META-INF manifest is discarded on ducplication - sbt-assembly

[info] Merging files...
[warn] Merging 'META-INF\INDEX.LIST' with strategy 'discard'
[warn] Merging 'META-INF\MANIFEST.MF' with strategy 'discard'
I'm trying to use sbt-assembly to assemble a project. I already have a jar file in my project that has META-INF folder and MANIFEST.MF file! sbt-assembly very smartly opt to discard conflict MANIFEST which is of course very nice. However, I don't want other people to use -classpath and have to type in main class each time, so I want to add my own MANIFEST.MF file and tell sbt-assembly to generate a right one.
How can I do that?? Thank you!!

I don't want other people to use -classpath and have to type in main class each time
Here's from the readme:
To set an explicit main class,
mainClass in assembly := Some("com.example.Main")


SCons: misterious Configure() failure in SConscript

I have a scons project with many SConscript files in the subdirectories. In one of those SConscript files I want to check if particular library is installed on the build host. Here is code snippet:
conf = Configure(env)
if conf.CheckLibWithHeader(...):
When I execute build scons fails with strnge error without error message like this:
scons: ***
File "/path/to/SConscript", line 3, in <module>
Line 3 is where I call Configure(). I guess I am doing something not allowed with Configure() function but I cannot find any explanation in scons documentation.
Please help me to debug this.
So the problem was in one of the sibling SConscript files. There was a call to Configure(env) but configuration object was not disposed with conf.Finish() call.
This was an issue because SCons does not allow to create more than one configuration object at any moment. I found this rule by analysing SCons sources - I don't know if this is documented.
Thus when I made my call to Configure(env) SCons thrown an exception because it seen there is another active configuration object orphaned by sibling SConscript.

My Gradle project depends on commons-io 2.4, but Gradle puts $GRADLE_HOME/commons-io-1.4.jar into the classpath, causing failures

I've been iterating on features in my first Gradle plugin. I determined early on that I needed commons-io, so I added a dependency on commons-io 2.4, being the latest version.
This has been going well for a while, with the build working from the command line, and no errors in Eclipse.
I just started trying to integrate some code that uses "FileUtils.write(File,String)". I didn't need that method before. I got everything un-redded in Eclipse, and then I tried a command line build.
This failed with errors like the following:
... error: cannot find symbol
symbol: method write(File,String)
location: class FileUtils
This confused me. I went to the failing lines in Eclipse, and no issues were indicated. I navigated into the "write()" method, and it looked fine to me. I then ran my command-line build with "--debug" to get some clues.
When I found the "javac" line, I found that "$GRADLE_HOME\lib\commons-io-1.4.jar" (where "GRADLE_HOME" is just my Gradle 2.3 distribution) was in the classpath BEFORE my dependency jar. I then inspected the code in the 1.4 jar, and I determined that the "FileUtils" class in that version didn't have a "write" method.
What am I supposed to do about this?
I suppose it's likely my "dependencies" block would be useful, which is this:
dependencies {
compile ("org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.3.9")
compile gradleApi()
compile "org.opendaylight.yangtools:yang-parser-impl:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT"
compile "org.opendaylight.yangtools:binding-java-api-generator:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT"
compile "org.opendaylight.yangtools:binding-generator-api:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT"
compile "org.opendaylight.yangtools:binding-generator-impl:0.7.0-SNAPSHOT"
compile "org.opendaylight.controller:yang-jmx-generator:0.3.0-SNAPSHOT"
compile "commons-io:commons-io:2.4"
testCompile("org.spockframework:spock-core:1.0-groovy-2.3") {
exclude group: "org.codehaus.groovy"
I tried commenting out the "gradleApi" reference, and that had no effect. I also tried adding an "exclude" for commons-io associated with the "groovy-all" reference, but that also didn't appear to make any difference.
You probably added gradleApi() under dependencies {} block - see the docs. The problem is that it ships all dependencies gradle requires - including commons-io in version 1.4 - see the extract below:
[opal#opal-mac-2]~/.gvm/gradle/current/lib % pwd
[opal#opal-mac-2]~/.gvm/gradle/current/lib % ll commons-io-1.4.jar
-rw-rw-r-- 1 opal staff 109043 23 gru 13:17 commons-io-1.4.jar
[opal#opal-mac-2]~/.gvm/gradle/current/lib %
You probably added version 2.4 separately and that's why conflict occurred. You can also run
gradle dependencies
to view the full dependency tree and verify the problem.
There's no possibility to exclude a transitive dependency from gradleApi().
The solution to this required adding the following block to the "sourceSets" block:
main {
compileClasspath = configurations.compile.minus files("$gradle.gradleHomeDir/lib/commons-io-1.4.jar")
This is pretty simple, but I wish there was a cleaner solution for this. I'm not sure what that would look like.

Ant LibusbJava compile error: "jni.h: No such file"...fixed, now a memset error

There appears to be a Ant / jni.h problem (for my setup) with LibusbJava. I get the following error when setting up LibusbJava by running
ant linux
in CentOS 6.3 as root (quick and dirty test, thanks for those concerned about user level =0). I will redo with proper restrictions as shown on a libusbjava reference after reflection when first install works. LibusbJava, is a Java wrapper for the libusb library.
The output starts out like this:
[root#somebox LibusbJava]# ant linux -lib $JAVA_HOME/include -lib $JAVA_HOME/include/linux
Buildfile: build.xml
Build LibusbJava Test Linux:
Build LibusbJava Test:
[echo] Building Library for unit tests:
[exec] /.../libusbjava/trunk/LibusbJava/LibusbJava.cpp:27:17: error: jni.h: No such file or directory
[exec] /.../libusbjava/trunk/LibusbJava/LibusbJava.cpp:34:26: error: test/CuTest.h: No such file or directory
as it was not set on my system. It appears that jni.h is a header called by C++ code, which I had to add to the LibusbJava.cpp file. This is the new include, /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk- I then get an error with jni.h not being able to fine jni_md.h which is an include in jni.h #include "jni_md.h".
Clearly this is not the right approach, so perhaps I need a correct Ant reference, but I cannot seem to do it with a -lib switch. Besides, this just creates thousands of jni.h file errors during the Ant build attempt.
How can I fix this problem?
Notes: I've set$JAVA_HOME up like JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0-openjdk- and javac and java work fine.
New discovery... after helpful questions which guided me, I am much closer to successful compilation.
When I install LibusbJava and manually install all the library references in build.xml there is still an error compiling the LibusbJava based on a memset error. I see memset patches for libusb that appeared in 2007 and it's unclear how to use or if they relate. Investigating... Hints, comments and questions welcome. My most sincere thanks for the help thus far.
[exec] /.../libu/libusbjava/trunk/LibusbJava/objects/Usb_Device.cpp: In function ‘void Usb_Device_disconnect(JNIEnv*)’:
[exec] /.../libu/libusbjava/trunk/LibusbJava/objects/Usb_Device.cpp:88: error: ‘memset’ was not declared in this scope
[antcall] Exiting /.../libu/libusbjava/trunk/LibusbJava/build.xml.
but I find no referece to an include string.h or cstring. The header of Usb_Device.cpp mentions it is a C++ Stub for the java class of a java class ch.ntb.inf.libusbJava.Usb_Device. which only has this include #include "Usb_Device.h" which also does not appear to have a string include. Perhaps just insertion of#include`?

Reusing custom makefile for static library with cmake

I guess this would be a generic question on including libraries with existing makefiles within cmake; but here's my context -
I'm trying to include scintilla in another CMake project, and I have the following problem:
On Linux, scintilla has a makefile in (say) the ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/scintilla/gtk directory; if you run make in that directory (as usual), you get a ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/scintilla/bin/scintilla.a file - which (I guess) is the static library.
Now, if I'd try to use cmake's ADD_LIBRARY, I'd have to manually specify the sources of scintilla within cmake - and I'd rather not mess with that, given I already have a makefile. So, I'd rather call the usual scintilla make - and then instruct CMAKE to somehow refer to the resulting scintilla.a. (I guess that this then would not ensure cross-platform compatibility - but note that currently cross-platform is not an issue for me; I'd just like to build scintilla as part of this project that already uses cmake, only within Linux)
So, I've tried a bit with this:
OUTPUT scintilla.a
COMMENT "Original scintilla makefile target" )
... but then, add_custom_command adds a "target with no output"; so I'm trying several approach to build upon that, all of which fail (errors given as comment):
ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET(scintilla STATIC DEPENDS scintilla.a) # Target "scintilla" of type UTILITY may not be linked into another target.
ADD_LIBRARY(scintilla STATIC DEPENDS scintilla.a) # Cannot find source file "DEPENDS".
ADD_LIBRARY(scintilla STATIC) # You have called ADD_LIBRARY for library scintilla without any source files.
ADD_DEPENDENCIES(scintilla scintilla.a)
I'm obviously quote a noob with cmake - so, is it possible at all to have cmake run a pre-existing makefile, and "capture" its output library file, such that other components of the cmake project can link against it?
Many thanks for any answers,
EDIT: possible duplicate: CMake: how do i depend on output from a custom target? - Stack Overflow - however, here the breakage seems to be due to the need to specifically have a library that the rest of the cmake project would recognize...
Another related: cmake - adding a custom command with the file name as a target - Stack Overflow; however, it specifically builds an executable from source files (which I wanted to avoid)..
You could also use imported targets and a custom target like this:
# set the output destination
set(SCINTILLA_LIBRARY ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/scintilla/gtk/scintilla.a)
# create a custom target called build_scintilla that is part of ALL
# and will run each time you type make
add_custom_target(build_scintilla ALL
COMMENT "Original scintilla makefile target")
# now create an imported static target
add_library(scintilla STATIC IMPORTED)
# Import target "scintilla" for configuration ""
set_target_properties(scintilla PROPERTIES
# now you can use scintilla as if it were a regular cmake built target in your project
add_dependencies(scintilla build_scintilla)
add_executable(foo foo.c)
target_link_libraries(foo scintilla)
# note, this will only work on linux/unix platforms, also it does building
# in the source tree which is also sort of bad style and keeps out of source
# builds from working.
OK, I think I have it somewhat; basically, in the CMakeLists.txt that build scintilla, I used this only:
scintilla.a ALL
COMMENT "Original scintilla makefile target" )
... and then, the slightly more complicated part, was to find the correct cmake file elsewhere in the project, where the ${PROJECT_NAME} was defined - so as to add a dependency:
... and finally, the library needs to be linked.
Note that in the commands heretofore, the scintilla.a is merely a name/label/identifier/string (so it could be anything else, like scintilla--a or something); but for linking - the full path to the actual `scintilla.a file is needed (which in this project ends up in a variable ${SCINTILLA_LIBRARY}). In this project, the linking basically occurs through a form of a
... and I don't really know how cmake handles the actual linking afterwards (but it seems to work)
For consistency, I tried to use ${SCINTILLA_LIBRARY} instead of scintilla.a as identifier in the ADD_CUSTOM_TARGET, but got error: "Target names may not contain a slash. Use ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND to generate files". So probably this could be solved smarter/more correct with ADD_CUSTOM_COMMAND - however, I read that it "defines a new command that can be executed during the build process. The outputs named should be listed as source files in the target for which they are to be generated."... And by now I'm totally confused so as to what is a file, what is a label, and what is a target - so I think I'll leave at this (and not fix it if it ain't broken :) )
Well, it'd still be nice to know a more correct way to do this eventually,

How to work around "scons: warning: Two different environments were specified for target"

Suppose I have an SConstruct file that looks like this:
env = Environment()
env.Program("a", ["a.c", "util.c"])
env.Program("b", ["b.c", "util.c"])
This build works properly with no SCons warning messages. However, if I modify this to specify different libraries for each Program build (the actual libraries are not relevant):
env.Program("a", ["a.c", "util.c"], LIBS="m")
env.Program("b", ["b.c", "util.c"], LIBS="c")
then I get the warning:
scons: warning: Two different environments were specified for target util.o,
but they appear to have the same action: $CC -o $TARGET -c $CFLAGS $CCFLAGS $_CCCOMCOM $SOURCES
This appears to be caused by the Program builder automatically creating a new environment for building the sources, even though it is just the LIBS variable that is different (and so only the link step needs to have a different environment). I can work around this by doing something like:
util = env.Object("util.c")
env.Program("a", ["a.c"] + util, LIBS="m")
env.Program("b", ["b.c"] + util, LIBS="c")
This uses a single Object builder for building util.c, then using the precompiled object file in each Program build, thus avoiding the warning. However, this should not really be necessary. Is there a more elegant way to work around this problem? Or is this actually a bug in SCons that should be fixed?
Context: I have nearly 2000 C source files compiled into about 20 libraries and 120 executables with lots of shared sources. I created the SConstruct file from the previous proprietary build system using a conversion script I wrote. There are about 450 "Two different environments" warning messages produced by SCons for a full build using my current SConstruct.
I found a workaround that doesn't involve creating extra variables to hold the object file nodes:
env.Program("a", ["a.c", env.Object("util.c")], LIBS="m")
env.Program("b", ["b.c", env.Object("util.c")], LIBS="c")
This isolates the build of util.c within a single environment. Although it is specified twice, once for each Program, SCons doesn't warn about this because it's the same source built with the same env object. Of course SCons only compiles the source once in this case.
You may use the Split function and a custom helper to simplify the build process for large projects:
def create_objs(SRCS, path=""):
return [env.Object(path+src+".cpp") for src in SRCS]
prg1 = Split("file_1 file_2 file_N")
prg2 = Split("file_2 file_5 file_8")
env.Program("a", create_objs(prg1), LIBS="x")
env.Program("b", create_objs(prg2), LIBS="y")
The object files are created only once, and they can be used in multiple builds. Hope this helps...
One issue I found in my code was that I was not using the target object path correctly. Or in otherwords I had a variant dir directive, but instead of using BUILDPATH i ended up using my original source code path. This way Scons was finding the object generated in target BUILDPATH and source path.
Creating a static library out of the first set of files and linking the library to the next set of files (which have some files in common with the first set) to create a target works as well.
env.StaticLibrary ("a", ["a.c","util.c"], LIBS = "m")
env.Program ("b", ["b.c","util.c"], LIBS = ["c","a"])
