how to skip the files in the specific patteren in a folder - linux

I have one folder in this folder contain different kind of files like
I want only qt_fact_info.d20140228 this type of files only. I don't want files matching these patterns: *_is,*_bkk,*_lb,*_sg
Please help me how to print the above required kind of files(qt_fact_info.d20140228) by using UNIX shell scripting

You can do it like this:
ls | grep -v '_is\|_bkk\|_lb\|_sg'
grep -v prints everything that does not match the pattern.
\| means or
ls | sends the output of ls to grep for filtering.


shell script to read directory names and create .txt files with the same names in another directory

I have two directories, one called clients and another called test, inside the directory called clients I have some folders, I need a shell script that reads the name of the folders inside clients and creates .txt files with the same name inside the folder test, I am very new to shell and I have no idea how to do this, could you guys help me please?
Try using xargs with ls. ls -F displays all files in the directory client, but then displays the folders with an extra / at the end. the grep uses the extra / in the output of ls -F to only pass folders to the next command. Then, sed 's/\///g removes the extra / from grep, and passes the names to xargs. xargs will then pass the folders to the % symbol, and then make text files with the names.
ls -F client | grep / | sed 's/\///g' | xargs -I % touch tests/%.txt

List all folder and subfolder inside it where folder names start with a* or b* or c* with path

I need a folder and subfolder inside it to be displayed where names that start with A* or B* or C* and display along with path
Below Command Does not Display as expected
$ ls -l | egrep d
You can display the current directory by using the system environment variable PWD. You can combine the PWD with your ls command
using ls -ld
ls -ld $PWD/A* $PWD/B* $PWD/C*
If you want a list of all the directories and sub directories you can use the find command.
find . > subfolders.txt && cat subfolders.txt | egrep -i "^./E|^./g"
This command will recursively list all contents on your current working directory and send the output to a txt file named subfolders.txt. Then it will read the contents of subfolders.txt and using egrep, you can filter out anything that starts with "./E" or "./g". the -i option means it is case insensitive.
NOTE: This will also display the files contained in those subfolders.
find . | grep -E '/A|/B|/C'
find is better than ls for your requirements.

When comparing directories with diff is there a way to exclude certain file differences from the output?

I am running this command:
diff --recursive a.git b.git
It shows differences for some files that do not concern me. Is there a way to for example not have it show lines that end in:
or lines that start in:
"Binary files"
or lines that have this text in them:
A simple but effective way is to pipe output to grep. With grep -Ev you can ignore lines using regular expressions.
diff --recursive a.git b.git | grep -Ev "^< .xaml.g.cs|^> .xaml.g.cs" | grep -Ev "Binary files$" | grep -v ".git/objects"
This ignores all lines with matching text. As for the regular expressions: ^ means line starts with, $ means line ends with. But at least for ^ you have to adjust it to the diff output (where lines normally start with < or >).
Also note that diff provides a flag --ignore-matching-lines=RE but it might not work as you would expect as mentioned in this question/answer. And because it does not work as I would expect I rather use grep for filtering.
man diff
gives following examples:
-x, --exclude=PAT
exclude files that match PAT
-X, --exclude-from=FILE
exclude files that match any pattern in FILE
Did you try using those switches (like diff -x=".xaml.g.cs" --recursive a.git b.git)?

Finding multiple strings in directory using linux commends

If I have two strings, for example "class" and "btn", what is the linux command that would allow me to search for these two strings in the entire directory.
To be more specific, lets say I have directory that contains few folders with bunch of .php files. My goal is to be able to search throughout those .php files so that it prints out only files that contain "class" and "btn" in one line. Hopefully this clarifies things better.
I normally use the following to search for strings inside my source codes. It searches for string and shows the exact line number where that text appears. Very helpful for searching string in source code files. You can always pipes the output to another grep and filter outputs.
grep -rn "text_to_search" directory_name/
$ grep -rn "angular" menuapp
$ grep -rn "angular" menuapp | grep some_other_string
output would be:
menuapp/public/javascripts/app.js:1:var app = angular.module("menuApp", []);
grep -r /path/to/directory 'class|btn'
grep is used to search a string in a file. With the -r flag, it searches recursively all files in a directory.
Or, alternatively using the find command to "identify" the files to be searched instead of using grep in recursive mode:
find /path/to/your/directory -type f -exec grep "text_to_search" {} \+;

Listing entries in a directory using grep

I'm trying to list all entries in a directory whose names contain ONLY upper-case letters. Directories need "/" appended.
cd ~/testfiles/
ls | grep -r *.*
Since grep by default looks for upper-case letters only (right?), I'm just recursively searching through the directories under testfiles for all names who contain only upper-case letters.
Unfortunately this doesn't work.
As for appending directories, I'm not sure why I need to do this. Does anyone know where I can start with some detailed explanations on what I can do with grep? Furthermore how to tackle my problem?
No, grep does not only consider uppercase letters.
Your question I a bit unclear, for example:
from your usage of the -r option, it seems you want to search recursively, however you don't say so. For simplicity I assume you don't need to; consider looking into #twm's answer if you need recursion.
you want to look for uppercase (letters) only. Does that mean you don't want to accept any other (non letter) characters, but which are till valid for file names (like digits or dashes, dots, etc.)
since you don't say th it i not permissible to have only on file per line, I am assuming it is OK (thus using ls -1).
The naive solution would be:
ls -1 | grep "^[[:upper:]]\+$"
That is, print all lines containing only uppercase letters. In my TEMP directory that prints, for example:
This however would exclude files like README.TXT or FILE001, which depending on your requirements (see above) should most likely be included.
Thus, a better solution would be:
ls -1 | grep -v "[[:lower:]]\+"
That is, print all lines not containing an lowercase letter. In my TEMP directory that prints for example:
Finally, to "properly mark" directories with a trailing '/', you could use the -F (or --classify) option.
ls -1F | grep -v "[[:lower:]]\+"
Again, example output:
Note a different option would to be use find, if you can live with the different output (e.g. find ! -regex ".*[a-z].*"), but that will have a different output.
The exact regular expression depend on the output format of your ls command. Assuming that you do not use an alias for ls, you can try this:
ls -R | grep -o -w "[A-Z]*"
note that with -R in ls you will recursively list directories and files under the current directory. The grep option -o tells grep to only print the matched part of the text. The -w options tell grep to consider as match only for whole words. The "[A-Z]*" is a regexp to filter only upper-cased words.
Note that this regexp will print TEST.txt as well as TEXT.TXT. In other words, it will only consider names that are formed by letters.
It's ls which lists the files, not grep, so that is where you need to specify that you want "/" appended to directories. Use ls --classify to append "/" to directories.
grep is used to process the results from ls (or some other source, generally speaking) and only show lines that match the pattern you specify. It is not limited to uppercase characters. You can limit it to just upper case characters and "/" with grep -E '^[A-Z/]*$ or if you also want numbers, periods, etc. you could instead filter out lines that contain lowercase characters with grep -v -E [a-z].
As grep is not the program which lists the files, it is not where you want to perform the recursion. ls can list paths recursively if you use ls -R. However, you're just going to get the last component of the file paths that way.
You might want to consider using find to handle the recursion. This works for me:
find . -exec ls -d --classify {} \; | egrep -v '[a-z][^/]*/?$'
I should note, using ls --classify to append "/" to the end of directories may also append some other characters to other types of paths that it can classify. For instance, it may append "*" to the end of executable files. If that's not OK, but you're OK with listing directories and other paths separately, this could be worked around by running find twice - once for the directories and then again for other paths. This works for me:
find . -type d | egrep -v '[a-z][^/]*$' | sed -e 's#$#/#'
find . -not -type d | egrep -v '[a-z][^/]*$'
