Use Settings of Used Middleware - node.js

By "setting" I mean "something that is set", similar to "setters" in Java & other OO languages, not Express's "application settings". Is there a way to access and ideally use "settings" set inside middleware use()d by the app? In particular, some middleware is a full Express app, like vhost and the new Router middleware that comes with Express 4.x. If you do most of your routing in a virtual host and want to access some route param from the main app, that could be a problem. This is especially true if you have several layers, like I'm having, and it would be inconvenient to export the setting all the way out to the main app.
So is there a way to access these settings from the main app?

In particular, some middleware is a full Express app
Express 4.x has a great new feature to get around this problem. You can now use express.Router directly. In cases where you used to use an entire routing path by using a second sub-Express object as middleware, now you can just use Router.
For anything else, I usually add properties to the request object, namespaced by the name of my app.
function (req, res, next) {
req.myApp = req.myApp || {};
The next middleware in the line will have access to this variable. I use this to track unique connection IDs, assigned by the first piece of middleware and subsequently used by others.


Change server option in middleware

In Fastify I can specify instance options while creating it, e.g.
const fastify = require('fastify')({logger:true, disableRequestLogging: false});
Is it possible to do this in a middleware registered with the instance?
e.g. if I do something like
and instance of fastify is passed to myPlugin - can I, for example change its disableRequestLogging value while in the middleware?
The router is the what relies on disableRequestLogging to switch on/off logging for the request and the later response.
if (disableRequestLogging === false) {{ req: request }, 'incoming request')
The router does provide a setup function that allows disableRequestLogging to be changed. You can see fastify.js uses router.setup() late in initialisation here to apply some new values.
The problem is fastify doesn't provide access to router as part of it's public API. Only functions like fastify.get/.post/.route etc which allow access to specific components of the router.
Short of modifying the source, I can't see a way. Not even something dodgey like onkeypatching a function in due to the way fastify variables are scoped. Even if you could do that, it would be delving into undefined/untested behaviours.

How to serve user specific static content in Express.js

I want to serve user-specific static content in Express. That means, if a user is logged in, his private static folder is served by express. Other users shall not have access.
I tried the following (see below), but the static content is not being served. In fact, the route seems to be completely ignored and I get a 404.
I am not sure if the way I do it is the right way to go and if express is capable of dynamically serving different static folders. Thanks in advance for your thoughts on this.
Here's the code (simplified):
express = require 'express'
router = express.Router()
router.use '/user/assets', (req, res, next) ->
if req.user
userpath = 'uploads/' + md5(req.user._id)
if not fs.existsSync userpath
fs.mkdirSync userpath
console.log "Created user directory at " + userpath
module.exports = router
express = require 'express'
app = express()
app.use '/', require './routes'
The md5 is just a way of escaping weird characters in the user id, which is a string. I know there is a possibility for a mismatch, which is tiny, and about which I don't wanna care for now. Concerns about general security of the fashion of the solving attempt are appreciated.
The code is written in CoffeeScript.
req.user contains a valid user element.
Just calling express.static is not enough, you need to use() it with the router. Unfortunately you can't directly do that, since you require a different set of routes for each user.
Calling express.static will return a middleware function. You could call it directly, i.e. something like this:
var files = express.static(userpath);
return files(req, res, next);
However that's still not enough, as the middleware uses req.url to build the file path. The express router adjusts this property and removes the mount point (see req.originalUrl in the docs). So you need to strip /user/assets from it, before calling the middleware.
By the way, you should set the DEBUG environment variable for node. It allows you to see what routes are created by express, which is very handy in debugging express.static 404 problems. E.g. you'd do $ DEBUG=* node index.js on Linux.
As you can see the approach starts to be a bit hacky and creating a new express.static middleware on each request is not very performance friendly too. So depending on what your user directories contain, using res.sendFile might actually be better.
As a sidenote, I assume you've checked that req.user actually contains something if the user is logged in.

app router in Express

There currently is a difference between
router.use('/some_route', function(req,res,next){
...The difference being that app.use runs for every request and router.use only runs for matching routes.
My question is about the router that must lie underneath app. Surely app has some default router internal to it. Is there a way to access that I thought that was deprecated?
Secondly, what I am really looking for is a way to access the current router being used.
For example,
var currentRouter = // (?)
var currentRouter = req._router //(?)
where req._router would be equal to the same router for the router.use call of course.
In the latest Express code, the default app router is in app._router.
It is created lazily which means it's not created until a route is actually defined (with app.use() or app.get() or something like that).
It does not appear that this is meant to be a public property and thus is subject to change. You can, of course, just define your own router with the root path and only use your own router and then you would not have to access or use this non-public property.
You are correct that app.router is deprecated. Trying to access it purposely throws an exception in the Express code.

KeyStone JS Account Controller

I understand MVC structure when coding in NodeJS. I started using Keystone JS recently, and I really like it. But, the way they set their controllers up, it seems that the controllers ONLY serve the purpose of rendering a view.
In an earlier project, I had an Account.js model and an Account.js controller. I'm trying to see how it would copy over to keystone.
So: How would I allow users to signup/signin/logout in a Keystone project (not into the Admin UI, but like a member of a regular site)? How would I make an Account controller (obviously with no view to render)?
There are lots of ways you can implement your own methods of authentication and account management in keystone since it is based on express.js.
You can then add an array of 'middleware' functions to routes which will run before passing the request to the controller.
Route before middleware added
app.get('/admin', routes.views.userAdmin);
Middleware Function
function isAuthenticated(req, res, next) {
// do any checks you want to in here
// you can do this however you want with whatever variables you set up
if (req.user.authenticated)
return next();
Route with middleware added
app.get('/admin', isAuthenticated, routes.views.userAdmin);
It's a very broad questions so I'd recommend you go and decide on the best way you'd like to do it yourself as everyone has their own personal preference. The search terms you want are 'express middleware authentication'. A lot of people use PassporJS
Hope that helps :)

Node.js Express: require/use one app within another

I'm facing the following situation. In order to further modulize my software development, I've written a few standard modules stand alone. Think for instance of an login module based upon Express and Passport, allowing users to login with all kinds of social services. The module also contains UI for user management, login, registration, profile, etc.
Now, the thing I'm trying to do is to just drop the Auth app folder (containing the express app, all it's routes, views, models, settings and dependecies) into another Express app (for instance, a CMS) and then load it with something like require('./lib/auth/app.js'). I know this is possible, take a look at Kue.
How would I go about doing this? And how do I manage namespacing problems? I could of cours append /auth/ to each route, but I can imagine the settings (app.use()'s) and public folder would conflict with the 'parent' app.js' settings and public folder.
Thanks in advance,
Think I found my answer. So, I found this question, and this one. Guess my terminology was off.
I solved my problem by doing a few things. First of all, I changed all routes and url's to be "namespaced" (not really, but this does the job). All routes now have /auth/ in front of them. I did the same to all links, so that's all working.
Next, I removed the server part from my app.js. So, in stead of doing:
I just do:
module.exports = app;
And I add some custom methods to the app object:
app.isLoggedIn = auth.isLoggedIn;
app.notLoggedIn = auth.notLoggedIn;
Then, in my root app, I just do the following to load the auth app in. Routing, public files, and all other stuff happens magically. pretty cool.
var auth = require('./vendor/auth/app');
var app = express();
app.configure(function() {
app.use(auth); // use our auth app
// do a lot of root-app related stuff...
Things still to do:
My auth app uses some session stuff. According to the second link, if I understand correctly, the app.use(session...) stuff in my auth app gets overridden by app.use. Also, I want to define an EJS helper to generate my urls (something like site_url('/facebook/callback') which then points to /auth/facebook/callback). Finally, I need to include settings from my root app. I'm thinking of wrapping my entire app.js (in auth) in a function, to which I pass a config object. Like this:
module.exports = function(config) {
var app = express();
app.set('config', config);
// various app settings, routes, etc
// return app so it's available in my root.
return app;
I hope this helps, if you need a bit more information I'll see if I can post some code to a gist. just let me know!
