Rsync mkdir permission denied - linux

I am trying to use "Rsync" to copy my spark directory to all the slave machines by this command:
rsync -avL --progress /path/to/spark-0.9.0-incubating ubuntu#<Public_ip_of_slave>:/usr/local`
I am following the instructions on this site:"
but I am facing an error which is permission denied to make the folders in the destination.
Can anyone help me?

The ubuntu user (which you are using for scp) does not have the appropriate directory permissions on /usr/local at the remote server.
Misconfiguration can result in security issues so changing the directory permission of /usr/local is not recommended. If you wish to do so run:
ssh ubuntu#remote-server 'sudo chown root:ubuntu /usr/local'
where remote-server is the hostname or IP of the remote server and assuming that ubuntu is an administrator. You may also allow all others to write to the directory:
ssh ubuntu#remote-server 'sudo chmod o+w /usr/local'
but this is more dangerous than the previous option.
Alternatively, you may copy it into your home directory first then issue a sudo command to move the files into /usr/local:
rsync -avL --progress /path/to/spark-0.9.0-incubating ubuntu#remote-server:~
ssh ubuntu#remote-server 'sudo mv ~/spark-0.9.0-incubating /usr/local'
~ will be expanded to the home directory of the user, which in this case is likely to be /home/ubuntu/.
Do remember to change the permissions of /usr/local/spark-0.9.0-incubating as appropriate to allow access to authorized users using the chmod command.


How to resolve /bin/bash: Permission Denied

RHEL8.3 OS is being used on server, Yesterday i have accidently executed command chmod 644 /* from /usr/share/fonts directory after command execution i am not able to access server with ssh or on putty.
Admin is trying to connect to server with root user but he is getting error /bin/bash: Permission Denied.
Please suggest how to restored permissions or resolve issue.
Refer to here, 644 means you can't even execute the file, with or without root.
Permissions of 644 mean that the owner of the file has read and write access, while the group members and other users on the system only have read access.
Could you try sudo chmod 755 /* or without root chmod 755 /*?
Also, you may try this.
If nothing works, reinstalling your system will be the only choice left.

process_usershare_file: stat of failed. Permission denied Samba

I created a shared folder using samba in ubuntu to enable windows machines can access it with the following command:
$ sudo net usershare add documents /home/developer/documents "Developer documents" everyone:F guest_ok=y
I give 777 permissions to the folder:
$ sudo chmod 0777 /home/developer/documents
And then I check what I've done
$ sudo net usershare info --long
When I want to see if the folder is visible from all windows machine, you can see. However, you cann't access that folder and get error of: "Permission Denied"
The message in: /var/log/samba/log.ip-domain is:
process_usershare_file: stat of /var/lib/samba/usershares/backuparsac failed. Permission denied
Then, I try to add some rules to my smb.conf
comment = Documents for Developers
path = /home/developer/documents
browseable = yes
writable = yes
read only = yes
guest ok = yes
directory mask = 0777
but the error of Permission denied keeps coming. Is there anything else I need to do? I need this folder can be accessed by all windows machines.
NOTE: I use Ubuntu 14.04
The cause is that Samba does not synchronize its users with the system.
This solved the issue in my case, on Kubuntu 14.10:
sudo apt-get install libpam-smbpass
sudo service samba restart
If you don't want to synchronize users with PAM, simply add a user to Samba's password database:
sudo smbpasswd -a <user>
After that, the user will be able to open shared folders on the Samba machine.
Your configuration file seems to be fine.
I reckon there might be a permission issue in your parent folder.
I suggest you check /home and /home/developer both have 755 rather than 750 permission.
Then check sudo -u nobody ls /home/developer/documents.
If ls is successful, the samba is likely to work as you expected as well

Cherokee: accessing uwsgi configuration file

I'm running into a permissions problem with Cherokee+uWSGI on Ubuntu Server 13.10 intended for a Django production environment. When I start uWSGI manually as root user prior to launching cherokee, everything goes smooth:
sudo uwsgi --ini /home/instytut21/instytut21l/instytut21/uwsgi.ini
But when I try to access the site through the server (running as www-data) without that, I keep getting a 503 Service Unavailable response and the following message in the logs:
sudo cat /var/log/cherokee/instytut21.error.log
realpath() of /home/instytut21/ failed:
[core/utils.c line 3574]
I've spent a good while trying to figure out what causes the problem. I've tried giving ownership to $USER:www-data and www-data:www-data with all kinds of file permissions ranging from 600 to 777.
I don't want to run the server as root for security reasons. How can I make the ini file accessible to cherokee?
I finally found a solution to a similar problem at www-data permissions? . I slightly modified it and solved my problem by executing the following commands.
Own the whole directory by me and group www-data:
sudo chown -R $USER:www-data /home/instytut21/
Grant all permissions to the group:
sudo chmod -R g+rwx /home/instytut21/
Ensure all uploaded filed get the same permissions:
sudo chmod -R g+s /home/instytut21/

SFTP failing with "Match Group" clause

I am attempting to set up an sftp server on ubuntu/precise on EC2. I have been successful in adding a new user that can connect via ssh, however once I add the following clause:
Match Group sftp
ChrootDirectory /home/%u
AllowTCPForwarding no
X11Forwarding no
ForceCommand internal-sftp
I can no longer connect (at all, ssh or otherwise) and I get the message
Error: Connection refused
Error: Could not connect to server
I am able to connect with the subsystem set to:
#Subsystem sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
Subsystem sftp internal-sftp
Any idea why the ssh server is failing with this "Match" clause? Essentially, everything is working except for the "chroot" part.
Ok, solved the issue:
2 things were causing a problem
I had to move the "Match" Clause to the END of the file, it was in the middle
There was a permissions issue - found the answer elsewhere that fixed it
"All this pain is thanks to several security issues as detailed here. Basically the chroot directory has to be owned by root and can't be any group-write access. Lovely. So you essentially need to turn your chroot into a holding cell and within that you can have your editable content.
sudo chown root /home/bob
sudo chmod go-w /home/bob
sudo mkdir /home/bob/writable
sudo chown bob:sftponly /home/bob/writable
sudo chmod ug+rwX /home/bob/writable
And bam, you can log in and write in /writable."
Make sure that /home and /home/%u are chowned to root:root.

How to fix permission denied for .git/ directory when performing git push?

I have set up a git repository on my server. Created a new user 'git'. My repos are located in /srv/git/example.git. I was able to git remote add origin git#domain/srv/git/example.git then I added and committed my changes.
However when I tried git push origin master it failed on:
fatal: unable to create temporary file: permission denied' and 'fatal: sha1 file write error: invalid argument'
On the server I ran:
sudo chown -R git:git /srv/git/`
This fixed my problem but I am wondering if this was the correct thing to do?
On the server I ran sudo chown -R git:git /srv/git/ - this fixed my problem but I am wondering if this was the correct thing to do?
Absolutely. The problem previously was that the git user, who you're logging in as via SSH, could not write to the repository.
Depending on your needs, you may consider different combinations of users and SSH keys, or one of the many additional programs (gitolite etc) that can be used to more finely control access.
First, fix file permissions in your remote .git dir e.g.
sudo chmod -R ug+w /var/www/.git
sudo chown -R git:git /var/www/.git
or root:root if you want to assign members of root group for push access.
Then git repository on the destination host needs to be set as shared, so the following command on remote needs to be run:
git config core.sharedRepository group
