gnuplot: change labels font size and rotate labels - gnuplot

I'm plotting data with the w labels modifier.
Is it possible to change the font size of these labels and/or rotate them?
I've been going through the documentation and can't find anything that'll do that.
There's set label rotate and set label font but those don't seem to apply a general rule for all labels.

Nevermind, I just realized I can add modifiers to the plots in this way:
plot "data" using 1:2:2 smooth frequency w labels rotate by 90 font "8"


Gnuplot bar diagram different color with value on top of bar

My data set is simple:
CPU 5.7
Memory 3.7
I want to plot a simple bar diagram with different colors for each value and the corresponding values should be shown on top of each bar. I also want to plot the ylabel and the legend. It should almost look like the the following diagram:
Is this possible in gnuplot? There seems to be hardly any document for doing this in gnuplot. Plotting bars with historgram seems easy but styling with different colors, the value on top and the legends part is turning out to be a bit tricky for me. Can someone please help me?
Thanks in advance.
Maybe the following comes quite close:
This is the gnuplot script:
set terminal pngcairo
set output "data.png"
set title "CPU and Memory"
set nokey
set boxwidth 0.8
set style fill solid
set xrange [-1:2]
set xtics nomirror
set yrange [0:7]
set grid y
set ylabel "Time"
plot "data.dat" using 0:2:3:xtic(1) with boxes lc rgb var ,\
"data.dat" using 0:($2+0.5):2 with labels
The pseudo column 0, which is the current line number, is used as x value.
I have added a third column to your data which contains the color as rgb value.
The value on top of the bars is printed by the with labels command. It requires a using with three values: x, y, string. The part ($2+0.5) takes the y-value from the second column and adds 0.5.
The identifiers "CPU" and "Memory" are printed below the corresponding bar instead of using a separate key.
And this is the modified datafile:
CPU 5.7 0x4472c4
Memory 3.7 0xed7d31

Transparent background picture and the color of certain points

Basically I have a picture which is a collection of complicated shapes with its own axis and different colours and a data set of points which I can plot on top of it, that works fine, see minimized code example. I am using fortran to generate a gnuplot command file and run gnuplot.
plot "Random.png" binary filetype=png with rgbimage axis x2y2, "xydata1.dat" using 1:2 with points axis x1y1
My problems are that the picture makes it hard to see the points on top. Due to the shapes being a lot of different colours it is impossible to pick a colour for the points which is clearly visible on all shapes.
So could the picture be put in the background at say 50% transparency, without making it transparent in another program?
And is it possible to get the colour of the background on the locations of the points back so that the shape they are in can be determined automatically?
You can use the rgbalpha plotting style and given an explicit transparency value:
plot "Random.png" binary filetype=png using 1:2:3:(127) with rgbalpha axis x2y2\,
"xydata1.dat" using 1:2 with points axis x1y1
The transparency value must be between 0 (completely transparent) and 255 (fully opaque).

Column and row name formatting in gnuplot

I prepared a code to graph my script's csv output. They are column separated values.
I used code below to do that:
#!/usr/bin/gnuplot -persist
set datafile separator ":"
set terminal png nocrop font small size 640,480
set output 'mychart.png'
set style data histograms
set title "some graph title"
set xlabel "some x asis name"
set ylabel "some ya axis name"
plot "/home/username/Desktop/test.csv" using 2:xticlabels(1) notitle
This will draw the graph successfully. However I have two problems here. One in x axis, there are big numerical values such as 50000000, 6000000 so graph shows them in exponential format such as 5E+9 6E+8. But I would like to see full number. Second, in y axis, there are almost 20 alphanumeric values (some network parameter names) and each of them with at least 25-30 character. So they won't show up properly. Is there a way to write them with a smaller font and an angle?
To change the format of the numbers shown on the y-axis, use e.g.
set format y '%.0f'
The labels of the xtics can be rotated (rotate by 45), aligned differently (right) and they can use a different font size (font), e.g.
set xtics right rotate by 45 font ',8'
See also rotating and justifying tics in gnuplot.
You may need to adjust the bottom border to have enough space for the labels, e.g. with
set bmargin 6
BTW: You should use the pngcairo terminal (available since version 4.4), which produced much nicer graphs than the png terminal.

Creating a microphone polar pattern plot in gnuplot

I would like to create a microphone polar pattern plot that has a scale of -20 (in the center) out to +5 in steps of 5. I have found similar code but nothing that allows for the scales to be negative.
Multiple patterns will then need to added to the plot covering a few different frequencies, I have degree values (0-360) and corresponding dB values (-25 - +5).
This is what the plot should look like (though with slightly different scales):
The closest gnuplot I have found to this is here: How to get a radial(polar) plot using gnu plot?
Perhaps this could be modified to suit my needs?
I would also like 0 degrees to be found at the top of the plot rather than on the right.
I am new to using gnuplot so I am not particularly familiar with its code, therefore it has been difficult for me to modify the code with any great success (so far anyway).
So you want to plot a polar function, e.g. r(theta) = 1 + sin(theta).
Plotting the function is quite easy, just do
set polar
plot 1+sin(t)
A simple polar grid can be plotted with
set grid polar
but that has the raxis and the rtics on a different position than where you wanted. It is not problem to specify custom labels. But angular labels aren't supported, so you need to set them manually. And the border and the other axes and tics must be unset.
To get the very same image as you showed, use the following script:
set terminal pngcairo size 700,600 font ',10'
set output 'cardioid.png'
set angle degree
set polar
set size ratio 1
set tmargin 3
set bmargin 3
set style line 11 lc rgb 'gray80' lt -1
set grid polar ls 11
unset border
unset xtics
unset ytics
set rrange [0:r]
set rtics 0.166 format '' scale 0
set label '0°' center at first 0, first r*1.05
set label '180°' center at first 0, first -r*1.05
set label '90°' right at first -r*1.05, 0
set label '270°' left at first r*1.05, 0
set for [i=1:5] label at first r*0.02, first r*((i/6.0) + 0.03) sprintf("%d dB", -30+(i*5))
unset raxis
plot 0.5*(1+sin(t)) linewidth 2 t ''
With the result:
That includes some offsets for the labels, which depend on the terminal, the canvas size and the font size. So you may need to adapt them.
I had to increase the top and bottom margins a bit (here by 3 character heights) in order to have enough space for the angular labels. They aren't included in the automatic margin calculations, because the don't belong to an axis.
Unfortunately Christoph's answer is wrong.
You can see that if you check where the plot curve crosses the 5db circle.
What should be plotted is
where A+B = 1 and A - B determines the (nominal) directivity pattern.
The first diagram seems to be for A=B=0.5 which makes for a cardioid pattern.

gnuplot: legend gets hidden behind data

I am new to gnuplot and while plotting stacked histogram, I find that legend gets hidden behind the data.
Is there a method to put the legend above the data? Thanks a lot for your help.
EDIT: I am currently using set key outside bottom to place legend outside, but that is not the best solution I would like.
Recent versions allow to make the background of the legend white:
set key opaque
This simply adds a white background to the legend so it appears on top of all graphs. Found the answer in this Post.
If you would rather have the key on top of the data rather than the key outside the plot box altogether, here is one workaround (using sin(10*x) as an example):
set multiplot
unset key
plot sin(10*x) # this will plot with tics and a border, but no key
set key box
unset tics
unset border
bignumber=10 # make this number larger than the y range so the line will not be seen
plot [][0:1] bignumber title 'sin(10*x)' # this will just plot the key with the title
unset multiplot
Using this method, first you plot your data/function, then you create a plot on top of that which just has a key. You have to make sure to set the title of the second plot properly.
