Use Local Time zone in Web Lotus Notes Application - web

Is there a way to make the time (local) being used by the web based lotus notes application. I noticed that in notes client that basically it always uses the right time of the local machine so it doesn't confuse the users. Wherever he/she is in the world.
The problem is happening in the web, it uses the server machine time thus confusing the user. For example a user created a new document the time it would display or use in the web is the server machine. How can I use or convert it to local machine or local time zone.
The formula I used is just #Now, I already looked in the internet for solution but I did not find what I need or maybe didn't noticed them so if you have links please share it here and if you know how then do guide me. I saw a solution but it's not efficient, it requires changing the web browser options thus it requires to be set up in every computer. I would like to implement it in codes thus the users would not do anything.
Is there a formula in getting the timezone of the local machine? #GetCurrentTimeZone which still gets the timezone of the server.

I would use Javascript in the browser to detect the local timezone and adjust the time accordingly.
Take a look at this blog entry:
I would suggest that you do something similar. Put a span around the time (make sure you have the time as GMT/UTC) with a specific class that makes it easy for you to get all the instances of a time you need to change. You want the HTML to look something like this:
<span class="GMTtime">7/8/2014 1:23:45 PM UTC</span>
Then you write some Javascript/jQuery code that will execute after the page is loaded (like in the example linked above). Something like this (not tested):
$(".GMTtime").each( function() {
var gmttime = $(this).html(); // Get GMT time value
var d = new Date(gmttime); // Create date object
// Get local time and remove TZ offset at end
var localtime = d.toString().replace(/GMT.*/g,"");
$(this).html(localtime); // Replace GMT value with local value in HTML


In my React webapp, how do I show the right date in a "Website last updated" field?

I'm putting together a demo app in which I frequently add content and new React components. I have just added the component react-timeago for showing when the latest changes were made to the site. Now I want to give that component the right timestamp.
At worst, I suppose I could show the last time that the server was started. I am using webpack-dev-server locally. I haven't yet gone live with this site, but it will probably (like webpack-dev-server) be an express-based solution when I do. So one option is perhaps to do a grep on an express-generated logfile for server start entries. Solving that would solve the question to an extent. It's worth noting though that adding content would not require a restart, so this solution is perhaps not ideal. Presumably, I could use some kind of middleware (logger or otherwise) in express for this.
Another possible approach might be some kind of directory watch mechanism that records the last time a change was made. Should I somehow hook this into a redux state, for example? There are so many components available that it's difficult to know which ones to put together (with my limited experience in this area) to achieve this.
My site is a lightweight single pager and I'm loath to add any kind of datastore behind it at this stage as it seems like overkill to me.
I can also mention that I'm using webpack 2. Aside from that it's a really basic React app with a couple of components.
To summarize, I am after some way of looking for added content (eg. mp3 files) or changed code files, and getting that timestamp into my react-timeago component.
As #Joe Clay suggested, I used Webpack.DefinePlugin to fill a constant with the current time at restart. This worked fine, I added the following lines into my webpack.config.js:
var dateString = new Date().toDateString();
new webpack.DefinePlugin({
LAST_UPDATED: JSON.stringify(dateString)
And was able to access the the constant in my React component:
<div style={{marginTop:120}}>A sinewave440hz demo site.<br/>
This site was updated
<TimeAgo date={LAST_UPDATED} formatter={formatter}/>.
Recording changes in the assets could also be done at startup if the previous state of the assets was recorded somewhere.

waiting for the website to change something

I am a student and in the school website, what I want to do is that I want to busy wait on the certain URL and check if the class i want to register for is open or not. I was wondering if there was a way to constantly check on the website(busy waiting or otherwise) to see if the class is open or not. There is a table Rem where it shows the number of places remaining in the User Interface.
Also what language would you use to solve this problem?
Yes you can. but for that you will probably need to create a script that fetches the value of data from that table.
So something like web scraping should work.
I would definately use php for this stuff.
Google web scraping and you can code the script.
I am not sure if this is the exact thing that will help you, but what you need to do is something similar - See Here

How to handle urls in load runner?

I have created/recorded a script in Vugen, however the the URL of the site has been changed recently. Is there any way just by replacing the url with a parameter works?
I have tried by replacing url with parameters, the new URL is
Yhe parameters I have tried are below:
Newhos: test99
I have replaced all in the script and when I run it I get the following error:
Error -27651: Attempted read from an unconnected socket (empty response, no HTTP headers received). URL=""
What is the solution for this? Should i record again with the new URL ?
Hope I've understood what you're asking for, so here goes. If it's only the URL that has changed and not the content of the site which you might require later on in your script that this is fairly simple to do.
As you have created the new parameters ensure that they are getting the data from the same DAT file. I.e. newurl.dat which contains the following:
and assign the parameters to the correct column and have the newhost set to sameline as newurl. This way it’s easier to maintain I believe.
Now that the parameters have been created and properly assigned in your script you’ll need to change the url your trying to change from: to {newurl}{newhost}
this needs to be done for all instances where the change has occurred.
Hope this helps with your problem you’re having.
Are you certain that the build level has not also changed at the same time as the host? If so then your new instance may be out of synch with the request model of the scripts built using an earlier build. Developers have a habit of including items below the scenes that do affect the site visually but change the structure of the requests. The error you are receiving is common when you attempt to continue a conversation on a dead connection resulting from a missed dynamic session component which may have been added in the last build.
When in doubt quickly record the second site and take a look at the differences in the requests, even to the point of using WinDiff (included in LoadRunner) for this purpose.

View. Show values as Links. Strange behaviour

Xpage (listPostits.xsp) has a "View" container control, where one of the column is set "show values in this column as links".
Now, here comes "Strange behaviour".
When i work with this application on my own (developer) PC (Win XP, Chrome or IE), the Domino generate the link, which can't be really processed:
Namely, the Bold-marked portion shouldn't be there ! This portion is the name of the XPage, where the View control is in.
When i work with the application from other PC (Mac, Firefox) then i get the correct link (the same as above but without the XPage name inbetween):
update: let us leave for the moment the differencies in generated links between two machines. The first question is - why the extra portion is inserted into automatically generated link?
After playing around i think i might have found the reason for this strange behaviour. Namely, the "Substitution" Rules on the server side. One of them is to substitute "*/postit/all" with "/db/postit/postit.nsf/listPostits.xsp"
If i switch it off, then the Links are generated properly. Still, it's pretty strange to me that these settings influence the way Domino generates the links. I thought it works on the fly with them and those settings have nothing to do with the way how Links are generated inside the application.
So, the help now is needed regarding Web Site Rule Topic, but for that, i guess, i have to create another topic. But in case somebody has some good Info on this, please share it with me. I'm a bit confused at the moment :)
Final Update: Spent some more hours of testing and the results confirmed the initial idea.
If i open the page with the standart URL, i.e.
http://servername/db/postit/postit.nsf/listPostits.xsp then everything is fine, links are generated properly. When i however open the same page with short URL http://servername/postit/all , then server adds the substitute URL (db/postit/postit.nsf/listPostits.xsp) to every single link he generates automatically to be used as the link to open/edit the underlying document.
Is it bug or feature ? Don't know.
As a workaround (because i want to keep simple URL's for the application) i have to manually generate links.

Client id of elements changes in sharepoint page? Why? When?

Client id of every element from the sharepoint page changes sometimes.
Can anybody please tell me why and on which instance it changes???
jQuery is fantastic! It makes client-side development faster and
countless plug-ins are available for just about every need. Using
jQuery with Asp.NET Web-Forms gets aggravating when dealing with
nested server controls. ClientID’s get appended when using ASP.NET
Master Pages. Objects in JavaScript tend to look like this:
The difficulty of the issue above is that, in order to get the element txtName, It’s necessary to know the full “path”. It’s quite
aggravating to refer to get the object using the method below:
This becomes a big problem when developing server controls or web parts that may be used in a typical ASP.NET application or SharePoint.
You cannot hard-code the path above if you don’t know the full path of
the control.
Fortunately, there are a few ways to get around this. There are three, in particular, I will mention. The first is the jQuery
equivalent to the standard JavaScript method:
This can be done in jQuery by using:
The second jQuery method does not require server tags. This method searches through all tags and looks for an element ending with the
specified text. The jQuery code for this method is shown below:
There are, of course, drawbacks to both methods above. The first is fast, but requires server tags. It’s fast, but it just looks messy.
Also, it will not work with external script files. The second
alternative is clean, but it can be slow. As I said earlier, there are
several other alternatives, but these two are the ones I find myself
using the most.
The third registering Javascript in C# code behind.
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(), "saveScript",
String.Format("function EnableSave( isDisabled )"+
"{{ var saveButton = document.getElementById(\"{0}\");"+
"saveButton.disabled=isDisabled;}}", btnSave.ClientID), true);
Do not forget to call this script after controls have been loaded, I mean after Controls.Add(); in CreateChildControls method while
developing webparts.
Look at the page source and get the value of the title property - works every time.
"document.getElementById('" + base.ClientID + "_" + lbnFilter.ClientID + "').style.display='block';");
