Outputting PowerShell data to a string - string

This is really PowerShell 101, I realise, but I'm stuck.
I'm trying to iterate through a folder tree, getting each subfolder name and a count of files. No problems there.
The new requirement is to get the ACLs on each subfolder as well. All of this data needs to be output as a CSV file, with a line consisting of each folder name, the file count, and the ACLs in a single string in one field of the CSV (I was going to delimit them with semicolons).
I am open to exporting to XML if the data can be viewed in Excel.
The part where I'm stuck is getting the ACL information into a single string for the CSV.
Get-ACL on each directory shows the data as follows (I'm doing a Select to just get the IdentityReference and FileSystemRights, which is all we're interested in):
IdentityReference FileSystemRights
----------------- ----------------
BUILTIN\Users ReadAndExecute, Synchronize
BUILTIN\Users AppendData
BUILTIN\Users CreateFiles
I would like the output file formatted with one line per subdirectory, similar to
I however can't get any kind of join working to have it presented in this way. I don't care about what combination of delimiters are used (again, must be readable in Excel).
The script, such as it is, is as follows. The output file has its line of data appended with each directory it traverses. I'm sure this isn't very efficient, but I don't want the process consuming all the server memory either. The bits I can't figure out are prepended with ###.
(Get-ChildItem C:\temp -recurse | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $True}) | foreach {
$a = ($_.GetFiles().Count)
$f = $_.FullName
$p = (get-acl $_.FullName).Access | select-object identityreference,filesystemrights
### do something with $p?
Out-File -FilePath c:\outfile.csv -Append -InputObject $a`,$f`,###$p?

Since you want all ACEs of a folder mangled into a single line you need something like this:
Get-ChildItem 'C:\temp' -Recurse | ? { $_.PSIsContainer } | % {
# build a list of "trustee:permissions" pairs
$perms = (Get-Acl $_.FullName).Access | % {
"{0}:{1}" -f $_.IdentityReference, $_.FileSystemRights
New-Object -Type PSObject -Property #{
'Filecount' = $_.GetFiles().Count
'Folder' = $_.FullName
'Permissions' = $perms -join ';' # join the list to a single string
} | Export-Csv 'c:\outfile.csv' -NoType
Repeated appending inside a loop usually guarantees poor performance, so it should be avoided whenever possible. The outer loop creates a list of custom objects, which can then be exported via Export-Csv in a single go.


Issue with export-csv no data?

In my report when I remove the export-csv portion the data is presented correctly onscreen, when I add in the export-csv no data is exported but the file is created. Below is my script along with what the data looks like when script is running (modified) of what the data looks like.
#Get all DHCP Servers
$ServerList = (Get-Content -Path "\\termserv\DHCPServers.txt")
foreach ($server in $serverlist)
#Get the scopes from each serve
Get-DHCPServerv4Scope -ComputerName $server | select ScopeID |
#Get the lease information for each scope
ForEach-Object {Get-DHCPServerv4Lease -ScopeId $_.ScopeId -ComputerName
$server -AllLeases |
where {$_.AddressState -like "*Reservation"} | Select-Object
$server,ScopeId,IPAddress,HostName,ClientID,AddressState | Export-
Csv "\\termserv\d$\term\User\Reservations1.csv"
What the data looks like when exported without export-csv
ScopeId :
IPAddress :
HostName : NOPE00112233
ClientID : 00-11-22-33-44-55
AddressState : ActiveReservation
ScopeId :
IPAddress :
HostName : NOPE0011223344
ClientID : 00-11-22-33-44-56
AddressState : ActiveReservation
Update: Tried that and still nothing, when I run a modified version of the script locally on my DH servers it functions correctly, but I'm looking at almost 100 DH servers in my environment, see below
Get-DHCPServerV4Scope | ForEach {
Get-DHCPServerv4Lease -ScopeID $_.ScopeID -AllLeases | where
{$_.AddressState -like '*Reservation'}
} | Select-Object ScopeId,IPAddress,HostName,ClientID,AddressState | Export-
Csv "\\termserv\d$\term\$($env:COMPUTERNAME)-Reservations1.csv" -
This is a representation of what you are doing:
Foreach ($Server in $ServerList)
Foreach ($Scope in $ScopeList)
$Data | Export-csv -Path FileName.csv
In doing so you are exporting data [(Total Servers) x (Total Scopes per server)] times which is a lot of I/O operations. It is just a logistics issue. You could collect the entire information into a table object before exporting. But that decision is up to you and your particular business needs.
The real issue, however, is that you are doing the export into the same file which essentially over writes whatever you have written before without telling it not to. So only the last export remains which I suspect is somehow blank.
Try using the -Append switch when you export.
$Data | Export-csv -Path FileName.csv -NoTypeInformation -Append
Also I noticed you are using $server variable in the select-object cmdlet where you should only be using the object's property names and not variable names. I do not know if that returns anything as the cmdlet would not know what to do with it, which could also be contributing to the problem.
According to your code you are using Export-Csv within a foreach-object. Generally Export-csv creates a csv file with new data. If data is already present in the csv file then it will overwrite the existing data with new one.
So instead of using
Export-Csv "\\termserv\d$\term\User\Reservations1.csv"
You cand use
Export-Csv "\\termserv\d$\term\User\Reservations1.csv" -Force -Append -NoTypeInformation
Here -Append will append the data in the csv file. Not overwrites.

Complicated Transposed Table With Powershell or Excel

I'm trying to manipulate the layout of a file-share report. Basically what the layout looks like now is this:
It's showing folder paths and what users have access to them.
I'd like to change this to the following layout:
Whether it be importing the data into excel and manipulating it in excel or using powershell script to manipulate the data, I'm not quite sure what to do to get it the way I want.
I've tried importing this text file into excel and trying to transpose but I can't figure out how to show a list of file paths for each user. I've messed around in Access with it as well, but I'm not experienced enough in access to get it to display properly. I tried a few things in powershell but it amounted to a bunch of text documents named after the users with a list of file paths in each document. Not quite as neat as I'd like it unfortunately.
PowerShell could do it. Assuming the data is what you show in the question it looks like a CSV file. You could do:
$DataIn = Import-CSV $file
$HTOut = #{}
$File | Group 'Username/Group' | ForEach{$HTOut.add($_.Name,$_.Group.Path)}
New-Object PSObject -Prop $HTOut | Export-CSV $file
I thought about it, and this doesn't do exactly what I had said, it would make one object with a property for each user/group, and that property's value would be all of the paths for that person/group. What you really want is X objects that iterate through all of those paths. For that the first 3 lines stay the same, except that we capture the number of paths for the user/group with the most paths. Then we make that many objects iterating through paths for each user.
$DataIn = Import-CSV $file
$HTOut = #{}
$MaxPaths = $DataIn | Group 'Username/Group' | ForEach{$HTOut.add($_.Name,$_.Group.Path);$_} |% Count |Sort -Descend |Select -first 1
$Results = For($i=0;$i -le $MaxPaths;$i++){
$Record = New-Object PSObject
$HTOut.Keys|ForEach{Add-Member -InputObject $Record -NotePropertyName $_ -NotePropertyValue $(([array]$HTOut["$_"])[$i])}

Powershell - Pulling string from txt, splitting it, then concatenating it for archive

I have an application where I am getting a list of new\modified files from git status, then I take the incomplete strings from that file, concatenate them with the root dir file path, then move those files to an archive. I have it half working, but the nature of how I am using powershell does not provide error reports and the process is obviously erroring out. Here is the code I am trying to use. (It has gone through several iterations, please excuse the commented out portions) Basically I am trying to Get-Content from the txt file, then replace ? with \ (for some reason the process that creates the txt love forward slashes...), then split that string at the spaces. The only part of the string I am interested in is the last part, which I am trying to concatenate with the known working root directory, then I am attempting to move those to an archive location. Before you ask, this is something we are not willing to track in git, due to the nature of the files (they are test outputs that are time stamped, we want to save them on a per test run basis, not in git) I am still fairly new to powershell and have been banging my head against this rock for far too long.
Get-Content $outfile | Foreach-Object
#$lineSplit = $_.Split(' ')
$_.Split(" ")
$filePath = "$repo_dir\$_[-1]"
"File Path Created: $filePath"
$untrackedLegacyTestFiles += $filePath
Get-Content $untrackedLegacyTestFiles | Foreach-Object
Copy-Item $_ $target_root -force
"Copying File: $_ to $target_root"
the $outfile is a text file where each line has a partial file path leading to a txt file generated by a test application we use. This info is provided by git, so it looks like this in the $outfile txt file:
!! Some/File/Path/Doc.txt
The "!!" mean git sees it as a new file, however it could be several characters from a " M" to "??". Which is why I am trying to split it on the spaces and take only the last element.
My desired output would be to take the the last element of the split string from the $outfile (Some/File/Path/Doc.txt) and concatenate it with the $repo_dir to form a complete file path, then move the Doc.txt to an archive location ($target_root).
To combine a path in PowerShell, you should use the Join-Path cmdlet. To extract the path from your string, you can use a regex:
$extractedPath = [regex]::Match('!! Some/File/Path/Doc.txt', '.*\s(.+)$').Groups[1].Value
$filePath = Join-Path $repo_dir $extractedPath
The Join-Path cmldet will also convert all forward slashes to backslashes so no need to replace them :-).
Your whole script could look like this:
Get-Content $outfile | Foreach-Object {
$path = Join-Path $repo_dir ([regex]::Match($_, '.*\s(.+)$').Groups[1].Value)
Copy-Item $path $target_root -force
If you don't like to use regexin your code, you can also extract the path using:
$extractedPath = '!! Some/File/Path/Doc.txt' -split ' ' | select -Last 1
$extractedPath = ('!! Some/File/Path/Doc.txt' -split ' ')[-1]

Move files that contain a string to a subfolder with the same name as the original (PowerShell)

I'm using PowerShell and it is two days that I'm struggling on this issue.
In the directory C:\dir_1 I have many subfolders (sub_1, sub_2, ..., sub_n). Each of them contains several text files. For each subfolder i=1,2,...,n, I want to move the text files that contain the string "My-String" to the directory C:\dir_2\sub_i.
For example, if the file X in the path C:\dir1\sub_5 contains the string "My-String", I want to move it to the location C:\dir_2\sub_5. The destination folder is already existing.
I tried several modifications of the following code, but it does not work:
Get-ChildItem "C:\dir_1" | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $True} | Foreach-Object {Get-ChildItem "C:\dir_1\$_" | Select-String -pattern "My-String" | group path | select name | %{Move-Item $_.name "C:\dir_2\$_"}}
So, basically, what I tried to do is: foreach subfolder in dir_1, take the files that contain the string and move them to the subfolder in dir_2 with the same name. I tried several small modifications of that code, but I cannot get around my mistakes. The main error is "move-item: The given path format is not supported"... any help?
I feel like I could do better but this is my first approach
$dir1 = "C:\temp\data\folder1"
$dir2 = "C:\temp\data\folder2"
$results = Get-ChildItem $dir1 -recurse | Select-String -Pattern "asdf"
$results | ForEach-Object{
$parentFolder = ($_.Path -split "\\")[-2]
Move-Item -Path $_.Path -Destination ([io.path]::combine($dir2,$parentFolder))
Select-String can take file paths for its pipeline input. We feed it all the files that are under $dir1 using -recurse to get all of its children in sub folders. $results would contain an array of match objects. One of the properties is the path of the matched file.
With all of those $results we then go though each and extract the parent folder from the path. Then combine that folder with the path $dir2 in order to move it to it destination.
There are several assumptions that we are taking here. Some we could account for if need be. I will mention the one I know could be an issue first.
Your folders should not have any other subfolders under "sub_1, sub_2, ..., sub_n" else they will attempt to move incorrectly. This can be addressed with a little more string manipulation. In an attempt to make the code terse using -Recurse created this caveat.
Here is a one liner that does what you want too:
Get-ChildItem "C:\dir_1" | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $True} | ForEach-Object {$SubDirName = $_.Name;ForEach ($File in $(Get-ChildItem $_.FullName)){If ($File.Name -like "*My-String*"){Move-Item $File.FullName "C:\dir_2\$SubDirName"}}}
And if you'd like to see it broken out like Matt's answer:
$ParentDir = Get-ChildItem "C:\dir_1" | Where-Object {$_.PSIsContainer -eq $True}
ForEach ($SubDir in $ParentDir){
$SubDirName = $SubDir.Name
ForEach ($File in $(Get-ChildItem $SubDir.FullName)){
If ($File.Name -like "*My-String*"){
Move-Item $File.FullName "C:\dir_2\$SubDirName"

Removing text in a string between two characters using Powershell

I have a powershell script that runs and collects information and puts it in a .csv file. A sample of the information looks like what is listed below, with each line starting with a unique server name followed by a random unique identifier in contained a pair of ( ).
"GDR01W01SQ004 (e785754f-eeb1)","1","4","63","NY-TER-PLN-P-5N"
"GDR01L02D001 (4b889a4d-d281)","4","12","129","CO-FDP-STE-NP-5N"
I have a second powershell script that runs and takes this .csv file and its information and formats it into a report with a header and proper spacing.
Can someone please assist me with removing the text in between the ( ) as well as the ( )?
I would like the entries for each line to look like the following:
Thank you very much in advance!
Here is the script I have been using.
####################PowerCLI Check####################
# Verify whether the PowerCLI module is loaded, if not load it.
if ( (Get-PSSnapin -Name VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) -eq $null )
Add-PsSnapin VMware.VimAutomation.Core -ErrorAction Stop
################### Run Time Section ####################
#This script should be run from a server that has DNS records for all entries in vcenters.txt
$file = get-Content c:\reports\vcenter\vcenters.txt
foreach ( $server in $file) {
Connect-VIserver -Server $server
Get-VM | select Name, NumCpu, MemoryGB, ProvisionedSpaceGB, Notes | Out-Null
# Command for Custom Annotations.
Get-VM | select Name, NumCpu, MemoryGB, ProvisionedSpaceGB, Notes -expandproperty customfields | Export-Csv -path “c:\reports\vcenter\vcenall.csv” -NoTypeInformation
# Takes vcenall.csv and sorts only the Name and Notes columns and selects all but the custom fields. Capacity Reporting script caprep.ps1 runs against this csv.
Import-csv c:\reports\vcenter\vcenall.csv | Sort-Object Notes, Name | Select-Object Name, NumCpu, MemoryGB, ProvisionedSpaceGB, Notes |Export-csv capacity.csv -NoTypeInformation
#Used to remove domain from server name
(Get-Content capacity.csv) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace ".domain.local", "" } | Set-Content capacity.csv
# Takes vcenall.csv and sorts only the Notes column and selects only the Name and Notes columns. Nimsoft comparison script nimcomp.ps1 runs against this csv.
Import-csv c:\reports\vcenter\vcenall.csv | Sort-Object Notes | Select-Object Name, Notes | Export-csv nimsoft.csv -NoTypeInformation
# Takes vcenall.csv and sorts only the Name columns and exports all fields. Backup/Restore comparison script bure.ps1 runs against this csv.
Import-csv c:\reports\vcenter\vcenall.csv | Sort-Object Name | Export-csv bure.csv -NoTypeInformation
I think you need to add more information but just using what you have let try this one approach
Import-Csv C:\temp\test.csv -Header server,1,2,3,4 | ForEach-Object{
$_.server = (($_.server).split("(")[0]).Trim()
We import the csv data and assign a header. If you already have one then this parameter can be omitted.
Then we examine each row of data as an object. Change the server data by splitting it up by its spaces. If this data is for server names then it is safe to assume that that everything before the first space is the server name. This approach is dependent on the space being there. We could also use the same logic with the ( but this would be easier if the space was a guarantee.
So we update the server and then send the data back down the pipe with $_.
Sample Output
server 1 2 3 4
------ - - - -
GDR01W01SQ004 1 4 63 NY-TER-PLN-P-5N
GDR01L02D001 4 12 129 CO-FDP-STE-NP-5N
Edit based on comments
Since it is a server display name I changed the logic to split based on the "(". Also using the Split() method instead of the -split operator.
