bash script, execute shell from another shell and assign results to a variable - linux

I have this legacy delete script script, It is doing some delete work on a remote application.
When processing of delete is done it will return #completed successfully# or it will return
*nothing more to delete*
*Program will exit*
I would like to assign its output and execute the delete script as long its output is "completed successfully".
I am unable to assign the results of the script to a variable. I am running the shell script from folder X while the delete script is in folder Y.
Besides the script below, I also tried:
response=$(cd $path_to_del;./ ...)
I am unable to make this work.
response='completed successfully'
while [[ $response == *successfully* ]]
response= working on batch number: $counter ...
echo $response
(cd $path_to_del;./ "-physicalDelete=true") > $response
echo response $response
echo deleting Done!

general ways to pass output from a subshell to the higher level shell is like this:
variable="$(command in subshell)"
read -t variable < <(command)
therefore the modifications to your script could look like:
response="$(cd $path_to_del;./ "-physicalDelete=true")"
cd $path_to_del
response="$(./ "-physicalDelete=true")"
this line will fail and needs fixing:
response= working on batch number:


Convert a batch file function to bash

I'm trying to convert this batch file that runs a python script into a bash script. I needed help converting a wait function in the batch file that waits for an action to complete into bash. wait-for-job <actionID> is the actual call that waits for the specific action to complete. The wait function basically assigns a value from the log file to a variable and then passes that variable as a parameter to a python script (
The log file is written continuously after each action and the last line (from which the action ID is fetched) looks something like this:
02/10/2019 00:00:00 AM Greenwich Mean Time print_action_id():250 INFO Action ID: 123456
The wait function in the batch file is as follows:
#echo off
for /f "tokens=11" %%i in (C:\Users\DemoUser\Dir\file.log) do ^
set ID=%%i
#echo on wait-for-job --action-id %ID%
I tried implementing the same thing in bash like below but it did not seem to work (I'm new to shell scripting and I'm sure it's all wrong):
for $a in (tail -n1 /home/DemoUser/Dir/file.log); do
ID=$($a | awk { print $12}) wait-for-job --action-id $ID
The following reads each line of the file and pulls out the ID and uses it to call a py script. First we declare the paths and variables. Then we run a loop.
typeset file=/home/DemoUser/Dir/file.log
typeset py_script=/path/to/
readonly PY=/path/to/python
while IFS= read -r line ;do
${PY} ${py_script} wait-for-job --action-id $(${line} | awk { print $12})
done < "${file}"

Can't redirect interactive shell's output to file with a script

I trying to write simple output logger. And it's just refuse to work. I can swear, it worked once and it was beautiful.
It's practice, so I don't want to use pre-build bash tools. (like script)
exec 6>&1
exec &> log
while true
sleep 1
echo love
if [ "$a" -eq 1000 ]
exec 1>&6 6>&-
echo "Stopped doing love"
I run this script in console . / &
And as long as the cycle turns, stdout and stderr should be redirected to log file. But they simply doesn't.
Log file full of love, but I simply can not get date. (or any other output from console)
P.S. If I just type exec > log in console it's work perfectly.
An approach needs to be run natively in the shell for which you intend to redirect output, not in any subprocess of that shell. Running anything with a & as the command separating it from the next command puts it in a subprocess, rather than running in the shell itself.
Consider this pair of functions (for bash 4.1 or newer):
# for this example, consider this content to belong to file-with-functions.bash
start_redir() {
exec {orig_stdout}>&1
exec > >(tee log >&$orig_stdout)
end_redir() {
[[ $orig_stdout ]] || {
echo "Not redirected with start_redir previously" >&2
return 1
exec 1>&$orig_stdout
exec {orig_stdout}>&-
...this can be used as follows:
. ./file-with-functions.bash # source these functions into the current shell; no &
You can put these functions in a file that you source, but that sourcing needs to be done in the foreground, as putting anything in the background makes it happen in a subprocess, not the shell you're using itself.

Any way to exit bash script, but not quitting the terminal

When I use exit command in a shell script, the script will terminate the terminal (the prompt). Is there any way to terminate a script and then staying in the terminal?
My script is expected to execute by directly being sourced, or sourced from another script.
To be more specific, there are two scripts as
echo "place A"
and as
when I run it by ., and if it hit exit codeline in, I want it to stop to the terminal and stay there. But using exit, the whole terminal gets closed.
PS: I have tried to use return, but echo codeline will still gets executed....
The "problem" really is that you're sourcing and not executing the script. When you source a file, its contents will be executed in the current shell, instead of spawning a subshell. So everything, including exit, will affect the current shell.
Instead of using exit, you will want to use return.
Yes; you can use return instead of exit. Its main purpose is to return from a shell function, but if you use it within a source-d script, it returns from that script.
As §4.1 "Bourne Shell Builtins" of the Bash Reference Manual puts it:
return [n]
Cause a shell function to exit with the return value n.
If n is not supplied, the return value is the exit status of the
last command executed in the function.
This may also be used to terminate execution of a script being executed
with the . (or source) builtin, returning either n or
the exit status of the last command executed within the script as the exit
status of the script.
Any command associated with the RETURN trap is executed
before execution resumes after the function or script.
The return status is non-zero if return is used outside a function
and not during the execution of a script by . or source.
You can add an extra exit command after the return statement/command so that it works for both, executing the script from the command line and sourcing from the terminal.
Example exit code in the script:
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then
echo "Needs at least two arguments"
return 1 2>/dev/null
exit 1
The line with the exit command will not be called when you source the script after the return command.
When you execute the script, return command gives an error. So, we suppress the error message by forwarding it to /dev/null.
Instead of running the script using ., you can run it using sh or bash
A new sub-shell will be started, to run the script then, it will be closed at the end of the script leaving the other shell opened.
Actually, I think you might be confused by how you should run a script.
If you use sh to run a script, say, sh ./, even if the embedded script ends with exit, your terminal window will still remain.
However if you use . or source, your terminal window will exit/close as well when subscript ends.
for more detail, please refer to What is the difference between using sh and source?
This is just like you put a run function inside your script
You use exit code inside run while source your file in the bash tty.
If the give the run function its power to exit your script and give the
its power to exit the terminator.
Then of cuz the run function has power to exit your teminator.
#! /bin/sh
# use .
echo "this is run"
#return 0
exit 0
echo "this is begin"
echo "this is end"
Anyway, I approve with Kaz it's a design problem.
I had the same problem and from the answers above and from what I understood what worked for me ultimately was:
Have a shebang line that invokes the intended script, for example,
#!/bin/bash uses bash to execute the script
I have scripts with both kinds of shebang's. Because of this, using sh or . was not reliable, as it lead to a mis-execution (like when the script bails out having run incompletely)
The answer therefore, was
Make sure the script has a shebang, so that there is no doubt about its intended handler.
chmod the .sh file so that it can be executed. (chmod +x
Invoke it directly without any sh or .
Hope this helps someone with similar question or problem.
To write a script that is secure to be run as either a shell script or sourced as an rc file, the script can check and compare $0 and $BASH_SOURCE and determine if exit can be safely used.
Here is a short code snippet for that
[ "X$(basename $0)" = "X$(basename $BASH_SOURCE)" ] && \
echo "***** executing $name_src as a shell script *****" || \
echo "..... sourcing $name_src ....."
I think that this happens because you are running it on source mode
with the dot
You should run that in a subshell:
It's correct that sourced vs. executed scripts use return vs. exit to keep the same session open, as others have noted.
Here's a related tip, if you ever want a script that should keep the session open, regardless of whether or not it's sourced.
The following example can be run directly like or sourced like . Either way it will keep the session open after "exiting". The $# string is passed so that the function has access to the outer script's arguments.
read -p "Would you like to XYZ? (Y/N): " response;
[ $response != 'y' ] && return 1;
echo "XYZ complete (args $#).";
return 0;
echo "This line will never execute.";
foo "$#";
Terminal result:
$ Would you like to XYZ? (Y/N): n
$ .
$ Would you like to XYZ? (Y/N): n
$ |
(terminal window stays open and accepts additional input)
This can be useful for quickly testing script changes in a single terminal while keeping a bunch of scrap code underneath the main exit/return while you work. It could also make code more portable in a sense (if you have tons of scripts that may or may not be called in different ways), though it's much less clunky to just use return and exit where appropriate.
Also make sure to return with expected return value. Else if you use exit when you will encounter an exit it will exit from your base shell since source does not create another process (instance).
Improved the answer of Tzunghsing, with more clear results and error re-direction, for silent usage:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo -e "Testing..."
if [ "X$(basename $0 2>/dev/null)" = "X$(basename $BASH_SOURCE)" ]; then
echo "***** You are Executing $0 in a sub-shell."
exit 0
echo "..... You are Sourcing $BASH_SOURCE in this terminal shell."
return 0
echo "This should never be seen!"
Or if you want to put this into a silent function:
function sExit() {
# Safe Exit from script, not closing shell.
[ "X$(basename $0 2>/dev/null)" = "X$(basename $BASH_SOURCE)" ] && exit 0 || return 0
# have to be called with an error check, like this:
sExit && return 0
echo "This should never be seen!"
Please note that:
if you have enabled errexit in your script (set -e) and you return N with N != 0, your entire script will exit instantly. To see all your shell settings, use, set -o.
when used in a function, the 1st return 0 is exiting the function, and the 2nd return 0 is exiting the script.
if your terminal emulator doesn't have -hold you can sanitize a sourced script and hold the terminal with:
sed "s/exit/return/g" script >/tmp/script
. /tmp/script
otherwise you can use $TERM -hold -e script
If a command succeeded successfully, the return value will be 0. We can check its return value afterwards.
Is there a “goto” statement in bash?
Here is some dirty workaround using trap which jumps only backwards.
set -eu
trap 'echo "E: failed with exitcode $?" 1>&2' ERR
my_function () {
if git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "this is run"
return 0
echo "fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git"
goto trap 2> /dev/null
echo "Command succeeded" # If my_function failed this line is not printed
How to use $? and test to check function?
I couldn't find solution so for those who want to leave the nested script without leaving terminal window:
# this is just script which goes to directory if path satisfies regex
if [[ "$pwd" =~ ddev.*web ]]; then
# echo "your in wordpress instalation"
wpDir=$(echo "$pwd" | grep -o '.*\/web')
cd $wpDir
echo 'please be in wordpress directory'
# to leave from outside the scope
# nested function which returns $leave variable
# interupts the script if $leave is true
if $leave; then
echo 'here is the rest of the script, executes if leave is not defined'
I have no idea whether this is useful for you or not, but in zsh, you can exit a script, but only to the prompt if there is one, by using parameter expansion on a variable that does not exist, as follows.
Though this does create an error message in your script, you can prevent it with something like the following.
{ ${missing_variable_ejector:?} } 2>/dev/null
1) exit 0 will come out of the script if it is successful.
2) exit 1 will come out of the script if it is a failure.
You can try these above two based on ur req.

Bash script to capture input, run commands, and print to file

I am trying to do a homework assignment and it is very confusing. I am not sure if the professor's example is in Perl or bash, since it has no header. Basically, I just need help with the meat of the problem: capturing the input and outputting it. Here is the assignment:
In the session, provide a command prompt that includes the working directory, e.g.,
Accept user’s commands, execute them, and display the output on the screen.
During the session, create a temporary file “PID.cmd” (PID is the process ID) to store the command history in the following format (index: command):
1: ls
2: ls -l
If the script is aborted by CTRL+C (signal 2), output a message “aborted by ctrl+c”.
When you quit the logging session (either by “exit” or CTRL+C),
a. Delete the temporary file
b. Print out the total number of the commands in the session and the numbers of successful/failed commands (according to the exit status).
Here is my code so far (which did not go well, I would not try to run it):
trap 'exit 1' 2
trap 'ctrl-c' 2
echo $(pwd)
while true
read -p command
echo "$command:" $command >> PID.cmd
Currently when I run this script I get
command read: 10: arg count
What is causing that?
Ok I made some progress not quite working all the way it doesnt like my bashtrap or incremental index
trap bashtrap INT
echo "CTRL+C aborting bash script"
echo "starting to log"
while :
read -p "command:" inputline
if [ $inputline="exit" ]
echo "Aborting with Exit"
echo "$index: $inputline" > output
$inputline 2>&1 | tee output
(( index++ ))
This can be achieved in bash or perl or others.
Some hints to get you started in bash :
question 1 : command prompt /logger/home/it244/it244/hw8
1) make sure of the prompt format in the user .bashrc setup file: see PS1 data for debian-like distros.
2) cd into that directory within you bash script.
question 2 : run the user command
1) get the user input
read -p "command : " input_cmd
2) run the user command to STDOUT
bash -c "$input_cmd"
3) Track the user input command exit code
echo $?
Should exit with "0" if everything worked fine (you can also find exit codes in the command man pages).
3) Track the command PID if the exit code is Ok
echo $$ >> /tmp/pid_Ok
But take care the question is to keep the user command input, not the PID itself as shown here.
4) trap on exit
see man trap as you misunderstood the use of this : you may create a function called on the catched exit or CTRL/C signals.
5) increment the index in your while loop (on the exit code condition)
while ...
I guess you have enough to start your home work.
Since the example posted used sh, I'll use that in my reply. You need to break down each requirement into its specific lines of supporting code. For example, in order to "provide a command prompt that includes the working directory" you need to actually print the current working directory as the prompt string for the read command, not by setting the $PS variable. This leads to a read command that looks like:
read -p "`pwd -P`\$ " _command
(I use leading underscores for private variables - just a matter of style.)
Similarly, the requirement to do several things on either a trap or a normal exit suggests a function should be created which could then either be called by the trap or to exit the loop based on user input. If you wanted to pretty-print the exit message, you might also wrap it in echo commands and it might look like this:
_cleanup() {
rm -f $_LOG
echo $0 ended with $_success successful commands and $_fail unsuccessful commands.
exit 0
So after analyzing each of the requirements, you'd need a few counters and a little bit of glue code such as a while loop to wrap them in. The result might look like this:
# Define a function to call on exit
_cleanup() {
# Remove the log file as per specification #5a
rm -f $_LOG
# Display success/fail counts as per specification #5b
echo $0 ended with $_success successful commands and $_fail unsuccessful commands.
exit 0
# Where are we? Get absolute path of $0
_abs_path=$( cd -P -- "$(dirname -- "$(command -v -- "$0")")" && pwd -P )
# Set the log file name based on the path & PID
# Keep this constant so the log file doesn't wander
# around with the user if they enter a cd command
# Print ctrl+c msg per specification #4
# Then run the cleanup function
trap "echo aborted by ctrl+c;_cleanup" 2
# Initialize counters
while true
# Count lines to support required logging format per specification #3
# Set prompt per specification #1 and read command
read -p "`pwd -P`\$ " _command
# Echo command to log file as per specification #3
echo "$_line: $_command" >>$_LOG
# Arrange to exit on user input with value 'exit' as per specification #5
if [[ "$_command" == "exit" ]]
# Execute whatever command was entered as per specification #2
eval $_command
# Capture the success/fail counts to support specification #5b
if [ $_status -eq 0 ]

Initiating dynamic variables (variable variables) in bash shell script

I am using PHP CLI through bash shell. Please check Manipulating an array (printed by php-cli) in shell script for details.
In the following shell code I am able to echo the key- value pairs that I get from the PHP script.
# parse php script output by read command
php $PWD'/test.php' | while read -r key val; do
echo $key":"$val
Following is the output for this -
Now I just want to initiate dynamic variables inside the while loop so that I can use them like $BASE_PATH having value '/path/to/project/root', $db_host having 'localhost'
I come from a PHP background. I would like something like $$key = $val of PHP
Using eval introduces security risks that must be considered. It's safer to use declare:
# parse php script output by read command
while IFS=: read -r key val; do
echo $key":"$val
declare $key=$val
done < <(php $PWD'/test.php')
If you are using Bash 4, you can use associative arrays:
declare -A some_array
# parse php script output by read command
while IFS=: read -r key val; do
echo $key":"$val
done < <(php $PWD'/test.php')
Using process substition <() and redirecting it into the done of the while loop prevents the creation of a subshell. Setting IFS for only the read command eliminates the need to save and restore its value.
You may try using the eval construct in BASH:
# Assign $value to variable named "BASE_PATH"
eval ${key}="${value}"
# Now you have the variable named BASE_PATH you want
# This will get you output "/path/to/project/root"
Then, just use it in your loop.
EDIT: this read loop creates a sub-shell which will not allow you to use them outside of the loop. You may restructure the read loop so that the sub-shell is not created:
# get the PHP output to a variable
php_output=`php test.php`
# parse the variable in a loop without creating a sub-shell
while read -r key val; do
eval ${key}="${val}"
done <<< "$php_output"
