I can't figure out how to write text into a table cell within a document. I can read the cell, getRow(0).getCell(0), but I can't change the text within the cell.
As noted in the comments below, my variable text does show the old cell string has been cleared and the new string inserted; however, the actual cell in my document remains unchanged, containing the original, old string.
var doc = DocumentApp.getActiveDocument().getBody();
var tables = doc.getTables();
var cell = tables[0].getRow(0).getCell(0);
var text = cell.getText(); // the string is the expected from document.
var text = cell.getText(); // text = 'text' but the cell on document remains unchanged.
Use the .editAsText() to get the Text object inside of the cell.
var text = cell.editAsText();
A strong from the Text object can be retrieved with:
var string = text.getText();
And set with:
I have a spreadsheet with 2 tabbed sheets. I am trying to run a macro so that when the user inputs a name in B2 of the 2nd sheet, it is matched with every instance of that name in the 1st sheet, column B. I then need to copy all of the data that appears in the matched cell's rows and have that pasted in the 2nd sheet starting with cell B3.
I have limited experience with VBA, but none with JS/Google-apps-script. Any help with how to write this would be greatly appreciated! Here is my first shot:
function onSearch() {
// raw data sheet
var original = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Form Responses 2");
// search for student sheet
var filtered = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Student Progress Search");
// retrieving the values in the raw data array of names
var searchColumn = 2;
var lr = original.getLastRow();
var searchRange = original.getRange(2,searchColumn, lr, 1).getValues();
// retrieving the name submitted on search
var inputName = filtered.getRange(2, 2).getValue();
// loop through all the names in the raw data and identify any matches to the search name
for (var i = 0; i < lr; i++){
var dataValue = searchRange[i];
var r = dataValue.getRow();
var line = [[r]];
var paste = filtered.getRange(3, 3);
// if the data is a match, return the value of that cell in the searched sheet
if (dataValue == inputName){ return paste.setValues(line);
Not sure if the built-in QUERY function would work for you. This here does exactly what you are looking for:
=QUERY(Sheet1!B:B,"select B where LOWER(B) like LOWER('%" &B2& "%')")
For example, if a user enters 'joe', the function will match any entry containing 'joe', regardless of case.
In my iTextsharp Pdf program, I need to truncate the text which goes beyond the width of the table cell. Actually it does wordwrap the content to the next line. Pl help provide the solution to do the same.
string Value = "This is very Long Text Value";
var cellContent = new Phrase();
cellContent.Add(new Paragraph(Value, fontHeader));
cellContent.Add(new Paragraph("\n"));
I've got this code to apply a "header" (big, top-of-the-sheet "title") to a sheet:
// Initialize
private static SLDocument sl;
. . .
sl = new SLDocument();
// Create a Style
SLStyle styleHeading = sl.CreateStyle();
styleHeading.SetFont(FontSchemeValues.Major, 36);
styleHeading.Font.Italic = true;
styleHeading.Font.FontName = "Candara";
// Create a Defined Name (Range) and give it a value and style
sl.SetDefinedName("UnitName", "Sheet1!$A$1:$A$13");
sl.SetCellValue("UnitName", "Pennsylvania Platypi Presumptuously Parasailing");
sl.SetCellStyle("UnitName", styleHeading);
// Save the sheet
string appDataFolder = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/App_Data/");
string spreadsheetLightFilename = "PlatypiTest.xlsx";
string fullspreadsheetLightPath = Path.Combine(appDataFolder, spreadsheetLightFilename);
Note: I verified that "Sheet1" was right with this code:
var nameList = sl.GetSheetNames();
string s = nameList[0]; // "s" is "Sheet1"
The file is created and saved, but it is devoid of content; when I open it, cell A1 is highlighted, but is content-free.
Am I missing a vital step, or going about this completely wrong?
What are you doing is logically fine.
This line
sl.SetDefinedName("UnitName", "Sheet1!$A$1:$A$13");
indeed creates a named range. You can see it if you open the resulting file in Excel and look at the cell selector:
or the Name Manager:
The problem is though that Spreadsheet Light has a very basic support for Defined names - basically all you can do is to create a name and use it inside the formulas. All methods that manipulate content expect single cell reference. Btw, all these methods do not throw exception if you don't pass a valid cell reference, but return bool indicating success/failure.
For instance, if you change your code to
bool success1 = sl.SetCellValue("UnitName", "Pennsylvania Platypi Presumptuously Parasailing");
bool success2 = sl.SetCellStyle("UnitName", styleHeading);
you will see that both success variables are false.
Shortly, if you want to bring some content to the Excel file, you should do it cell by cell. It even does not support regular (unnamed) ranges.
Theoretically, at least, you could do it this way:
// from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/36481802/what-is-the-analogue-to-excel-interops-worksheet-usedrange-rows-in-spreadsheet
var stats = sl.GetWorksheetStatistics();
var rowcount = stats.NumberOfRows;
SLStyle entireSheetRangeStyle = sl.CreateStyle();
entireSheetRangeStyle.// (set style vals)
. . .
sl.SetRowStyle(1, rowcount, entireSheetRangeStyle);
Is there a way in MigraDoc to make an entire table cell a link? I have a tabular table of contents, and the page number is difficult to click. I would prefer if the entire cell was clickable to navigate to a specified page. Here is an example of my code:
// Create the table within the document
var document = new Document();
var section = document.AddSection();
var table = section.AddTable();
// Create a column in the table
var column = table.AddColumn();
column.Width = "2cm";
// Create a row in the table
var row = table.AddRow();
row.Height = "1cm";
// Add a hyperlink to the appropriate page
var paragraph = row.Cells[0].AddParagraph();
var hyperlink = paragraph.AddHyperlink("MyBookmarkName");
// Create the bookmark later in the document
I'm afraid there is no easy way to make the whole cell clickable. I haven't tried it myself, but you can add images (visible or transparent) or text to the hyperlink.
This will make the clickable area bigger - and if you use e.g. blue underlined text there will be a visual hint that the text is clickable.
I was inspired by the answer from the PDFsharp Team to try and fill the cell with a blank hyperlink image, with text over the hyperlink. Since my ultimate goal was to actually make an entire row a hyperlink, I came up with the following solution.
First, add an additional zero-width column prior to the first column in the table that you want to be a hyperlink. Next, add a paragraph, hyperlink, and transparent 1-pixel image to each zero-width cell. Specify the image height and width to fill however many table cells you want to be a link. Also, be sure to set the font size of the paragraph containing the link to nearly zero (zero throws an exception, but images are aligned on the font baseline, so you need a very small number to prevent the paragraph from being larger than the image).
Note that a zero-width column, even with borders, does not change the apparent border width when viewing the resulting PDF. The following code illustrates my approach:
// Declare some constants
var _rowHeight = new Unit(.75, UnitType.Centimeter);
// Create the document, section, and table
var document = new Document();
var section = document.AddSection();
var table = section.AddTable();
// Format the table
table.Rows.Height = _rowHeight;
table.Rows.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Center;
// Define the column titles and widths
var columnInfos = new[] {
new { Title = "Non-Link Column", Width = new Unit(8, UnitType.Centimeter) },
new { Title = "" , Width = new Unit(0 ) },
new { Title = "Link Column 1" , Width = new Unit(8, UnitType.Centimeter) },
new { Title = "Link Column 2" , Width = new Unit(8, UnitType.Centimeter) },
// Define the column indices
const int colNonLink = 0;
const int colHyperlink = 1;
const int colLink1 = 2;
const int colLink2 = 3;
// Create all of the table columns
Unit tableWidth = 0;
foreach (var columnInfo in columnInfos)
tableWidth += columnInfo.Width;
// Remove the padding on the link column
var linkColumn = table.Columns[colHyperlink];
linkColumn.LeftPadding = 0;
linkColumn.RightPadding = 0;
// Compute the width of the summary links
var linkWidth = tableWidth -
columnInfos.Take(colHyperlink).Sum(ci => ci.Width);
// Create a row to store the column headers
var headerRow = table.AddRow();
headerRow.Height = ".6cm";
headerRow.HeadingFormat = true;
headerRow.Format.Font.Bold = true;
// Populate the header row
for (var colIdx = 0; colIdx < columnInfos.Length; ++colIdx)
var columnTitle = columnInfos[colIdx].Title;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(columnTitle))
// In the real code, the following is done in a loop to dynamically add rows
var row = table.AddRow();
// Populate the row header
row.Cells[colNonLink].AddParagraph("Not part of link");
// Change the alignment of the link cell
var linkCell = row.Cells[colHyperlink];
linkCell.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Top;
// Add a hyperlink that fills the remaining cells in the row
var linkParagraph = linkCell.AddParagraph();
linkParagraph.Format.Font.Size = new Unit(.001, UnitType.Point);
var hyperlink = linkParagraph.AddHyperlink("MyBookmarkName");
var linkImage = hyperlink.AddImage("Transparent.gif");
linkImage.Height = _rowHeight;
linkImage.Width = linkWidth;
// Populate the remaining two cells
row.Cells[colLink1].AddParagraph("Part of link 1");
row.Cells[colLink2].AddParagraph("Part of link 2");
// Add a border around the cells
table.SetEdge(0, 0, columnInfos.Length, table.Rows.Count,
Edge.Box | Edge.Interior, BorderStyle.Single, .75, Colors.Black);
The result of the above code is a document containing a table with 2 rows, 3 visible columns, where the entirety of the last two cells in the final row are a hyperlink to "MyBookmarkName". Just for reference, I did modify the PDFSharp source code according to the advice here to remove borders around hyperlinks, which looked wonky at certain zoom levels in Adobe Acrobat Reader.
While I'm trying to open excel file a message box is prompting like "We found a problem with some content in file name. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes.". What actually done is i have a excel template designed and copying the file to another file and created temp file I'm inserting data to temp file using OPEN XML and data is getting from the database.
i have tried the solutions provided in the net but those fixes are not resolving my issue.My excel is 2010
Anyone solution provided is much appreciated.
I had this problem. It was caused by the way I was storing numbers and strings in cells.
Numbers can be stored simply using cell.CellValue = new CellValue("5"), but for non-numeric text, you need to insert the string in the SharedStringTable element and get the index of that string. Then change the data type of the cell to SharedString, and set the value of the cell to the index of the string in the SharedStringTable.
// Here is the text I want to add.
string text = "Non-numeric text.";
// Find the SharedStringTable element and append my text to it.
var sharedStringTable = document.WorkbookPart.GetPartsOfType<SharedStringTablePart>().First().SharedStringTable;
var item = sharedStringTable.AppendChild(new SharedStringItem(new Text(text)));
// Set the data type of the cell to SharedString.
cell.DataType = new EnumValue<CellValues>(CellValues.SharedString);
// Set the value of the cell to the index of the SharedStringItem.
cell.CellValue = new CellValue(item.ElementsBefore().Count().ToString());
This is explained in the documentation here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/cc861607.aspx
Another few cases that can cause this type of error:
Your sheet name is longer than 31 characters
You have invalid characters in sheet name
You have cells with values longer than 32k
The issue is due to using
at the same time
when we call
it will do following operations
Hence, removing
will solve this problem "We found a problem with some content in file name. Do you want us to try to recover as much as we can? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes."
Another possible cause could be exceeded maximum number of cell styles.
You can define:
up to 4000 styles in a .xls workbook
up to 64000 styles in a .xlsx workbook
In this case you should re-use the same cell style for multiple cells, instead of creating a new cell style for every cell.
I added the right cellReference and fixed this issue for me:
for (int colInx = 0; colInx < reader.FieldCount; colInx++)
AppendTextCell(alpha[colInx] + "1", reader.GetName(colInx), headerRow);
private static void AppendTextCell(string cellReference, string cellStringValue, Row excelRow)
// Add a new Excel Cell to our Row
Cell cell = new Cell() { CellReference = cellReference, DataType = new EnumValue<CellValues>(CellValues.String) };
CellValue cellValue = new CellValue();
cellValue.Text = cellStringValue.ToString();
Same warning but the problem with me was that I was using a client input (name of wave) as sheet name for the file and when date was presented within the name, the character '/' used as date part separator was causing the issue.
I think Microsoft need to provide a better error log to save people time investigate such minor issues. Hope my answer will save someone else's time.
The issue was due to storing a string in the cell directly using cell.CellValue = new CellValue("Text"). It is possible to store numbers like this but not string. For string, define data type as string before assigning the text using Cell.DataType = CellValues.String;