How to reduce a String to an Integer summing its characters - groovy

I'd like to take a String e.g. "1234" and convert it to an Integer which represents the sum of all the characters.
I thought perhaps treating the String as a List of characters and doing a reduce / inject, would be the simplest mechanism. However, In all my attempts I have not managed to succeed in getting the syntax correct.
I attempted something along these lines without success.
int sum = myString.inject (0, { Integer accu, Character value ->
return accu + Character.getNumericValue(value)
Can you help me determine a simple syntax to resolve this problem (I can easily solve it in an java like verbose way with loops etc)

"1234".collect { it.toInteger() }.sum()
Solution by #dmahapatro


Convert a string into an integer of its ascii values

I am trying to write a function that takes a string txt and returns an int of that string's character's ascii numbers. It also takes a second argument, n, that is an int that specified the number of digits that each character should translate to. The default value of n is 3. n is always > 3 and the string input is always non-empty.
Example outputs:
string_to_number('ABBA', n = 4)
My current strategy is to split txt into its characters by converting it into a list. Then, I convert the characters into their ord values and append this to a new list. I then try to combine the elements in this new list into a number (e.g. I would go from ['102', '102', '102'] to ['102102102']. Then I try to convert the first element of this list (aka the only element), into an integer. My current code looks like this:
def string_to_number(txt, n=3):
characters = list(txt)
ord_values = []
for character in characters:
joined_ord_values = ''.join(ord_values)
final_number = int(joined_ord_values[0])
return final_number
The issue is that I get a Type Error. I can write code that successfully returns the integer of a single-character string, however when it comes to ones that contain more than one character, I can't because of this type error. Is there any way of fixing this. Thank you, and apologies if this is quite long.
Try this:
def string_to_number(text, n=3):
return int(''.join('{:0>{}}'.format(ord(c), n) for c in text))
print(string_to_number('ABBA', n=4))
Edit: without list comprehension, as OP asked in the comment
def string_to_number(text, n=3):
l = []
for c in text:
l.append('{:0>{}}'.format(ord(c), n))
return int(''.join(l))
Useful link(s):
string formatting in python: contains pretty much everything you need to know about string formatting in python
The join method expects an array of strings, so you'll need to convert your ASCII codes into strings. This almost gets it done:
except that it doesn't respect your number-of-digits requirement.

Converting between a number to a string without num2str

For example, input is a=5678. How do you make b='5678'? (b is a String).
Not allowed to use str2num or any casting.
Is it possible to use log10? (I know how to do the reverse action).
[This is how I did the opposite (from string to num):
s = input('Enter a number: ','s');
x = sum(10.^(length(s-'0')-1:-1:0).*(s-'0'));
This looks like homework, so first here are some hints:
log10 may be useful to determine the number of digits.
mod can help to obtain each digit.
From your code for the reverse action: using successive powers of 10, as well as +'0' / -'0' to convert between digits and ASCII codes, may also be of help here.
And here's a possible approach using these hints (hover the mouse to find out):
b = char(mod(floor(a./10.^((ceil(log10(a))-1):-1:0)),10) + '0'):

Convert String of words/letters into an Integer

Today I've finally decided to make an account, in hope for some aid in an issue I've spent the last few hours hunting. (I've spent the past couple hours hunting down a response, from Google to here to Unity Answers. Here's everything that I've found so far, which doesn't work.)
What I'm looking for, is to change a string of purely words/letters into an integer. Therefore "Hello World", would be translated into a string of numbers accordingly. This may be surprising, but this is a lot harder than it sounds. I've found a way to do essentially everything but, thus far.
Presumably the best way would be to get the ASCII value of each letter in the string, and put them all together into a single integer. (No sequences or need to separate them, but one single number.) I have no idea where to get started or how to do that, however. Really anything that you think would work, preferably as short-hand and un-bothersome as possible.
To be as clear as possible, I need to take the letter-only variable "example" and transmorph it to be a integer/only a sequence of numbers.
If you're just trying to convert an arbitrary string into a random seed, then why not try randomSeed.GetHashCode()? That will return an int value suitable for setting the seed, which would produce the same number each time the same string is entered.
You can iterate over all characters, get their charCode and chain them together. The first method splits the string into single chars and uses Array.reduce:
var str = 'qwertzuiop';
var num = parseInt(str.split('').reduce(function(a, b) {return a + b.charCodeAt(0);}, '');
The second calls Array.forEach on the string, because it has numerical indices and a length property.
var num = ''; [], function(c) {num += c.charCodeAt(0);});
num = parseInt(num);
In stoneaged browsers you have to use for-loops instead.

Powershell: convert string to number

I have an Array where some drive data from WMI are captured:
$drivedata = $Drives | select #{Name="Kapazität(GB)";Expression={$_.Kapazität}}
The Array has these values (2 drives):
#{Kapazität(GB)=1.500} #{Kapazität(GB)=1.500}
and just want to convert the 1.500 into a number 1500
I tried different suggestions I found here, but couldn't get it working:
-Replace ".","" and [int] doesn't work.
I am not sure if regex would be correct and how to do this.
Simply casting the string as an int won't work reliably. You need to convert it to an int32. For this you can use the .NET convert class and its ToInt32 method. The method requires a string ($strNum) as the main input, and the base number (10) for the number system to convert to. This is because you can not only convert to the decimal system (the 10 base number), but also to, for example, the binary system (base 2).
Give this method a try:
[string]$strNum = "1.500"
[int]$intNum = [convert]::ToInt32($strNum, 10)
Simply divide the Variable containing Numbers as a string by 1. PowerShell automatically convert the result to an integer.
$a = 15; $b = 2; $a + $b --> 152
But if you divide it before:
$a/1 + $b/1 --> 17
Since this topic never received a verified solution, I can offer a simple solution to the two issues I see you asked solutions for.
Replacing the "." character when value is a string
The string class offers a replace method for the string object you want to update:
$myString = $myString.replace(".","")
Converting the string value to an integer
The system.int32 class (or simply [int] in powershell) has a method available called "TryParse" which will not only pass back a boolean indicating whether the string is an integer, but will also return the value of the integer into an existing variable by reference if it returns true.
[string]$convertedInt = "1500"
[int]$returnedInt = 0
[bool]$result = [int]::TryParse($convertedInt, [ref]$returnedInt)
I hope this addresses the issue you initially brought up in your question.
I demonstrate how to receive a string, for example "-484876800000" and tryparse the string to make sure it can be assigned to a long. I calculate the Date from universaltime and return a string. When you convert a string to a number, you must decide the numeric type and precision and test if the string data can be parse, otherwise, it will throw and error.
function universalToDate
param (
if ($paramValue)
[long]$returnedLong = 0
[bool]$result = [long]::TryParse($paramValue,[ref]$returnedLong)
if ($result -eq 1)
Replace all but the digits in the string like so:
$messyString = "Get the integer from this string: -1.500 !!"
[int]$myInt = $messyString -replace '\D', ''
# PS > 1500
The regex \D will match everything except digits and remove them from your string.
This will work fine for your example.
It seems the issue is in "-f ($_.Partition.Size/1GB)}}" If you want the value in MB then change the 1GB to 1MB.

groovy loop does not stop

this is part of a teardown script, but it is giving me some trouble.
while ( n-- > 0 ) {
testRunner.testCase.setPropertyValue( "ExpectedNo" + n, "")
n starts with value 5 and does reset ExpectedNo0 through ExpectedNo4 to blank as it is supposed to do, but afterwards it sets up 46 more property entries as follows
I am not sure what to make of this as I am not very versed in groovy.. any help would be appreaciated!
To understand the source of your problem, take a look at ASCII table (link to a one). You'll see that before characters '0'-'5' there stands (in reverse order) '/', '.', '-', etc. Groovy interprets your n as character instead of integer variable. All you need is to convert n from String to Integer. See the next SO question how to do this: Groovy String to int.
