sed and the odyssey of escaping a bash variable - linux

sed -i -e "s/\$log_path\s=\s'\(.*\)'/\$log_path = '$DEST_PATH\/$site\/logs'/" $DEST_PATH/$site/configuration.php
The problem is the forward slashes in first variable, because this is what is being processed and returns error:
sed -i -e "s/\$log_path\s=\s'\(.*\)'/\$log_path = '/var/www/clones\/\/logs'/" configuration.php
When this is what actually should be run:
sed -i -e "s/\$log_path\s=\s'\(.*\)'/\$log_path = '\/var\/www\/clones\/\/logs'/" configuration.php
So I know, I could replace all the / inside $DEST_PATH, and run the sed again, but I was wondering if you know or can think of any other/better way of doing so. Ideally, maybe having sed automatically escape the '$DEST_PATH/$site/logs' if possible.

Are you using a modern enough version of sed (e.g., GNU sed)? Then you are not required to use / to separate pattern and substitution. Any character will do.
E.g., you can use
instead of


Sed how to find and replace a value using a bash variable [duplicate]

I have a configuration file (gpsd.default) containing data with the following format:
# If you must specify a non-NMEA driver, uncomment and modify the next line
I am making a change on the file with sed:
sed -i 's/^GPS_DEVICES="".*/GPS_DEVICES="dev/ttyUSB1"/' /etc/default/gpsd.default
sed -i '4s/^.*/GPS_DEVICES="dev/ttyUSB1"/' /etc/default/gpsd.default
The above sed command returns error:
sed: bad option in substitution expression
Because the new line contains "/" in its expression.
How to update my sed command to make it work?
This is because you are using a regex containing /, which is the same character sed uses as delimiter.
Just change the sed delimiter to another one, for example ~:
sed -i 's~^GPS_DEVICES="".*~GPS_DEVICES="dev/ttyUSB1"~' /etc/default/gpsd.default
By the way, since you are changing files in /etc, you may want to use -i.bak, so that the original file gets backed up. It is a good practice to prevent loss of important information.
You should update your sed command to this.
sed -i 's/^GPS_DEVICES=\"\".*/GPS_DEVICES=\"dev\/ttyUSB1\"/' /etc/default/gpsd.default

Sed not working in usual way - Shell scripting

I have two sed command which includes in my script. One command is
sed -E -i "s/^(\\\$mainDomain=\")[^\"]+(\";)$/\1$MainDomain\2/" /var/config.php
This is working fine.
But the below command which is almost same. But it is not working.
sed -E -i "s/^(\\\$authURI=\")[^\"]+(\";)$/\1$duo_auth\2/" /var/config.php
That give the below error message
sed: -e expression #1, char 36: unknown option to `s'
Any idea on this ?
The issue is likely due to your replacement variable $duo_auth having a un-escaped /, change the default sed separator from / to ~ as
sed -E -i "s~^(\\\$authURI=\")[^\"]+(\";)$~\1$duo_auth\2~" /var/config.php
Try it without -i for seeing if the replacement is as expected and put it back after confirmation.
cat /var/config.php
now setting the variable
Now the replacement, without -i
sed -E "s~^(\\\$authURI=\")[^\"]+(\";)$~\1$duo_auth\2~" /var/config.php
The problem is probably due to $duo_auth containing an unescaped /. This means that the sed editing script will have a syntax error.
You may pick any other character to use as a delimiter in the s/.../.../ command, for example #:
sed "s#....#....#"
Just make sure that you pick a character that is not ever going to turn up in either $duo_auth or $authURI.
While testing, I'd recommend that you avoid using in-place-editing (-i) with sed. Also, the -i switch is horribly non-portable between sed implementations (some requires an argument).
Instead, do the slightly more cumbersome
sed -e "s#...#...#" > && mv -f
While testing, check the file before moving it.

how to use sed command with several slashes in bash

I am trying to use SED command with a variable that contains several / and i got the following error :
sed: -e expression 1, char 16: unknown option to s
this is my code and this is inside a script:
thispath=$(readlink -f $0)
sudo sed -i '13s/^/'"$thispath"'/g' /etc/rc.local
and the variable contains for example: /home/user/
i do not know very well the use of sed can somebody help me
The s command is sed allows you to use any character to delimit the regex and replacement parts. "/" is often a poor choice given how often you come across it in UNIX paths:
sudo sed -i '13s:^:'"$thispath"':g' /etc/rc.local
It is dangerous to do this directly on rc.local. So make a copy first.

replace unknown line in file linux command

I am trying to change a line with a pattern in a textual file using Linux bash.
I tried the sed command:
sed -i 's/old/new/' < file.txt
The issue with this command line I have to specify the exact "old" word. I want to change thousands of files where the old word has a pattern like this: old1(, old2(,old3(,....old10000(
I would like to change the oldxxx( in all files to old1(
Any ideas how to do this?
You can use something like:
sed -i 's/old[0-9]\{1,\}(/old1(/' file.txt
This matches "old" followed by one or more digits and a "(" and replaces it with "old1(".
If your version of sed supports extended regular expressions, you can use:
sed -r -i 's/old[0-9]+\(/old1(/' file.txt
instead, which does the same thing. On some versions of sed, the -E switch is used instead of -r.
If you have more than one instance of the pattern "oldXX(" on the same line, you may also want to the g modifier (s/.../.../g) to do a global replacement.

Sed:Replace a series of dots with one underscore

I want to do some simple string replace in Bash with sed. I am Ubuntu 10.10.
Just see the following code, it is self-explanatory:
echo $name|sed 's/\%20/_/'|sed 's/\.+/_/'
I want to get A_Google_ but I get A_Google..
The sed 's/\.+/_/' part is obviously wrong.
BTW, sed 's/\%20/_/' and sed 's/%20/_/' both work. Which is better?
sed speaks POSIX basic regular expressions, which don't include + as a metacharacter. Portably, rewrite to use *:
sed 's/\.\.*/_/'
or if all you will ever care about is Linux, you can use various GNU-isms:
sed -r 's/\.\.*/_/' # turn on POSIX EREs (use -E instead of -r on OS X)
sed 's/\.\+/_/' # GNU regexes invert behavior when backslash added/removed
That last example answers your other question: a character which is literal when used as is may take on a special meaning when backslashed, and even though at the moment % doesn't have a special meaning when backslashed, future-proofing means not assuming that \% is safe.
Additional note: you don't need two separate sed commands in the pipeline there.
echo $name | sed -e 's/\%20/_/' -e 's/\.+/_/'
(Also, do you only need to do that once per line, or for all occurrences? You may want the /g modifier.)
The sed command doesn't understand + so you'll have to expand it by hand:
sed 's/\.\.*/_/'
Or tell sed that you want to use extended regexes:
sed -r 's/\.+/_/' # GNU
sed -E 's/\.+/_/' # OSX
Which switch, -r or -E, depends on your sed and it might not even support extended regexes so the portable solution is to use \.\.* in place of \.+. But, since you're on Linux, you should have GNU sed so sed -r should do the trick.
