How to create Asp.Net WebPage Project in VS 2012? - visual-studio-2012

From another question, got to know that there are three development models in Asp.Net. I have installed VS 2012 in my laptop, but when I try for new web project, I am not able to see the WebPages project template.
Do I need to download the template or Am i doing it in wrong way?
In, it has a WebMatrix downloadable link. Does that mean, webpage project can be created only with WebMatrix?

Web Pages projects are Web Site Projects, so you create them by choosing File ยป New Web Site, then choose ASP.NET Web Site (Razor v2).


how to convert website project to sharepoint wsp

I have created a Visual studio 2012 project on my local machine and now want to use in other sharepoint site.
How to convert my project to wsp file and to deploy to sharepoint environment.
You cannot automatically convert project to wsp file!
You need to adjust and change your code manually so it can be deployed to SharePoint and there is a lot to consider depending on your Projects functionality and structure - wsp (full trust code with c#) vs add-in (clientside code with JavaScript and REST).
Start here at MSDN: SharePoint general development
If you use the new SharePoint Framework (SPFx) to develop your client-side webparts, then you don't need a Visual Studio installed on a SharePoint server. You don't even need a SharePoint server.
Using SPFx you can develop in Notepad or any other code editor.
Note that SPFx is currently (Dec 13 2016) in preview.
Start here at Office Dev Center: Overview of SharePoint Framework (SPFx)

Develop Visual Web Part Without Installing Sharepoint

I want to know if it is possible to develop web parts without installing sharepoint?
I choose Visual Web Part then I get sharepoint not installed error.
You can't develop it without SharePoint on same machine.
The answer is "Yes", you can. But if you do that then you loose all features of Visual Studio for development for SharePoint. You will need to create proper visual web part project artifact structure manually which could be tricky. Also you will have to create wsp package manually or using tools like wsp builder. Then you can copy this wsp package to sharepoint server and deploy it.

How to deploy a particular visual webpart on a sharepoint site

I have created a sharepoint empty application in visual studio 2012, after that i have added 2 different visual web part and created one list through code.
when i click the deploy button, all the above 3 are deployed to the site.
i dont want this, i want only one particular visual webpart to be deployed to the site.
Thanks in advance
Remove the visual webpart from the project and then deploy the solution.

Prevent VS2012 to convert my projects into Web Applications

We have a big solution that we just recently migrated to Visual Studio 2012. In this solution, one project is the main Web Application in IIS and the other projects are folders inside this Web Application. Every time we open the solution, VS2012 turns these folders into Web Applications and it breaks the site. Is there any way to avoid this conversion?
We found the solution. We changed the projects properties to not use IIS but a Custom Server with our local url.

How to create a Web App project without page.designer.cs files?

In Visual Studio 2012 there is no website deployment, ok I switched to Web Project, now it has generated tons of page.designer.cs files, how can I make a web app project without the designer.cs files ?
Visual Studio create these files for easiness of coder, you will always get these kind of files when you create a new web app project. These files creates the necessary code you need for designing the web page.
But once you publish the web app to the server using the VS2010 publisher, these files are gone and only the .aspx files are remained. Why does this happen? because your code i.e. .cs files needs to compiled before it can be published on the server.
