Require dependency of dependency - node.js

I have the modules as shown above. I need to include not only quickblox, but the plugin.
I'm using this code:
// Quickblox
var QB = require('quickblox');
var QBChat = require('quickblox/plugins/chat');
quickblox loads fine but quickblox/plugins/chat throws:
Error: Cannot find module 'quickblox/plugins/chat'
Here is the package.json included in the quickblox/plugins/chat directory:
"name": "",
"description": "Quickblox Javascript SDK / XMPP Chat plugin",
"version": "0.8.6",
"author": "Andrey Povelichenko <>",
"homepage": ""

If you call require with a folder path, it tries to load index.js, which doesn't exist.
var QBChat = require('quickblox/plugins/chat/');


Trouble converting nodejs application to .exe file using pkg

I am trying to convert my NodeJS application to executable. But my application has following codes into it
global.appRoot = path.resolve(__dirname + "/");
let environment = require(appRoot+"/helper/environment.js");
let config = require(path.join(global.appRoot + "/helper/config.js")).get(process.env.NODE_ENV);
statement that is causing an issue. I tried to add some scripts in the package.json, but still I'm getting a warning meassage.
"bin": {
"execute": "./app.js"
"pkg": {
"scripts": ["**/*/helper/environment.js","**/*/modules/routes.js","**/*/helper/config.js"]
Could anyone suggest me what I'm doing wrong? And how to create an executable?

TypeError: trying to use aws-elasticsearch-connector

I'm attempting to update a legacy elastic-search node app, using the the package aws-elasticsearch-connector
and for some reason I'm unable to get it to work at all, even the simplest provided example...
I installed the packages, exactly as shown...
> npm install --save aws-elasticsearch-connector #elastic/elasticsearch aws-sdk
This is the sample code...
const { Client } = require('#elastic/elasticsearch')
const AWS = require('aws-sdk')
const createAwsElasticsearchConnector = require('aws-elasticsearch-connector')
// (Optional) load profile credentials from file
profile: 'myawsprofile'
const client = new Client({
node: ''
When I attempt to run it with this...
> node .\index.js
I get this error...
class AmazonConnection extends Connection {
TypeError: Class extends value undefined is not a constructor or null
I have no idea how I'm supposed to fix this, since the error seems to be in the module itself, not my sample code.
Most of the examples of this error that I've seen, suggest that it's related to circular references, but that doesn't seem to be of any help to me.
I'm using node v16.14.0
This is my package.json...
"name": "test_es",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "index.js",
"scripts": {
"test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"dependencies": {
"#elastic/elasticsearch": "^8.0.0",
"aws-elasticsearch-connector": "^9.0.3",
"aws-sdk": "^2.1087.0"
I'm probably doing something wrong, or the package author may be assuming some additional knowledge that I just don't have.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
It seems version 8 of #elastic/elasticsearch is not compatible with aws-elasticsearch-connector.
Changing to version 7.17.0 seems to resolve this particular error.

Multiple NPM repos in one GitHub repo with scoping?

Let's say I have a client, awesome-service that composes of different types of services, http-service, log-service, etc...
I want to have the option of either including each individual service (and a specific version), or just require all of the awesome-services, so in effect I want something like:
const awesomeService = require('#awesome-service');
// Now awesomeService has
// awesomeService.httpService;
// awesomeService.logService;
// etc
// or individually
const httpService = require('#awesome-service/http-service');
Is this possible? What would the package.json and the GitHub organization look like? Maybe this is package.json?
"dependencies": {
"awesome-service": "#awesome-service"
// OR if individually importing them
"http-service": "#awesome-service/http-service#1.0.0"
How can this be accomplished, or rather can this be accomplished?
Is this possible?
Yes, it's possible.
What would the package.json and the GitHub organization look like?
The package should have the following structure:
- awesome-service
- index.js // main module
- package.json // package.json of the main package
- http-service
- index.js // implementation of `http` service
- package.json // package.json of `http` package
- log-service
- index.js // implementation of `log` service
- package.json // package.json of `log` package
As you see there are three package.json files. The root is used for main package, others for each service.
In each package.json, set main field to index.js and set a correct name for each package:
"name": "awesome-service",
"main": "index.js",
"name": "awesome-service#http-service",
"main": "index.js",
"name": "awesome-service#log-service",
"main": "index.js",
In index.js of the root package export the object with the fields - required services (I don't specify index.js in requires, because this module will be loaded by default):
module.exports = {
httpService: require('./http-service'),
logService: require('./log-service')
To use these three package separately, you should add all of them in npm, or use github with a proper url:
"dependencies": {
"awesome-service": "awesome-service"
"http-service": "awesome-service#http-service#1.0.0",
"log-service": "git+"

How to browserify a standalone module for use in WebWorkers

I am using browserify to create standalone modules that I can use in node.js and client side in browser. I don't use browserify on the entire app, just a few single node modules.
I do browserify-shim to shim e.g. lodash under the global var _.
This works very well except when using the modules inside webworkers.
The problem is:
When I shim lodash as _ the browserified code sets var _ = window._,
but windows is not defined inside the web workers.
My setup
I use grunt to browserify, and have browserify-shim configured in my package.json
map.js: (commonJS module, used directly in node.js)
var _ = require('lodash-node');
module.exports =;
// Browserify
browserify: {
'map': {
options: {
bundleOptions: {
standalone: 'MapModule'
src: ['./map.js'],
dest: './output/map-module.js'
grunt.registerTask('default', [
"name": "APP NAME",
"version": "0.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "app.js",
"browserify": {
"transform": [
"browserify-shim": {
"lodash-node": "global:_"
The output
the generated output from browserify looks like this:
Note line 2: var _ = (window._);
Thats a problem in a Web Worker.
Am I doing it all wrong, or is it only supposed to work in normal browsing mode?
I know this is an old post but I'm sharing the solution I found as this took me a few hours to find a solution.
I managed to get web workers running as modules using it's avaliable as via npm install webworkify.
A task I had to perform inside my web worker was to parse an xml string to javascript this I did with xmldoc, as xmldoc does not require a DOM and there is no DOM in web workers.
I include xmldoc in my web worker with require, which would be the same for lodash.

How to create DocPad plugin?

I did all steps from here:
1) created simple plugin /plugins/myplugin/ with this code:
module.exports = (BasePlugin) ->
class MyPlugin extends BasePlugin
name: 'myplugin'
renderBefore: ({templateData}) -> = 'bar'
2) /plugins/myplugin/package.json
"name": "myplugin",
"version": "2.0.0",
"main": "./src/"
3) /src/documents/
<p><%= #foo %></p>
But plugin doesnt work. It isn't in DocPad's log info: Plugins: eco and throws error ReferenceError: foo is not defined.
What did i miss?
You have /plugins/myplugin/ and then reference it with "main": "./src/" - which expectes the plugin file to be inside a src directory like so: /plugins/myplugin/src/ - you'll need to correct one of these.
If you can link me to the place where the documentation confused this, I'll happily fix it.
DocPad also requires plugins to have the following inside their package.json file:
"keywords": ["docpad-plugin"]
