I'm working on a plugin event using the Plugin Registration Tool and CRM Dynamics SDK that needs to check the security roles for the logged in user.
I've found plenty of examples and documentation on retrieval of user roles assigned specifically to the user but I also need to retrieve the security roles assigned to the teams the user is a member of.
I have the list of teams the user is a part of via a separate RetrieveMultiple query but I have been unable to find documentation on the relationship between teams and their assigned security roles.
I have the following incorrect query but as the security role to team relationship is many to many, I would assume there is a relational entity that I am missing for the query:
CrmService.RetrieveMultiple(new QueryExpression
LinkEntities =
new LinkEntity
LinkFromEntityName = "role",
LinkFromAttributeName = "roleid",
LinkToEntityName = "???",
LinkToAttributeName = "roleid",
LinkCriteria = new FilterExpression
FilterOperator = LogicalOperator.And,
Conditions =
new ConditionExpression
AttributeName = "teamid",
Operator = ConditionOperator.Equal,
Values = {p_team.Id}
EntityName = "role",
ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true)
It seems like this would be a straight forward query on the team but I've turned up empty on my Google searches.
teamroles is what are you looking for.
here is complete list of N:N tables for default entities
I am storing metadata with my documents and folders in SharePoint. This metadata includes an itemid which is a unique identifier from the system it came from. Is there a way to retrieve the item from SharePoint using Graph API by specifying the itemid in the metadata?
This query works for properties that Microsoft provides like name:
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{siteid}/drive/root/children?$filter=name eq 'Z'
But if I try it with the custom property then I simply get an empty result:
https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{siteid}/drive/root/children?$filter=itemid eq 'Z'
Is there a way to query documents and folders with custom properties like this?
Here is the code used to update the field on the document in SharePoint using Graph API:
public FieldValueSet UpdateListItem(string siteId, string driveId, string fileItemId, Dictionary<string, object> additionalData)
var updateFileTagsRequest = graphClient.Sites[siteId].Drives[driveId].Items[fileItemId].ListItem.Fields.Request();
var fieldValueSet = new FieldValueSet { AdditionalData = additionalData };
var result = updateFileTagsRequest.UpdateAsync(fieldValueSet).Result;
return result;
The dictionary values being passed to the UpdateListItem method are strings and look like this: "ItemId", "A unique value"
In the code below, I created a user on b2c but when I checked the user on azure portal, all fields were correct except for the Id, how can I make azure b2c create an identical user with exact user Id?
private static async Task MigrateUserAsync(GraphServiceClient client, MigratedUser user, string b2cDomainName)
var userPrincipalName = $"cpim_{Guid.NewGuid()}#{b2cDomainName}";
await client.Users.Request().AddAsync(new User
AccountEnabled = true,
Id = "837b0857-11cb-46ad-a229-4cd8de66d033",
DisplayName = user.DisplayName,
GivenName = user.GivenName,
Surname = user.Surname,
Identities = new List<ObjectIdentity>
new ObjectIdentity
SignInType = "emailAddress",
Issuer = b2cDomainName,
IssuerAssignedId = user.Email
PasswordProfile = new PasswordProfile
PasswordPolicies = "DisablePasswordExpiration",
the user created had a different Id than the one I specified when I created the user. I could not find any documentation addressing this issue.
The id, objectId, is randomly generated when the user is created in the directory. You cannot provide the objectId.
You could instead add another identity to the identities collection to store the old Id. This would provide a way to look up the account with the old Id.
new ObjectIdentity
SignInType = "oldId",
Issuer = "legacyIdp.com",
IssuerAssignedId = "<GUID>"
Existing Cosmos DB documents need to be altered/updated with a new property & also existing documents of other collections need to be updated with the same new property along with its value.
Is there any recommended way or tool available to update existing documents on Cosmos DB, or is writing the custom c# application/PowerShell script using Cosmos DB SDK is the only option?
Existing user document
name: "abc",
country: "xyz"
Updated user document
name: "abc",
country: "xyz",
guid:"4334fdfsfewr" //new field
Existing order document of the user
user: "user1#mail.com",
date: "09/28/2020",
amt: "$45"
Updated order document of the user
user: "user1#mail.com",
userid: "4334fdfsfewr", // new field but with same value as in user model
date: "09/28/2020",
amt: "$45"
I'd probably go with:
Update user documents through a script
Have Azure Function with Cosmosdb trigger that would listen to changes on users documents and update orders appropriately
whatever type of script you feel best with: PS, C#, Azure Functions...
now, what do you mean they need to be altered with the new property "on the same time"? i'm not sure that's possible in any way. if you want such an effect then i guess your best bet is:
create new collection/container for users
have an Azure Function that listens to a change feed for your existing users container (so, with StartFromBeginning option)
update your documents to have new field and store them in a newly created container
once done, switch your application to use new container
its your choice how would you change other collections (orders): using changeFeed & Azure Functions from old or new users container.
Yes, whatever flow i'd go with, it would still be Azure Functions with Cosmos DB trigger.
I have added some solution for .Net Core API 3.0 or higher version.
// You can put any filter for result
var result = _containers.GetItemLinqQueryable<MessageNoteModel>().Where(d => d.id == Id
&& d.work_id.ToLower() == workId.ToLower()).ToFeedIterator();
if (result.HasMoreResults)
var existingDocuments = result.ReadNextAsync().Result?.ToList();
existingDocuments.ForEach(document =>
//Creating the partition key of the document
var partitionKey = new PartitionKey(document?.work_id);
document.IsConversation = true;
//Inserting/Updating the message in to cosmos db collection: Name
_containers.Twistle.ReplaceItemAsync(document, document.document_id, partitionKey);
We had the same issue of updating the Cosmos DB schema for existing documents. We were able to achieve this through a custom JsonSerializer.
We created CosmosJsonDotNetSerializer inspired from Cosmos DB SDK. CosmosJsonDotNetSerializer exposes the FromStream method that allows us to deal with raw JSON. You can update the FromStream method to update document schema to your latest version. Here is the pseudo-code:
public override T FromStream<T>(Stream stream)
using (stream)
if (typeof(Stream).IsAssignableFrom(typeof(T)))
return (T)(object)stream;
using (var sr = new StreamReader(stream))
using (var jsonTextReader = new JsonTextReader(sr))
var jsonSerializer = GetSerializer();
return UpdateSchemaVersion<T>(jsonSerializer.Deserialize<JObject>(jsonTextReader));
private T UpdateSchemaVersonToCurrent<T>(JObject jObject)
// Add logic to update JOjbect to the latest version. For e.g.
jObject["guid"] = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
return jObject.ToObject<T>();
You can set Serializer to CosmosJsonDotNetSerializer in CosmosClientOptions while creating CosmosClient.
var cosmosClient = new CosmosClient("<cosmosDBConnectionString>",
new CosmosClientOptions
Serializer = new CosmosJsonDotNetSerializer()
This way, you always deal with the latest Cosmos document throughout the code, and when you save the entity back to Cosmos, it is persisted with the latest schema version.
You can take this further by running schema migration as a separate process, for example, inside an Azure function, where you load old documents, convert them to the latest version and then save it back to Cosmos.
I also wrote a post on Cosmos document schema update that explains this in detail.
How can i get permission or access?
I'm trying to build search in NETSUITE SSP Application and I get the following error:
I have tried: nlapiloadrecord()
Then I tried saved search method to get employee record
Search function
function getContact(sEmail) {
var aFilter = new Array();
aFilter.push(new nlobjSearchFilter('email', null, 'is', sEmail));
var aResult = nlapiSearchRecord('employee', null, aFilter, null);
What role are you using while executing the above script?
If you only want to view(perform search) on employee record, you can contact your admin and ask them to give access on Employee record for the said role of type View.
You can check this out for further reading on Roles and how to create/edit/update one in NetSuite.
I was getting TaskID for Case Activities (Screen ID - SP203010) using Acumatica Web API. Now after upgrading it to version 6.0, I am not getting that. I have also tried different properties available but seems nothing is getting me that TaskID.
I am storing these activities into my database pulling from Acumatica Partner Portal and to avoid duplicate activities being imported, I was comparing it with TaskID.
Below is the code snippet I am using to get TaskID
SP203010WS.Screen context = new SP203010WS.Screen();
context.CookieContainer = new System.Net.CookieContainer();
context.AllowAutoRedirect = true;
context.EnableDecompression = true;
context.Timeout = 1000000;
context.Url = "https://sso.acumatica.com/Soap/SP203010.asmx";
PartnerPortalCreds loginCreds = GetCreds();
string username = loginCreds.PARTPRTUSE;
string password = loginCreds.PARTPRTPAS;
SP203010WS.LoginResult result = context.Login(username, password);
SP203010WS.Content content = context.GetSchema();
string[][] export = context.Export
new SP203010WS.Command[]
new SP203010WS.Value
Value = currentAcumaticaCaseNo,
LinkedCommand = content.Case.CaseID
new SP203010WS.Field { FieldName="Body", ObjectName="Activities"},
new SP203010WS.Field { FieldName="TaskID", ObjectName="Activities"},
0, true, true
Let me know whether it has been moved or deprecated in newer version. What shall I be using instead of TaskID or where can I find that TaskID.
In Acumatica 6.0 table EPActivity was splitted on CRActivity, SMEmail and PMTimeActivity. Original table was renamed to Obsolete_EPActivity.
Now NoteID is the key field on all tables. SMEmail and PMTimeActivity contains RefNoteID field - foreign key from CRActivity.
You may find value pair TaskID and NoteID in table - Obsolete_EPActivity
#Krunal, as Ken mentioned, after upgrade to 6.0 value pair TaskID and NoteID is only available in the Obsolete_EPActivity table. One should use Obsolete_EPActivity table to replace obsolete TaskID integer values with actual NoteID GUIDs.
There is no way to access Obsolete_EPActivity table through Web Services. After upgrade to 6.0, Acumatica inserts new Activities only in the CRActivity table.
To avoid duplicate activities, you have to store actual NoteID GUIDs in your database instead of obsolete TaskID integer values and compare GUIDs while importing records.
For previously imported activities you will also have to replace TaskID values with actual NoteID GUIDs. Searching for CRActivity record based on CaseID, Subject and CreatedDateTime field values stored in your DB, you should find appropriate record and use its NoteID to replace legacy TaskID value.