Will upgrading fix the FreeBSD 8.1 portstree? - freebsd

I have a machine running FreeBSD and the ports tree is accidentaly updated to one of FreeBSD 8 stable. The problem is that my FreeBSD 8.1 is not configured to use PKG for packages so I cannot update or install packages.
I want to upgrade the machines FreeBSD but get the ports tree in working order before I do that.
It seems the only solution is installing an old 8.1 version of the ports tree, but I cannot find any.
Can someone tell me where to find this?
Would upgrading to the lastest stable version 8 also solve my problem?

As far as the "8.1" tree, you can find that by using svn to checkout ports/tags/RELEASE_8_1_0 instead of ports/head but keep in mind this tree is going to be terribly out dated and have lots of insecure software and many things are not even going to fetch properly any more. This is probably not the way to go.
Instead, you are better off upgrading to 8.1, but that is one of two steps needed to fix your situation. The other step is to switch to pkg(ng). The way to do that is to run pkg2ng. See the handbook section on pkgng for more details. Running pkg2ng is a one time operation and doesn't require rebuilding or re-installing all your ports. Instead this just tells pkg about the existing software so it can manage it.



Hi we are currently using Quickbuild for our Automation Jobs,apparently as we tried to deploy some changes we are unable to proceed due to this:
Does anyone know how to fix this? I have tried updating our git version to the latest, and I have also tried to install a cygwin latest version, none of this has solved our problem.
How do I fix find_fast_cwd warnings?
Older Cygwin releases asked users to report problems to the mailing list with the message:
find_fast_cwd: WARNING: Couldn't compute FAST_CWD pointer. Please report
this problem to the public mailing list cygwin#cygwin.com
Recent Cygwin releases changed this to the message:
This typically occurs if you're using an older Cygwin version on a newer Windows.
Please update to the latest available Cygwin version from https://cygwin.com/.
If the problem persists, please see https://cygwin.com/problems.html.
This is not serious, just a warning that Cygwin may not always be able to exactly emulate all aspects of Unix current directory handling under your Windows release.
Unfortunately some projects and products still distribute older Cygwin releases which may not fully support newer Windows releases, instead of installing the current release from the Cygwin project. They also may not provide any obvious way to keep the Cygwin packages their application uses up to date with fixes for security issues and upgrades.
The solution is simply downloading and running the Cygwin Setup program, following the instructions in the Internet Setup section of ``Setting Up Cygwin'' in the Cygwin User's Guide.
Please exit from all applications before running the Cygwin Setup program. When running Setup, you should not change most of the values presented, just select the Next button in most cases, as you already have a Cygwin release installed, and only want to upgrade your current installation. You should make your own selection if the internet connection to your system requires a proxy; and you must always pick an up to date Cygwin download (mirror) site, preferably the site nearest to your system for faster downloads, as shown, with more details to help you choose, on the Mirror Sites web page.
The Cygwin Setup program will download and apply upgrades to all packages required for Cygwin itself and installed applications. Any problems with applying updates, or the application after updates, should be reported to the project or product supplier for remedial action.
As Cygwin is a volunteer project, unable to provide support for older releases installed by projects or products, it would be helpful to let other users know what project or product you installed, in a quick email.

Updating node.js with NVM for Windows

I've been using NVM for Windows to run two versions of Node on my system, the latest version and the LTS version. However, I haven't updated Node since installing NVM. I would like to update both versions to their current iterations (11.5.0 and 10.14.2 at the time of writing), ideally without having to reinstall all of my global packages for each. I know the original NVM has this capability with the --reinstall-packages-from flag, but it doesn't look like there's anything similar in NVM for Windows.
You're right, there's nothing similar in NVM for Windows. If it would be useful for you, you could always request it by opening an issue on the github page.
It sounds like you already know how to install 11.5.0 and 10.14.2, and that once you do, running nvm use 11 or nvm use 10 will automatically select the latest appropriate version (but you'll still have to manually reinstall any global packages).
This might be an opportunity to take stock of global packages, they often cause more trouble than they are worth. (In general, the fewer global packages installed the better.)
It's unsupported by design
NVM4W provides a more minimalistic approach, focusing on node version
management, not npm management. NVM4W leaves workflow customization to
the end user... because a) it's not hard, and b) it's very
The statement "switching node version needs reinstallation of all
packages in most cases" is unsubstantiated. This doesn't mean it's not
true, but there aren't any stats to back this claim. There are plenty
of use cases where this is not the case, such as developing original
modules with forward/backwards compatibility.
Third, automating this process, either forcibly or by default, has a
number of unintended consequences in a Windows environment. See the
Roaming Profiles use case for an example.
Even if this were a non-default optional command, it still strays from
node version management into npm management. This is an entirely
different problem (and a much bigger problem).

Using Old Version of Node JS

Hi I have a Windows OS and I currently have the most up to date version of Node.JS running (which includes npm). I would really like build and compile 0.1.91 which can be found here http://nodejs.org/dist/. I'm extremely new to this and any all help would be greatly appreciated.
Node first supported native Windows builds in the .5 dev branch. To make it happen, they had to rewrite many internals from scratch – the platform compatibility layer now exists as libuv.
Before that, you had to build Node under Cygwin. I remember building .4 in Windows with Cygwin, and it was a complete pain. The GitHub wiki has since pulled down all Cygwin-related information since it's no longer relevant. (If you really want to see how Cygwin builds were done, I suppose you could clone the wiki's repo and go digging around. The information isn't available online anymore.)
Support for building on Windows with Cygwin wasn't added until 0.1.98, and support was dropped with .6. So, the specific version you're trying to build won't work.
At any rate, it's a very bad idea to run very old software, especially something like Node 0.1, which was still very early in its development. It's nearly guaranteed to be full of security holes.

Cygwin putting down older versions of some files

A beginner's Cygwin question here - I'd like to install a newer version of Cygwin (the latest, which is 1.7.9) on a few Windows 2008 Server boxes which currently have rather an old version (1.5.25). I need to do an offline, silent install, and I'm currently deciding whether to do some sort of manually produced list of changed/added/removed files, or just replace the old install with the new. The install is quite big (80 odd megs), so just doing the differences might make sense here. It looks like there is nothing in the way of registry servering or so on required to install Cygwin -you just copy the files somewhere, add it the the path and you're good to go.
One problem, though, is that looking at what's changed between old and new reveals that some of the files the most recent install has used are actually older versions that what we've already got. Ie cygintl-8.dll, envsubst.exe, gettext.exe. Surely you can't mix and match versions?
I'd appreciate it if a more experienced Cygwin user could reply with a few hints as to the best approach here.
There's always an official config.ini file that lists a recommended version of each package, plus often both newer and older versions than the recommended one. When you do an installation with setup.exe, you can elect to use the bleeding edge versions for some or all of the packages. Perhaps your 1.5.25 version was installed with all the bleeding-edge packages, and the 1.7.9 just accepted the defaults. It's not unlikely that some sets of old/current/new packages hadn't changed between those two cygwin versions.
In general, you can mix and match a lot of things, just as you can on Linux. You can't take an old version of the core cygwin1.dll library and expect new packages to run against it; but not all the packages have to be in lockstep.

RHEL5 Qt compiler/linker/qmake issues... advice?

I have about a few problems with a new install of the Qt SDK. I probably only need advice, but specific answers are also welcome. Before I begin a mini-story, I am running RHEL5 on academic license under VirtualBox on OSX 10.6. Using Qt version 4.5.3. This is my situation...
1.) I couldn't compile because g++ wasn't found. I fixed this by creating a link: g++ -> g++34. This allowed me to compile but it generated more errors at link-time. I had installed the framework in my home directory unintentionally so I uninstalled/reinstalled the entire SDK to /usr/local/qt.
2.) At this point I could compile but the linker complained about a missing freetype package. I had that already installed but wasn't sure why it couldn't be found. So I installed a few packages that I thought might be missing like libqt4-devel and libqt4-devel-debug. I also installed a few other general programming packages for later use.
3.) Somehwere in this process I can no longer run qmake. I ran it before and I have it installed at /usr/local/qt/qt/bin/qmake. I could create a link to it (though I shouldn't have to OR I could ensure that the location was in the PATH var). However, at this point Qt Creator says there's no Qt installation found. I re-pointed it to the installation location (using Tools/Options) but it still won't run qmake or anything else for that matter...
I only need this linux install to compile and test my Qt projects which I am developing in OSX. So my question is, should I just wipe this RHEL install and start over? And if so, should I use something else like Ubuntu? I am having plenty of hassles that I don't want to deal with as is. Note, this project will require good OpenGL support.
Is there a particular reason that you don't simply use the Qt package that's part of RHEL?
If for some reason you need to build your own, you can get all of the build dependancies with:
$ yum install yum-utils
$ yum-builddep <whatever the qt package's name is>
#scotchi is right, and you should try to use the Qt package that comes with your system unless you need a very different version. I don't know what version of Qt comes with RHEL but if its not up-to-date enough for you (and it might not be, see below) then you could consider changing OS versions. I would only do this after trying his suggestion though, because you may be able to get things working without the hassle of a full OS install.
Now, as to why you might want to switch: RHEL is, as its name ("Enterprise Linux") indicates aimed at companies who want to run servers, or large deployments of desktops. It emphasizes stability and reliability over being cutting edge. Fairly often the version of the compiler and development libraries lag a little behind the curve. This is what their clients want: a stable platform they can develop against and run programs on for a period of time, not constantly needing to keep up with the latest changes, and thoroughly tested. But for people doing development at home it may not be necessary to stay that conservative. I don't know if this is for work, school or personal programming, but it sounds to me like you should move to one of the more desktop-oriented distros. Ubuntu is great, as is Fedora. If you prefer a RHEL-like environment, then choose Fedora.
