Finding a character inside a string in Excel - excel

I want to remove all the characters from a string expect whatever character is between a certain set of characters. So for example I have the input of Grade:2/2014-2015 and I want the output of just the grade, 2.
I'm thinking that I need to use the FIND function to grab whatever is between the : and the / , this also needs to work with double characters such 10 however I believe that it would work so long as the defining values with the FIND function are correct.
Unfortunately I am totally lost on this when using the FIND function however if there is another function that would work better I could probably figure it out myself if I knew what function.

It's not particularly elegant but =MID(A1,FIND(":",A1)+1,FIND("/",A1) - FIND(":",A1) - 1) would work.
MID takes start and length,FIND returns the index of a given character.
As pointed out, "Grade:" is fixed length so the following would work just as well:
=MID(A1,7,FIND("/",A1) - 7)

You could use LEFT() to remove "Grade:"
And then use and then use LEFTB() to remove the year.
Look at this link here. This is the way I would go about it.

=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(C4, "Grade:", ""), "/2014-2015", "")
where C4 is the name of your cell.


Python3 strip() get unexpect result

It's a weird problem
And two strings below:
When I use the command below:
I get these outputs:
If I use lstrip(), they will be:
Which is the right outputs.
However, if we replace all Project Known with zeus_pipeline:
s2.lstrip(to_be_stripped)will be '.rels'
If I use / instead of \\, nothing goes wrong. I am wondering why this problem happens.
strip isn't meant to remove full strings exactly. Rather, you give it a string, and every character in that string is removed from the start and of the string to be stripped.
In your case, the variable to_be_stripped contains the characters m and l, so those are stripped from the end of s1. However, it doesn't contain the character x, so the stripping stops there and no characters beyond that are removed.
Check out this question. The accepted answer is probably more extensive than you need - I like another user's suggestion of using replace instead of strip. This would look like:
s1.replace(to_be_stripped, "")

Questions regarding Python replace specific texts

I'm writing a script to scrape from another website with Python, and I am facing this question that I have yet to figure out a method to resolve it.
So say I have set to replace this particular string with something else.
word_replace_1 = 'dv'
namelist = soup.title.string.replace(word_replace_1,'11dv')
The script works fine, when the titles are dv234,dv123 etc.
The output will be 11dv234, 11dv123.
However if the titles are, dv234, mixed with dvab123, even though I did not set dvab to be replaced with anything, the script is going to replace it to 11dvab123. What should I do here?
Also, if the title is a combination of alphabits,numbers and Korean characters, say DAV123ㄱㄴㄷ,
how exactly should I make it to only spitting out DAV123, and adding - in between alphabits and numbers?
Python - making a function that would add "-" between letters
This gives me the idea to add - in between all characters, but is there a method to add - between character and number?
the only way atm I can think of is creating a table of replacing them, for example something like this
word_replace_3 = 'a1'
word_replace_4 = 'a2'
and then print them out as
namelist3 = soup.title.string.replace(word_replace_3,'a-1').replace(word_replace_4,'a-2')
This is just slow and not efficient. What would be the best method to resolve this?

COBOL substring between two finite points

I understand that the string_variable(start:length) can be used to get a substring of a string given a starting point and substring length, however, I am finding that I often need to get a substring between a 'start' and 'end' point.
While I know I could always do this:
It seems cumbersome to have to do so every time when I am writing programs that use this functionality often. Is there perhaps a quicker/built-in way of achieving this?
How about?
move str (start-pos : end-pos - start-pos + 1) to ...
You can subtract the first from the last, but you need to add 1 to get the correct length.
STRING is a statement name, as is START, and END is reserved. LENGTH is a function name. I avoid those in anything that looks like code.

Concatenation with empty string raises ERR:INVALID DIM

In TI-BASIC, the + operation is overloaded for string concatenation (in this, if nothing else, TI-BASIC joins the rest of the world).
However, any attempt to concatenate involving an empty string raises a Dimension Mismatch error:
Why does this occur, and is there an elegant workaround? I've been using a starting space and truncating the string when necessary (doesn't always work well) or using a loop to add characters one at a time (slow).
The best way depends on what you are doing.
If you have a string (in this case, Str1) that you need to concatenate with another (Str2), and you don't know if it is empty, then this is a good general-case solution:
If length(Str1
If you need to loop and add a stuff to the string each time, then this is your best solution:
Before the loop:
" →Str1
In the loop:
After the loop:
There are other situations, too, and if you have a specific situation, then you should post a simplified version of the relevant code.
Hope this helps!
It is very unfortunate that TI-Basic doesn't support empty strings. If you are starting with an empty string and adding chars, you have to do something like this:
Prompt Str1
Another useful trick is that if you have a string that you are eventually going to evaluate using expr(, you can do "("+Str1+")"→Str1 and then freely do search and replace on the string. This is a necessary workaround since you can't search and replace any text involving the first or last character in a string.

Read a string and create an acronym from the first initial letter of every word on the string

I just wrote a code with the criteria above, but it doesn't seem to work properly because I either miss a letter at the end or in the middle.
Could anyone please check out my code an tell me what I'm doing wrong. By the way I already checked other threads on this similar problem, but I'm not allowed to use regex or print function.
phrase=('my room is cold')
allSpaces=findstr(' ',phrase);
acr= mrms
Change last line to
acr = phrase([1 allSpaces+1])
That way you get the first letter, and then the first after each space.
