Error creating a new workspace - linux

I am trying to create a local workspace so I can map it to VisualStudio online account. Here is the command I am trying to run.
tf workspace -new -login:"Windows Live ID"\user,pass -collection:
For some reason I am seeing an error. The command does have a domain/user,pass. What is this new username and password it is asking me for ?
Federated authentication to this server requires a username and password.
Apparantly this is issue is caused even when using java clients. Here is what Visual Studio Online has to say for it's questionable behavior.
Alternate authentication credentials
Some applications that work outside the browser (including Team Explorer Everywhere
command line client and the git-tf utility) require basic authentication credentials.
Other applications do not properly handle using an e-mail address for the user name
during authentication.
To work with these applications, you need to enable alternate credentials, set a
password, and optionally set a secondary user name not in the form of an e-mail address. > Please note that alternate credentials cannot be used to sign in to the service from a web
browser or outside of these applications.
Here is another question that I posted and was shot down. Just documenting here for future reference
I am able to login using my Visual Studio online credentials via the CLC, but When I try to do the same with a java program, I get an Authentication exception. Is there anything special that needs to be done for Java and / or Visual Studio Online ?
Java Code
public static final String NATIVE_LIBS_SYSTEM_PROPERTY = "";
public void connect() {
Credentials credentials = new UsernamePasswordCredentials("Windows Live ID\\user", "password");
TFSConnection connection = null;
try {
connection = new TFSConfigurationServer(new URI(""), credentials);
} catch (URISyntaxException ex) {
Exception Authorization failure connecting to '' (authenticating as Windows Live ID\user)
Caused: Access denied connecting to TFS server (authenticating as Windows Live ID\
at org.netbeans.modules.libswrapper.Installer.restored(
at org.netbeans.core.startup.NbInstaller.loadCode(
[catch] at org.netbeans.core.startup.NbInstaller.loadImpl(
at org.netbeans.core.startup.NbInstaller.access$000(
at org.netbeans.core.startup.NbInstaller$
at org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil$
at org.openide.filesystems.EventControl.runAtomicAction(
at org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem.runAtomicAction(
at org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil.runAtomicAction(
at org.openide.filesystems.FileUtil.runAtomicAction(
at org.netbeans.core.startup.NbInstaller.load(
at org.netbeans.ModuleManager.enable(
at org.netbeans.ModuleManager.enable(
at org.netbeans.core.startup.ModuleList.installNew(
at org.netbeans.core.startup.ModuleList.access$2400(
at org.netbeans.core.startup.ModuleList$Listener.stepEnable(
at org.netbeans.core.startup.ModuleList$Listener.access$1400(
at org.netbeans.core.startup.ModuleList$Listener$
at org.openide.filesystems.EventControl.runAtomicAction(
at org.openide.filesystems.FileSystem.runAtomicAction(
at org.netbeans.core.startup.ModuleList$
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$
at org.openide.util.RequestProcessor$

If you're connecting to from the cross-platform command line client, you need to set up and use "alternate credentials".
You cannot use a Microsoft Account (Live ID) because - crazy as it sounds - that only works by supplying passwords to that web page and we cannot rely on a web browsers existence on many platforms.


passport-apple inexplainable invalid_client on nodejs backend -- using clean example repository with fresh set of credentials

I've cloned and replaced the config with this:
clientID: "com.myname.web",
teamID: "myteamid",
callbackURL: "",
keyID: "mykeyid",
privateKeyLocation: path.join(__dirname, "../apple-key.p8")
I've also added SSL certificate on my machine and starting the server with https, all works fine & is recognized by my browser. I'm also starting the app on port 443 and proxying using my hosts file ->
I have the same auth setup for facebook, google & microsoft and everything works fine.
I have:
Created a new APP identifier and enabled Sign in with Apple for it, named it:
Created a new SERVICE identifier and enabled Sign in with apple, called it: com.myname.web
Added "" to the "Reply URLS" on the service identifier com.myname.web
Set my app identifier as the main app identifier my service to be grouped with.
Created a private key and enabled sign in with apple, interface confirmed the presence of grouped ID com.myname.web bundled with for which the key was created.
I have confirmed using console.log that the private key is indeed at the path being passed as parameter.
converted the .p8 file to base64 & then back to UTF-8 in an attempt to use the string for privateKeyString
successfully implemented Apple Oauth several times in the past using passport-apple
This time around, for some reason, auth simply doesn't work.
If I set the clientID as the APP identifier, not the service, I'm getting
Invalid web redirect url.
instead of invalid_client
Any advice on debugging this is highly appreciated. Thank you.
EDIT #1:
I have dug a bit deeper into the passport-apple package to figure out if anything goes against apple's docs around token generation, but the flow never reaches that part, indicating things go wrong on the actual configuration in Apple's console & what I'm trying to use for my project.
2 of the app Ids I have created always throw "wrong redirect uri" because they're not service IDs so I can't configure redirect_uri, this will change if to "required" if I pass undefined as a redirect_uri.
One of the app ids throws only invalid client_id instead, regardless if I pass undefined or good value for redirect_uri.
Went full vanilla through the OAuth code flow process and just created a url & redirected the user it, failing with this method is consistent with what is happening when using the passport-apple module.
const url = new URL("");
url.searchParams.append("state", "fdbd287b1f");
url.searchParams.append("response_type", "code");
url.searchParams.append("scope", "name email");
url.searchParams.append("response_mode", "form_post");
url.searchParams.append("client_id", "com.myname.web");
return res.redirect(url.toString());
[Creator of the library here.]
Did it stop working in development too? I feel this is a configuration error because the actual thing is working live on my website:
Please follow up on this Github issue. Thanks!

Authenticating a REST request in an Excel Add-in

I am trying to develop an add-in for Excel with the goal that it will create calendar events based on data inside a spreadsheet.
I can do almost everything that I want except use the REST API to build the events in the calendar and I can't exactly figure out where I went wrong.
I have followed the documentation suggested by #MarcLaFleur.
I can build and run the application no problem, but when I click on the 'Get my files from OneDrive' button, I get the following:
Code: 5001
Message: An internal error has occurred.
name: Internal Error
This is coming from the program.js file in the public directory somewhere in the else clause of this function.
function getDataWithoutAuthChallenge() {
Office.context.auth.getAccessTokenAsync({ forceConsent: false },
function (result) {
if (result.status === "succeeded") {
// TODO1: Use the access token to get Microsoft Graph data.
accessToken = result.value;
getData("/api/onedriveitems", accessToken);
else {
console.log("Code: " + result.error.code);
console.log("Message: " + result.error.message);
console.log("name: " +;
document.getElementById("getGraphAccessTokenButton").disabled = true;
Here are the scopes in my manifest.xml
<Id>c931b396-7 ... </Id>
<Resource>api://localhost:3000/c931b396-7 ... </Resource>
And here are the scopes on
If you can shed any light for me, it would really help me out.
5001 can be caused by not requesting profile scope. You need to request the profile scope in addition to Calendar.ReadWrite. You do this when you register the app, as well as in the manifest. For more information, see the articles that Marc LaFleur linked to.
The 5001 error often suggests something fundamentally wrong with the add-in API in Office. For example, your Office app doesn't support the API, the manifest is incorrect, or the version of office.js doesn't work with it. Since you're using the sample, two things come to mind:
You aren't running the latest Insiders
The wrong manifest is getting loaded (this sometimes happens if you're
on Windows and using a version of Visual Studio 2017 that has old
schema files, so you have to do a post-build clean up of the debug
Manifest XML)
Your manifest and Azure registration look mostly good, though Rick's comment about Scopes is relevant. profile must work with openid as a pair (profile alone won't work; openid alone won't work), and as discussed you need this consented. As the developer, you can try consenting for yourself at the protocol level. You’ll want to update the client_id, redirect_uri, and scope query parameters as appropriate, and add &prompt=consent.
To answer a later question, Excel and Mail add-ins are different, and my answer only applies to Excel. For Outlook there's a different sample.
The documentation can be found at Enable single sign-on for Office Add-ins. There is also walk though for both ASP.NET and Node.js as well documentation on Troubleshooting.
There are a number of things that could be going wrong here but without knowing more about your registration it is difficult to determine. That said, here are a couple of common mistakes:
You'll need to make sure you receive Admin Consent for the tenant you're developing against. This is only a dev requirement and won't be required once your publish to the Store.
Make sure you've pre-authorized the correct applications. You'll need pre-authorizations for:
d3590ed6-52b3-4102-aeff-aad2292ab01c (Microsoft Office)
57fb890c-0dab-4253-a5e0-7188c88b2bb4 (Office Online)
bc59ab01-8403-45c6-8796-ac3ef710b3e3 (Office Online)
Make sure the scopes you're defining in your manifest.xml are reflected in the app registration at
If you make changes to your permission scopes, you need to make sure you repeat the Admin Consent process. When you receive consent, they are consenting to the scopes that were registered at the time of consent rather than the App ID itself.

Grails - Spring Security Account Creation

I am using the Spring Security Core plugin and can successfully log users in and out of my application. However, when the user successfully signs up, I don't understand how to set that user's security context on the signup postback so that they can be redirected to a secure page without having to log in again. Any help is welcome. Thanks.
The other link you reference is 2 years old. Since then I've added a reauthenticate method to SpringSecurityService. See section "6.2 SpringSecurityService" in the docs:
I eventually came upon this link, which does the trick:
Here are the contents of that link:
If you don't have the password, you can load the user via
def user = User.findByUsername(username)
and setting the authority array in the 3-parameter constructor. Create the auths via
GrantedAuthority[] auths = user.authorities.collect { new GrantedAuthorityImpl(it.authority) }
Then you can omit the call to authenticate() and use:
SecurityContextHolder.context.authentication = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(username, 'unknown', auths)

How to use a logged in person's credentials to search Active Directory?

I have a web app (.NET 3.5) which is sending notifications by email to users. In order to do this, I search Active Directory to find each person's email.
At the moment, I am hardcoding my own username and password like so in order to search AD:
Dim entry As New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://companyad", "myUsername", "myPassword", AuthenticationTypes.Secure)
Dim srch As New DirectorySearcher(entry)
srch.Filter = [String].Format("(&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName={0}))", "someOtherUsername")
Dim result As SearchResult = srch.FindOne()
Now, obviously, this is not ideal and I don't want those credentials hardcoded. My web app is using Windows Authentication. It also uses impersonation (as the logged in user) to access files and SQL Server. Is there also a way for me to "impersonate" the logged in user in order to search AD?
I thought I'd better explain why I chose this answer. The problem turned out to not be the multi-hop issue or kerberos as it seems I have set these up correctly.
I had recently changed my app to only allow access to a certain group through the web.config settings. I had previously been only allowing access to myself. I set up the group and added myself to it. I then removed the hardcoded credentials and attempted to run the app WITHOUT RESTARTING my computer.
According to my network admin, I would not be logged on under that new group until I restarted my computer which I think is what was causing my problem. So, Preet's answer is actually the most accurate as I just needed to pass the LDAP path to DirectoryEntry.
I also needed to register a Service Principal Name.
I ran this:
setspn -A HTTP/[dns name of the site] [machine name]
on my development machine.
Thanks to everyone else for their answers.
Dim entry As New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://companyad")
Why not create a new user for this purpose alone? A user with only searching rights.
I set <identity impersonate="true"/> in my web.config and added the following code to my my page load event handler. It worked fine. Are you sure you are not dealing with a multi hop situation? In that case your app pool account needs to be configured for kerberos authentication to support impersonation in a multihop scenario. More info on this is here:
DirectoryEntry entry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://[]");
DirectorySearcher srch = new DirectorySearcher(entry);
srch.Filter = string.Format("(&(objectClass=person)(sAMAccountName={0}))", "[user]");
SearchResult result = srch.FindOne();
If you wish to use the Windows logged in user account as the credentials against AD, you have to use the following:
public bool IsExistingUser() {
DirectoryEntry de = new DirectoryEntry(Environment.UserDomainName)
DirectorySearcher ds = new DirectorySearcher(de)
ds.Filter = string.Format("((objectClass=user)(SAMAccountName={0}))", Environment.UserName)
SearchResult sr = ds.FindOne();
if (sr != null && sr.DirectoryEntry.Name.Contains(Environment.UserName))
return true;
catch (DirectoryServicesCOMException ex)
catch (COMException ex)
throw new Exception("Can't find logged in user in AD", ex);
return false;
Assuming this code would compile and run, it will verify whether the existing logged in user is known by your Domain Controller.
Impersonation is discouraged as it lets litteral password strings travel in your network. So, try to avoid it as much as possible.
EDIT Here's a pretty useful link for AD: Howto: (Almost) Everything In Active Directory via C# I found this post awesome!

System.Net.WebClient doesn't work with Windows Authentication

I am trying to use System.Net.WebClient in a WinForms application to upload a file to an IIS6 server which has Windows Authentication as
it only 'Authentication' method.
WebClient myWebClient = new WebClient();
myWebClient.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential(#"boxname\peter", "mypassword");
byte[] responseArray = myWebClient.UploadFile("http://localhost/upload.aspx", fileName);
I get a 'The remote server returned an error: (401) Unauthorized', actually it is a 401.2
Both client and IIS are on the same Windows Server 2003 Dev machine.
When I try to open the page in Firefox and enter the same correct credentials as in the code, the page comes up.
However when using IE8, I get the same 401.2 error.
Tried Chrome and Opera and they both work.
I have 'Enable Integrated Windows Authentication' enabled in the IE Internet options.
The Security Event Log has a Failure Audit:
Logon Failure:
Reason: An error occurred during logon
User Name: peter
Domain: boxname
Logon Type: 3
Logon Process: ÈùÄ
Authentication Package: NTLM
Workstation Name: boxname
Status code: 0xC000006D
Substatus code: 0x0
Caller User Name: -
Caller Domain: -
Caller Logon ID: -
Caller Process ID: -
Transited Services: -
Source Network Address:
Source Port: 1476
I used Process Monitor and Fiddler to investigate but to no avail.
Why would this work for 3rd party browsers but not with IE or System.Net.WebClient?
I have seen a similar issue, where the Integrated / NTLM security will only work if you are accessing the host by machine name or localhost. In fact, it is a [poorly] document feature in Windows that is designed to protect against "reflection attacks".
Basically, you need to create a registry key on the machine that is trying to access the server, and whitelist the domain you are trying to hit. Each host name / FQDN needs to be on it's own line - there are no wildcards and the name must match exactly. From the KB Article:
Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK.
In Registry Editor, locate and then click the following registry key:
Right-click MSV1_0, point to New, and then click Multi-String Value.
Type BackConnectionHostNames, and then press ENTER.
Right-click BackConnectionHostNames, and then click Modify.
In the Value data box, type the host name or the host names for the sites that are on the local computer, and then click OK.
Exit Registry Editor, and then restart the computer.
Have you tried ...
new NetworkCredential( "peter", "password", "boxname" );
You might also try ...
var credCache = new CredentialCache();
credCache.Add( new Uri ("http://localhost/upload.aspx"),
new NetworkCredential("peter", "password", "boxname"));
wc.Credentials = credCache;
Also, according to this it may be that IIS is configured wrong. Try replacing "Negotiate" with "Basic" in the above and checking your IIS config for the website. There's also a bunch of possible causes here.
Try going into IE's options and explicitly add the site to the Intranet Zone. Then re-run the program. You should also not run the program from an administrator login. This may trigger the Enhanced Security Configuration for Internet Explorer.
It could explain why you can hit the site with Firefox and Opera, but not with IE or WebClient.
Without knowing your IIS deployment, and assuming that you have the correct authorization rules for upload set in IIS (e.g. the right allow* ACL's on the right dirs you are trying to upload content to, etc), first thing I would try is to set UseDefaultCredentials to true instead of explicitly set Credential. (Maybe you think you are accessing the server with the Credentials you are setting but that's not the case? That would be possible if this works.)
This is a very common scenario, so I would focus on IIS authorization rules for the directory in which you are trying to upload the file, the actual ACL's on that directory. For ex. is your site impersonating or not? if it is, then you have to have actual ACL's on that dir, otherwise whatever account app pool is running on.
