What is a good way to make a classified ad website? [closed] - web

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am undecided whether to use a Content Manangement System ( wordpress, drupal, joomla ) to build my own classified ads website like olx.com or craiglsit.
Is it good to make a it using a CMS
Or should I just hard code it on my own?
assuming I have good programming skills.

The best is to see which achieve the most of what you want out-of-the-box, which reduces how much you have to tweak / code.
Wordpress is more for a blog so avoid that one. Joomla provides a good framework, but would require quite a lot of coding to extend.
A quick google says that classified ads-specific Content Management Systems do exist, eg http://www.opensourcecms.com/scripts/details.php?scriptid=345
Personally, I'd look into these.

Wordpress can be used to create a very good classified Ads Website. Here's an article that shows how to create a classifieds web site using wordpress.
Talking about wordpress. It is misunderstood that Wordpress can only be used for blogging..It is not true. Here's an article that shows alternative uses of WordPress other than blogging


Beta site and invitations [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm launching a startup web site, what i would like to know is how to start with that, i mean is better to use invitations first of all?
Then how to send invitations and to who?
How can i plan invitations? Which are best practices?
Does anyone is passed from this step with his own site?
Any experience on here?
Whether you create a beta version of the site first is completely up to you.
It really depends what type of website you're planning to make. Beta's are obviously a good way to gain feedback on your website and its functionality before releasing to everyone. Thus, allowing you to make improvements/fix bugs before everyone uses the site.
In terms of actually getting users for the beta, it's very much a case of marketing your website and its existence well (through social media, advertising etc.), and then providing some kind of 'sign up for the beta' page. You could then close registration for the beta once you have enough users, and devise some method of gaining feedback from users.
I haven't personally created a beta myself, but if I was to do it, I would do the above.
Hope that's of some help.

Webshop, Security & CakePHP [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am building a webshop for which I want to ensure the security is good given we are handling money and other sensitive stuff. I am also relatively new to CakePHP and web programming in general and is not totally across the wonderful world of website security. I was wondering if there are people out the who you be so kind to provide security tips and best practise for webshops in particular which are built using CakePHP? Does these posts, Cakephp Security, What makes CakePHP secure, and how can we increase it's security?, cover all the relevant security risks or are there more things I should be thinking about in specific for a webshop?
I don't think that the post covers all of the security possible issues of your cake, but you may want to Google "Cake Exploits". If I were you, I wouldn't use CakePHP for building robust secure web app, actually I wouldn't use any open source Framework or app. I would build it myself!
Think about scalability and functionality of the framework too. CakePHP isn't one of the best performing out there! I'd recommend to take a look at the Yii framework. And again when it comes to security think about the security of your app comes first, would you like to use the code of someone else that you're not 100% sure what the code does? I wouldn't!
Some more detailed information about the CakePHP you may want to take look at this detailed comment: PHP Framework or not (Cake PHP)
Good luck!

How does Google determine to index pages as discussion pages? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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I am building a question and answering site by myself.
I want to make this site indexed as a Q&A site or Forums by Google, which can be retrieved when using the "Discussions" in Google. In my personal experience, Google Discussion Search is a pretty useful function when I want to get others' real opinions or experience.
However, I have no any idea on that how Google determine one site as Q&A/Forum or one page as Q&A/Forum page. I searched a lot on Google, but there is little related information discussing this issue. Do you have any idea or reference on that?
Use richsnippets and make Google recognizing your traffic by using Webmaster tools or Analytics . Use a sitemap.xml to invite for revisit and fast indexing, disable archiving (f.e. Google Cache) with meta-robots noarchive. If you have high traffic and fast content building, search-engines will then recognize by themselves.

Translate website into different language [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How can I convert my website into different language, for ex I want to translate it into Russian. It is a commercial website, i cant use google translate. How can I do it please guide me. Thanks
I Don't think for such a scenario you can use any automatic translator tools available as none of them can render a perfect translation. Your best bet is to get a translator and create a separate version of the website.
I was wondering by the way, is that a c# question? :)
There are many articles in codeproject that can help you achieve this, refer to this, this, this, this and several others. Try searching ASP.NET Globalization or ASP.NET Culture in google and stackoverflow, you'll find several articles and posts. Of course, nothing beats the old fashion way of translating ;) I agree with MSI and Christopher, hiring a translator is the best solution to your problem (that's what we did for our website). Cheers.
Hire a translator. If you want a quality product, it really is that simple.

knowledge sharing discussion forum on company intranet / network drive [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am investigating the feasibility of setting up a discussion forum / message board in my company to enable knowledge sharing etc.
What are the steps involved in implementing such a solution?
I would definitely recommend a Wiki - we've used Mindtouch internally for a number of years and have also posted all of our documentation externally on a wiki.
The steps will depend on what technology you already have in place and what kind of shop you are. If you have SharePoint (WSS 3.0 or MOSS 2007), then you already have blog, wiki and discussion group functionality built in. Not the best in the world, but it's there.
A shop that uses more open source tools is less likely to find SharePoint compelling. ;-)
Instead of (or maybe in addition to) a discussion forum, I would recommend a wiki server. This way you can have different howtos, lists, documentation, etc available and the important things will tend to stay up to date. We have one in our department and it is quite useful (if only people would log in when editing...).
I was not involved in setting it up, so I cannot give any details on that, but it is based on mediawiki.
