retrieving files from NAS linux network in PHP - linux

I'm working on a php project where a particular feature will have to access the files stored from an external directory:Network Attached Storage(linux). Lets say the path is /volume1/accounts and this is mounted in the linux server where my site is hosted using apache. I will have to retrieve files from that directory. is there a way in PHP to do that? My client says that its already been mounted.
No matter what I do I cant access using these test codes
print "<pre>".print_r(scandir("/volume1/accounts/"), true)."</pre>";
print "<pre>".print_r(scandir(""), true)."</pre>";
print "<pre>".print_r(scandir(""), true)."</pre>";
How am I suppose to do it? Please help me.

Generally, PHP engine is executed with apache server's privileges. So mounted directory has no permissions or ownership for apache server, It'll be not able to show file lists. Could you try to make directory on /volume1/accounts/ and change ownership and permissions? If apache server is working with apache:apache ownership, please change ownership of directory as same.


x and r permission of web application in centos

question2:as to the filefolders, wordpress know their structure. so, we need not set r permission to any filefolder?
Its been a while since I have had anything to do with wordpress but since your a nice girl I will try to help you out:
generally Execute is required for executing scripts such as php or perl, to review your wordpress permissions have a look at
Wordpress Linux file permissions and group
this has a tidy shell script to define correct permissions.
generally everything WWW has to have read permission otherwise its not readable.
Again apache should be fine since the underlying process running the virtual site for a user should be apache - unless you are running some form of strange apache config where the apache user becomes real user for a virtual host (never seen nothing like it - unless we are talking IBM http server or something). So by giving apache user the correct permisions should work.
suppose i am a website viewer,how can i write a file in those folder with file owner is nobody?
This would be actually apache user, me visiting your site hitting your page would trigger apache to server that page and the unerlying user serving that page would be that apache user if it happens to be nobody:nogroup then thats who needs the relevant permissions to write to the folder.
so if you have /var/www/html and it is owned by root and your apache process is running as nobody then nobody can not write into root owned folder.

linux hosting permissions shared server

What is the actual difference between executable and read permissions on a shared linux server, meaning, how exactly does that relate to what a web visitor can do with, for example a php file? Using godaddy shared hosting, for example, under basic permissions, if web user is not readable, but is executable, the same thing happens as when it is readable but not executable - the php file executes. Also, on a shared linux server, what exactly does making a file writable for web user- someone who doesn't have access to server login but visits the page through a browser do?
The basic answer is: nothing. Visitors to a website aren't directly accessing any of the files, PHP or otherwise. They send an HTTP request to the server service (wow, that's terrible wording) on the computer (e.g.: Apache), which then loads the page, executes the PHP, etc. So when you're changing permissions, the pertinent permissions to change are what permissions the Apache account (which, depending on the distro, can be either nobody or www-data) has on those files. As for what the permissions actually do, this Wikipedia page describes it quite well.
You can test this yourself if you have a Linux box. Take a directory with files in it and sudo chmod -R 744 it. Then, try to ls -l into it. You'll be able to see file names, but not any other information about the file (including the contents - nanoing any file in that directory will result in creating a new file).
You have to remember that all this relies on what the web server wants to do, since everything has to go through the web server. It's not like reading a file from a disk. So when you request "index.php" or "index.cgi", you are not reading the contents of the file. The web server will see that the file you're requesting is a program, and it will run the program. Instead of outputting the contents of the file, it will output whatever the program outputs. This is simply a setting, and has nothing to do with permissions. Also, you do not have the ability to change this setting if you're using a shared hosting account.
on a shared linux server, what exactly does making a file writable [...] do?
You can't make a file "writable" with HTTP. Again, this is not like accessing a file system on a local drive. You can make a server-side program that can handle file uploads, but again, this is has nothing to do with permissions.
I hope this is what you meant. Let me know if you meant something else.

Are folder permissions on a web server adequate security?

I'm working on a project which uses a folder full of flat-file databases. I'd like to make sure these databases are only accessible to scripts running off the server, so I set the folder permissions to 700.
This results in all scripts functioning properly, but a 403 Forbidden whenever I try to access the database folder in my browser. This is good.
However, I'm wondering: am I missing something? Is there any way — short of gaining access to my FTP account – for an outside user to access this folder? Or can I rest easy?
The proper solution is storing them outside the document root. If you cannot do that, but know that Apache will be used, create a .htaccess in the folder with the following contents:
order deny, allow
deny from all
Using filesystem permissions may or may not work depending on the environment - in a perfect setup the webserver would use the same uid as your system user that owns the files. Then your approach wouldn't work.

vftpd issue regarding file permissions and user rights

My system is:
Ubuntu 10.04 / Apache2
The question is related to the sofware vftpd - an ftp server for linux (
I have installed vftpd and it works fine. I am having an issue though trying to understand why users are able to delete files which are owned by root. I have set up the ftp server with the option "local_enable=YES" and also "chroot_local_user=YES" so that the users cannot navigate outside their home directory.
The strange thing is that if a file is owned by root, the ftp users are able to delete it. Is a user able to delete any file in the home directory regardless of who owns it?
I want to prevent users from being able to delete files, or allow other users to only have read access to the home directories of other users.
If anyone knows the vftpd software and can help i´d be most grateful,
Have you checked which is the chmod of the files? If all files belongs to the same group, and the group have read and write privileges, any user can modify the files through ftp.

Not able to delete directory

I am having a frequent problems with my web hosting (its shared)
I am not able to delete or change permission for a particular directory. The response is,
Cannot delete. Directory may not be empty
I checked the permissions and it looks OK. There are 100's of files in this folder which I don't want.
I contacted my support and they solved it saying it was permission issue. But it reappeared. Any suggestions?
The server is Linux.
You can't rmdir a directory with files in it. You must first rm all files and subdirectories. Many times, the easiest solution is:
$ rm -rf old_directory
It's entirely possible that some of the files or subdirectories have permission limitations that might prevent them from being removed. Occasionally, this can be solved with:
$ chmod -R +w old_directory
But I suspect that's what your support people did earlier.
This could also be because your FTP client might not be showing the hidden files (like cache, or any hiddn files that your application might create), while the hidden files are preventing you from deleting the directory. (though, in your case, I am not sure if this is the cause .. .it could be permission issue with your hosting provider.. Webserver running as another user (like apache or www) combined with your directories having global write perms).
I assume that's a response from an FTP server?
Usually, a message from an FTP server really means it. If it says the directory is not empty, there might be certain files you cannot see that exists in the directory which maybe one of:
Your PHP/JSP/ASP/whatever scripts may run under a different user account thus creating files which you may not be able to see/delete
Is your hosting's web interface run under your FTP account? There might be conflicting permissions there if you manage some files from the web interface and then later via FTP.
Hosting server/operating system files created unintentionally e.g. from the hosting's web interface
If it comes from a script, write a one-time throw-away script that delete the files and that directory and then uploads and executes it.
And just to be sure, some FTP server doesn't support direct directory deletion, you need all the files first, is that the case?
