How to replace nth character of a string with another - string

How could I replace nth character of a String with another one?
func replace(myString:String, index:Int, newCharac:Character) -> String {
// Write correct code here
return modifiedString
For example, replace("House", 2, "r") should be equal to "Horse".

Solutions that use NSString methods will fail for any strings with multi-byte Unicode characters. Here are two Swift-native ways to approach the problem:
You can use the fact that a String is a sequence of Character to convert the string to an array, modify it, and convert the array back:
func replace(myString: String, _ index: Int, _ newChar: Character) -> String {
var chars = Array(myString) // gets an array of characters
chars[index] = newChar
let modifiedString = String(chars)
return modifiedString
replace("House", 2, "r")
// Horse
Alternately, you can step through the string yourself:
func replace(myString: String, _ index: Int, _ newChar: Character) -> String {
var modifiedString = String()
for (i, char) in myString.characters.enumerate() {
modifiedString += String((i == index) ? newChar : char)
return modifiedString
Since these stay entirely within Swift, they're both Unicode-safe:
replace("🏠🏑🏠🏑🏠", 2, "🐴")
// 🏠🏑🐴🏑🏠

In Swift 4 it's much easier.
let newString = oldString.prefix(n) + char + oldString.dropFirst(n + 1)
This is an example:
let oldString = "Hello, playground"
let newString = oldString.prefix(4) + "0" + oldString.dropFirst(5)
where the result is
Hell0, playground
The type of newString is Substring. Both prefix and dropFirst return Substring. Substring is a slice of a string, in other words, substrings are fast because you don't need to allocate memory for the content of the string, but the same storage space as the original string is used.

I've found this solution.
var string = "Cars"
let index = string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: 2)
string.replaceSubrange(index...index, with: "t")
// Cats

Please see NateCook answer for more details
func replace(myString: String, _ index: Int, _ newChar: Character) -> String {
var chars = Array(myString.characters) // gets an array of characters
chars[index] = newChar
let modifiedString = String(chars)
return modifiedString
For Swift 5
func replace(myString: String, _ index: Int, _ newChar: Character) -> String {
var chars = Array(myString) // gets an array of characters
chars[index] = newChar
let modifiedString = String(chars)
return modifiedString
replace("House", 2, "r")
This is no longer valid and deprecated.
You can always use swift String with NSString.So you can call NSString function on swift String.
By old stringByReplacingCharactersInRange: you can do like this
var st :String = "House"
let abc = st.bridgeToObjectiveC().stringByReplacingCharactersInRange(NSMakeRange(2,1), withString:"r") //Will give Horse

For modify existing string:
extension String {
subscript(_ n: Int) -> Character {
get {
let idx = self.index(startIndex, offsetBy: n)
return self[idx]
set {
let idx = self.index(startIndex, offsetBy: n)
self.replaceSubrange(idx...idx, with: [newValue])
var s = "12345"
s[0] = "9"

I've expanded upon Nate Cooks answer and transformed it into a string extension.
extension String {
//Enables replacement of the character at a specified position within a string
func replace(_ index: Int, _ newChar: Character) -> String {
var chars = Array(characters)
chars[index] = newChar
let modifiedString = String(chars)
return modifiedString
let source = "House"
let result = source.replace(2,"r")
result is "Horse"

I think what #Greg was trying to achieve with his extension is this:
mutating func replace(characterAt index: Int, with newChar: Character) {
var chars = Array(characters)
if index >= 0 && index < self.characters.count {
chars[index] = newChar
let modifiedString = String(chars)
self = modifiedString
} else {
print("can't replace character, its' index out of range!")
let source = "House"
source.replace(characterAt: 2, with: "r") //gives you "Horse"

After looking at the Swift Docs, I managed to make this function:
//Main function
func replace(myString:String, index:Int, newCharac:Character) -> String {
//Looping through the characters in myString
var i = 0
for character in myString {
//Checking to see if the index of the character is the one we're looking for
if i == index {
//Found it! Now instead of adding it, add newCharac!
modifiedString += newCharac
} else {
modifiedString += character
i = i + 1
// Write correct code here
return modifiedString
Please note that this is untested, but it should give you the right idea.

func replace(myString:String, index:Int, newCharac:Character) -> String {
var modifiedString = myString
let range = Range<String.Index>(
start: advance(myString.startIndex, index),
end: advance(myString.startIndex, index + 1))
modifiedString.replaceRange(range, with: "\(newCharac)")
return modifiedString
I would prefer to pass a String than a Character though.

Here's a way to replace a single character:
var string = "This is the original string."
let offset = 27
let index = string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: offset)
let range = index...index
print("ORIGINAL string: " + string)
string.replaceSubrange(range, with: "!")
print("UPDATED string: " + string)
// ORIGINAL string: This is the original string.
// UPDATED string: This is the original string!
This works with multi-character strings as well:
var string = "This is the original string."
let offset = 7
let index = string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: offset)
let range = index...index
print("ORIGINAL string: " + string)
string.replaceSubrange(range, with: " NOT ")
print("UPDATED string: " + string)
// ORIGINAL string: This is the original string.
// UPDATED string: This is NOT the original string.

var s = "helloworld"
let index = ((s.count) / 2) // index is 4
let firstIndex = s.index(s.startIndex, offsetBy: index)
let secondIndex = s.index(s.startIndex, offsetBy: index)
s.replaceSubrange(firstIndex...secondIndex, with: "*")
print("Replaced string is: \(s)") //OUTPUT IS: hell*world
This is working fine to replace string using the index.

String class in Swift (till v5 and maybe later) is what other languages call a StringBuilder class, and for performance reasons, Swift does NOT provide setting character by index; If you don't care about performance a simple solution could be:
public static func replace(_ string: String, at index: Int, with value: String) {
let start = string.index(string.startIndex, offsetBy: index)
let end = string.index(start, offsetBy: 1)
string.replaceSubrange(start..<end, with: value)
Or as an extension:
extension String {
public func charAt(_ index: Int) -> Character {
return self[self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: index)];
public mutating func setCharAt(_ index: Int, _ new: Character) {
self.setCharAt(index, String(new))
public mutating func setCharAt(_ index: Int, _ new: String) {
let i = self.index(self.startIndex, offsetBy: index)
self.replaceSubrange(i...i, with: new)
Note how above needs to call index(...) method to convert integer to actual-index!? It seems, Swift implements String like a linked-list, where append(...) is really fast, but even finding the index (without doing anything with it) is a linear-time operation (and gets slower based on concatenation count).

public void createEncodedSentence() {
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
int counter = 0;
char a;
for (int i = 0; i < sentence.length(); i++) {
a = sentence.charAt(i);
if (a == '.') {
if (a != ' ' && a != '.') {
if (counter % 3 == 0) {
encodedSentence = buff.toString();

Strings in swift don't have an accessor to read or write a single character. There's an excellent blog post by Ole Begemann describing how strings in swift work.
Note: the implementation below is wrong, read addendum
So the right way is by taking the left part of the string up to the index -1 character, append the replacing character, then append the string from index + 1 up to the end:
func myReplace(myString:String, index:Int, newCharac:Character) -> String {
var modifiedString: String
let len = countElements(myString)
if (index < len) && (index >= 0) {
modifiedString = myString.substringToIndex(index) + newCharac + myString.substringFromIndex(index + 1)
} else {
modifiedString = myString
return modifiedString
Note: in my implementation I chose to return the original string if the index is not in a valid range
Addendum Thanks to #slazyk, who found out that my implementation is wrong (see comment), I am providing a new swift only version of the function.
func replace(myString:String, index:Int, newCharac:Character) -> String {
var modifiedString: String
if (index < 0) || (index >= countElements(myString)) {
modifiedString = myString
} else {
var start = myString.startIndex
var end = advance(start, index)
modifiedString = myString[start ..< end]
modifiedString += newCharac
start = end.successor()
end = myString.endIndex
modifiedString += myString[start ... end]
return modifiedString
#codester's answer looks very good, and it's probably what I would use myself.
It would be interesting to know how performances compare though, using a fully swift solution and bridging to objective-c instead.

Here is an efficient answerΒ :
import Foundation
func replace(myString:String, index:Int, newCharac:Character) -> String {
return myString.substringToIndex(index-1) + newCharac + myString.substringFromIndex(index)


How reverse words in string and keep punctuation marks and upper case symbol

private def reverseHelper(word: String): String = {
var result = new StringBuilder(word)
if (word.head.isUpper) {
result.setCharAt(0, word.head.toLower)
result.setCharAt(word.length - 1, word.last.toUpper)
val formatString = str
.split("[.,!?: ]+")
.map(result => str.replaceFirst(result, reverseHelper(result)))
Input: What is a sentence?
Ouput: Tahw si a ecnetnes?
but i have Array[String]: Tahw is a sentence?, What si a sentence?, What is a sentence?, What is a ecnetnes?
How i can write this in right format?
Restoring the original capitalization is a bit tricky.
def reverser(s:Seq[Char], idx:Int = 0) :String = {
val strt = s.indexWhere(_.isLetter, idx)
if (strt < 0) s.mkString
else {
val end = s.indexWhere(!_.isLetter, strt)
val len = end - strt
val rev = Range(0,len).map{ x =>
if (s(strt+x).isUpper) s(end-1-x).toUpper
else s(end-1-x).toLower
reverser(s.patch(strt,rev,len), end)
reverser( "What, is A sEntence?")
//res0: String = Tahw, si A eCnetnes?
You can first split your string at a list of special characters and then reverse each individual word and store it in a temporary string. After that traverse the original string and temporary string and replace word matching any special characters with current character in temporary string.
private def reverseHelper(word: String): String = {
var result = new StringBuilder(word)
if (word.head.isUpper) {
result.setCharAt(0, word.head.toLower)
result.setCharAt(word.length - 1, word.last.toUpper)
val tempStr = str
.split("[.,!?: ]+")
.map(result => reverseHelper(result))
val sList = "[.,!?: ]+".toList
var curr = 0
val formatString = => {
if(!sList.contains(c)) {
curr = curr + 1
else c
Here's one approach that uses a Regex pattern to generate a list of paired strings of Seq(word, nonWord), followed by reversal and positional uppercasing of the word strings:
def reverseWords(s: String): String = {
val pattern = """(\w+)(\W*)""".r
map{ case Seq(word, nonWord) =>
val caseList =
val newWord = (word.reverse zip caseList).map{
case (c, true) => c.toUpper
case (c, false) => c.toLower
newWord + nonWord
reverseWords("He likes McDonald's burgers. I prefer In-and-Out's.")
//res1: String = "Eh sekil DlAnodcm's sregrub. I referp Ni-dna-Tuo's."
A version using split on word boundaries:
def reverseWords(string: String): String = {
def revCap(s: String): String =
s.headOption match {
case Some(c) if c.isUpper =>
(c.toLower +: s.drop(1)).reverse.capitalize
case Some(c) if c.isLower =>
case _ => s

Swift generate random number without arc4random [duplicate]

Im having 2 problems when trying to generate a random string in Linux with Swift 3.
arc4random_uniform is not available in Linux only on BSD. SO i was able to get away with using random() function. And this worked when i was generating random numbers of a variable size (See code below)
func generateRandomNumber() -> Int
var place = 1
var finalNumber = 0;
#if os(Linux)
for _ in 0..<5
place *= 10
let randomNumber = Int(random() % 10) + 1
finalNumber += randomNumber * place
for _ in 0..<5
place *= 10
let randomNumber = Int(arc4random_uniform(10))
finalNumber += randomNumber * place
return finalNumber
And that WORKS.
Edit: it works but it gives me the same number every time :(
When trying to generate random alphanumeric string I'm limited to using Swift String and NOT NSSTRING. Linux throws this error
original pre Linux block of code:
func randomString(_ length: Int) -> String
let letters : NSString = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
let len = UInt32(letters.length)
var randomString = ""
for _ in 0 ..< length {
let rand = arc4random_uniform(len)
var nextChar = letters.character(at: Int(rand))
randomString += NSString(characters: &nextChar, length: 1) as String
return randomString
And the actual error I get when using above code
error: cannot convert value of type 'NSString' to type 'String' in coercion
randomString += NSString(characters: &nextChar, length: 1) as String
modified for linux block of code.
func randomString(_ length: Int) -> String
let letters : String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
let len = letters.characters.count
var randomString = ""
#if os(Linux)
for _ in 0..<length
let randomValue = (random() % len) + 1
randomString += "\(letters[letters.index(letters.startIndex, offsetBy: Int(randomValue))])"
for _ in 0 ..< length
let rand = arc4random_uniform(UInt32(len))
randomString += "\(letters[letters.index(letters.startIndex, offsetBy: Int(rand))])"
return randomString
but this time the error is weird it only says Illegal instruction with no extra information. I ran the docker container in interactive mode and i saw my server running and printing out when calling other functions etc.
but the thing is the function actually WORKS when i ran it in IBMs swift
and I'm assuming its using linux also. Im very stuck and confused any help would be greatly appreciated.
(UPDATE): I ran the same function in just a linux env with a single swift file and not the Vapor swift web framework. and it works. As mentioned in my edit above it gives me the same random string everytime. I will still have to test the entire project once my build finishes. But besides that i need to know if the random() function will actually give me something new each time instead of the same crap.
Figured it out.
So the answer to the repeating random number/string was to just add this line before i called the random() function
and I'm assuming thats what fixed the illegal instruction also. Because i don't recall changing anything else.
Needless to say here is my final result
func generateRandomNumber() -> Int
var place = 1
var finalNumber = 0;
#if os(Linux)
for _ in 0..<5
place *= 10
let randomNumber = Int(random() % 10) + 1
finalNumber += randomNumber * place
for _ in 0..<5
place *= 10
let randomNumber = Int(arc4random_uniform(10))
finalNumber += randomNumber * place
return finalNumber
func randomString(_ length: Int) -> String
let letters : String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
let len = letters.characters.count
var randomString = ""
#if os(Linux)
for _ in 0..<length
let randomValue = (random() % len) + 1
randomString += "\(letters[letters.index(letters.startIndex, offsetBy: Int(randomValue))])"
for _ in 0 ..< length
let rand = arc4random_uniform(UInt32(len))
randomString += "\(letters[letters.index(letters.startIndex, offsetBy: Int(rand))])"
return randomString
1) Always the same number
You have to set a seed once to get "random" numbers from random():
Man page:
If no seed value is provided, the random() function is
automatically seeded with a value of 1.
As the seed is always the same (1), you always get the same sequence of "random" numbers.
2) Alphanumeric string
To create your string without using NSString:
func randomString(length: Int) -> String {
let letters = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
let len = UInt32(letters.characters.count)
var randomString = ""
for _ in 0 ..< length {
let rand = myCustomRandom(len)
let randIndex = letters.index(letters.startIndex, offsetBy: Int(rand))
let nextChar = letters[randIndex]
randomString += String(nextChar)
return randomString
I copied and pasted your code exactly, and it doesn't compile.
fatal error: Can't form a Character from an empty String
Here's an alternative method:
// Keep at top of your code (outside of functions)
#if os(Linux)
func getRandomNumber(_ min: Int, _ max: Int) -> Int {
#if os(Linux)
return Int(random() % max) + min
return Int(arc4random_uniform(UInt32(max)) + UInt32(min))
func getRandomString(_ chars: String, _ length: Int) -> String {
var str = ""
for _ in 1...length {
str.append(chars.itemOnStartIndex(advancedBy: getRandomNumber(0, chars.count - 1)))
return str
// Best practice to define this outside of the function itself
let chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
print(getRandomString(chars, 10))
This works for me on Ubuntu.
Swift 4.2, Ubuntu 16.04
let letters : String = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789"
let len = letters.count
var randomString:String = ""
for _ in 0 ..< length {
let rand = Int.random(in: 0..<len)
randomString += { String($0) }[rand]

find the position of character in a substring [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
how to find the index of a character in a string from specific position
(1 answer)
Closed 6 years ago.
How can I find the first position of a character in a substring. Not in the string overall, but the first after a specified character position.
var str = "This is a test string"
//find the position of first "i" after "is"
let position = str.firstPositionOfIAfterPosition(5) // returns 18
I know I can find the overall first position with code below. How can I extend this to start looking only after a specified character position?
let position = str.rangeOfString("i").startIndex
var s = "This is a test string"
var targetRange = s.characters.indices
targetRange.startIndex = targetRange.startIndex.advancedBy(6) // skip past
let r = s.rangeOfString("i", options: [], range: targetRange, locale: nil)
// 18..<19
var str = "This is a test string"
func getIndexAfterString(string: String) -> Int {
let firstIndex = str.rangeOfString(string)?.startIndex.advancedBy(string.characters.count)
let i: Int = str.startIndex.distanceTo(firstIndex!)
let secondIndex = str.substringFromIndex(firstIndex!).rangeOfString("i")?.startIndex
let j: Int = str.startIndex.distanceTo(secondIndex!)
return i + j
let index: Int = getIndexAfterString(" is ") //18
Similar to matt's answer, but as String extension and with error handling
extension String {
func firstPositionOf(string: String, afterPosition index: Int) -> String.Index?
if self.isEmpty || self.characters.count - 1 < index { return nil }
let subRange = Range<String.Index>(self.startIndex.advancedBy(index + 1)..<self.endIndex)
guard let foundRange = self.rangeOfString(string, options: [], range: subRange) else { return nil }
return foundRange.startIndex
let str = "This is a test string"
let position = str.firstPositionOf("i", afterPosition:5) // -> 18

Swift fast low level String lastIndexOf

I need an implementation of lastIndexOf that is as fast as possible.
I am finding that the String advance function is extremely slow.
I tried using the c function strrchr, and tried copying the string to NSData and using pointers but I can't get the syntax right.
My string will always have 1 byte characters and the string i'm searching for "|" is always 1 byte also.
Any implementation using advance will be too slow but here is the fastest example I could find:
func indexOf(target: String, startIndex: Int) -> Int
var startRange = advance(self.startIndex, startIndex)
var range = self.rangeOfString(target, options: NSStringCompareOptions.LiteralSearch, range: Range<String.Index>(start: startRange, end: self.endIndex))
if let range = range {
return distance(self.startIndex, range.startIndex)
} else {
return -1
func lastIndexOf(target: String) -> Int
var index = -1
var stepIndex = self.indexOf(target)
while stepIndex > -1
index = stepIndex
if stepIndex + target.length < self.length
stepIndex = indexOf(target, startIndex: stepIndex + target.length)
stepIndex = -1
return index
This is an example of the string I need to parse.
var str:String = "4|0|66|5|0|3259744|6352141|1|3259744|WSMxt208L54yZ5irtHC3|Mc02|efland,nc|36.027992|-79.2212834|0|4|6|0|3259744|6352141|46|14|1|0|7|7|3259744|6352141|4|1|0|8|8|3259744|6352141|4|0|22|9|0|3259744|6352141|2|3|Room1|2|72|86330534|1|0|10|9|3259744|6352141|4|1|0|11|10|3259744|6352141|4|1|0|12|11|3259744|6352141|4|1|0|13|12|3259744|6352141|4|0|4|14|0|3259744|6352141|46|24|0|5|15|0|3259744|6352141|46|654|0|66|0|0|3259744|6352141|1|3259744|WSMxt208L54yZ5irtHC3|Mc02|efland,nc|36.027992|-79.2212834|0|4|16|0|3259744|6352141|46|4sageReceived:4|0|66|5|0|3259744|6352141|1|3259744|WSMxt208L54yZ5irtHC3|Mc02|efland,nc|36.027992|-79.2212834|0|4|6|0|3259744|6352141|46|14|1|0|7|7|3259744|6352141|4|1|0|8|8|3259744|6352141|4|0|22|9|0|3259744|6352141|2|3|Room1|2|72|86330534|1|0|10|9|3259744|6352141|4|1|0|11|10|3259744|6352141|4|1|0|12|11|3259744|6352141|4|1|0|13|12|3259744|6352141|4|0|4|14|0|3259744|6352141|46|24|0|5|15|0|3259744|6352141|46|654|0|66|0|0|3259744|6352141|1|3259744|WSMxt208L54yZ5irtHC3|Mc02|efland,nc|36.027992|-79.2212834|0|4|16|0|3259744|6352141|46|4352141|1|3259744|WSMxt208L54yZ5irtHC3|Mc02|efland,nc|36.027992|-79.2212834|0|4|6|0|3259744|6352141|46|14|1|0|7|7|3259744|6352141|4|1|0|8|8|3259744|6352141|4|0|22|9|0|3259744|6352141|2|3|Room1|2|72|86330534|1|0|10|9|3259744|6352141|4|1|0|11|10|3259744|6352141|4|1|0|12|11|3259744|6352141|4|1|0|13|12|3259744|6352141|4|0|4|14|0|3259744|6352141|46|24|0|5|15|0|3259744|6352141|46|654|0|66|0|0|3259744|6352141|1|3259744|WSMxt208L54yZ5irtHC3|Mc02|efland,nc|36.027992|-79.2212834|0|4|16|0|3259744|6352141|46|4TCPListener.onReceived: 4|0|66|5|0|3259744|6352141|1|3259744|WSMxt208L54yZ5irtHC3|Mc02|efland,nc|36.027992|-79.2212834|0|4|6|0|3259744|6352141|46|14|1|0|7|7|3259744|6352141|4|1|0|8|8|3259744|6352141|4|0|22|9|0|3259744|6352141|2|3|Room1|2|72|86330534|1|0|10|9|3259744|6352141|4|1|0|11|10|3259744|6352141|4|1|0|12|11|3259744|6352141|4|1|0|13|12|3259744|6352141|4|0|4|14|0|3259744|6352141|46|24|0|5|15|0|3259744|6352141|46|654|0|66|0|0|3259744|6352141|1|3259744|WSMxt208L54yZ5irtHC3|Mc02|efland,nc|36.027992|-79.2212834|0|4|16|0|3259744|6352141|46|4preParse
Here is a Swift 2.0 Answer
func lastIndexOf(s: String) -> Int? {
if let r: Range<Index> = self.rangeOfString(s, options: .BackwardsSearch) {
return self.startIndex.distanceTo(r.startIndex)
return Optional<Int>()
func testStringLastIndexOf() {
let lastIndex = "0|2|45|7|9".lastIndexOf("|")
XCTAssertEqual(lastIndex, 8)
func testStringLastIndexOfNotFound() {
let lastIndex = "0123456789".lastIndexOf("|")
XCTAssertEqual(lastIndex, nil);
You can use strrchr in Swift
import Darwin
let str = "4|0|66|5|0|3259744|6352141|1|3259744"
func stringLastIndexOf(src:String, target:UnicodeScalar) -> Int? {
let c = Int32(bitPattern: target.value)
return src.withCString { s -> Int? in
let pos = strrchr(s, c)
return pos != nil ? pos - s : nil
stringLastIndexOf(str, "|") // -> {Some 28}
stringLastIndexOf(str, ",") // -> nil
You can use Objective C files in a Swift project; in these you can use plain C code and make a function which uses strrchr. Then you can call this from Swift.
If you do this in order to get all substring delimited by "|", you might test this approach:
import Foundation
let s = "4|0|66|5|0|3259744|6352141|1|3259744|WSMxt208L54yZ5irtHC3|..."
let a = s.componentsSeparatedByString("|")
The built in functions are sometimes very fast and you may be getting the required performance even by using String.
If you really need to get only the position of the last "|", you could work with utf16 representation, where advancing over the characters should be faster.
I think this should work:
let utf16String = s.utf16
var i = s.utf16Count - 1
while i >= 0 {
if utf16String[i] == 124 {
If the characters are guaranteed as single byte, the data is huge and performance is critical then it may be worth converting to an array of bytes (UInt8) and perform the operations directly on them. You can then convert the part that you need back to a String.
Also note that Optimised builds may be much faster than Debug builds so you should do any performance testing with the optimiser on. It may also be worth checking that the optimised versions are too slow at the moment.

Selecting a tuple index using a variable in Swift

That is what i am trying to do:
var i = 0
var string = "abcdef"
for value in string
value.[Put value of variable i here] = "a"
How can i insert the value of i in the code?
Easiest is probably just convert it to an NSMutableString:
let string = "abcdef".mutableCopy() as NSMutableString
println( "\(string)")
for var i = 0; i < string.length; ++i {
string.replaceCharactersInRange(NSMakeRange(i, 1), withString: "a")
println( "\(string)")
Yes, it's a bit ugly but it works.
A much cleaner way is to use Swifts map function:
var string = "abcdef"
let result = map(string) { (c) -> Character in
println("\(result)") // aaaaaa
You should just be able to use the following but this doesn't compile:
map(string) { "a" }
In you comments you mention you want to split up the string on a space, you can just use this for that:
let stringWithSpace = "abcdef 012345"
let splitString = stringWithSpace.componentsSeparatedByString(" ")
println("\(splitString[0])") // abcdef
println("\(splitString[1])") // 012345
