vim on ultra-high display (3200-1800) on Windows 8 [duplicate] - vim

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How do I set the default font size in Vim?
(8 answers)
Closed 8 years ago.
gvim for windows has tiny text and icons on my ultra-HD Dell laptop (3200-1800) . In fact, it is barely readable. How does one change gvim gui fonts and increases the icons to obtain readable text on a high resolution, windows 8 laptop?

you should configure you font size, one possible solution is is like this(you can put it in your vimrc):
set guifont=Consolas:h13
"Consolas" is the font name and "h13" is the font size, you should change 13 to a proper number~

(I'm not sure about Windows, but...)
It really depends. If you're using vim from a terminal emulator the settings must be changed in your terminal emulator (let's say PuTTy).
But if you're using GVIM, then use :set guifont font\ name\ size to specify the font size.
In order to check witch font and size you're using, simple call :set guifont and it will promt you with the current settings
In my case I use the following: :set guifont=Ubuntu\ Mono\ 18


fvwm gvim menu size smaller than text size

I am new to fvwm machine which is used by my new employers.
I am struggling in customizing gvim menu (File, Edit,etc) font size.
As you can see in the attached image, the font size are decent, but menu size is pretty small as compared to text font size.
How to solve this??
Reference Image:
gvim uses gnome gtk in the gnome version of gvim and in this case you can configure your environment using a .gtkrc file see As another answer pointed out for Gtk 2.x programs ~/.gtkrc-2.0 is the configuration file.
To modify your font see e.g.
gtk-font-name = "Sans 12"
which gives you a Sans-Serif font with size 12
gtk-font-name = "DejaVu Sans 11"
which is more specific regarding the font and uses size 11
Create .gtkrc-2.0 in your home directory if it isn't present already
and add:
gtk-font-name = "bitstream bold 16"
That should solve your problem.

Why MacVim does not display some fonts properly?

OS: Mac OS X 10.10.3
MacVim: 7.4.712
I am trying to use MacVim to write LaTeX instead of Sublime Text.
So I set the font "Lucida Grande" from menu of MacVim but it looked strange:
This is what Lucida Grande looks like in Sublime Text:
Then I set "Helvetica" in MacVim and it looks like:
It seems that MacVim tries to display fonts in mono but this is not what I want. How could I set the font properly in MacVim just like what Sublime Text does?
While GVIM / MacVim can use proportional fonts (on certain platforms), there's no way around the screen-cell based addressing in Vim; it's a fundamental concept (taken from the terminal), and many features (like blockwise selections) depend on it.
So, you have to live with the fact that an i will take as much horizontal space as a W, and choose a corresponding (monospaced) font accordingly. This way, your editor will look much better :-)

List of fonts available in gvim

I know I can set fonts for gvim using something like set guifont=Menlo\ Regular:h14. I have the following questions
Is there a wiki where I can see what all fonts are supported?
I want to set my font to "Lucida Sans Typewriter". I tried set guifont=Lucida Sans Typewriter\ Regular:h14, but it gave me an error when I opened a file using gvim. Error is "E518: Unknown option: Sans"
I also tried to increase the font size using set guifont=Sans\ Regular:h14, but looks like it is stuck at font size 11. I am trying this on macvim.
You need to backslash all of the spaces in the font name, not just the last one.
You can :set guifont=* to open a font chooser with the fonts available on your system. Then after you pick one you like you can :set guifont? to read back the value you need to put in your .vimrc.

Varying font size in gvim windows

Can I make the font size in my NERDTree window smaller than in all other windows of gvim?
Generally I need large font size of 15 but I'd like the folder tree window of NERDTree to be 12 - is this possible to set using code in _vimrc. Currently I have the following simple setting:
set guifont=Consolas:h16:cANSI
Slightly duplicated question and answered here:
Stackoverflow Post
Stackoverflow Post
Not possible bro. Vim uses the same font size for all its windows.
This is one (if not the only :D) limitation of Vim.

color issue with VIM and iTerm2

I have a color issue on iTerm 2 (both stable and beta release) using VIM (last version).
This is a screenshot on iTerm 2 using vim-css-color plugin :
And the same on the :
As you can see, iTerm renders quite strange colors (and not only with this plugin, this is just an example). I've been playing with the contrast slider in iTerm2 prefererences and every Vim parameter i found so far (x-term-color-256, etc etc).
This is my .vimrc file :
Any idea ?
A terminal with 256 color support (like iTerm 2) is simply not capable of displaying the full range of colors.
The css plugin uses a conversion to approximate the hex color code in the terminal. This was designed to work with the default set of colors used by xterm based on the comments in the code.
If you want an accurate preview, you should use gvim or macvim.
