M2EPro admin pages are blank - magento-1.8

M2EPro seems to not be working. When I click on "sell on ebay" in the admin, it just refreshes the admin dashboard. When I got to system->configuration->M2EPro, all links end up with a blank area.
Any Idea what's wrong?

Your license got EXPIRED.. Renewal it. I know you are thinking it is free. But you need to renewal it. Contact extension's support guys.

Ok, the problem was that it was disabled in System->Configuration->Advanced->Disable Modules Output. It was set to "disable" and all I had to do was enable it.


Configure contact email in chrome web store

I can't publish my chrome extension because it says "You must provide a contact email before you can publish any item."
I entered my E-Mail Address but it still does not work. Does anyone know how to configure that?
I published extensions successfully in the past, but apparently there was a policy change.
Here is the error message:
And here the config i did:
They overhauled their dashboard and this was hella confusing for me.
You need to click the header, and then account, and then you can find the email address here:
I faced same issue but it works after re-login.
As aforementioned by Haru you'll need to re-login to fix it. To itemize, here is how you can fix it:
Head to your Google Chrome Developer Dashboard
On the top left, click on the collapsible menu (three bars icon)
Choose the second option: "account"
Under the heading "Profile" add your email.
On the top right, click on your profile picture.
A small screen will popup. Choose the option at the bottom: "logout"
Now when you login it will be working as expected.

Can't register new Client ID on Instagram developers page

I can't register new client because always have a wrong captcha, I tried to create it with different browsers but same effect :(
The captcha solution was not correct. Please try again.
I used the Content-Security-Policy extension for chrome.
Then the field appeared -> New App Created.
The form is broken.
I've been trying it on and off for the last two weeks, also with different browsers, it doesn't work.
I have exactly the same problem when trying to create an client ID. I've send in a ticket for a solution.
you can see my answer there you have to install google chrome extension and then don't forgot to disable the Content-security policy
you see here too

sign up google merchant account

I need some advice on setting up merchant account in google.
When I try to set up merchant account, account signing up page shows me an error.
The error code is shown as "An error occurred {"type":"PLATFORM_ERROR", "payload":"0"}"
I've tried to resolve this issue with Google support team, but they keep sending me general information and manual..
Please give me suggestions on this issue. (I already finished developing my commercial application, but can't set the price because of this issue. )
Thanks in advance.
I had the same issue.
What I did to resolve it was to flush the browser cookies, history and cache. After that, I opened a new browser tab and logged in to my Google Wallet account (the one I set up previously to BUY apps on the play store). As I was logging in, I noticed there was some error but it quickly resolved itself - I successfully logged in and could see what I previously bought.
After that, I closed and re-opened my Google Dev Console, and tried to setup a Merchant Account again and it worked.
I experienced the same problem and I finish solved changing my address length, uou can't use more than 64 characters. see https://stackoverflow.com/a/21412790/2359141
clear cache and everything by using ctl+alt+delete
keep only one tab
Select proper product type , I selected Computer software its worked for me
Do sign out and login in wallet google
I found the solution.
You just have to let the VAT number empty during registration, fill it later.
It worked for me.
I got the payload error as well, what resolved my problem was changing my PO Box address to a physical address. Google chat support figured it out.

How to know which users are logged in on TYPO3

Does anyone know if there is a way to do this, or an extension that displays who is logged in at the Front End and at the Back End.
Something that displays a list of the logged-in users (both fe_users and be_users).
In TYPO3 you can also check who is online in real-time :
Connect as Admin
Click on User Admin in ADMIN TOOLS part
Change Compare User Settings by List Users Online
You will see Who Is Online.
Check the demo site to try : http://demo.typo3.org
every user has his own session. Table be_session. Look at it. you got every info you need

Add application to page

I have a problem when I am trying to add my application to one of my pages. Earlier there has been an option in the left sidebar which simply says view profile application and then you could choose "Add to my page". Now that option is gone and instead there is just an option that says "view application timeline" or something like that. I cannot find how to add my applications to my different pages.
Anyone who have any idea how to solve this problem?
(I'm from Sweden, which explains my bad english)
Thank you!
The short version:
Enter this URL into your browser. Remember to replace YOUR_APP_ID first. There's currently no way to add an application just by clicking a link like before... :/
Please see https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/611/
This explains the recent changes to how Apps are associated with Pages and shows both how to create a community page and link it to an app, and how to use the new 'add to page' dialog
You can also add apps to a page via the API, see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/page/#tabs
try my "fix" # http://admine.eu/addapp.html
here is part of the source and actually all you need:
"http://www.facebook.com/dialog/pagetab?app_id=" +
document.getElementById("appid").value +
"&next=" +
+document.getElementById("appid") is the id of your app
+document.getElementById("appurl") is the canvas or tab URL of your app
