How do I "dump" the contents of an X terminal programmatically a la /dev/vcs{,a} in the Linux console? - linux

Linux's kernel-level console/non-X terminal emulator contains a very cool feature (if compiled in): each /dev/ttyN device corresponds with /dev/vcsaN and /dev/vcsN devices which represent the in-memory (displayed) state of that tty, with and without attributes (color, flashing, etc) respectively. This allows you to very easily cat /dev/vcs7 and see a dump of /dev/tty7 wherever cat was launched. I used this incredibly practical capability the other day to login to a system via SSH and remotely watch a dd process I'd forgotten to put inside a screen (or similar) session - it was running off a text console, so I took a few moments to finetune the character ranges that I wanted to grab, and presently I was watching dd's transfer status over SSH (once every second, incidentally).
To reiterate and clarify, /dev/vcs{,a}* are character devices that retrieve the current in-memory representation the kernel console VT100 emulator, represented as a single "line" of text (there are no "newlines" at the end of each "line" of the screen). Just to remove confusion, I want to note that I can't tail -f this device: it's not a character stream like the TTY itself is. (But I've never needed this kind of behavior, for what it's worth.)
I've kept my ears perked for many years for a method to dump the character-cell memory state of X terminal emulators - or indeed any arbitrary process that needs to work with ttys, in some similar manner as I can with the Linux console. And... I am rather surprised that there is no practical solution to this problem - since it has, arguably, existed for approximately 30 years - X was introduced in 1984 - or, to be pedantic, at least 19 years - /dev/vcs{,a}* was introduced in kernel 1.1.94; the newest file in that release is dated 22 Feb 1995. (The oldest is from 1st Dec 1993 :P)
I would like to say that I do understand and realize that the tty itself is not a "screen buffer" as such but a character stream, and that the nonstandard feature I essentially exploited above is a quirky capability specific to the Linux VT102 emulator. However, this feature is cool enough (why else would it be in the mainline tree? :D) that, in my opinion, there should be a counterpart to it for things that work with /dev/pts*.
This afternoon, I needed to screen-scrape the output of an interactive ncurses application so I could extract metadata from the information it presented in my terminal. (There was no other practical way to achieve the goal I was aiming for.) Linux' kernel VT100 driver would permit such a task to be completed very easily, and I made the mistake of thinking that it, in light of this, it couldn't truly be that hard to do the same under X11.
By 9AM, I'd decided that the easiest way to experimentally request a dump of a remote screen would be to run it in dtach (think "screen -x" without any other options) and hack the dtach code to request a screen update and quit.
Around 11AM-12PM, I was requesting screen updates and dumping them to stdout.
Around 3:30PM, I accepted that using dtach would be impossible:
First of all, it relies on the application itself to send the screen redraws on request, by design, to keep the code simple. This is great, but, as luck would have it, the application I was using didn't support whole-screen repaints - it would only redraw on screen-size change (and only if the screen size was truly different!).
Running the program inside a screen session (because screen is a true terminal emulator and has an internal 2D character-cell buffer), then running screen -x inside dtach, also mysteriously failed to produce character cell updates.
I have previously examined screen and found the code sufficiently insane enough to remove any inclinations I might otherwise have to hack on it; all I can say is that said insanity may be one of the reasons screen does not already have the capabilities I have presented here (which would arguably be very easy to implement).
Other questions similar to this one frequently get answers to use typescript, or script; I just want to clarify that script saves the stream of the tty itself to a file, which I would need to push through a VT100 emulator to obtain a screen image of the current state of the tty in question. In other words, script would be a very insane solution to my problem.

I'm not marking this as accepted since it doesn't solve the actual core issue (which is many years old), but I was able to achieve the specific goal I set out to do.
My specific requirements were that I wanted to screen-scrape the output of the ncdu interactive disk usage browser, so I could simply press Enter in another terminal (or perform some similar, easy sequence) to add the directory currently highlighted/selected in ncdu to a file-list of files I wanted to work with.My goal was not to have to distract myself with endless copy+paste and/or retyping of directory names (probably with not a few inaccuracies to boot), so I could focus on the directories I wanted to select.
screen has a refresh feature, accessed by pressing (by default) CTRL+A, CTRL+L. I extended my copy of dtach to be capable of sending keystrokes in addition to dumping remote screens to stdout, and wrapped dtach in a script that transmitted the refresh sequence (\001\014) to screen -x running inside dtach. This worked perfectly, retrieving complete screen updates without any flicker.
I will warn anyone interested in trying this technique, however, that you will need to perfect the art of dodging VT100 escape sequences. I used regular expressions for this so I wasn't writing thousands of lines of code; here's the specific part of the script that extracted out the two pieces of information I needed:
sh -c "(sleep 0.1; dtach -k qq $'\001\014') &"; path="$(dtach -d qq -t 130000 | sed -n $'/^\033\[7m.*\/\.\./q;/---.*$/{s/.*--- //;s/ -\+.*//;h};/^\033\[7m/{s/.\033.*//g;s/\r.*//g;s/ *$//g;s/^\033\[7m *[^ ]\+ \[[# ]*\] *\(\/*\)\(.*\)$/\/\\2\\1/;p;g;p;q}' | sed 'N;s/\(.*\)\n\(.*\)/\2\1/')"
Since screenshots are cool and help people visualize things, here's a look at how it works when it's running:
The file shown inverted at the bottom of the ncdu-scrape window is being screen-scraped from the ncdu window itself; the four files in the list are there because I selected them using the arrow keys in ncdu, moved my mouse over to the ncdu-scrape window (I use focus-follows-mouse), and pressed Enter. That added the file to the list (a simple text file itself).
Having said this, I would like to clarify that the regular expression above is not a code sample to run with; it is, rather, a warning: for anything beyond incredibly trivial (!!) content extractions such as the one presented here, you're basically getting into the same territory as large corporations/interests who want to convert from VT100-based systems to something more modern, who have to spend tends of thousands commissioning large translation frameworks that perform the kind of conversion outlined above on an especially large scale.
Saner solutions appreciated.


How to run another program and have it output to only a specific part of the terminal

I'm developing a tool to share a terminal session between multiple users.
Therefore my tool ramps up a pty, starts a shell and maps its i/o to the PTY.
stdin/stdout then gets mapped to the pty aswell.
On start and on terminal window resize, the PTY gets a TIOCGWINSZ syscall with the new sizes.
Now I'd like to keep the last line on my terminal free to render a ui/statusbar down there.
Reducing the amount of rows in the TIOCGWINSZ call by 1 seems to be semi working.
For demo purposes I set the size in TIOCGWINSZ to always be 80x23
Now, when running bash it's actually not limited by 23 rows as I had hoped.
When running vim, vim itself is adhereing to the size - which is nice.
But after quitting vim, bash now is limited to the 80x23?
It works as long as the terminal doesn't get resized, after that bash is using the full terminal size again.
What is vim doing there to limit the "terminal size"? Some kind of magical escape sequence?
And since this is probably a hack - what would be the correct solution, especially if I not only want a spare line at the end, but have the whole output render at a specific offset with a specific size, e.g. like tmux panes?
Actually, nevermind.
Solved this very case by actually using some obscure ansi escpae code (DECSTBM), e.g.: echo -en '\033[0;23r'

How to detect xterm resize in-band

I'm looking for a way to get resize events on an xterm as an alternative to the winch signal. I need to get a signal for the xterm resize that is remote compatible, that is, could be used over a serial line/telnet/ssh/whatever. The winch signal is only for local machine tasks.
I know that vi/curses can do this because I have tried ssh and use vi to edit a file, and it responds to resizing of the window.
So after a bit of research, it does seem there is no in-band method for this. I don't think it would be difficult to add. You have two sides to a connection, ssh, serial or whatever, let's say A and B where A is on the host and B is the remote. To get behavior equivalent to a local windowed task, I would say at least two things are essential:
Mouse movement/button messaging.
Window resize messaging.
The second, can be a two step process. If the B task gets an alert that the window size has changed, it can use in band queries to determine what the new size is, using the (perhaps infamous) method of setting the cursor to the end of an impossibly large screen and then reading the actual location of the cursor that results, then restoring the location, all done with standard in-band controls.
Why care about in-band vs. out of band? Well, nobody cares now :-), but serial lines used to be quite popular, and in-band, that is, actual escape sequences sent down the line are going to work, but telnet or ssh "out of band" communication is not.
It would not be difficult to add, a local program that shims the ssh or telnet, or even xterm itself, can get the winch message and change that to an escape alert to the B side. Here the mouse messaging is instructive. The messages consist of two actions:
The B side must enable such messages, so that the A side won't send unknown escapes to it.
The A side must have an escape to signify winch.
Thus a new escape from B to A, and one from A to B.
I'm actually fairly satisfied with winch. What was wanted is to have the same capabilities as vi/curses (based on my observation). This kind of support is already far better than Windows, which (as far as I know) implements none of this remote side support.

Reading application stdout data using node.js

Let's take e.g. "top" application which displays system information and periodically updates it.
I want to run it using node.js and display that information (and updates!).
Code I've come up with:
#!/usr/bin/env node
var spawn = require('child_process').spawn;
var top = spawn('top', []);
top.stdout.on('readable', function () {
console.log('stdout: ';
It doesn't behave the way I expected. In fact it produces nothing:
stdout: null
stdout: null
And then exits (that is also unexpected).
top application is taken just as an example. Goal is to proxy those updates through the node and display them on the screen (so same way as running top directly from command line).
My initial goal was to write script to send file using scp. Done that and then noticed that I am missing progress information which scp itself displays. Looked around at scp node modules and they also do not proxy it. So backtracked to common application like top.
top is an interactive console program designed to be run against a live pseudo-terminal.
As to your stdout reads, top is seeing that its stdin is not a tty and exiting with an error, thus no output on stdout. You can see this happen in the shell if you do echo | top it will exit because stdin will not be a tty.
Even if it was actually running though, it's output data is going to contain control characters for manipulating a fixed-dimension console. (like "move the cursor to the beginning of line 2"). It is an interactive user interface and a poor choice as a programmatic data source. "Screen scraping" and interpreting this data and extracting meaningful information is going to be quite difficult and fragile. Have you considered a cleaner approach such as getting the data you need out of the /proc/meminfo file and other special files the kernel exposes for this purpose? Ultimately top is getting all this data from readily-available special files and system calls, so you should be able to tap into data sources that are convenient for programmatic access instead of trying to screen scrape top.
Now of course, top has analytics code to do averages and so forth that you may have to re-implement, so both screen-scraping and going through clean data sources have pros and cons, and aspects that are easy and difficult. But my $0.02 would be focus on good data sources instead of trying to screen scrape a console UI.
Other options/resources to consider:
The free command such as free -m
and other commands described in this article
the expect program is designed to help automate console programs that expect a terminal
And just to be clear, yes it is certainly possible to run top as a child process, trick it into thinking there's a tty and all the associated environment settings, and get at the data it is writing. It's just extremely complicated and is analogous to trying to get the weather by taking a photo of the weather channel on a TV screen and running optical character recognition on it. Points for style, but there are easier ways. Look into the expect command if you need to research more about tricking console programs into running as subprocesses.

Linux capture window of a large stream of data

Let's say I have a ton of data flowing through stdout over a long period of time, maybe an hour, and I want to capture a 30 second window of that data based on a trigger that occurs in the middle of that window. For instance, maybe something like
$ program-that-outputs-lots-of-data | program-that-captures-a-window-of-data
At some point, a line that contains "A-unique-string" will be output by the program, and at that point I want to save the 15 seconds worth of data before and after that string, discarding everything before that. Immediately afterward, I want to start monitoring again for the same string and capture another window when it comes in and save it to a new file. Any idea how I can do something like this with Linux tools?
The fact that you are trying to use time as a unit for buffering makes your problem very rare. Under the Unix command line, everything tends to be designed around the text line concept.
For example, if instead of 15 seconds of data you would like to capture 15 lines of text (before and after the special token), you could simply do:
$ program-that-outputs-lots-of-data | grep -C 15 A-unique-string
In your case, even if you are developing your own tailored filtering tool, deciding how much input to save and to discard is a pretty complex problem. I'd say that multimedia streaming is the area where there might be some ready to use tools.
I don't think anything exists that approaches these goals. Aside from the fact that your requirements are fairly specific, you also ask that the window be time-based, whereas most Unix-style text filters are line-oriented (e.g. grep -C 100 to get the hundred lines surrounding a match).
It should be fairly straightforward to do this in Python or Perl or Ruby or a similar scripting language.

Syncing two files when one is still being written to

I have an application (video stream capture) which constantly writes its data to a single file. Application typically runs for several hours, creating ~1 gigabyte file. Soon (in a matter of several seconds) after it quits, I'd like to have 2 copies of file it was writing - let's say, one in /mnt/disk1, another in /mnt/disk2 (the latter is an USB flash drive with FAT32 filesystem).
I don't really like an idea of modifying the application to write 2 copies simulatenously, so I though of:
Application starts and begins to write the file (let's call it /mnt/disk1/file.mkv)
Some utility starts, copies what's already there in /mnt/disk1/file.mkv to /mnt/disk2/file.mkv
After getting initial sync state, it continues to follow a written file in a manner like tail -f does, copying everything it gets from /mnt/disk1/file.mkv to /mnt/disk2/file.mkv
Several hours pass
Application quits, we stop our syncing utility
Afterwards, we run a quick rsync /mnt/disk1/file.mkv /mnt/disk2/file.mkv just to make sure they're the same. In case if they're the same, it should just run a quick check and quit fairly soon.
What is the best approach for syncing 2 files, preferably using simple Linux shell-available utilities? May be I could use some clever trick with FUSE / md device / tee / tail -f?
The best possible solution for my case seems to be
mencoder ... -o >(
tee /mnt/disk1/file.mkv |
tee /mnt/disk2/file.mkv |
mplayer -
This one uses bash/zsh-specific magic named "process substitution" thus eliminating the need to make named pipes manually using mkfifo, and displays what's being encoded, as a bonus :)
Hmmm... the file is not usable while it's being written, so why don't you "trick" your program into writing through a pipe/fifo and use a 2nd, very simple program, to create 2 copies?
This way, you have your two copies as soon as the original process ends.
Read the manual page on tee(1).
