Android Studio, we have color picker when developing in Java/Kotlin (natively) like this.
But while developing for Flutter, I can't see any options to pick my own color. Is there some plugin required to do that?
The color picker is not clickable in Android Studio running Flutter( Dart code), see picture below. But i found a work around using the Color class and manually opening color picker. Then pick a color and copy/paste it like this:
Here is how i do it:
1. Double tap shift to run search
2. Type Color or Picker
3. Open Color Picker from the search list
4. Copy/paste the HEX color code into your color class.
Expert tip:
Add color picker to a keyboard shortcut. You can find the settings for Keymap, under File > Settings > Keymap
You must have heard of the website from google, which provides many materials like designs, icons, tools, resources and components for easy developing. Now Color Tool is also available. You must add the website to your browsers shortcut if you are a developer. Here's the link for chosing color :!/?view.left=0&view.right=0&primary.color=E91E63
Another way I found is :
Type 'Colors.' and press control+space to see the available colors.
Select the color using arrow or mouse.
Press control+Q for the quick documentation.
And on the documentation windows, click on the edit button which opens the
'colors.dart' file.
Here all the colors with all shades are available. These shortcuts are for windows.
Once you open the file, you can always come back here to chose the next shade. But will not be the comfortable method like android project.
Hope a easier way to do this will come with the later update.

VIM: omnicomplete popup menu has incomplete message

I'm using YouCompleteMe library into vim to autocomplete my code.
I have an issue for vim popup menu as shown in the image below the addEventListener method in javascript has long description here but it get cut because of my screen bound. is there any way to scroll horizontally to read the missing part like I do when I'm scrolling vertically <c-n> for down and <c-p> for up. Is there is any short key for moving right and left on vim popup menu or any other way to achieve that.
No, there's no way to achieve that in Vim's current state.
Vim already has a perfectly working way to display extensive documentation in the preview window during completion so your plugin is misusing the completion menu.
You should either tell its author to use the completion menu properly or find a better one.
From :help 'completeopt':
preview Show extra information about the currently selected
completion in the preview window. Only works in
combination with "menu" or "menuone".

color caret in sublime text 3

I would like my caret in sublime text 3 to have a custom hex color attached to it so it is easier to see. Is there a plug in that I can download to achieve this feature or do I haft to edit the theme file? If I need to edit the theme file how should I do that and achieve a successful result.
SublimeText theme files are XML, so you can just find and edit the following chunk
<string>#FFFFFF</string> # change this to the color you want
Otherwise, if you prefer a more GUI approach you can have a look at TMTheme Editor
