When I make a .vimrc entry,
nnoremap <silent> <leader>c :colorscheme <tab>
The tab is applied if I understand the terminalogy, as a literal, that is, upon typing ,c, I get in Vim command line,
:colorscheme ^I
I tried to internet the search terms, but mostly I get results about remapping Vim Tabs; the closest I found was somebody putting quotes around their <tab>, but I think that is for a different desired outcome.
I also have this, which is why I want the tab in my shortcut,
set wildmenu
set wildmode=longest:list,full
You'll need the 'wildcharm' option:
set wildcharm=<C-z>
nnoremap <silent> <leader>c :colorscheme <C-z>
See :help 'wildcharm'.
As a side note, I use that option with great effect for switching buffers:
nnoremap <leader>b :buffer <C-z><S-Tab>
and a file-opening variant would be just as easy and just as useful:
nnoremap <leader>e :edit <C-z><S-Tab>
I try to make this mapping:
nnoremap <leader>b :b <tab>
but it does not work.
It prints this string in the command line:
:b ^I
It seems that I don't use in the proper way.
The key you type to start command-line completion is defined by the option :help 'wildchar'. It is set to <Tab> by default, which can't be used in a macro and thus inside a mapping:
The character is not recognized when used inside a macro. See 'wildcharm' for that.
You need a proxy for that: the aforementioned :help 'wildcharm'.
set wildcharm=<C-z>
nnoremap <leader>b :b <C-z>
I'd like to use gvim to view files with long lines. It's a table, so I'm not wrapping the lines.
Is this possible to configure gvim so arrows navigation will be like in "most" tool? Arrow key will move the whole screen 1 character lef/right/top/bottom?
Thanks a lot.
I think this should do what you want.
set nocompatible
set nowrap
set virtualedit=all
nnoremap <Left> zh
nnoremap <Right> zl
nnoremap <Up> <C-y>
nnoremap <Down> <C-e>
If you want the same behavior in insert mode, add the same mappings again as a second set, but use inoremap instead of nnoremap.
The virtualedit setting will allow the cursor to move beyond the end of the line and continue on as if the line had infinite whitespace to the right.
NOTE: virtualedit is only available if Vim was compiled with that feature. You can check with :version. If this feature is available, you should see a + next to it, e.g. +virtualedit.
I like highlighting while searching in vim. Here's what I want:
I search for a word with /
Then, all of the results are highlighted. If I press any key other than n or N, I want the highlighting to be toggled off.
If I press n or N again after any number of commands, I want to toggle on the highlighting.
Where do I start? I'm not even sure what to google.
I have this in my .vimrc
nnoremap <CR> :noh<CR>
so that when I'm done seeing the highlighting, I just hit enter to remove it. It stays gone until I hit n or N again.
Note: If you want to keep the functionality of enter, add another <CR> on the end of the command.
I remap control-l (lower case L) so that it clears the search result as well as repaints the screen. This line in .vimrc does it:
nnoremap <silent> <C-l> :nohl<CR><C-l>
You can manually disable the last highlight with nohl.
I will let you know if I can figure out how to automate this.
One method is to setup a toggle mapping. These are some toggle mappings I have in my .vimrc:
let mapleader="\\"
noremap <silent> <Leader>th :set invhls hls ?<CR>
noremap <silent> <Leader>tn :set invnumber number ?<CR>
noremap <silent> <Leader>ts :set invspell spell ?<CR>
noremap <silent> <Leader>tw :set invwrap wrap ?<CR>
To toggle highlighting just type \th for toggle hls. The others are line number, spell checking, line wrapping. The final hls ? will display the new mode.
I prefer this, because to me it is nothing but natural.
Start searching with /<pattern> and once done, simply type <Leader>/ to stop the highlighting.
nnoremap <silent> <Leader>/ :set nohl<CR>
I found this code the forum to make my life easier when switching between tabs and I placed it in my ~/.vimrc. Happily, it works well. Unfortunately, whenever I ctrl+tab to change tab, the cursor moves back one character. Can anyone help me keep the cursor in one place?
set showtabline=2
:nmap <C-S-tab> :tabprevious<cr>
:nmap <C-tab> :tabnext<cr>
:nmap <C-t> :tabnew<cr>
:map <C-t> :tabnew<cr>
:map <C-S-tab> :tabprevious<cr>
:map <C-tab> :tabnext<cr>
:map <C-w> :tabclose<cr>
:imap <C-S-tab> <ESC>:tabprevious<cr>i
:imap <C-tab> <ESC>:tabnext<cr>i
:imap <C-t> <ESC>:tabnew<cr>
The cursor moves back one character because that's how i works. Technically, you can change
:imap <C-tab> <ESC>:tabnext<cr>i
:imap <C-tab> <ESC>:tabnext<cr>li
but staying in insert mode is not a very good idea. If you can't help it, I'd suggest you remove the three imap from your ~/.vimrc to force you to use Vim correctly.
By the way…
You don't need that leading : in your ~/.vimrc:
map <C-t> :tabnew<cr>
You don't really need those :map because you already have nmap (and imap, but it should go).
<C-t> is very useful, both in insert mode (indents the current line) and in normal mode (goes back in the tagstack). You shouldn't override it like that.
<C-S-Tab> will probabbly not work in a terminal.
Tabs are not designed as 1-to-1 proxies for files and thus should not be used as such. You should use buffers instead.
Everything romainl said is good advice, in particular that tabs are not supposed to work as one-to-one proxies for files, like in other editors. Learn to use buffers, and your life will be easier. They're really very simple: all you really need is :set hidden, :ls, :bn, :bp, maybe some mappings like the ones you're setting up for tabs, and a bit of the Vim help.
That said, romainl's mapping will fail at the end of a line. A better solution uses <C-o>, which takes you out of insert mode temporarily for one command, and takes into account stuff like end-of-line behavior. You could use:
:imap <C-tab> <C-o>:tabnext<cr>
I want to remap <PageUp> to <C-u> and PageDown to <C-d> per the Vim scrolling documentation.
As it stands right now, my /etc/vim/vimrc looks like this:
nnoremap <PageUp> <C-u>
nnoremap <PageDown> <C-d>
I've tried a lot of different combinations and nothing I've done has worked.
My goal is to make the cursor move to the Start Of File or EOF when holding down PageUp/PageDown. As it is right now, the cursor stops before it gets all the way to the top (and PageDown scrolls past the EOF). Just annoyances I'm trying to fix.
EDIT: The above settings work fine. I was placing my mappings too early in the file.
What about the following mappings?
nnoremap <PageUp> gg
nnoremap <PageDown> G
Or simply using gg and G?
Instead of placing the mappings into the system-wide /etc/vim/vimrc, you should put user customizations into the ~/.vimrc file. Nonetheless, the global configuration (if that's what you want) should work, too. That it doesn't means that the mappings get cleared or redefined. You can check with
:verbose nmap <PageDown>
If it didn't get redefined, you have to hunt for :nunmap commands in all loaded scripts (:scriptnames), or capture a log with vim -V20vimlog.
You can do this with
map <silent> <PageUp> 1000<C-U>
map <silent> <PageDown> 1000<C-D>
imap <silent> <PageUp> <C-O>1000<C-U>
imap <silent> <PageDown> <C-O>1000<C-D>
from fixing-pageup-and-pagedown