Dynamic Programming algorithm shortest path between two - dynamic-programming

There's an algorithm currently driving me crazy.
I've seen quite a few variations of it, so I'll just try to explain the easiest one I can think about.
Let's say I have a project P:
Project P is made up of 4 sub projects.
I can solve each of those 4 in two separate ways, and each of those modes has a specific cost and a specific time requirement:
For example (making it up):
P: 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + .... n
A(T/C) Ta1/Ca1 Ta2/Ca2 etc
B(T/C) Tb1/Cb1 etc
Basically I have to find the combination that of those four modes which has the lowest cost. And that's kind of easy, the problem is: the combination has to be lower than specific given time.
In order to find the lowest combination I can easily write something like:
for i = 1 to n
aa[i] = min(aa[i-1],ba[i-1]) + value(a[i])
bb[i] = min(bb[i-1],ab[i-1]) + value(b[i])
ba[i] = min(bb[i-1],ab[i-1]) + value(b[i])
ab[i] = min(aa[i-1],ba[i-1]) + value(a[i])
Now something like is really easy and returns the correct value every time, the lowest at the last circle is gonna be the correct one.
Problem is: if min returns modality that takes the last time, in the end I'll have the fastest procedure no matter the cost.
If if min returns the lowest cost, I'll have the cheapest project no matter the amount of time taken to realize it.
However I need to take both into consideration: I can do it easily with a recursive function with O(2^n) but I can't seem to find a solution with dynamic programming.
Can anyone help me?

If there are really just four projects, you should go with the exponential-time solution. There are only 16 different cases, and the code will be short and easy to verify!
Anyway, the I'm pretty sure the problem you describe is the knapsack problem, which is NP-hard. So, there will be no exact solution that's sub-exponential unless P=NP. However, depending on what "n" actually is (is it 4 in your case? or the values of the time and cost?) there may be a pseudo-polynomial time solution. The Wikipedia article contains descriptions of these.


Greedy vs Dynamic Programming to find split of even integers

I was solving the common coin change problem and it makes sense to solve using DP, since the greedy approach won't work here. Eg. For amount 12, if coins = {3,5} then greedy algorithm to use minimum coins will use two 5-coins and then fail. So far so good.
Now I came across another problem where we are given an integer which we want to split into a sum of a maximum number of unique positive even integers.
This problem looked a lot like the coin change problem (as in for both problems we have to add upto a sum using the given denominations - repeating is okay in coins problem and not okay in this one), however I found out that this can be solved using a greedy approach.
I can of-course try and write down different use cases and figure this out, but is there any way of intuitively coming to this conclusion? Asking for this problem, and also in general.

Guess the number: Dynamic Programming -- Identifying Subproblems

I am working on the following problem and having a hell of a time at the moment.
We are playing the Guessing Game. The game will work as follows:
I pick a number between 1 and n.
You guess a number.
If you guess the right number, you win the game.
If you guess the wrong number, then I will tell you whether the number I picked is higher or lower, and you will continue guessing.
Every time you guess a wrong number x, you will pay x dollars. If you run out of money, you lose the game.
Given a particular n, return the minimum amount of money you need to guarantee a win regardless of what number I pick.
So, what do I know? Clearly this is a dynamic programming problem. I have two choices, break things up recursively or go ahead and do things bottom up. Bottom up seems like a better choice to me (though technically the max recursion depth would be 100 as we are guaranteed n<=100). The question then is: What do the sub-problems look like?
Well, I think we could start thinking about subarrays (but possible we need subsequences here) so what is the worst case in each possible sub-division kind of thing? That is:
[[1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6]] -> 21
[[1,2],[3,4],[5,6]] -> 9
[[1,2,3],[4,5,6]] -> 7
but I don't think I quite have the idea yet. So, to get succinct since this post is kind of long: How are we breaking this up? What is the sub-problem we are trying to solve here?
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Why an "i" in "for i in range"?

I'm new to programming and Python is my first language of choice to learn. I think it's generally very easy and logical and maybe that's why this minor understanding-issue is driving me nuts...
Why is "i" often used in learning material when illustrating the range function?
Using a random number just seems more logical to me when the range function is dealing with numbers..
Please release me from my pain.
A little extra help!
Asking why we use i is kinda like asking why so many people user the letter x in math problems. It is mostly because i is just a very easy variable to use to represent the current increment in a loop.
I also think you are confused about the place of i in a loop. When you use a range loop you are saying that you want to count one by one from one number until you hit another. Typically it would look like this
for i in range(0, 5):
This means I want to count from 0-4 and set ito the current loop I am currently on.
A great way to test this.
for i in range(0, 5):
print("i currently equals: ", i)
The result will be
i currently equals: 0
i currently equals: 1
i currently equals: 2
i currently equals: 3
i currently equals: 4
In your question you ask why don't you set i to a number and it is because you can not use numbers as variable names. Python can not accept what you are asking, but if it could it would look like this
for 54 in range(0, 5):
Try reading up a little more on what variables are and how to properly use them in programming.
Lastly good luck in your pursuit to become a programmer! Coding is one of the most exciting things in this world to many of us and I hope one day you will feel the same!
i is used across nearly all programming languages to indicate a counting variable for a iteration loop.
Answered here.
i and j have typically been used as subscripts in quite a bit of math for quite some time (e.g., even in papers that predate higher-level languages, you frequently see things like "Xi,j", especially in things like a summation).
When they designed Fortran, they (apparently) decided to allow the same, so all variables starting with "I" through "N" default to integer, and all others to real (floating point). For those who've missed it, this is the source of the old joke "God is real (unless declared integer)".
Most people seem to have seen little reason to change that. It's widely known and understood, and quite succinct. Every once in a while you see something written by some psychotic who thinks there's a real advantage to something like:
for (int outer_index_variable=0; outer_index_variable < 10; outer_index_variable++) for (int inner_index_variable=0; inner_index_variable < 10; inner_index_variable++) x[outer_index_variable][inner_index_variable] = 0;
Thankfully this is pretty rare though, and most style guides now point out that while long, descriptive variable names canbe useful, you don't always need them, especially for something like this where the variable's scope is only a line or two of code.

Functional alternative to caching known "answers"

I think the best way to form this question is with an example...so, the actual reason I decided to ask about this is because of because of Problem 55 on Project Euler. In the problem, it asks to find the number of Lychrel numbers below 10,000. In an imperative language, I would get the list of numbers leading up to the final palindrome, and push those numbers to a list outside of my function. I would then check each incoming number to see if it was a part of that list, and if so, simply stop the test and conclude that the number is NOT a Lychrel number. I would do the same thing with non-lychrel numbers and their preceding numbers.
I've done this before and it has worked out nicely. However, it seems like a big hassle to actually implement this in Haskell without adding a bunch of extra arguments to my functions to hold the predecessors, and an absolute parent function to hold all of the numbers that I need to store.
I'm just wondering if there is some kind of tool that I'm missing here, or if there are any standards as a way to do this? I've read that Haskell kind of "naturally caches" (for example, if I wanted to define odd numbers as odds = filter odd [1..], I could refer to that whenever I wanted to, but it seems to get complicated when I need to dynamically add elements to a list.
Any suggestions on how to tackle this?
PS: I'm not asking for an answer to the Project Euler problem, I just want to get to know Haskell a bit better!
I believe you're looking for memoizing. There are a number of ways to do this. One fairly simple way is with the MemoTrie package. Alternatively if you know your input domain is a bounded set of numbers (e.g. [0,10000)) you can create an Array where the values are the results of your computation, and then you can just index into the array with your input. The Array approach won't work for you though because, even though your input numbers are below 10,000, subsequent iterations can trivially grow larger than 10,000.
That said, when I solved Problem 55 in Haskell, I didn't bother doing any memoization whatsoever. It turned out to just be fast enough to run (up to) 50 iterations on all input numbers. In fact, running that right now takes 0.2s to complete on my machine.

A reverse inference engine (find a random X for which foo(X) is true)

I am aware that languages like Prolog allow you to write things like the following:
mortal(X) :- man(X). % All men are mortal
man(socrates). % Socrates is a man
?- mortal(socrates). % Is Socrates mortal?
What I want is something like this, but backwards. Suppose I have this:
mortal(X) :- man(X).
I then ask it to give me a random X for which mortal(X) is true (thus it should give me one of 'socrates', 'plato', or 'aristotle' according to some random seed).
My questions are:
Does this sort of reverse inference have a name?
Are there any languages or libraries that support it?
As somebody below pointed out, you can simply ask mortal(X) and it will return all X, from which you can simply pick a random one from the list. What if, however, that list would be very large, perhaps in the billions? Obviously in that case it wouldn't do to generate every possible result before picking one.
To see how this would be a practical problem, imagine a simple grammar that generated a random sentence of the form "adjective1 noun1 adverb transitive_verb adjective2 noun2". If the lists of adjectives, nouns, verbs, etc. are very large, you can see how the combinatorial explosion is a problem. If each list had 1000 words, you'd have 1000^6 possible sentences.
Instead of the deep-first search of Prolog, a randomized deep-first search strategy could be easyly implemented. All that is required is to randomize the program flow at choice points so that every time a disjunction is reached a random pole on the search tree (= prolog program) is selected instead of the first.
Though, note that this approach does not guarantees that all the solutions will be equally probable. To guarantee that, it is required to known in advance how many solutions will be generated by every pole to weight the randomization accordingly.
I've never used Prolog or anything similar, but judging by what Wikipedia says on the subject, asking
?- mortal(X).
should list everything for which mortal is true. After that, just pick one of the results.
So to answer your questions,
I'd go with "a query with a variable in it"
From what I can tell, Prolog itself should support it quite fine.
I dont think that you can calculate the nth solution directly but you can calculate the n first solutions (n randomly picked) and pick the last. Of course this would be problematic if n=10^(big_number)...
You could also do something like
mortal(ID,X) :- man(ID,X).
man(X):- random(1,4,ID), man(ID,X).
but the problem is that if not every man was mortal, for example if only 1 out of 1000000 was mortal you would have to search a lot. It would be like searching for solutions for an equation by trying random numbers till you find one.
You could develop some sort of heuristic to find a solution close to the number but that may affect (negatively) the randomness.
I suspect that there is no way to do it more efficiently: you either have to calculate the set of solutions and pick one or pick one member of the superset of all solutions till you find one solution. But don't take my word for it xd
