Can a thread be context-switched while holding a lock? - multithreading

How do you take care of context-switching when a thread holds a lock and hence blocks other threads? I would expect it's a very common issue.

On a pre-emptive multi-tasking system, you can't prevent yourself from being switched out while holding a lock. But since anything else that's waiting on the lock (assuming that it's not a spinlock) can't be switched in, this is normally not a problem.
Using a spinlock is almost always a bad idea. There are legitimate cases where things can go badly if you hold a lock too long; you can manage this by ensuring that you hold the lock for the least amount of time possible and that you don't do anything that can block while holding it.

The blocked threads don't run, and eventually the thread holding the lock becomes active again, eventually releasing the lock. You don't have to do anything special beyond the usual nitpicky care needed with multithreaded code.


why POSIX doesn't provide a robust IPC semaphore(regarding process crash safety)

According to this link, How do I recover a semaphore when the process that decremented it to zero crashes? it seems that there is no robust semaphore inter-process, and the author finally chose filelock, which is guaranteed to be released properly by the system-level or kernel-level control.
But I also found robust mutex provided by pthread why there is no something like robust semaphore?
And an extra question: what robust alternatives we have regarding IPC synchronization? filelock seems to be the best one. I think providing such mechanism is not that difficult from system or kernel level,since they do implement fielock. then why they don't provide some other approaches?
When you use a mutex, it can be acquired by at most one thread at a time. Therefore, once the mutex has been acquired, the owner can write its process ID or thread ID (depending on the system) into the mutex, and future users can detect whether the owner is still alive or not.
However, a semaphore is ultimately a counter. It is possible that different threads may increment or decrement the counter. There isn't intrinsically one resource that is being shared; there could instead be multiple resources.
For example, if we're trying to limit ourselves to a certain number of outgoing connections (say, 8), then we could create a semaphore with that value and allow threads to acquire it (wait) to make a connection, and then increment it (post) when they're done. If we never want to make more than 8 connections at once, the semaphore will never block; we'll have acquired it successfully each time, even though there's no exclusion.
In such a situation, there isn't going to be space inside the semaphore to store every process's thread ID. Using memory allocation is tricky because that code needs to be synchronized independently, and even if that could be solved, it means that a semaphore value would have at least O(N) performance when acquiring the semaphore. I work on a production system that uses hundreds of threads, so you can imagine the performance problems if we had such a semaphore design.
There are other solutions which you can use when you need robustness, such as file locking or a robust mutex in a shared memory segment, but none of them have the same properties as a semaphore. Therefore, any discussion of what primitives should be used instead depends on the particular needs of the situation (which should probably be placed in a new question).

posix: interprocess lock abandoned, is there a better way?

I'm coding on AIX, but looking for a general 'nix solution, posix compliant ideally. Can't use anything in C++11 or later.
I have shared memory with many threads from many processes involved. The data in shared memory has to stay self-consistent, so I need a lock, to get everyone to take turns.
Processes crashing with the lock is a thing, so I have to be able to detect an abandoned lock, fix (aka reset) the data, and move on. Twist: deciding the lock is abandoned by waiting for it for some fixed period is not a viable solution.
A global mutex (either living in shared memory, or named) appears not to be a solution. There's no detection mechanism for abandonment (except timing) and even then you can't delete and reform the mutex without risking undefined behaviour.
So I opted for lockf() and a busy flag - get the file lock, set the flag in shared memory, do stuff, unset the flag, drop the lock. On a crash with the lock owned, the lock is automatically dropped, and the next guy to get it can see the busy flag is still set, and knows he has to clean up a mess.
This doesn't work - because lockf() will keep threads from other processes out, but it has special semantics for other threads in your own process. It lets them through unchecked.
In the end I came up with a two step solution - a local (thread) mutex and a file lock. Get the local mutex first; now you're the only thread in this process doing the next step, which is lockf(). lockf() in turn guarantees you're the only process getting through, so now you can set the busy flag and do the work. To unlock, go in reverse order: clear the busy flag, drop the file lock, drop the mutex lock. In a crash, the local mutex vanishes when the process does, so it's harmless.
Works fine. I hate it. Using two locks nested like this strikes me as expensive, and takes a page worth of comments in the code to explain. (My next code review will be interesting). I feel like I missed a better solution. What is it?
Edit: #Matt I probably wasn't clear. The busy flag isn't part of the locking mechanism; it's there to indicate when some process successfully acquired the lock(s). If, after acquiring the locks, you see the busy flag is already set, it means some other process got the locks and then crashed, leaving the shared memory it was in the middle of writing to in an incomplete state. In that case the thread now in possess of the lock gets the job of re-initializing the shared memory to a usable state. I probably should have called it a "memoryBeingModified" flag.
No variation of "tryLock" is going to be permissible. Polling is absolutely out of the question in this application. Threads that need to modify shared memory may only block on the locks (which are never held long) and have to take their turn as soon as the lock is available to them. They have to experience the minimum possible delay.
You can just
//always returns true unless something horrible happened
bool lock()
if (pthread_mutex_lock(&local_mutex)==0)
if (lockf(global_fd, F_LOCK, 0))
return true;
return false;
void unlock()
lockf(global_fd, F_ULOCK, 0);
This seems pretty straightforward to me, and I wouldn't feel too bad about using 2 levels of lock -- the pthread_mutex is quite fast and consumes almost no resources.
The simple answer is, there's no good solution. On AIX, lockf turns out to be extremely slow, for no good reason. But mutexes in shared memory, while very fast on any platform, are fragile (anyone can crash while holding the lock and there's no recovery for that.) It would be nice is posix defined a "this mutex is held by a thread/process that died ", but it doesn't and even if there was such an error code, there's no way to repair things and continue. Using shared memory with multiple readers and writers continues to be the wild west.

Why are thread locks resources?

I recently read that thread locks are system resources, therefore they have to be properly released "just like memory". I realised I wasn't really aware of this.
Can someone offer some further elaboration on this fact or point to a good reference? More specifically: how can I think about the implementation of locks at a deeper system level? What are the possible consequences of leaking locks? Is there a maximum number of locks available in the system?
All that means is that you have to be careful that anything you lock gets released, similar to how you would be careful to close network connections or files or graphic device contexts or whatever. If you write code that is not careful about that, then you risk having the program deadlock or be unable to progress when it can't get access to something that's locked (because the point of locking is to make sure multiple threads can access something safely, so if one thread leaves something locked other threads that need to access it are shut out).
The program will have severe performance issues a long time before it runs out of physical locks, so typically you shouldn't have to worry about the number of available locks.

Is Deadlock recovery possible in MultiThread programming?

Process has some 10 threads and all 10 threads entered DEADLOCK state( assume all are waiting for Mutex variable ).
How can you free process(threads) from DEADLOCK state ? .
Is there any way to kill lower priority thread ?( in Multi process case we can kill lower priority process when all processes in deadlock state).
Can we attach that deadlocked process to the debugger and assign proper value to the Mutex variable ( assume all the threads are waiting on a mutex variable MUT but it is value is 0 and can we assign MUT value to 1 through debugger ) .
If every thread in the app is waiting on every other, and none are set to time out, you're rather screwed. You might be able to run the app in a debugger or something, but locks are generally acquired for a reason -- and manually forcing a mutex to be owned by a thread that didn't legitimately acquire it can cause some big problems (the thread that previously owned it is still going to try and release it, the results of which can be unpredictable if the mutex is unexpectedly yanked away. Could cause an unexpected exception, could cause the mutex to be unlocked while still in use.) Anyway it defeats the whole purpose of mutexes, so you're just covering up a much bigger problem.
There are two common solutions:
Instead of having threads wait forever, set a timeout. This is slightly harder to do in languages like Java that embed mutexes into the language via synchronized or lock blocks, but it's almost always possible. If you time out waiting on the lock, release all the locks/mutexes you had and try later.
Better, but potentially much more complex, is to figure out why everything's fighting for the resource and remove that contention. If you must lock, lock consistently. But if there's 10 threads blocking on a single mutex, that could be a clue either that your operations are badly chunked (ie: that your threads are doing too much or too little at once before trying to acquire a lock), or that there's unnecessary locking going on. Don't lock unless you have to. Some synchronization could be obviated by using collections and algorithms specifically designed to be "lock-free" while still offering thread-safety.
Adding another answer because I don't agree with the solutions proposed by cHao earlier - the analysis is fine.
First, why I disagree with the two solutions offered:
Reduce contention
Contention doesn't lead to deadlocks. It just causes poor performance. Deadlock means no performance whatsoever. Therefore, reducing contention does not solve deadlocks.
timeout on mutex.
A mutex protects a resource, and a thread locks the mutex because it needs the resource. With a timeout, you won't be able to acquire the resource, and your thread fails. Does it solve the deadlock problem? Only if the failing thread releases another resource that was blocking the other threads.
But in that case, there's a much better solution. Mutexes should have a partial ordering. If there is at least one thread that can both mutex A and B, you should decide whether A or B is acquired first, and then stick with that. This must be a transitive order: if you lock A before B, and B before C, then obviously you must lock A before C.
This is a perfect solution to deadlocks. Look back at the timeout example: it only works if the thread that times out waiting on A then releases its lock on B, to release another thread that was waiting on B. In the most simple case, that other thread was itself directly locking A. Thus, the mutexes A and B are not properly ordered. You should have consistently locked either A or B first.
The timeout case could also be the result of a cyclic order problem; one thread locks A then B, another B then C, and a third C then A, with the deadlock happening when each thread owns one lock. The solution again is the same; order the locks.
Alternatively said, mutex lock orders can be described by a directed graph. If a thread locks A before B, there's an arc from A to B. Deadlocks appear if the directed graph is cyclic, and then the arcs of that cycle are the deadlocked threads.
This theory can be a bit complex, but there are some simple insights to be found. For instance, from the graph theory, we know that trees are acyclic graphs. Hence, neither "leaf mutexes" (those that are always locked last) nor "root mutexes" (those that are always locked first) can cause deadlocks. Leaf mutexes are excluded because no thread ever blocks holding them, and root mutexes are excluded because the thread that holds them will be able to lock all subsequent mutexes in due time.

Is a lock (threading) atomic?

This may sound like a stupid question, but if one locks a resource in a multi-threaded app, then the operation that happens on the resource, is that done atomically?
I.E.: can the processor be interrupted or can a context switch occur while that resource has a lock on it? If it does, then nothing else can access this resource until it's scheduled back in to finish off it's process. Sounds like an expensive operation.
The processor can very definitely still switch to another thread, yes. Indeed, in most modern computers there can be multiple threads running simultaneously anyway. The locking just makes sure that no other thread can acquire the same lock, so you can make sure that an operation on that resource is atomic in terms of that resource. Code using other resources can operate completely independently.
You should usually lock for short operations wherever possible. You can also choose the granularity of locks... for example, if you have two independent variables in a shared object, you could use two separate locks to protect access to those variables. That will potentially provide better concurrency - but at the same time, more locks means more complexity and more potential for deadlock. There's always a balancing act when it comes to concurrency.
You're exactly right. That's one reason why it's so important to lock for short period of time. However, this isn't as bad as it sounds because no other thread that's waiting on the lock will get scheduled until the thread holding the lock releases it.
Yes, a context switch can definitely occur.
This is exactly why when accessing a shared resource it is important to lock it from another thread as well. When thread A has the lock, thread B cannot access the code locked.
For example if two threads run the following code:
1. lock(l);
2. -- change shared resource S here --
3. unlock(l);
A context switch can occur after step 1, but the other thread cannot hold the lock at that time, and therefore, cannot change the shared resource. If access to the shared resource on one of the threads is done without a lock - bad things can happen!
Regarding the wastefulness, yes, it is a wasteful method. This is why there are methods that try to avoid locks altogether. These methods are called lock-free, and some of them are based on strong locking services such as CAS (Compare-And-Swap) or others.
No, it's not really expensive. There are typically only two possibilities:
1) The system has other things it can do: In this case, the system is still doing useful work with all available cores.
2) The system doesn't have anything else to do: In this case, the thread that holds the lock will be scheduled. A sane system won't leave a core unused while there's a ready-to-run thread that's not scheduled.
So, how can it be expensive? If there's nothing else for the system to do that doesn't require acquiring that lock (or not enough other things to occupy all cores) and the thread holding the lock is not ready-to-run. So that's the case you have to avoid, and the context switch or pre-empt issue doesn't matter (since the thread would be ready-to-run).
