actions=[[type=ACTION_OUTPUT action=[port=1 maxLen=0]];], as keywords to get_or_create in Bulbs - cassandra

I am using TitanGraphDB + Cassandra.I am starting Titan as follows
cd titan-cassandra-0.3.1
bin/ config/titan-server-rexster.xml config/
I have a Rexster shell that I can use to communicate to Titan+Cassandra above.
cd rexster-console-2.3.0
I want to program the Titan Graph DB from my python program.I am using bulbs package for that.
I create a vertex from python using bulbs as given below.
fe1 = self.g.vertices.get_or_create('switch_dpid',switch_dpid,
'matchInPort': MatchInPort,
'type': 'flow_entry',
'actions': ['type':'ACTION_OUTPUT', 'action':[port=actionOutputPort maxLen=0];]})
This is giving me an error
'actions': ['type':'ACTION_OUTPUT', 'action':[port=actionOutputPort maxLen=0];]})
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
The output that I would expect from the Rexster console is as follows.
actions=[[type=ACTION_OUTPUT action=[port=1 maxLen=0]];],
How do I program actions so that it is as above.?

You're mixing up Groovy syntax with Python.
actions is a dictionary and action is a dictionary so in Python it should be:
'actions': {'type': 'ACTION_OUTPUT',
'action': {port: actionOutputPort,
maxLen: 0}}
Note it is usually more convenient (less quotes) to create Python dictionaries using the dict function:
'actions' = dict(type = 'ACTION_OUTPUT',
action = dict(port = actionOutputPort,
maxLen = 0))


Using SklearnTutorial and unable to undertand the output of vectorizer.get_feature_names_out()

Is the output part of my 20newsgroups_train data? or is it from a default library? Because the words like 'zz_g9q3' dont make sense.
currently using 20newsgroups_train dataset and 20newsgroups_test datasets
['zyra' 'zysec' 'zysgm3r' 'zysv' 'zyt' 'zyu' 'zyv' 'zyxel' 'zyxel1496b'
'zz' 'zz20d' 'zz93sigmc120' 'zz_g9q3' 'zzcrm' 'zzd' 'zzg6c' 'zzi776'
'zzneu' 'zznki' 'zznkj' 'zznkjz' 'zznkzz' 'zznp' 'zzo' 'zzr11' 'zzr1100'
'zzrk' 'zzt' 'zztop' 'zzy_3w' 'zzz' 'zzzoh' 'zzzz' 'zzzzzz' 'zzzzzzt'
'ªl' '³ation'
'ºnd' 'çait' 'çon' 'ère' 'ée' 'égligent' 'élangea' 'érale' 'ête'
'íålittin' 'ñaustin' 'ýé']

Use *.pth model in C++

I want to run inference in C++ using a yolo3 model I trained with pytorch. I am unable to make the conversions using tracing and scripting provided by pytorch. I have this error during conversion
First diverging operator:
Node diff:
- %2 : __torch__.torch.nn.modules.container.ModuleList = prim::GetAttr[name="module_list"](%self.1)
+ %2 : __torch__.torch.nn.modules.container.___torch_mangle_139.ModuleList = prim::GetAttr[name="module_list"](%self.1)
? ++++++++++++++++++++
ERROR: Tensor-valued Constant nodes differed in value across invocations. This often indicates that the tracer has encountered untraceable code.
%358 : Tensor = prim::Constant[value=<Tensor>](), scope: __module.module_list.16.yolo_16

How to merge a generator with a JSON tree

I have the following python code that is to replace low-precision temperatures in a list of JSON trees, ec2_tcs['zones'] with higher precision temps from a generator, ec1_api.temperatures().
from evohomeclient import EvohomeClient as EvohomeClientVer1
ec1_api = EvohomeClientVer1(client.username, client.password)
for temp in ec1_api.temperatures(force_refresh=True):
for zone in ec2_tcs['zones']:
if str(temp['id']) == str(zone['zoneId']):
if zone['temperatureStatus']['isAvailable']:
zone['temperatureStatus']['temperature'] \
= temp['temp']
# TypeError: usually occurs in client library if problems with vendor's website
except TypeError:
"Failed to obtain higher-precision temperatures"
The JSON data looks like this (an array of JSON data, 1 per 'zone'):
'zoneId': '3432521',
'name': 'Main Room'
'temperatureStatus': {'temperature': 21.5, 'isAvailable': True},
'setpointStatus': {'targetHeatTemperature': 5.0, 'setpointMode': 'FollowSchedule'},
'activeFaults': [],
}, {
and each result from the generator like this:
{'thermostat': 'EMEA_ZONE', 'id': 3432521, 'name': 'Main Room', 'temp': 21.55, 'setpoint': 5.0}
I know Python must have a better way of doing this, but I can't seem to make it fly. Any suggestions would be gratefully received.
I could 'massage' the generator, but there are good reasons why the JSON tree's schema should remain unchanged.
The primary goal is to reduce a number of nested code blocks with a very fancy one-liner!

Bulbs: How to check if two vertices are connected by an edge in Titan

I am using TitanGraphDB + Cassandra.I am starting Titan as follows
cd titan-cassandra-0.3.1
bin/ config/titan-server-rexster.xml config/
I have a Rexster shell that I can use to communicate to Titan+Cassandra above.
cd rexster-console-2.3.0
I am attempting to model a network topology using Titan Graph DB.I want to program the Titan Graph DB from my python program.I am using bulbs package for that.
I create three types of vertices
- switch
- port
- device
I create labelled edges between ports that are connected physically.The label that I use is "link".
Let us say I have two port vertices portA and portB.
I want to write a function as below
def is_connected(portA, portB):
How do I find if two vertices are "connected by a labelled edge"?
I have two graph vertices
<Vertex: http://localhost:8182/graphs/graph/vertices/48>
<Vertex: http://localhost:8182/graphs/graph/vertices/72>
I have tried
link_exists = src_sw_other_ports.out.retain([dst_sw_other_ports]).hasNext()
It is giving me the following error.
File "/home/karthik/Projects/ryu/ryu/app/", line 238, in compute_path
link_exists = src_sw_other_ports.out.retain([dst_sw_other_ports]).hasNext()
File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/bulbs/", line 209, in __getattr__
raise AttributeError(name)
AttributeError: out
espeed's answer is good. Here's another alternative:
gremlin> g = TinkerGraphFactory.createTinkerGraph()
==>tinkergraph[vertices:6 edges:6]
gremlin> v1 = g.v(1)
gremlin> v3 = g.v(3)
gremlin> v6 = g.v(6)
gremlin> v1.out.retain([v3]).hasNext()
gremlin> v1.out.retain([v6]).hasNext()
A little better than using count as if you just want "existence" of an edge, you don't have to iterate the entire pipe to do so.
def is_connected(portA, portB):
return portA.both("link").retain([portB]).hasNext()
NB: I used your function definition in the code above; however, your function definition uses Python syntax, not Groovy, so the above example will only work if you are calling the Gremlin code from Jython.
The Gremlin-Groovy definition would be:
def isConnected (portA, portB) {
return portA.both("link").retain([portB]).hasNext()

Rexster query returns "No such property: v for class: com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.database.StandardTitanGraph"

I'm using TitanGraphDB + Cassandra. I'm starting Titan as follows
cd titan-cassandra-0.3.1
bin/ config/titan-server-rexster.xml config/
I have a Rexster shell that I can use to communicate to Titan + Cassandra above.
cd rexster-console-2.3.0
I'm attempting to model a network topology using Titan Graph DB. I want to program the Titan Graph DB from my python program. I'm using bulbs package for that.
I create five types of vertices
- switch
- port
- device
- flow
- flow_entry
I create edges between vertices that are connected logically. The edges are not labelled.
Let us say I want to test the connectivity between Vertex A and Vertex B
I have a groovy script is_connected.groovy
def isConnected (portA, portB) {
return portA.both().retain([portB]).hasNext()
Now from my rexster console
g = rexster.getGraph("graph")
rexster[groovy]> g.V('type', 'flow')
rexster[groovy]> g.V('type', 'flow_entry')
As you can see above I have two vertices of type flow v[116] and v[100]
I have two vertices of type flow_entry v[120] and v[104]
I want to check for the connectivity between v[120] and v[116] for e.g
rexster[groovy]> ?e is_connected.groovy
rexster[groovy]> is_connected(g.v[116],g.v[120])
==>An error occurred while processing the script for language [groovy]. All transactions across all graphs in the session have been concluded with failure: java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException: javax.script.ScriptException: javax.script.ScriptException: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: No such property: v for class: com.thinkaurelius.titan.graphdb.database.StandardTitanGraph
Either I am doing something very wrong,or I am missing something obvious.It would be great if you could point me in the right direction.
This syntax is not valid groovy:
should be:
You're mixing up Python syntax with Gremlin-Groovy syntax:
You defined the Groovy script as:
def isConnected (portA, portB) {
return portA.both().retain([portB]).hasNext()
rexster[groovy]> is_connected(g.v[116], g.v[120])
...should be...
rexster[groovy]> isConnected(g.v(116), g.v(120))
