K-means metrics - scikit-learn

I have read through the scikit learn documentation and Googled to no avail. I have 2000 data sets, clustered as the picture shows. Some of the clusters, as shown, are wrong, here the red cluster. I need a metrics to method to validate all the 2000 cluster-sets. Almost every metric in scikit learn requires the ground truth class labels, which I do not think I have or CAN have for that matter. I have the hourly traffic flow for 30 days and I am clustering them using k-means. The lines are the cluster centers. What should I do? Am I even on the right track?!The horizontal axis is the hour, 0 to 23, and the vertical axis is the traffic flow, so the data points represent the traffic flow in that hour over the 30 days, and k=3.

SciKit learn has no methods, except from the silhouette coefficient, for internal evaluation, to my knowledge, we can implement the DB Index (Davies-Bouldin) and the Dunn Index for such problems. The article here provides good metrics for k-means:

Both the Silhouette coefficient and the Calinski-Harabaz index are implemented in scikit-learn nowadays and will help you evaluate your clustering results when there is no ground-truth.
More details here:
And here:

Did you look at the Agglomerative clustering and then the subsection (Varying the metric):
To me it seems very similar to what you are trying to do.


Analyze networks which are not scale free

I am trying to analyze the graph constructed with networkx having around 7000 nodes. When I plot the degree distribution there are nodes that are far away from the fitted power law as shown in the attached plot. This means the network is not scale-free (to my understanding). I am trying to analyze this network by using various parameters such as Degree, clustering coefficient, betweenness centrality, and many others. Does analyzing such networks with these parameters is acceptable? I try to find some examples of analyzing networks that are not scale-free but no luck so far. Any suggestions and pointer for such examples would be really great. In addition, some differences in network characteristics of scale-free and non-scale free networks would be very helpful. Thanks in advance.
1. What type of model did you constructed? Did you use a data from a file?
2. What do you want to check?
Models such as Watts-Strogatz (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Watts%E2%80%93Strogatz_model) is also no scale-free :
'They do not account for the formation of hubs. Formally, the degree
distribution of ER graphs converges to a Poisson distribution, rather
than a power law observed in many real-world, scale-free
WS is a 'small-world' network. It is characterized by high clustering coefficient. Why you think you can't analyze it?

suggestion for clustering algorithm?

I have a dataset of 590000 records after preprocessing and i wanted to find clusters out of it and it contains string data (for now assume i have only one column with 590000 unique values in dataset). Also i am using custom defined distance measure and needed to calculate the distance matrix of size 590000*590000. Using some partition logic i created the distance matrix but cannot merge those partitions into one big distance matrix due to memory constarints. Does anyone have any sort of idea to resolve it ?? I picked DBSCAN for it. Is there any way to use deep learning methodologies?? any other ideas
Use a manageable sample first.
Because I doubt the results will be good enough to warrant any effort on scaling a method that does not work anyway.

Interpreting clustering metrics

I'm doing clustering by k-means in Scikit-learn on 398 samples, 306 features. The features matrix is sparse, and the number of clusters is 4.
To improve the clustering, I tried two approaches:
After clustering, I used ExtraTreesClassifier() to classify and compute feature importances (samples labeled in clustering)
I used PCA to reduce the feature dimension to 2.
I have computed the following metrics (SS, CH, SH)
Method sum_of_squares, Calinski_Harabasz, Silhouette
1 kmeans 31.682 401.3 0.879
2 kmeans+top-features 5989230.351 75863584.45 0.977
3 kmeans+PCA 890.5431893 58479.00277 0.993
My questions are:
As far as I know, if sum of squares is smaller, the performance of clustering method is better, while if Silhouette is close to 1 the performance of clustering method is better. For instance in the last row both sum of squares and Silhouette are increased compared to the first row.
How can I choose which approach has better performance?
Never compare sum-of-squares and similar metrics across different projections, transformations or data sets.
To see why, simply multiply every feature by 0.5 - your SSQ will drop by 0.25. So to "improve" your data set, you just need to scale it to a tiny size...
These metrics must only be used on the exact same input and parameters. You can't even use sum-of-squares to compare k-means with different k, because the larger k will win. All you can do is multiple random attempts, and then keep the best minimum you found this way.
With 306 features you are under the curse of dimensionality. Clustering in 306 dimensions is not meaningful. Therefore I wouldn't select features after clustering.
To get interpretable results, you need to reduce dimensionality. For 398 samples you need low dimension (2, 3, maybe 4). Your PCA with dimension 2 is good. You can try 3.
An approach with selecting important features before clustering may be problematic. Anyway, are 2/3/4 "best" features meaningful in your case?

Text Documents Clustering - Non Uniform Clusters

I have been trying to cluster a set of text documents. I have a sparse TFIDF matrix with around 10k documents (subset of a large dataset), and I try to run the scikit-learn k-means algorithm with different sizes of clusters (10,50,100). Rest all the parameters are default values.
I get a very strange behavior that no matter how many clusters I specify or even if I change the number of iterations, there would be 1 cluster in the lot which would contain most of the documents in itself and there will be many clusters which would have just 1 document in them. This is highly non-uniform behavior
Does anyone know what kind of problem am I running into?
Here are the possible things that might be going "wrong":
Your k-means cluster initialization points are chosen as the same set of points in each run. I recommend using the 'random' for the init parameter of k-means http://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.cluster.KMeans.html. If that doesn't work then supply to k-means your own set of random initial cluster centers. Remember to initialize your random generator using its seed() method as the current date and time. https://docs.python.org/2/library/random.html uses current date-time as the default value.
Your distance function, i.e. euclidean distance might be the culprit. This is less likely but it is always good to run k-means using cosine similarity especially when you are using it for document similarity. scikits doesn't have this functionality at present but you should look here: Is it possible to specify your own distance function using scikit-learn K-Means Clustering?
These two combined should give you good clusters.
I noticed with the help of above answers and comments that there was a problem with outliers and noise in original space. For this, we should use a dimensionality reduction method which eliminates the unwanted noise in the data. I tried random projections first but it failed to work with text data, simply because the problem was still not solved.
Then using Truncated Singular Value Decomposition, I was able to get perfect uniform clusters. Hence, the Truncated SVD is the way to go with textual data in my opinion.

A method to find the inconsistency or variation in the data

I am running an experiment (it's an image processing experiment) in which I have a set of paper samples and each sample has a set of lines. For each line in the paper sample, its strength is calculated which is denoted by say 's'. For a given paper sample I have to find the variation amongst the strength values 's'. If the variation is above a certain limit, we have to discard that paper.
1) I started with the Standard Deviation of the values, but the problem I am facing is that for each sample, order of magnitude for s (because of various properties of line like its length, sharpness, darkness etc) might differ and also the calculated Standard Deviations values are also differing a lot in magnitude. So I can't really use this method for different samples.
Is there any way where I can find that suitable limit which can be applicable for all samples.
I am thinking that since I don't have any history of how the strength value should behave,( for a given sample depending on the order of magnitude of the strength value more variation could be tolerated in that sample whereas because the magnitude is less in another sample, there should be less variation in that sample) I first need to find a way of baselining the variation in different samples. I don't know what approaches I could try to get started.
Please note that I have to tell variation between lines within a sample whereas the limit should be applicable for any good sample.
Please help me out.
You seem to have a set of samples. Then, for each sample you want to do two things: 1) compute a descriptive metric and 2) perform outlier detection. Both of these are vast subjects that require some knowledge of the phenomenology and statistics of the underlying problem. However, below are some ideas to get you going.
Compute a metric
Median Absolute Deviation. If your sample strength s has values that can jump by an order of magnitude across a sample then it is understandable that the standard deviation was not a good metric. The standard deviation is notoriously sensitive to outliers. So, try a more robust estimate of dispersion in your data. For example, the MAD estimate uses the median in the underlying computations which is more robust to a large spread in the numbers.
Robust measures of scale. Read up on other robust measures like the Interquartile range.
Perform outlier detection
Thresholding. This is similar to what you are already doing. However, you have to choose a suitable threshold for the metric computed above. You might consider using another robust metric for thresholding the metric. You can compute a robust estimate of their mean (e.g., the median) and a robust estimate of their standard deviation (e.g., 1.4826 * MAD). Then identify outliers as metric values above some number of robust standard deviations above the robust mean.
Histogram Another simple method is to histogram your computed metrics from step #1. This is non-parametric so it doesn't require you to model your data. If can histogram your metric values and then use the top 1% (or some other value) as your threshold limit.
Triangle Method A neat and simple heuristic for thresholding is the triangle method to perform binary classification of a skewed distribution.
Anomaly detection Read up on other outlier detection methods.
