I downloaded new Sublime Text 3 and I can't get working LiveReload Google Chrome extension
I know that it works for Sublime Text 2 but can I use it with ST3?
They rewrote the plugin for ST3:
"Have a look at devel version. Which is total rewrite of plugin, supporting SublimeText 3, plugins and much more." -ST2 ReadMe on GitHub
It is available from here:
Use your terminal to remove the existing LiveReload package and then clone the repo:
cd ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages
rm -rf LiveReload
git clone -b devel https://github.com/dz0ny/LiveReload-sublimetext2.git
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/
rm -rf LiveReload
git clone -b devel https://github.com/dz0ny/LiveReload-sublimetext2.git LiveReload
Once installed, you will still need to enable the plugin in the command palette as described by #Nishait_Baig:
open the Sublime Text command palette (while in Sublime Text type Ctrl + Shift + p on Linux/Windows or ⌘ + shift + p on Mac)
Type LiveReload: Enable/disable plugins and hit enter
Scroll down to Enable - SimpleReload and hit enter
From #Allen:
if you browse your webpage through the html file path, don't forget to check Allow access to file URLs in the chrome extension settings.
I was facing the same issue.
I enabled the SimpleReload plugin in the Command Palette.
=> Ctrl+shift+p
=> LiveReload: Enable/disable plugins
=> Enable - SimpleReload
And it started working.
If you browse your webpage through the html file path, don't forget to check Allow access to file URLs in the chrome extension settings.
LiveReload Sublime text3:
But the usage seems to have changed:
Enable desired plug-ins via Command Palette (Ctrl+Shift+P) add livereload.js to you html document.
It is not currently updated to work with Sublime Text 3. See this Reddit thread for some other recommendations.
For permanently enabling it.
preferences -> Packge Settings -> LiveReload -> Settings - User
"enabled_plugins": [
I'm having a problem with Xdebug not working with Sublime Text 3. The server I've used is wampserver. I have use the Xdebug wizard for which version I'm supposed to install. Here's the picture:
Here's the phpinfo for Xdebug:
Here's where the Xdebug extension is for Xdebug in php.ini:
; XDEBUG Extension
zend_extension ="P:\wamp64\bin\php\php7.0.4\ext\php_xdebug-2.4.1-7.0-vc14-x86_64.dll"
xdebug.profiler_output_dir ="P:/wamp64/tmp"
I've tried Xdebug sublime settings in Sublime Text like
when I tried testing my PHP code, and it still didn't do anything.
I follow the website https://www.sitepoint.com/debugging-xdebug-sublime-text-3/ for configuring Xdebug, and it still didn't work at all.
In sublime settings you need a real url (you've put there a folder path).
You need something like:
"url": "dev.myproject.com"
You can create you virtual host (at least in WampServer) directly from the main page of the Server (localhost - if you haven't override it - should give you the main configuration)
In php.ini, besides other xdebug attributes, I found that I need the following activated in order for everything to work:
xdebug.remote_enable = On
xdebug.profiler_enable = On
xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = On
Let me know if you need more info
Check sublime terminal (Ctrl + ~). If it shows an error like, "xdebug xml.etree.ElementTree.ParseError: not well-formed (invalid token)," then it is issue of sublime xdebug client installed through sublime package manager.
Uninstall xdebug client installed through Package manager:
Preferences > Package control > remove package > xdebug client
Quit sublime
Install client manually through source code:
Get fixed source code of xdebug client from GitHub: SublimeTextXdebug.
Download source code (do not follow install instructions, just download raw source code)
Copy source code directory to sublime packages directory. In mac it is here
/users/[username]/library/Application Support/Sublime Text 3/Packages/
So I've been experimenting with Vim, switching over from Sublime. I wanted a feature in vim similar to that of ctrl R in Sublime, which would show me a list of functions in the current document, and narrow it down as I keep typing. Sublime code-like method browser in Vim has the answer to the same. But I've done all the steps mentioned there, including installing the CtrlP plugin, installing and setting up ctags, adding the shortcut in .vimrc file, but when I use the shortcut, it gives me a "NO ENTRIES". I'm editing on scala.
If this feature is not working after installing CtrlP you may have the following issues :
Missing ctags :
Linux : sudo apt-get install exuberant-ctags
Mac : brew install ctags
Windows :
Download CTAGS from sourceforce
Add it to your PATH variable
Follow my second solution
CtrlPBufTag is not enabled :
Since :CtrlPBugTag is considered a plugin you may need to enable it in your .vimrc file :
let g:ctrlp_extensions = ['buffertag']
I installed sublime text 3 and i need to install package control ..so when i refer this page.
I just confused, what should i follow,
Can anyone help me to guide this docs?
You just have to copy the given code in the sublime text 3 console. (Show Console in the view menu)
It will download and install the package control. (You should see notifications in the console)
Once installed, you'll have access to the package control commands in the command prompt. (You can access it by pressing ctrl + shift+ p)
In build 3126 (released Sept. '16) a menu item (and command palette entry) was introduced to easily install Package Control.
It can be found under tools -> Install Package Control or by looking up Package Control in the command menu (ctrl/cmd + shift + p).
I installed SublimeLinter for sublime text 3. After install i add the following code in my user settings
"sublimelinter": true,
"sublimelinter_executable_map": {
"php": "D:/xampp/xampp/php/php.exe"
but php code not linting.
Thanks for help!
Please read the entire SublimeLinter documentation, especially the sections on installation and settings. SublimeLinter itself is only a framework for linters. The linters themselves are distributed as independent Sublime Text 3 plugins.
For PHP, the most popular linter is SublimeLinter-php, which uses php -l for linting. Install it via Package Control, then read through the settings documentation for full details on how to configure the linter. I'm not sure where you got the settings you mentioned in your question, but they are incorrect. If you open Preferences -> Package Settings -> SublimeLinter -> Settings-User you'll find that most of the settings are already there. The documentation describes how to set the path to php.exe, and set everything else up. The initial setup process does take some time, but performed correctly you shouldn't have any issues going forward.
Just to help if someone have the same problem.
I made it work this way (Sublime Text 3):
Go to Preferences > Package Settings > Sublime Linter > Settings
Add this code on Settings-User with your php.exe path
// SublimeLinter Settings - User
"paths": {
"windows": ["C:\\wamp\\bin\\php\\php7.2.14"]
For example if you're using wamp with php7.2.14
Take a look at the documentation site
Title pretty much sums my question. I want to open a folder in sublime text by right clicking the folder and clicking on "open folder in sublime text" context menu. I am using Ubuntu 12.04
Assuming you followed guide on:
You simply need to add a %f to your Exec line in sublime.desktop like:
Exec=sublime %f
This is what I have managed to get Right click context menu for Sublime Text 3:
Using Nautilus-Actions Configuration Tool, either installed through Ubuntu software center with this link or through ubuntuupdates.org
This will allow you to create right click context menus and actions to your liking.
I have created such an extension:
For further information check out: blog.ndroidians.com
Right click -> open with other application -> show all applications -> open with sublime text
This guide worked form me on Ubuntu and Mint. http://www.technoreply.com/how-to-install-sublime-text-2-on-ubuntu-12-04-unity/
Make sure that you have copied the sublime .desktop file into the /usr/share/applications/ directory. That should work resolve this issue.
To open a folder in sublime from nemo by right clicking in the pane for that directory, go into the folder "usr/share/nemo/actions" as sudo and create the file "subl.nemo_action" and put the following contents into it:
[Nemo Action]
Name=Open folder in Sublime Text
Comment=Open current folder in Sublime Text
Exec=/bin/sh -c "cd %P && subl ."
I found this solution HERE, but had to change "subl3" to "subl" for my case, and had to find where to locate the file.