Azure: Getting internal IP - for a WEBSITE - to create access restrictions - azure

I'm hosting 2 separate Website instances - 1 for a WebAPI2 "API", and 1 as an MVC5 "Client" that consumes said API. I would like to restrict access for the "API" to the "Client" (there are multiple clients)
(I've only seen answers for Cloud Services or VMs, so wanted to ask if there was anything I could use for Websites. I don't want to use a cloud service or a VM, as the website is faster, lighter, cheaper - which is what I need.... could not find a firewall feature for Websites in Azure.)
I believe I can limit access to the "API" by setting parameters in the project's Web.Config file.
But nslookup in the command prompt yields the same IP Address for all azure websites under my account.
How do I find the right IP Address -- one that the "Client" website will use to access the "API" Website instance?
If there is a better way to restrict access...please do suggest it.

You cannot secure your site by IP ACLing as web sites in Azure are running in a multi-tenant environment and they share set of IP addresses (IP addresses are per DC).
You need to rely on different security mechanisms (using some secret which only client/server know etc.).
Hope that helps.
You can also take a look at How to determine Azure website outgoing IP Address?


How to remove firewall block restriction on Azure web application URL?

Some of my apps are not working from some customers site, I later discovered that this was because I am using the default websites for my app hosting that is the url is which was not whitelisted on the customers firewall. The customer whitelisted my website domain name and its sub domain names .i.e and * are all whitelisted.
If i were to create CNAME record which has a CNAME pointer to the azure default web app for example points to, will this get around the issue ? Or do I need to whitelist Or its IP address that is the IP address of ?
Firstly, by default, apps hosted in App Service are accessible directly through the internet and can reach only internet-hosted endpoints. So, typically, anyone with the URL without any specific local network/firewall/proxy restrictions can access the WebApp URL.
As I understand, your WebApp is open to the public and only a few users (on a specific network), have trouble accessing the site. Plus, there are no access restrictions that you have implemented from the WebApp side.
Just to highlight,
Network administrators often deploy proxy servers, firewalls, or other
devices, which can help secure and give control over how users access
the internet. Rules designed to protect users can sometimes block or
slow down legitimate business-related internet traffic. This traffic
includes communications between you and Azure over the URLs listed
Reference : Allow the Azure portal URLs on your firewall or proxy server
So, on case-case basis, for the affected network, you may have them add (Azure App Services) in the allowed list.
As your customer performed – “The customer whitelisted my website domain name and its sub domain names .i.e and * are all whitelisted.” have them add the URLs to allowedlist.
Since IP address of your WebApp (see the reasons for the change), the best route would be for you to set up a custom domain for your WebApp.
Kindly check this doc - Tutorial: Map an existing custom DNS name to Azure App Service
The CNAME maps to the app's default hostname instead, which is less susceptible to change. | | Wildcard | * | CNAME record. |
-- As a side note (as indicated above), by setting up access restrictions, you can define a priority-ordered allow/deny list that controls network access to your app. Which is the opposite of your scenario, just sharing as FYI, in case you wish to know about access restrictions from WebApp side. Set up Azure App Service access restrictions

Azure app service, currently restricting access to various test systems via IP address. Is there a better way to restrict access?

We have a number of test/uat app services and websites running on app services. We currently restrict access via IP address by adding the IP address to the firewall.
This worked fine when it was mostly developers with static IP addresses but now we have suppliers and customers accessing the UAT systems from various places including home. It's a pain to maintain the IP addresses.
Ideally, I would like to be able to setup users in Azure and give them access to the various test system via this user.
Is there anyway to do something similar or is there a better approach.
You can use Azure App Registrations with a client secret and then use the client credentials flow to obtain access. This is probably the easiest way.

How to allow access from certain IP to certain endpoints in Azure?

I have App Service which is classic web app written in Node.js. Let's say that my app have 2 endpoints: /SecuredEndpoint and /ClassicEndpoint. /SecuredEndpoint should be secured, meaning only certain IP addresses are allowed to access it. ClassicEndpoint on the other hand is public to whole internet.
I've found out that in Azure I can specify Access Restrictions to whole service for certain IP addresses (I can block/allow access based on IP address). But I would like to secure not the whole app but only certain endpoints.
Can someone help me how can I achieve that in Azure?
To restrict certain IP addresses is to restrict ACL in the networking layer. Access Restrictions are effectively network ACLs. However, it is implemented in the App Service front-end roles, which are upstream of the worker hosts where your code runs. In this case, you could consider selecting to use two app services for each endpoint. You can read supported security in the Azure app service.
Alternatively, you may allow certain IP addresses in your special code. Google some samples for such a feature. It might be like this SO thread. For App Service on Windows, you can also restrict IP addresses dynamically by configuring the web.config. For more information, see Dynamic IP Security.
In addition, If you are interested in securing Back-end App Service Web Apps with VNets and Service Endpoints, you could have a look at this blog.

How do I restrict the clients that can access my Azure App Service?

Given that I create an Azure 'App Service'
How do I ensure that this service is only callable from ...
A.> 2 existing external servers (whose IP addresses will be known)
B.> 3 other App Services which I will be creating, but whose IP Addresses may not be known since I may need to scale those out (Over multiple additional instances)
To clarify... Is there some Azure service that will allow me to treat this collective of machines (both real and virtual) as a single group, such that I can apply some test on incoming requests to see if they originate from this group?
on Azure WebApps, You may wish to know; the IP Restrictions ( allow you to define a list of IP addresses that are allowed to access your app. The allow list can include individual IP addresses or a range of IP addresses defined by a subnet mask. When a request to the app is generated from a client, the IP address is evaluated against the allow list. If the IP address is not in the list, the app replies with an HTTP 403 status code.
You can use IP and Domain Restrictions to control the set of IP addresses, and address ranges, that are either allowed or denied access to in your websites. With Azure WebApps you can enable/disable the feature, as well as customize its behavior, using web.config files located in their website.
Additionally, VNET Integration gives your web app access to resources in your virtual network but does not grant private access to your web app from the virtual network. Private site access is only available with an ASE configured with an Internal Load Balancer (ILB).
If you haven’t checked this already, checkout Integrate your app with an Azure Virtual Network for more details on VNET Integration (
I strongly suggest dropping the whole what's my IP approach and throwing in OAuth. Azure AD gives you access tokens with moderate effort —
Service to service calls using client credentials (shared secret or certificate)
Else, TLS client authentication would be next on my list. Although that tends to really suck if you have to deal with several programming stacks, TLS offloaders and what not.

azure service accesible to only certain azure websites

I have a bunch of REST services running in a VM in azure. I'd like to consume them from azure websites in a secure way. I.e. I don't want these services to be accessible from anywhere other than the azure websites.
Is it possible put this limitation? I know that I can limit access to the endpoints by providing IP address ranges but websites don't have fixed IP addresses.
If you set an unique IP can do it. But remember what the static IP are not available in all web hosting plans.
