How to configure internet on CentOS installation on VirtualBox - linux

I am a beginner to linux. I have done the fresh installation of CentOS 7 on my Windows VirtualBox.
Over the tutorials for CentOs 6 they have mentioned to edit /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file for the configurations.
But in my installation there is no such file. I have ifcfg-enp0s3 and ifcfg-lo files available.

From the CentOS tutorial, the eth0 portion of /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 refers to the network interface. eth0 is the most common name for a standard ethernet interface in Linux. From your question, your system has two interfaces: enp0s3 and lo. lo is the loopback interface, so ignore that one. That leaves enp0s3.
Go ahead and follow the instructions with /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3. It should work, assuming that interface doesn't have any weird quirks associated with it.

Same here! I installed CentOS 7 in Windows7 Virtulabox, there is no eth0, but enp0s3.
After first reboot, used command ip addr, enp0s3 had no ip address
Then I updated /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3, changed ONBOOT=no to ONBOOT=yes, enp0s3 had ip 10.x.x.x, still useless;
Then I updated /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enp0s3 according to the accepted answer of centos minimal installation static ip address, it works!
As my IP address of Ethernet adapter VirtualBox Host-Only Network is, I set to enp0s3, and my vbox NIC mode is Host-Only.

Type nmtui in the terminal
Go to 'edit connection' and hit enter
Select 'enp0s3' and hit enter
Go down to 'Automatically connect' using down arrow key
Press space bar
Go down and press hit enter on 'Ok'
Go back and quit

It worked for me like this on windows 10 -Change Adapter 1 Name to "Remote NDIS based Internet Sharing Device"


How do i staticly assign a ip in CentOS7

Trying to follow the guides online but i have no ifcfg-Eth0 or ensp3? or what ever all i have i ifcfg-lo and the contents look nothing like also been trying to assign ip in Ubuntu 18.04 which doesn't use ect/network/interface no more it uses Netplan and even after i edit that and apply it i never have internet access. why on earth is linux so difficult to give addresses, i also tried the GUI way but i can never get online after. Is it something to do with Vmware?
You must add nic to your VM and centos must have driver for this nic. After that you can ask a question in "Unix & Linux Stack Exchange" (how to configure network connection in centos7) or try to configure it youself.
I recommend to do something like:
[root#centos7]# nmcli con show
enp0s3 d77bd8ad-ec13-4442-bb2b-ccee7a697552 ethernet enp0s3
[root#centos7minimal network-scripts]# nmcli con mod "enp0s3" ipv4.address "," ipv4.gateway "" ipv4.dns ","
[root#centos7minimal network-scripts]# nmcli con up enp0s3
Connection successfully activated (D-Bus active path: /org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/ActiveConnection/2)

How to access a raspberry pi localhost from a linux?

I set up a php file in my raspberry pi so that I can access some files on it from my local network.
Within raspbian, it works well in any browser using localhost/test. I tested it also in a Windows and a Mac computer in the same network, using my.local.ip.address/test in my browsers and it also worked fine.
Now here is the problem: in my linux computer, it does not work. It simply says that "the site cannot be reached". I already tried disabling the firewall (UFW) but it doesn't change anything.
I also tried several browsers in linux and the result is the same.
I think I am overseeing something obvious but I cannot see it.
Could someone give me a pointer on what might be wrong?
ifconfig -a output (Linux machine)
ifconfig -a output (Raspberry Pi machine)
It's possible that your Ubuntu machine is not in the same network. You can try theses steps to confirm :
Go on your ubuntu machine and type :
ping <rasp.pi.local.ip.address>
Go on your Raspberry Pi and type :
ping <ubuntu.local.ip.address>
If the ping request do not succeed your machines are probably in different networks. Your can use this command to watch the path used by packets between your ubuntu machine and your Raspberry Pi :
traceroute <rasp.pi.local.ip.address>
Change network card settings
Before this step, check if your are able to connect your machines togather (switch, router, vlan...).
ifconfig <interface> down
ifconfig <interface> <> netmask <>
ifconfig <interface> up
After completing theses steps try to ping again and access to your website.

gnome network manager: no internet, ping works, dig # works

Running opensuse tumbleweed with 4.7.5-1-default kernel and gnome.
Network managed with gnome's network-manager. Network (wired and wireless) connect to my router.
ping works also to external IPs
dig works if I provide the dns ip (eg.
nmcli dev show | grep DNS shows the right nameservers (which I set in
the network managers interface): and,
but dig without specification of the dns IP does not work
ping etc. to internet names (e.g. does not work.
Am completely lost by now. Help greatly appreciated.
(Matt stated the solution in his comment but I failed to understand it.)
Solution found on opensuse forum: the /etc/resolve.conf file was corrupted (empty). After deleting it and rebooting, the system (network-manager?) generated a new, working version. It contains the ip of the nameserver.

Moving a VirtualBox .vdi Linux machine to a new host computer

I've been happily using an Ubuntu 12.04 VM as a webserver with a static IP running on VirtualBox on my Windows 7 machine for a few months (working on it from the host computer, bridged network connection, accessing via SSH from host and sharing folders through windows).
In /etc/network/interfaces, I've got:
I tried creating a new VM with it on my Win7 laptop by copying across the .vdi and creating a new VirtualBox machine with it, then changing the static IP to, but I'm not getting any network... It can't ping anything, when I try to SSH into the VM, it says "connection rejected" and it doesn't show up anywhere in my Windows network.
Can anyone shed any light?
"Perryg" on the VirtualBox forums solved it:
Edit the /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, or you can delete the rules and Linux will configure it on the next boot.
That's all there was to it.

DNSclient is not picking up hostname from DNSserver but it is able to ping it

I Have Window 7 as Host Machine and I have installed Redhat 5.3 and Centos 5.4 as Vmware Machines under Window 7 through Vmware Workestation.I configure DNS & DHCP in Redhat 5.3( and able to do nslookup & DIG in this.I am able to ping window 7,redhat,centos with each other.
I have made one entry for ip in forword and backword lookup file in DNS server(
Problem :-
Centos whom i have made dhcp client of Redhat( is able to get ip from dhcp server and it gets ip (as i wanted no problem till now)
But Centos is not picking up hostanme as i have bind entry of ip with
Still it is picking up hostname localhost.localdomain. I check /etc/resolve.conf file of centos and i found that by default it picks nameserver i have not provided this ip anywhere).Everytime i made manual change in this ip again it pics same ip on reboot.
Kindly help how i can resolve this problem.
Because VMware Workstation is itself DHCP. Please disable DHCP in VMware Workstation, You can't run two DHCP in single network subnet.
Also check /etc/sysconfig/network file, Hostname coming from there.
