How does node.js handle simultaneous http requests? - node.js

I am learning node.js, and I am not managing to find a direct answer to this question. How does node.js deal with HTTP incoming requests, if they come in virtually at the same time? Let's say that one HTTP request comes in at a given time. As a result, the value of a global variable might change. However, at virtually the same time, another request comes in. In order to service the new request, the value of that one global variable is needed, but the code for the first request is still executing. How does node react to this?

Node.js processes the request one after the other. There is only one thread.
However, if you for example query the database for some information and pass a callback, while the query is executed, node.js can process new requests. Once the database query is completed, node.js calls the callback and finishes processing the first request.
Simple server example:
var http = require('http');
var numresponses = 0;
http.createServer(function (request, response) {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
res.end('This is response #' + (++numresponses));
this server will always print out the number of the request even if two requests happen simultaneously, node will choose one that gets processed first, and both will have different numbers.


node, is each request and response unique or cached irrespective of url

In an app that I was working, I encountered "headers sent already error" if I test using concurrency and parallel request methods.
ultimately I resolved the problem using !response.headersSent but my question is why am I forced to use it? is node caching similar requests and reuses them for the next repeated call.
if(request.headers.accept == "application/json") {
if(!response.headersSent) {response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'application/json'})}
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var server = app.listen(process.env.PORT || 3000, function () {
console.log('Example app listening at http://%s:%s', server.address().address, server.address().port);
Edit 2:
Another problem is while testing using mocha, super agent and while the tests in progress if I just send another request through postman on the side, one of the tests in mocha end with a timeout error. These steps I'm taking to ensure the code is production ready for simultaneous, parallel requests? please advise on what measures I can take to ensure node/code works under stress.
Edit 3:
app.use(function(request, response, next){ = Math.random();
OK, in an attempt to capture what solved this for you via all our conversation in comments, I will attempt to summarize here:
The message "headers sent already error" is nearly always caused by improper async handling which causes the code to call methods on the response object in a wrong sequence. The most common case is non-async code that ends the request and then an async operation that ends some time later that then tries to use the request (but there are other ways to misuse it too).
Each request and response object is uniquely created at the time each individual HTTP request arrives at the node/express server. They are not cached or reused.
Because of asynchronous operations in the processing of a request, there may be more than one request/response object in use at any given time. Code that is processing these must not store these objects in any sort of single global variable because multiple ones can be in the state of processing at once. Because node is single threaded, code will only be running on any given request at any given moment, but as soon as that code hits an async operation (and thus has nothing to do until the async operation is done), another request could start running. So multiple requests can easily be "in flight" at the same time.
If you have a system where you need to keep track of multiple requests at once, you can coin a request id and attach it to each new request. One way to do that is with a few lines of express middleware that is early in the middleware stack that just adds a unique id property to each new request.
One simple way of coining a unique id is to just use a monotonically increasing counter.

Are responses to HTTP requests required?

I think it's a generally applicable question, but this is what I'm trying to do: small Node.JS app that receives a POST request from GroupMe whenever a message is posted in a group to trigger and fulfills a completely separate action. They state that the callback URL will receive an HTTP POST request from us every time a message is published to that group. It doesn't make much of a difference to me if I need to respond to the POST, but I was curious if it's even necessary or if it had any negative implications.
var server = http.createServer(function(request, response) {
It really depends what you're doing, but generally if no response is sent then applications or users which expect there to be one will wait until the connection times out, which may take up to a minute or longer, get a time out error and assume your service doesn't work.
You don't have to send any text, just a HTTP response code will do. Have doStuff() return whether it was successful and send the appropriate code based on it:
var server = http.createServer(function(request, response) {
response.send(doStuff(request) ? 200 : 400);
200 means OK, 400 means Bad Request
What I know in the field of HTTP request and response, You should at least say response.end().
If you won't say response.end client will be waiting for response. So better to say a response.end after tour task.
var server = http.createServer(function(request, response) {
response.end(); //It tells browser/client that server has finished it's work on this request.

node.js http request/response parameters

I'm still somewhat confused by how node callbacks work. Looking at this tutorial:
var http = require("http");
http.createServer(function(request, response) {
response.writeHead(200, {"Content-Type": "text/plain"});
response.write("Hello World");
My understanding is that the request and response parameters are passed when the server receives a request. However, I'm not sure how you would tell by the syntax. Does the createServer function not return anything until it actually receives a request, upon which it returns two objects, the request and the response?
No, the createServer method returns immediately, with a new web server object. That web server object's listen method is then immediately called, and the server begins listening for connections on port 8888. The listen call returns immediately as well; you can demonstrate this by adding a console.log('here'); on the next line and seeing how it writes to the terminal as soon as you run the script. As a result of the listen call, any time a new HTTP request is made to port 8888, the callback which was the sole argument to createServer is called to handle the request.
Since Node runs in a single thread (more or less), any operation that would block that thread--like waiting around for a server connection, or a database query, or a response to a remote request--is handled asynchronously, through the use of callbacks like the one in your example.

node.js wait for response

I have a very limited knowledge about node and nob-blocking IO so forgive me if my question is too naive.
In order to return needed information in response body, I need to
Make a call to 3rd party API
Wait for response
Add some modifications and return JSON response with the information I got from API.
My question is.. how can I wait for response? Or is it possible to send the information to the client only when I received response from API (as far as I know, connection should be bidirectional in this case which means I won't be able to do so using HTTP).
And yet another question. If one request waits for response from API, does this mean than other users will be forced to wait too (since node is single-threaded) until I increase numbers of threads/processes from 1 to N?
You pass a callback to the function which calls the service. If the service is a database, for example:
db.connect(host, callback);
And somewhere else in the code:
var callback = function(err, dbObject) {
// The connection was made, it's safe to handle the code here
res.json(jsonObject, 200)
Or you can use anonymous functions, so:
db.connect(host, function(err, dbObject) {
// The connection was made, it's safe to handle the code here
res.json(jsonObject, 200)
Between the call and the callback, node handles other clients / connections freely, "non-blocking".
This type of situation is exactly what node was designed to solve. Once you receive the request from your client, you can make a http request, which should take a callback parameter. This will call your callback function when the request is done, but node can do other work (including serving other clients) while you are waiting for the response. Once the request is done, you can have your code return the response to the client that is still waiting.
The amount of memory and CPU used by the node process will increase as additional clients connect to it, but only one process is needed to handle many simultaneous clients.
Node focuses on doing slow I/O asynchronously, so that the application code can start a task, and then have code start executing again after the I/O has completed.
An typical example might make it clear. We make a call to the FB API. When we get a response, we modify it and then send JSON to the user.
var express = require('express');
var fb = require('facebook-js');
app.get('/user', function(req, res){
fb.apiCall('GET', '/me/', {access_token: access_token}, function(error, response, body){ // access FB API
// when FB responds this part of the code will execute
if (error){
throw new Error('Error getting user information');
body.platform = 'Facebook' // modify the Facebook response, available as JSON in body
res.json(body); // send the response to client

“Proxying” a lot of HTTP requests with Node.js + Express 2

I'm writing proxy in Node.js + Express 2. Proxy should:
decrypt POST payload and issue HTTP request to server based on result;
encrypt reply from server and send it back to client.
Encryption-related part works fine. The problem I'm facing is timeouts. Proxy should process requests in less than 15 secs. And most of them are under 500ms, actually.
Problem appears when I increase number of parallel requests. Most requests are completed ok, but some are failed after 15 secs + couple of millis. ab -n5000 -c300 works fine, but with concurrency of 500 it fails for some requests with timeout.
I could only speculate, but it seems thant problem is an order of callbacks exectuion. Is it possible that requests that comes first are hanging until ETIMEDOUT because of node's focus in latest ones which are still being processed in time under 500ms.
P.S.: There is no problem with remote server. I'm using request for interactions with it.
The way things works with some code:
function queryRemote(req, res) {
var options = {}; // built based on req object (URI, body, authorization, etc.)
request(options, function(err, httpResponse, body) {
return err ? send500(req, res)
: res.end(encrypt(body));
app.use(myBodyParser); // reads hex string in payload
// and calls next() on 'end' event'/', [checkHeaders, // check Content-Type and Authorization headers
authUser, // query DB and call next()
parseRequest], // decrypt payload, parse JSON, call next()
function(req, res) {
queryRemote(req, res);
My problem is following: when ab issuing, let's say, 20 POSTs to /, express route handler gets called like thousands of times. That's not always happening, sometimes 20 and only 20 requests are processed in timely fashion.
Of course, ab is not a problem. I'm 100% sure that only 20 requests sent by ab. But route handler gets called multiple times.
I can't find reasons for such behaviour, any advice?
Timeouts were caused by using http.globalAgent which by default can process up to 5 concurrent requests to one host:port (which isn't enough in my case).
Thouthands of requests (instead of tens) were sent by ab (Wireshark approved fact under OS X; I can not reproduce this under Ubuntu inside Parallels).
You can have a look at node-http-proxy module and how it handles the connections. Make sure you don't buffer any data and everything works by streaming. And you should try to see where is the time spent for those long requests. Try instrumenting parts of your code with conosle.time and console.timeEnd and see where is taking the most time. If the time is mostly spent in javascript you should try to profile it. Basically you can use v8 profiler, by adding --prof option to your node command. Which makes a v8.log and can be processed via a v8 tool found in node-source-dir/deps/v8/tools. It only works if you have installed d8 shell via scons(scons d8). You can have a look at this article to help you further to make this working.
You can also use node-webkit-agent which uses webkit developer tools to show the profiler result. You can also have a look at my fork with a bit of sugar.
If that didn't work, you can try profiling with dtrace(only works in illumos-based systems like SmartOS).
