Centos install chrome failed - linux

I follow this step to install chrome on centos linux, but when I run application yum install google-chrome-stable
I get this:
error: package:google-chrome-stable-35.0.1916.153-1.x86_64(google-chrome) requires: libstdc++.so.6
I have checked my file libstdc++.so.6 at /usr/lib
So, anyone known how to fix it?

Please provide yum update before installing anything (i.e. particularly after updating yum repository).
In your case, you should give
yum update
then, proceed with installing the software required, it might fix the issue
yum install google-chrome-stable

The link you submitted specifically states:
Update : Sadly, the Google Chrome browser no longer supports the most famous commercial distribution RHEL 6.x and its free clones such as CentOS and Scientific Linux.
Yes, they’ve discontinued support for RHEL 6.X version as of Google Chrome and on other side, latest Firefox and Opera browsers run successfully on the same platforms.
So there, you can't install Chrome on (I assume) CentOS 6. I get the same error you posted when trying on my CentOS 6.7 system.
You have to upgrade to CentOS 7, use another browser, or use this script http://chrome.richardlloyd.org.uk/ (haven't tested it myself but countless other people have used it).

Please check libstdc++.so.6 in /usr/lib64/ directory.


shared libraries libgconf-2.so.4 is missing

I want to install chromedriver in one of the AWS EC2 instance which is linux(Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 6.7 Santiago - 64 bit). While installing the chromedriver, we ran into issue due to missing packages. I could find the package here but this in turn requires many other packages. Using any other AMI is not an option.
Error is -
error while loading shared libraries libgconf-2.so.4 cannot open shared object file
I am using Ubuntu x64 and yum didn't work for me. But I found somebody mentioning simply use
$sudo apt install libgconf-2-4
worked for me to install the libgconf.
Please ask yum for the file, libgconf-2.so.4 : $ yum provides */libgconf-2.so.4
Install GConf2 : # yum install GConf2
Packages http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6.8/os/ ... and updates http://mirror.centos.org/centos/6.8/updates/
The chromedriver depends on the same packages / files as GConf2, and then some. Please see for yourself : $ ldd chromedriver , where 'chromedriver' is the unzipped executable.
Solution for the chromedriver issue : Install a chromedriver for RHEL 6, chromedriver-31.0.1650.63-1.el6.x86_64.rpm https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B7S255p3kFXNX1c0UWlGOWpZOHM/view?usp=sharing
Please download the package, and 1) cd Downloads/ 2) yum install chromedriver-31.0.1650.63-1.el6.x86_64.rpm ... and you have /usr/local/bin/chromedriver
P.S. : The EL6 chromedriver was built from the source package chromium-31.0.1650.63-1.el6.src.rpm
You might want to read this CentOS thread about your GLIBCXX_3.4.15. Especially apropos is this answer on the thread, especially the FAQ it references.
CentOS (which aims to be as compatible with RHEL as possible) is a curated LTS distribution (as is RHEL). You might find a version of chromedriver compiled for RHEL 6 in one of the many repositories. If not, you'll probably have to build it yourself.

Install old version of firefox

I want to install Firefox 24.2.0 in Scientific Linux environment. I have tried firefox-24.5.0-1.mga4.x86_64.rpm, but it did not work.
What is the correct linux command for that?
Scientific Linux uses yum to install packages. It can download these for you, but if you already have the correct Firefox downloaded you can do:
yum install firefox-24.5.0-1.mga4.x86_64.rpm
You can use man yum for more details or browse the man page online.
I found this command "yum downgrade firefox" useful to downgrade firefox version in Scientific Linux environment.

error when trying to install libtmcg "configure: error: libgmp >= 4.1 is needed"

I've tried installing different libgmp's from ubuntu app center and I tried installing it manually from http://gmplib.org/#DOWNLOAD but I can't get this to configure it's an old library and I'm trying to run it on the latest version of ubuntu but I didn't think I'd have problems but I'm new to trying to use libraries like this any help would be greatly appreciated.
I've had these kind of errors installing dependencies before, and I realized that you must to force the installation of such pack having it... you didn't mention the version of your Ubuntu, so I'm assuming you're working with 12.10. But if not you always can look up for the version you are running on.
Just download the pack from here, of course, depending on your architecture, and after that run sudo apt-get -f install in order to force the installation of broken packs.

Install Gnome without using yum on centos 4

I'm using CentOS 4.8 , i386.
I would appreciate if any one can help me to install Gnome (or any other GUI) while there is no yum available.
I tried to install yum but since It's a company's server with many things installed on it,
I faced with many problems.
However I decided to find a way to install Gnome without using yum
And please take note:
I'm a neophyte!
Did you try getting the source-code and building it manually?
You can get the code from
GNOME also provides a build tool to make the installation easier.
But, as it has already been pointed out - Servers are best managed over command line. It will give you more power and control over what you are doing.

need help installing pecl on centos 5.8

So basically I'm trying to install APC, but I can't get pecl to work on Centos 5.8 i686
I have the latest stable releases of php-fpm, mysql, and nginx. Everything is working at 100%, everything is smooth. I'm running a live website with no problems. I just can't pecl to work.
yum install php-pear:
Most of the packages I'm trying to instal have dependency issues with php-common (whatever that is).
php-common = 5.1.6-32.el5 is needed
Much help is appreciated!
/usr/bin/pecl is available from php-pear package.
The dependency failures you got are stange. Probably because you have mixed installation of php-* 5.1 RPMs and php53-* 5.3 RPMs and get conflicts on devel files. You should do some clean up to keep only one set of RPMs for your target version, either 5.1 or 5.3.
You also have to install gcc, httpd-devel, php(53)-devel and finally php-pear to get phpize working.
Then you should be able to run pecl install apc
First of all assure you have your distro updated, you can do it with
yum update
Then check if you are not using any third-party repo, that contains this packages.
If you can, remove all the php packages with
yum remove php*
and try to install them again.
If you can't solve it, try the Fedora EPEL repositories which provides some updated packages.
All the commands needs be run by root.
