IBM Worklight: securely integrating server generated pages in hybrid app - security

We have been using Worklight to develop hybrid apps to securely integrate with server generated pages. Our approach has been to use WebViews for Android and iOS platforms. Lately we have some folks who prefer using iFrame approach instead, primarily for ease-of-programming reason.
Are there security related concerns of using iFrame instead of WebView in hybrid mobile apps?

The security risks of using iFrames is well known, see for instance the discussions on this stackoverflow question.
Adding to that you have to trust that the iFrame support on each platform (iOS / Android) is properly implemented and consistent.
However, I would not recommend using iFrames on a hybrid app unless you really have to. My reasoning is that a hybrid app is already based on a WebView, so iFrames would be adding one extra layer to it, which adds unnecessary complexity (that also impacts performance and memory footprint)
Not only that, but the iFrame behavior and performance is not as polished as the WebView itself and the platform support is not as consistent, as described by this Phonegap article
Finally, this is a far less common use case and it might be harder to find support to resolve styling, performance and behavior issues with the JavaScript library communities like JQuery Mobile and Dojo Mobile.
Again, this is my personal opinion on the subject.


best approach for converting a heavy website into a hybrid app

what is the best approach to work with ibm worklight website which has lots of content ..should it made multipgage?if it is multipage how do we access worklight context on each page
IMO there are multiple aspects you need to think about and take into account with respect to your specific scenario and needs. Since you did not describe those in detail, I will try to generalise my suggestions:
Your are not required to have an app per-se
You could also re-design your website with responsive web design in mind. This way, as your users load the website in either Desktop browser or Mobile browser apps, the website fits itself to the device's viewport size.
If you do choose to create an app
Not all aspects of your website must exist on the mobile app. Re-consider your strategy and find the right balance of what you should present to your end-users. Make it lighter
Think mobile-first; the paradigm is different and so should be your approach and design: UI Design Dos and Don'ts
As for the technical aspect, many UI framework provide ways to present "pages" within your app. Worklight can work with any of them. Read more about the challenges and solutions, here:
Building a multi-page application tutorial
Example application showcasing multi-page navigation in Worklight 6.2 using jQuery Mobile
Stack Overflow questions about Worklight and multi-page apps
Strictly speaking Worklight hybrid apps are single page apps: there is a single HTML page and we never navigate to a new "URL". However from the UI point of view the user sees what appears to be multiple pages, typically this is achieved by manipulating the DOM of the single page. For example we have a DIV for each "page" the user sees, and we navigate by showing and hiding those DIVs.
With that philosophy in mind your question about accessing the Worklight context now becomes trivial: we're on a single page, so the context is always avaialble.
As Idan says it usually simplest to implement such a single-page, multi-view app by using a JavaScript framework that manages the navigation. Many folks these days use angularJs. Using such frameworks we can decompose the app into a number of small HTML and JS files that are dynamically loaded, from the app perspective it's still a single page but from a development perspective we now have finer-grained artefacts that allow easier parallel development in a multi-person team. When you have an with many 10s of "pages" such decomposition really pays off.

Tradeoffs of browser-based development vs. Smart Client

I've got an app that's been started on the Microsoft stack as a smart client (notionally WCF/WS enabled) with a small client app that gets deployed and the rest of the app running in our private cloud. It's only real dependency is internet connectivity, .net 4 and a windows operating system.
I am under pressure to convert over to a browser based architecture for all future development. Based on other web apps I've worked on, I'm concerned that the way that client IT organizations can control the browser, it will cause more problems down the line than what I really want to deal with.
Do you have experience making this kind of decision? What technical factors did you consider when deciding to go smart-client vs. browser? What resources were helpful in making this decision?
My app is a healthcare app targeted at healthcare providers (eg. hospitals), so everywhere I go, I have to worry about the Healthcare CIO looking over my shoulder.
Interesting. Originally I'm from C# winform and WPF Desktop programmer, and later being assigned to do web development. Haven't touch Smart Client yet but I think it should almost be the same with Native app. Based on experience, the technical things to consider are:
Multi browser support
Especially for reporting and graphic processing, without some library / plugins / framework for your component, it will be insanely hard to keep your app multibrowser. Especially in css style and less in javascript.
Client programming(javascript)
You will lose the ability to create controls and animation using C# controls. Instead you must using javascript (jquery or other library) in exchange. Javascript is not fully OOP, and intepret language (no compile error), making it harder (maybe there is some framework like coffeeScript which I haven't yet explore). In addition, it is harder to make since it will need server request / response activity in between the process, which I will describe later.
Request / Response Client-Server Architecture
This means that most process in client will need to request for the server (request for data to display, request to modify the data, etc). It also means that you lose the ability of control event, even if you use webform (it still need some tweaks for the event to work). However I assume you already used the WCF so this kind of architecture must be that hard.
Don't keep important information such as password, etc in client (hidden field, javascript variable, etc). The concept should be the same with multitenant client, however in browser, user has free access to debug your webpage.
Concurrent and Multithreading
In browser, it is easier for multitab page and concurrent process will be very highly to occur. Your code must able to handle the multi threading for client side. For server side, you can still use your WCF to handle concurrencies.
My 2 cents.
Obviously the web application has its own challenges. I hope this link can help you in some aspects:
Along with those you need to focus on non-function requirements like extensibility and scalability etc. too.

SPA Architecture questions

This post is intended to start a deeper discussion on Single Page Applications for the web. There are questions that do not seem to have a clear answer in most resources on the subject.
They are in my mind
Authorization and authentication.
With entire web app being on the client, it may make calls to the server in any of its functions, even those that the user does not have rights to. The fact that the user cannot see a menu, does not preclude that person from invoking java script functions. This is easily handled in MVC app, for example, by using controllers that validate user rights to a specific function based on a cookie for example. However, some SPA apps just use single controller with Breeze or Web Api, which make authorization server side impossible.
Memory management on the client
For small sample apps this is not an issue, but imagine an app with 100's of screens or an app with a single screen that pulls thousands of records over the course of one day. With persistent caching one could imagine large memory issues, especially on under-powered devices with little RAM, like phones or tablets. How can a group of developers had SPA route without a clear vision of handling memory management?
Three Tier deployment
Some IT departments will never allow applications with a connection string to a database located on front end web servers. Every SPA demo I have seen is structured exactly like that, including Breeze or Web Api for that matter.
Unobtrusive validation.
It would require developers to use MVC partial views and controllers instead of just HTML files, which seems to fly in the face of SPA concepts, while it provides a very robust way to easily incorporate validation and UI to support it into web applications.
Exposing primary integer based keys in the url.
This is non-no in OWASP.
As a result, SPA applications "seem" to target areas with few security requirements and small feature sets. What do you think?
#Sergey - I think this is just too broad a question for StackOverflow. S.O. isn't a discussion forum; it's a place to go for specific answers. So while your questions are potentially valid, I don't think you should hold out much hope for deep substantive responses here.
May I add, in the friendliest possible way, that your sweeping, unsupported, and negative statements make you look like a troll. You're not a troll are you Sergey?
On the chance that you are in fact authentically concerned, I offer a few quick reactions, particularly as they pertain to Breeze.
Authorization. In Web API you can authorize at the method level. The ApiController base class has a User property that returns the IPrincipal. So whether you have one controller or many (and you can have many in Breeze if you want), the granularity is method level, not just class level.
Memory management. Desktop developers have coped with this concern for years. It may cause you some astonishment if you've always developed traditional web apps where process lifetimes are brief. But long-running processes are not news to those of us who built large apps in desktop technologies such as WinForms, WPF, and Silverlight. The issues and solutions are much the same in the land of HTML and JavaScript.
Layers on the backend. You've been looking at demos too long. Yes most demos dump everything into one project running on one server. We assume you know how to refactor the server to meet scaling, performance and security requirements for your environment. Our demos are concerned mostly with front-end SPA development. We do dabble at the service boundary to show how data flow through a service API, through an ORM, through to the database. We thought it sufficient to identify these distinct layers and leave as an exercise for the reader the comparatively trivial matter of moving these layers to different tiers. We may have to re-visit that assumption someday. But does anyone seriously believe that there are significant obstacles to distributing layers/responsibilities across server-side tiers? Really? Like what?
Unobtrusive validation. When most people start using the word "unobtrusive" in connection with HTML, they are usually making a point about keeping JavaScript out the HTML. Perhaps that's what you mean too, in which case SPA developers everywhere agree ... and that's why there are numerous "unobtrusive validation" libraries available. HTML 5 validation, jQuery validation and Knockout validation come to mind. All of them are in the SPA developer's toolkit and none of them "require developers to use MVC partial views and controllers". What gives you the impression that a SPA would need any server-side resources of any kind to implement validation with JavaScript-free HTML markup?
Ids as security risk. Really? This is bogus. The key value is no more a security risk than any other data value. Millions of applications - not just SPAs - communicate key values to the client, both in the URL and in the body. It's standard in REST APIs. It's standard in ODATA. And you want to dismiss them all by saying that they "target areas with few security requirements and small feature sets"? Good luck with that. I think you'll have to do better than rest your case on a link to a relatively obscure organization's entire web site.
I have built some SPA applications, ranging from small to large (over 100 scripts and views). Only a handful of them had every view accessible to the public. The rest went through a strict access structure. It was so simple to return a 401 unauthorized from the server and the client just handling the 401 to redirect it to the login screen. Mr. Ward and Mr. Papa put it right. Get out of the Demo mode and try to find solutions to the issues you come across. I have watched John Papa's SPA on pluralsight, gone through numerous articles and applications on Breeze and I have to tell you, none of my applications use Breeze to do queries from the client side, because YOU DON'T NEED TO!!
Moreover, I have only extended what I have learnt and come up with my own way of solving problems. This is not an answer to your queries, but I only can provide a short comment. No technique is perfect and there is no ONE way to do everything. My server side is locked down where it needs to be locked down, my routes on the client side are locked down (if using durandal take a look at guardRoute), my scripts are minified and my images are sprited (if there is a word like that). All in all, SPA is a great technique, you got to find solutions to the quirks!

What would be the best suited language/technology in this scenario?

I'm about to develop a small system to display dynamic information in public spaces across an entire building (similar to Flight Information Displays on an Airport).
The system will have two main components:
a back-office for managing the
information displayed
a front-end
which acctually displays the
The back-office component is covered: it's a simple crud application with a web interface, accessed through the intranet.
I have to decide which language/technology to use for the front-end. The purpose of this component is only to access the information in stored in the back-office and display it in a big LCD monitor. No input in expected, just display the information, paging once in a while as all the information won't fit in the screen at once.
I think of a Flash movie which some-how access the back-office data through the local intranet to get the information to display.
Can you think of a better option for the front-end? Why?
Other technologies that came across my mind are:
I've had pretty good success using Silverlight and C# to access and display back-end data, running it in out-of-browser mode to avoid the display of browser chrome. WPF might also work in your situation instead of Silverlight, but Silverlight seems to be the target for most of Microsoft's recent tooling efforts (via WCF RIA Services).
The advantages for me were the fact that my company largely already has a Microsoft-based infrastructure and we already owned the tools. Up-front costs can be an issue if you go the Redmond Way. Also Silverlight and WPF have fairly healthy learning curves, though there are tons of resources and tutorials available.

What are some arguments to support the position that the Dojo JavasScript library is secure, accessible, and performant?

We have developed a small web application for a client. We decided on the Dojo framework to develop the app (requirements included were full i18n and a11y). Originally, the web app we developed was to be a "prototype", but we made the prototype production quality anyway, just in case. It turns out that the app we developed (or a variant of it) is going to production (many months hence), but it's so awesome that the enterprise architecture group is a little afraid.
508c compliant is a concern, as is security for this group. I now need to justify the use of Dojo to this architecture group, explicitly making the case that Dojo does not pose a security risk and that Dojo will not hurt accessibility (and that Dojo is there to help meet core requirements).
Note: the web app currently requires JavaScript to be turned on and a stylesheet to work. We use a relatively minor subset of Dojo: of course, dojo core, and dijit.form.Form, ValidationTextBox and a few others. We do use dojox.grid.DataGrid (but no drag N drop or editable cells, which are not fully a11y).
I have done some research of my own, of course, but I any information or advice you have would be most helpful.
I'm not sure how to answer this question except to point out that you'd be in good company using Dojo. Several large corporations, deeply concerned about security issues have contributed to the toolkit and use it in their own products. Audits have been done on the toolkit, including one recently which did expose a problem which was quickly patched -- in fact, the CDN feature of Dojo, if you use it, means you can pick up patches like this automatically. Other than that, I'm not sure what proof to offer. A toolkit is secure until someone finds a security hole! Also, there are plenty of things you can do with Dojo, or the underlying HTML/JS technology, which are not secure. You need to follow best practices. One example is with JSON. There are a couple of methods to handle JSON. The base one is fast, works on older browsers, but is known not to be secure. It is meant to be used only with trusted data sources, and typically with the same domain policy, that's what you'll be doing. There are alternatives in which you might want to look at, depending on what you're doing, you may be able to provide an extra level of security to your application.
For performance, you can look at the various benchmarks like taskspeed, which focus largely on the dojo.query DOM traversal functionality common to most toolkits. Of course, YMMV depending on your usage of Dojo, but there's healthy competition between the toolkits and continuous improvement with each release.
For accessibility, all Dijit widgets were reviewed and considered to be 508c compliant. There is more precise documentation on Dojo/Dijit a11y requirements. Not all dojox widgets pass this requirement.
