how to set upload path in express4? - node.js

I want to make express serve files requested as http://localhost/uploads/image.png serve the files out of a dynamic directory (based on environment) process.env.NODE_UPLOAD_DIR which would be something like:
/home/user/data/uploads but the app is served out of ~/www/
Is this possible?
I tried this, but it just redirects to homepage in browser when I request it (its an angular app if that makes any difference):
app.use(express.static(path.join(proces.env.NODE_UPLOAD_DIR, 'uploads')));

If you want the "uploads" portion in both the URI and the filesystem path, you need to use it as a prefix:
app.use('/uploads', express.static(
path.join(process.env.NODE_UPLOAD_DIR, 'uploads'))


Why does my NodeJS Express app serve the entire website when sendFile() only contains path to one particular html file on the website

my directories are as follows
...<other files>
Each directory is a separate set of webpages in their own website, and from a webpage in SE-Metro-Q-Private, I am redirecting to a webpage in SE-Metro-Q in a get request.
I have the following middleware:
app.use("/contactForm", express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/../SE-Metro-Q')));
And then the route:
app.get('/contactForm', (req, res) => {
res.sendFile('contact.html', { root: path.join(__dirname, '/../SE-Metro-Q') });
From what I understand when I go to /contactForm on the browser, it should only load contact.html, but instead it loads index.html from the SE-Metro-Q directory specified in the middleware above.
How can I modify it to only load contact.html?
express.static() serves a directory of static files; you've mounted your local path /../SE-Metro-Q to the /contactForm route. As such, Express will serve the entire directory off the /contactForm route.
If you want to only serve one file, remove your express.static() route entirely and explicitly respond with the file you want to serve on that route, just as you have in your second snippet.

Is it possible to give a custom path to the `/static` directory using React and Express?

To anyone coming here in the future, I solved this problem by indicating a value for PUBLIC_URL in my .env file.
In my case, I set PUBLIC_URL=/ui and now the static assets are being served from .../ui/static/...
Whenever I build my app and launch it, the browser requests content from the static directory, such as this:
Is it possible to somehow change this? I took a look here, but I didn't have any luck. I tried different combinations of express.static(. . .) to no avail.
Instead of http:///static/bundle123, I want it to request http:///custom/static/bundle123.
I've tried moving my build/static directory into build/custom/static and doing something like this, but it didn't work:
app.use('/static', express.static(path.join(__dirname, './custom')))
What am I doing wrong?
The first argument determines the URL path and the second part determines where the files are located on the file system.
So if your static files are located in the public directory (or in sub directories) and you want to access then on the https://.../static URL, you can use:
app.use('/static', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'public')));
In your case, assuming you run the server from the build directory, using the following should work:
app.use('/custom/static', express.static(path.join(__dirname, 'static')));
Now if you request an URL https:///custom/static/foo Express will look for a file named foo in the static folder.

Nodejs file direct access in browser

At Plesk server there are nodejs and reactjs build on hit url the build run but when we hit the nodejs file url of js files it open directly on browser means nodejs files are not secure.
So, it sounds like you are using express.static(), yet the user is able to fetch your server files that are not meant to go to the client. That apparently means that you've pointed express.static at a directory that contains your server files. Instead, you need to point express.static() at a directory hierarchy that ONLY contains files meant to be sent to the client. That means it has to be a separate directory from your server files and it has to not be above your server files directory.
There are many possible places to put it. Here are a couple ways to organize things:
Then, when running server code from the serverFiles directory, you would use an express.static() like this:
const path = require('path');
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "../clientFiles")));
Or, you can do it like this:
const path = require('path');
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, "clientFiles")));
The idea is that the clientFiles directory hierarchy contains only client-side files and express.static() by default will not allow ../ syntax in the URLs to go above it.

express not sending static directory

I'm trying to serve a vue.js single page app with a node.js server but I'm having an issue with some express middleware.
Basically I'm trying to serve two things right now. My index.html and a dist folder that holds all of my static files. On localhost my index.html is served correctly but I'm getting a GET error for my dist folder and can not find it in the sources tab.
I've used more or less this same line of code for many single page apps before to serve my static assets but for some reason with this set up it's not serving the dist folder.
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/dist')));
Anyone with express experience know why this line isn't working?
You are using express.static incorrectly. By default, express.static will serve the content you have INSIDE of that dist folder.
What you want to do is this:
app.use('/dist', express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/dist')));
This will force express to serve those static assets under the '/dist' route.

Routes in express JS

I have a code line:
for static files in public folder, but build a route:
app.get('/search/jobs', jobs.index);
The Expressjs is putting /search before url.
And I'm a getting error in console browser:
GET: http://localhost:5000/search/css/materialize.css
Any idea?
You need to use absolute paths in your html/css (e.g. /css/materialize.css). With relative paths (e.g. css/materialize.css) the browser will look up the path relative to the current path/"directory" (/search in this case).
