sharepoint 2013 IE8 redirect 404 error - sharepoint

Now we build a site with sharepoint 2013. Per our customer requirement, we need to support IE8. But my develop environment is IE11(in windows server 2008R2), so I decide to degrade my IE version.
In the beginning, I can use IE11 to access the website which I created in share point. But after my degrading operation, strange things happened: I enter the url in the IE8, it is loading... seems every thing is fine, I can see the background pictures be downloaded in the browser,but few seconds when it loading completes(I guess), it redirects to the 404 error page.(normal page flash to the 404 error page) And I tried to use Chrome to visit this site, every thing works.
I also set the IE security level to low, and trun off IE ESC(enhanced security configuration), it doesn't work.
BTW, the IE8 can access the url: myMachineName/_layouts/15/start.aspx#/SitePages/Home.aspx
So I guess I need to add or change some configurations in the website which I created in the sharepoint to fit IE8.
Many Thanks!


EmulateIE7 mode set in IIS7/web.config does not show page in proper mode in IE11

I have a web site and IE8, IE9, and IE10 always worked great using IE=EmulateIE7 mode in HTTP header response from IIS/7, but this mode does not seem to render properly in IE11.
The page does not render or behave properly in IE11, although it works fine in EmulateIE7 mode in IE8 through IE10.
If I open F12 tools on IE11, I see the document mode is "7."
The only way to make IE11 working properly is adding manualy the domain to compatibility view mode, then it works great; but we cannot ask all users to manually activate compatibility view for our domains.
How is possible to force IE11 to render as IE7 without adding the domain to the list of compatibility web sites ?
Many thanks to any help !!!
I've been working on this the last few days and there's some bad news, it works, but in order to make it work, the user must add the URL/Domain of your site to the "Compatibility View Settings" of IE 11.
In other words, you can't force the browser to render in compatibility mode without the explicit acceptance of the user.
You will find how to configure it here:
I have been able to get this to work if I add the X-UA-Compatible header in IIS itself. Not sure why it doesn't work when added to web.config

Having problems to load images in Opera Browser(login popup)

I think this should be releated to IIS settings but don't know exactly what it is.
As you can see below, this login message pops up for each images, 8 images 8 times in Opera.
And the major browsers react to this page different.
IE9 works good(this is the reason why I found this problem now. It's internal site and almost every users use IE...)
Chrome(17.0.963.56 m) works good.
Safari(5.1.2) is also good.
Opera 11.61 has a problem like I said...
And FF SHOWS NO IMAGES and don't even ask for login. And Firebug says it's "NetworkError: 404 Not Found!".
I don't know what's going on.
This site requires to login and it's internal, so I can't give you the link. Sorry for the inconvenient.
And this site is running on Windows Server 2003. And the image containing folder is shared for web(I don't know why it's shared. But don't want to change the setting). I don't know this may cause this situation.
If Opera opens a user name/password dialog, the site is probably sending a WWW-Authenticate header in response to those image requests. You can open Opera's developer tools ("Tools > Advanced > Opera Dragonfly" or right-click in page and select "Inspect element") and use the network feature to inspect the full headers.
I don't know how you can disable this header if it is sent, it depends on the server settings and what type of server you're running, and I'm not at all familiar with Windows Server 2003.

Chrome fails to show http authentication window

I am developing a Drupal site, within which is a page with an iframe, displaying an external SQL Reporting server driven site.
This iframed site is protected on by HTTP authentication. In all browsers, apart from Chrome, when the page is viewed, the browser driven login box pops up.
In Chrome (Windows & OS X), no login box appears and I get an immediate 401 error from the SQL Reporting Server. I've cleared cache's and even tried on a fresh chrome installation on a VM.
The above method works fine on the clients existing live site, which is ASP driven. Other than CMS technology, the only other obvious difference is domains.
The working live site is referencing a sub domain of itself in the iframe. The development site is referencing a completely different domain.
I've tried /Applications/Google\\ Chrome -–allow-cross-origin-auth-prompt, which seems to make no difference.
Does Chrome have much tighter cross domain login rules? Or am I missing something else?
According to the devs at chromium, this was an intentional change to protect against phishing attacks. If you say the prod sites reference the same domain, you shouldn't have any issues.
To switch the (in my mind stupid) security-feature off set Browser flag:
In Linux close all Browser Instances and type in terminal:
chromium-browser --allow-cross-origin-auth-prompt
For Windows, Mac, Android... take a look here:
See for the policy that can be set versus using flags.
On Windows this can be set via the registry at HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome. See for more information.

Google Chrome prompts for username/password even though page doesn't request it

I previously set a directory on my web server to require a username/password during development phase. I have since removed the .htaccess file to remove the password, I have also checked the cPanel to make sure there are no settings for a user/password.
Despite this, Chrome keeps asking for a username/password. If I click Cancel, the page continues to load anyway.
This only happens on Chrome Windows and Mac. I have cleared the entire cache for Chrome but to no avail. I am not able to replicate the problem on Firefox 4 or Internet Explorer 9.
I figured it out. I was silly enough to have left the URL pointing to a domain which does ask for a username/password but the domain it was pointing to was for the development site. Not sure why the other browsers didn't do the same thing but updating the base href has solved the problem.

File upload/download problems using Internet Explorer to a Sharepoint site

A cheeseburger to the first person who can help me make sense of this. I have a page in a Sharepoint app that uses Telerik's RadUpload to upload files. This has worked for months; last week it stopped working (in Internet Explorer, this detail is important). After talking with a co-worker about the problem, I tried the upload with Firefox; it worked. Not only that, all subsequent uploads from Internet Explorer started working. Flash forward an hour, and the aforementioned coworker, on another Sharepoint site, running on different servers, was having problems downloading (using Internet Explorer). Being half serious, half smart-aleck, I said 'try it in Firefox'. Not only did that work, ALL SUBSEQUENT DOWNLOADS IN INTERNET EXPLORER WORKED! And he re-produced this behavior on another machine. My fear is that this a browser issue. All advice will be greatly appreciated.
IE will try and present credentials to a server it knows to be in its Local Intranet zone when it tries to connect (depending on the setting of "Automatic logon only in Intranet zone").
Firefox will only present credentials when prompted, and will generally ask you by popping up a box (unless you've configured a list of sites for it to always present NTLM credentials to).
I've seen a similar case with Sharepoint where you can cause IE to work by logging in with Firefox. I theorized it was due to a permission on a remote resource being for "Authenticated Users", and you're causing your user to authenticate by logging in forcefully. We eventually set the "Automatic logon only in Intranet zone" to "Prompt" and it worked. My theory there was that it wasn't detecting the site as being in the Local Intranet zone for some reason. If you're not accessing a domain with no .'s in it, try also setting your Local Intranet site policy to match the full domain of the Sharepoint server, not just * - I've read that that can help.
Was it as simple as IE not re-downloading miss-cached .js file, maybe, that firefox did download, making IE work after that?
Pretty gnarly to debug.
