Excel 2010 vba array as a class member error - excel

I am working on a project and have run into something that I don't understand. When assigning an array to a class member, the Let and Get names cannot be the same. If they are, I get the error:
Definitions of property procedures for the same property are inconsistent, or property procedure has an optional parameter, a ParamArray, or an invalid Set final parameter
Can anyone tell me if I'm just doing something wrong, or if this is just how it is. The code below generates the above message.
Test Code:
Sub loadServer()
Dim testServer As AvayaServer
Dim i As Long
Dim arr() As Variant
arr = Array("1", "2", "3", "4", "5")
Set testServer = New AvayaServer
testServer.Name = "This Sucks"
testServer.Skill = arr
MsgBox testServer.Skills(4)
MsgBox testServer.Name
End Sub
Class Code:
Private pName As String
Private pSkills() As String
Public Property Get Skills() As Variant
Skills = pSkills()
End Property
Public Property Let Skills(values() As Variant)
ReDim pSkills(UBound(values))
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(values) To UBound(values)
pSkills(i) = values(i)
End Property

Change values() As Variant to values As Variant:
Class Code:
Private pName As String
Private pSkills() As String
Public Property Get Skills() As Variant
Skills = pSkills()
End Property
Public Property Let Skills(values As Variant) 'Fixed here
ReDim pSkills(UBound(values))
Dim i As Long
For i = LBound(values) To UBound(values)
pSkills(i) = values(i)
End Property
values As Variant will be of type Variant, which you later use to store an array.
values() As Variant is an array of type Variant, to which an Array cannot be assigned; an Array can only be assigned to the former.


How to incorporate Excel VBA class collection into interface/factory method?

I've been using class modules for almost a year, and I'm just now comfortable with them. Now I'm trying to incorporate factory methods into data extraction from workbook tables. I found some great guides on the topic here, here, and here, but I'm unsure where to incorporate a collection of the class.
Up until now, I've setup my class modules with self-contained collections in this format:
Class module OrigClass
Option Explicit
'Col position references for input table, only includes cols with relevant data
Private Enum icrColRef
icrName = 2
icrCost = 4
End Enum
'UDT mirrors class properties
Private Type TTestClass
Name As String
Cost As Long
End Type
Const WS_NAME As String = "Sheet1"
Const NR_TBL As String = "Table1"
Private msTestClass As Collection
Private TestClass As TTestClass
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set msTestClass = New Collection
End Sub
Public Sub Add(Item As OrigClass)
msTestClass.Add _
Item:=Item, _
End Sub
Public Function Extract() As OrigClass
Dim tblInputs As ListObject
Dim i As Integer
Dim Item As OrigClass
Set tblInputs = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(WS_NAME).ListObjects(NR_TBL)
For i = 1 To tblInputs.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
Set Item = New OrigClass
With Item
.Name = tblInputs.DataBodyRange(i, icrName).Value
.Cost = tblInputs.DataBodyRange(i, icrCost).Value
End With
msTestClass.Add Item
Next i
End Function
Public Function Item(i As Variant) As OrigClass
Set Item = msTestClass.Item(i)
End Function
Public Function Count() As Integer
Count = msTestClass.Count
End Function
Friend Property Let Name(Val As String)
TestClass.Name = Val
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = TestClass.Name
End Property
Friend Property Let Cost(Val As Long)
TestClass.Cost = Val
End Property
Public Property Get Cost() As Long
Cost = TestClass.Cost
End Property
This structure works well when I build functions that pass a ranges/table, loop through the rows, and assign a column value to each property. The address is almost always constant and only the values and record count will vary.
I just started building an interface for a class while also trying to retain the collection component, but I'm stumbling on runtime errors... I could possibly create a separate collection class, but I think my problem is more about mismanaging scope rather than encapsulation:
Class module CTestClass
Option Explicit
'Col position references for input table, only includes cols with relevant data
Private Enum icrColRef
icrName = 2
icrCost = 4
End Enum
''UDT mirrors class properties
Private Type TTestClass
Name As String
Cost As Long
End Type
Const WS_NAME As String = "Sheet1"
Const NR_TBL As String = "Table1"
Private msTestClass As Collection
Private TestClass As TTestClass
Implements ITestClass
Implements FTestClass
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set msTestClass = New Collection
End Sub
Public Sub Add(Item As CTestClass)
msTestClass.Add _
Item:=Item, _
End Sub
Public Function Create() As ITestClass
With New CTestClass
' 2) now in Locals window, Me.msTestClass is <No Variables>
Set Create = .Self
' 4) Me.msTestClass is again <No Variables>, and
' Create (as Type ITextClass) is Nothing
' Create (as Type ITextClass/ITextClass) lists property values as
' <Object doesn't support this property or method>, aka runtime error 438
End With
End Function
Private Function FTestClass_Create() As ITestClass
Set FTestClass_Create = Create
End Function
Public Function Extract() As ITestClass
Dim tblInputs As ListObject
Dim i As Integer
Dim Item As CTestClass
Set tblInputs = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(WS_NAME).ListObjects(NR_TBL)
For i = 1 To tblInputs.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
Set Item = New CTestClass
With Item
.Name = tblInputs.DataBodyRange(i, icrName).Value
.Cost = tblInputs.DataBodyRange(i, icrCost).Value
End With
msTestClass.Add Item
Next i
' 1) in Locals window, Me.msTestClass is populated with all table records
End Function
Public Function ITestClass_Item(i As Variant) As ITestClass
Set ITestClass_Item = msTestClass.Item(i)
End Function
Public Function ITestClass_Count() As Integer
ITestClass_Count = msTestClass.Count
End Function
Friend Property Let Name(Val As String)
TestClass.Name = Val
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = TestClass.Name
End Property
Friend Property Let Cost(Val As Long)
TestClass.Cost = Val
End Property
Public Property Get Cost() As Long
Cost = TestClass.Cost
End Property
Public Property Get Self() As ITestClass
Set Self = Me
' 3) Me.msTestClass is again populated with all table records (scope shift?), but
' Self is set to Nothing
End Property
Private Property Get ITestClass_Name() As String
ITestClass_Name = Name
End Property
Private Property Get ITestClass_Cost() As Long
ITestClass_Cost = Cost
End Property
Interface module ITestClass
'Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False <-- revised in text editor
Option Explicit
Public Function Item(i As Variant) As ITestClass
End Function
Public Function Count() As Integer
End Function
Public Property Get Name() As String
End Property
Public Property Get Cost() As Long
End Property
Factory module FTestClass
'Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = False <-- revised in text editor
Option Explicit
Public Function Create() As ITestClass
End Function
Standard module
Sub TestFactory()
Dim i As ITestClass
Dim oTest As FTestClass
Set oTest = CTestClass.Create
' 5) oTest is <No Variables>, no properties are present
' as if the variable was never set
For Each i In oTest ' <-- Runtime error 438, Object doesn't support this property or method
Debug.Print i.Name
Debug.Print i.Cost
Next i
End Sub
What am I doing wrong here?
#freeflow pointed out that I didn't state my intentions for introducing an interface.
My office uses several workbook "models" to compile pricing data into a single output table that is then delivered to a downstream customer for importing into a database.
My goal is to standardize the calculations using these various models. The side goal is to understand how to properly implement a factory method.
Each model has one or more input tables, and each table contains a unique collection of 10-30 fields/columns. The output data calculations vary, along with the dependencies on various input fields. However, the output data is the same format all across the board and always contains the same dozen fields.
The example I've shown is intended to be a single interface ITestClass for writing data to the output table. The class that implements it CTestClass can be considered as just one of the several tables (within the several models) containing the input data. I plan on modeling more class objects, one for each input table.
Based on:
Sub TestFactory()
Dim i As ITestClass
Dim oTest As FTestClass
Set oTest = CTestClass.Create
' 5) oTest is <No Variables>, no properties are present
' as if the variable was never set
For Each i In oTest ' <-- Runtime error 438, Object doesn't support this property or method
Debug.Print i.Name
Debug.Print i.Cost
Next i
End Sub
It would appear that you are interested in making your class iterable like a collection. I would point you towards this SO question. The short of it is...it's difficult.
WIth regard to the error: The result of statement Set oTest = CTestClass.Create is the acquisition of a FTestClass interface that exposes a single method: Public Function Create() As ITestClass. Which, provides nothing to iterate on and results in an error.
Other Observations:
In the code as provided, there is no need to declare a factory interface.
(Sidebar: Interface classes typically begin with the letter "I". In this case, a better interface name for FTestClass would be "ITestClassFactory")
Since CTestClass has its VB_PredeclaredId attribute set to 'True', any Public method (or field) declared in CTestClass is exposed...and is considered its default interface. CTestClass.Create() is the Factory method you are interested in.
One purpose of creating a Factory method (in VBA) is to support the parameterized creation of a class instance. Since the Create function currently has no parameters, it is unclear what else could be going on during creation other than Set tClass = new CTestClass. But, there are parameters that would indicate what is going on during Create.
Public Function Create(ByVal tblInputs As ListObject, OPtional ByVal nameColumn As Long = 2, Optional ByVal costColumn As Long = 4) As ITestClass
In other words, CTestClass has a dependency on a ListObject in order to become a valid instance of a CTestClass. A factory method's signature typically contains dependencies of the class. With the above factory method, there is no longer a need to have an Extract function - Public or otherwise. Notice also (in the code below) that the ThisWorkbook reference is no longer part of the object. Now, the tblInputs ListObject can be from anywhere. And the important column numbers can be easily modified. This parameter list allows you to test this class using worksheets with fake data.
CTestClass contains a Collection of CTestClass instances. It would seem clearer to declare a TestClassContainer class that exposes the Create function above. The container class can then expose a NameCostPairs property which simply exposes the msTestClass Collection. Creating a container class reduces the TestClass to essentially a data object (all Properties, no methods) which results in a useful separation of concerns. Let the calling objects handle the iteration of the collection.
Option Explicit
Private Type TTestClassContainer
msTestClass As Collection
End Type
Private this As TTestClassContainer
'TestContainer Factory method
Public Function Create(ByVal tblInputs As ListObject, Optional ByVal nameCol As Long = 2, Optional ByVal costCol As Long = 4) As TestClassContainer
Dim i As Integer
Dim nameCostPair As CTestClass
Dim newInstance As TestClassContainer
With New TestClassContainer
Set newInstance = .Self
For i = 1 To tblInputs.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
Set nameCostPair = New CTestClass
nameCostPair.Name = tblInputs.DataBodyRange(i, nameCol).Value
nameCostPair.Cost = tblInputs.DataBodyRange(i, costCol).Value
newInstance.AddTestClass nameCostPair
Next i
End With
Set Create = newInstance
End Function
Public Sub AddTestClass(ByVal tstClass As CTestClass)
this.msTestClass.Add tstClass
End Sub
Public Property Get Self() As CTestClass
Set Self = Me
End Property
Public Property Get NameCostPairs() As Collection
Set NameCostPairs = this.msTestClass
End Property
CTestClass (no longer needs VB_PredeclaredId set to 'True')
Option Explicit
Implements ITestClass
''UDT mirrors class properties
Private Type TTestClass
Name As String
Cost As Long
End Type
Private this As TTestClass
Public Property Let Name(Val As String)
this.Name = Val
End Property
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = this.Name
End Property
Public Property Let Cost(Val As Long)
this.Cost = Val
End Property
Public Property Get Cost() As Long
Cost = this.Cost
End Property
Private Property Get ITestClass_Name() As String
ITestClass_Name = Name
End Property
Private Property Get ITestClass_Cost() As Long
ITestClass_Cost = Cost
End Property
And Finally:
Option Explicit
Sub TestFactory()
Const WS_NAME As String = "Sheet1"
Const NR_TBL As String = "Table1"
Dim tblInputs As ListObject
Set tblInputs = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(WS_NAME).ListObjects(NR_TBL)
Dim container As TestClassContainer
Set container = TestClassContainer.Create(tblInputs)
Dim nameCostPair As ITestClass
Dim containerItem As Variant
For Each containerItem In container.NameCostPairs
Set nameCostPair = containerItem
Debug.Print nameCostPair.Name
Debug.Print nameCostPair.Cost
End Sub
I see #BZgr has provided a solution but as I'd also written one I provide the answer below as analternative.
I think there are several problems with th OP code.
The origclass and collection of origclasses is conflated, they should be separate. Disentangling this wasn't made easier by the poor naming of the origclass UDT.
Its not clear what needs to be a factory. I've put the factory method in the origclasses class so that an 'immutable' collection of origclass is created.
Its not clear what the op is trying to achieve by introducing an interface. In general, interfaces are used when a number of different object must provide that same set of methods. In VBA the interface declaration allows the compiler to check if each object that claims to implement the interface has the correct methods and parameter lists. (but i do accept that there may be some special VBA cases where this is not the case)
The code below compiles and has no significant Rubberduck inspections. However, I am not a user of Excel VBA so I apologise in advance if my code makes mistakes in this area.
a. We have a separate and very simple OrigClass
Option Explicit
Private Type Properties
Name As String
Cost As Long
End Type
Private p As Properties
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = p.Name
End Property
Public Property Let Name(ByVal ipString As String)
p.Name = ipString
End Property
Public Property Get Cost() As Long
Cost = p.Cost
End Property
Public Property Let Cost(ByVal ipCost As Long)
p.Cost = ipCost
End Property
2 The OrigClaases class which is a collection of origclass
Option Explicit
'Col position references for input table, only includes cols with relevant data
Private Enum icrColRef
icrName = 2
icrCost = 4
End Enum
Private Type State
'TestClass As Collection
Host As Collection
ExternalData As Excel.Worksheet
TableName As String
End Type
Private s As State
Public Function Deb(ByVal ipWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet, ByVal ipTableName As String) As OrigClasses
With New OrigClasses
Set Deb = .ReadyToUseInstance(ipWorksheet, ipTableName)
End With
End Function
Friend Function ReadyToUseInstance(ByVal ipWorksheet As Excel.Worksheet, ByVal ipTableName As String) As OrigClasses
Set s.Host = New Collection
Set s.ExternalData = ipWorksheet
s.TableName = ipTableName
Set ReadyToUseInstance = Me
End Function
' The fact that you are using the collection Key suggests
' you might be better of using a scripting.dictioanry
' Also given that you populate host doirectly from the worksheet
' this add method may now be redundant.
Public Sub Add(ByVal ipItem As OrigClass)
s.Host.Add _
Item:=ipItem, _
End Sub
Public Sub Extract()
' Extract is restricted to re extracting data
' should the worksheet have been changed.
' If you need to work on a new sheet then
' create a new OrigClasses object
Set s.Host = New Collection
End Sub
Private Sub PopulateHost()
Dim tblInputs As ListObject
Set tblInputs = s.ExternalData.ListObjects(s.TableName)
Dim myRow As Long
For myRow = 1 To tblInputs.DataBodyRange.Rows.Count
Dim myItem As OrigClass
Set myItem = New OrigClass
With myItem
.Name = tblInputs.DataBodyRange(myRow, icrName).Value
.Cost = tblInputs.DataBodyRange(myRow, icrCost).Value
End With
s.Host.Add myItem, myItem.Name
End Sub
Public Function Item(ByVal ipIndex As Variant) As OrigClass
Set Item = s.Host.Item(ipIndex)
End Function
Public Function Count() As Long
Count = s.Host.Count
End Function
Public Function Name(ByVal ipIndex As Long) As String
Name = s.Host.Item(ipIndex).Name
End Function
Public Function Cost(ByVal ipIndex As Long) As Long
Cost = s.Host.Item(ipIndex).Cost
End Function
Public Function SheetName() As String
SheetName = s.ExternalData.Name
End Function
Public Function TableName() As String
TableName = s.TableName
End Function
Public Function NewEnum() As IUnknown
Set NewEnum = s.Host.[_NewEnum]
End Function
c. The testing code
Option Explicit
Const WS_NAME As String = "Sheet1"
Const NR_TBL As String = "Table1"
Sub TestFactory()
Dim oTest As OrigClasses
'#Ignore UnassignedVariableUsage
Set oTest = OrigClasses.Deb(ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(WS_NAME), NR_TBL)
Dim myOrigClass As Variant
For Each myOrigClass In oTest
Debug.Print myOrigClass.Name
Debug.Print myOrigClass.Cost
End Sub
For the factory method, following feeback from Rubberduck, I now use the method name 'Deb' which is short for Debut (or Debutante) meaning something that is presented which is ready to be used. Which of course leads to why I use the method name 'readytoUseInstance'.
I Use UDT of Properties and State (with variables p and s) to separate extenal properties from internal state.
Within methods I prefix variables with the prefix 'my'.
For method parameters i use the prefixed ip, op and iop for input only, output only, and imput that is mutated and output.
A side benefit of these prefixes p,s,my,ip,op,iop is that they also remove some the majority of the issues encountered when trying to name variables/parameters.

Why can't I declare my Class Object as such?

I am currently creating a Class Object for a VBA file, its objective is to act as a range dictionary that can be passed single cells. If this cell is contained in one of the ranges, it returns the value associated to the corresponding range key. The class name is "rangeDic".
It is in the making so its functionalities are not implemented yet. Here's the code:
Private zone() As String
Private bounds() As String
Private link As Dictionary
Const ContextId = 33
'Init zone
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set link = New Dictionary
ReDim zone(0)
ReDim bounds(0)
End Sub
Property Get linkDico() As Dictionary
Set linkDico = link
End Property
Property Set linkDico(d As Dictionary)
Set link = d
End Property
Property Get pZone() As String()
pZone = zone
End Property
Property Let pZone(a() As String)
Let zone = a
End Property
Public Sub findBounds()
Dim elmt As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim temp() As String
i = 1
For Each elmt In zone
ReDim Preserve bounds(i)
temp = Split(elmt, ":")
bounds(i - 1) = temp(0)
bounds(i) = temp(1)
i = i + 2
Next elmt
End Sub
I was trying to instanciate it in a test sub in order to debug mid conception. Here's the code:
Sub test()
Dim rd As rangeDic
Dim ran() As String
Dim tabs() As Variant
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("DataRanges")
While .Cells(i, 1).Value <> none
ReDim Preserve ran(i - 1)
ReDim Preserve tabs(i - 1)
ran(i - 1) = .Cells(i, 1).Value
tabs(i - 1) = .Cells(i, 3).Value
i = i + 1
End With
Set rd = createRangeDic(ran, tabs)
End Sub
Public Function createRangeDic(zones() As String, vals() As Variant) As rangeDic
Dim obje As Object
Dim zonesL As Integer
Dim valsL As Integer
Dim i As Integer
zonesL = UBound(zones) - LBound(zones)
valsL = UBound(vals) - LBound(vals)
If zonesL <> valsL Then
Err.Raise vbObjectError + 5, "", "The key and value arrays are not the same length.", "", ContextId
End If
Set obje = New rangeDic
obje.pZone = zones()
For i = 0 To 5
obje.linkDico.add zones(i), vals(i)
Next i
Set createRangeDic = obje
End Function
Take a look at line 2 of Public Function createRangeDic. I have to declare my object as "Object", if I try declaring it as "rangeDic", Excel crashes at line obje.pZone = zones(). Upon looking in the Windows Event Log, I can see a "Error 1000" type of application unknown error resulting in the crash, with "VB7.DLL" being the faulty package.
Why so ? Am I doing something wrong ?
Thanks for your help
Edit: I work under Excel 2016
It looks like this is a bug. My Excel does not crash but I get an "Internal Error".
Let's clarify a few things first, since you're coming from a Java background.
Arrays can only be passed by reference
In VBA an array can only be passed by reference to another method (unless you wrap it in a Variant). So, this declaration:
Property Let pZone(a() As String) 'Implicit declaration
is the equivalent of this:
Property Let pZone(ByRef a() As String) 'Explicit declaration
and of course, this:
Public Function createRangeDic(zones() As String, vals() As Variant) As rangeDic
is the equivalent of this:
Public Function createRangeDic(ByRef zones() As String, ByRef vals() As Variant) As rangeDic
If you try to declare a method parameter like this: ByVal a() As String you will simply get a compile error.
Arrays are copied when assigned
Assuming two arrays called a and b, when doing something like a = b a copy of the b array is assigned to a. Let's test this. In a standard module drop this code:
Option Explicit
Sub ArrCopy()
Dim a() As String
Dim b() As String
ReDim b(0 To 0)
b(0) = 1
a = b
a(0) = 2
Debug.Print "a(0) = " & a(0)
Debug.Print "b(0) = " & b(0)
End Sub
After running ArrCopy my immediate window looks like this:
As shown, the contents of array b are not affected when changing array a.
A property Let always receives it's parameters ByVal regardless of whether you specify ByRef
Let's test this. Create a class called Class1 and add this code:
Option Explicit
Public Property Let SArray(ByRef arr() As String)
arr(0) = 1
End Property
Public Function SArray2(ByRef arr() As String)
arr(0) = 2
End Function
Now create a standard module and add this code:
Option Explicit
Sub Test()
Dim c As New Class1
Dim arr() As String: ReDim arr(0 To 0)
arr(0) = 0
Debug.Print arr(0) & " - value before passing to Let Property"
c.SArray = arr
Debug.Print arr(0) & " - value after passing to Let Property"
arr(0) = 1
Debug.Print arr(0) & " - value before passing to Function"
c.SArray2 arr
Debug.Print arr(0) & " - value after passing to Function"
End Sub
After running Test, my immediate window looks like this:
So, this simple test proves that the Property Let does a copy of the array even though arrays can only be passed ByRef.
The bug
Your original ran variable (Sub test) is passed ByRef to createRangeDic under a new name zones which is then passed ByRef again to pZone (the Let property). Under normal circumstances there should be no issue with passing an array ByRef as many times as you want but here it seems it is an issue because the Property Let is trying to make a copy.
Interestingly if we replace this (inside createRangeDic):
obje.pZone = zones()
with this:
Dim x() As String
x = zones
obje.pZone = x
the code runs with no issue even if obje is declared As rangeDic. This works because the x array is a copy of the zones array.
It looks that the Property Let cannot make a copy of an array that has been passed ByRef multiple times but it works perfectly fine if it was passed ByRef just once. Maybe because of the way stack frames are added in the call stack, there is a memory access issue but difficult to say. Regardless what the problem is, this seems to be a bug.
Unrelated to the question but I must add a few things:
Using ReDim Preserve in a loop is a bad idea because each time a new memory is allocated for a new (larger) array and each element is copied from the old array to the new array. This is very slow. Instead use a Collection as
#DanielDuĊĦek suggested in the comments or minimize the number of ReDim Preserve calls (for example if you know how many values you will have then just dimension the array once at the beginning).
Reading a Range cell by cell is super slow. Read the whole Range into an array by using the Range.Value or Range.Value2 property (I prefer the latter). Both methods returns an array as long as the range has more than 1 cell.
Never expose a private member object of a class if that object is responsible for the internal workings of the class. For example you should never expose the private collection inside a custom collection class because it breaks encapsulation. In your case the linkDico exposes the internal dictionary which can the be modified from outside the main class instance. Maybe it does not break anything in your particular example but just worth mentioning. On the other hand Property Get pZone() As String() is safe as this returns a copy of the internal array.
Add Option Explicit to the top of all your modules/classes to make sure you enforce proper variable declaration. Your code failed to compile for me because none does not exist in VBA unless you have it somewhere else in your project. There were a few other issues that I found once I turned the option on.

Error handling of multiple class attributes

I have a class that holds data in separate attributes (I chose this design instead of an array or scripting.dictionary because I will be using these data for the construction of a decision tree and I want to make use of IntelliType while I construct it.).
The data are loaded from an excel spreadsheet in the form of floats, so I am storing them in a long datatype, but from time to time it happens so that a value is missing and is replaced by an "NA" string.
I would like to create an error-handling routine, that, if a non-numeric value is encountered, would replace the content with a value -1.
I know I could do this with checking with IsNumeric() or error-handling, but I don't know how to make it work for every one of the many attributes the class holds and I don't really like the solution to write a specific error-handling code for every one of them (storing each of them in a separate attribute is not elegant as well, but I find this a price I am willing to pay for the advantage of shorter syntax in the decision tree).
Is there a way to pass a value to a variable, that just encountered a type-mismatch error, by the error-handling code independent of the variable name?
A simple example with several of the attributes:
Option Explicit
Dim B_LYM As Long
Dim B_mem As Long
Dim B_CXCR3 As Long
Dim B_CXCR4_MFI As Long
Public Sub SetData(data as Range)
On Error Goto err_handler
B_LYM = data.Cells(1, 1)
B_mem = data.Cells(1, 2)
B_CXCR3 = data.Cells(1, 3)
B_CXCR4_MFI = data.Cells(1, 4)
'I need something like this:
'if valuebeingstored = "NA" then targetvariable = -1
End Sub
It could be that some other approach could be better and I am gladly open to options, I only want to emphasize that I would really like make use of IntelliType when constructing the decision tree. I was considering using scripting.dictionary, but the syntax will bloat the code very quickly.
You said you have a Class and therefore could include the function to check the input and return -1 inside the class and use the Get and Let properties to call the function.
Here is an example class (named clsDataStuff) demonstrating this:
Option Explicit
Private c_B_LYM As Double
Private c_B_mem As Double
Private c_B_CXCR3 As Double
Private c_B_CXCR4_MFI As Double
Public Property Let B_LYM(varValue As Variant)
c_B_LYM = ParseDouble(varValue)
End Property
Public Property Get B_LYM()
End Property
Public Property Let B_mem(varValue As Variant)
c_B_mem = ParseDouble(varValue)
End Property
Public Property Get B_mem()
B_mem = c_B_mem
End Property
Public Property Let B_CXCR3(varValue As Variant)
c_B_CXCR3 = ParseDouble(varValue)
End Property
Public Property Get B_CXCR3()
End Property
Public Property Let B_CXCR4_MFI(varValue As Variant)
c_B_CXCR4_MFI = ParseDouble(varValue)
End Property
Public Property Get B_CXCR4_MFI()
End Property
Private Function ParseDouble(varValue As Variant) As Double
If IsNumeric(varValue) Then
ParseDouble = CDbl(varValue)
ParseDouble = -1
End If
End Function
Noting that:
the Let property expects a Variant because you say your input could be a number, or a string
the Get property returns Double as you said your inputs are floats so Double is better than Long
the ParseDouble function simply checks for a numeric input and returns -1 otherwise
Then, in your module code:
Option Explicit
Dim B_LYM As Long
Dim B_mem As Long
Dim B_CXCR3 As Long
Dim B_CXCR4_MFI As Long
Public Sub Test()
Dim objDataStuff As clsDataStuff
Set objDataStuff = New clsDataStuff
objDataStuff.B_LYM = 1 'data.Cells(1, 1)
objDataStuff.B_mem = 2 'data.Cells(1, 2)
objDataStuff.B_CXCR3 = "a" 'data.Cells(1, 3)
objDataStuff.B_CXCR4_MFI = True 'data.Cells(1, 4)
Debug.Print objDataStuff.B_LYM
Debug.Print objDataStuff.B_mem
Debug.Print objDataStuff.B_CXCR3
Debug.Print objDataStuff.B_CXCR4_MFI
End Sub
Returns an output of:
Intellisense is available and you get validation of the input:
Edit - regarding the comment on dynamically setting a target variable.
Your class can be:
Option Explicit
Public B_LYM As Double
Public B_mem As Double
Public B_CXCR3 As Double
Public B_CXCR4_MFI As Double
Public Sub SetVar(ByVal strVarName As String, ByVal varValue As Variant)
Dim dblValue As Double
Dim strToEval As String
If Not MemberExists(strVarName) Then Exit Sub
dblValue = ParseDouble(varValue) ' do the parse
CallByName Me, strVarName, VbLet, dblValue ' dynamically assign the value
End Sub
Private Function ParseDouble(varValue As Variant) As Double
If IsNumeric(varValue) Then
ParseDouble = CDbl(varValue)
ParseDouble = -1
End If
End Function
Private Function MemberExists(strVarName) As Boolean
Dim blnTest As Boolean
Dim varValue As Variant
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
varValue = CallByName(Me, strVarName, VbGet)
blnTest = True
GoTo ExitFunction
blnTest = False
MemberExists = blnTest
End Function
All the variables are Public and you still get Intellisense but avoid all the repetitive Let and Get code
A single SetVar method uses CallByName to dynamically set a target variable
Two problems:
You need the clunky MemberExists function to prevent SetVar trying to assign a value to a member that does not exist - otherwise this generates an error (438) but perhaps this is something you need in your logic ?
You can still assign values to the target variable with e.g. objDataStuff.B_CXR3 = "foo" which alsos produces an error for anything other than a number.
The example code shows the problem below. But sticking with SetVar method will produce the same output as above.
Option Explicit
Dim B_LYM As Long
Dim B_mem As Long
Dim B_CXCR3 As Long
Dim B_CXCR4_MFI As Long
Public Sub Test()
Dim objDataStuff As clsDataStuff
Set objDataStuff = New clsDataStuff
objDataStuff.SetVar "B_LYM", 1
objDataStuff.SetVar "B_mem", 2
objDataStuff.SetVar "B_CXCR3", -1
objDataStuff.SetVar "B_CXCR4_MFI", True
objDataStuff.SetVar "foobar", 999
' working around SetVar here generates an error
objDataStuff.B_CXCR3 = "bad"
Debug.Print objDataStuff.B_LYM
Debug.Print objDataStuff.B_mem
Debug.Print objDataStuff.B_CXCR3
Debug.Print objDataStuff.B_CXCR4_MFI
End Sub

VBA: How to loop through multiple variant arrays of the same length and turn them into Objects

I currently have 3 separate variants that are all arrays consisting of 13 rows and 1 column. One variant represents names, another represents changes and the last represents occurrences. Please see my starter code below:
Sub watchList()
Dim names As Variant
names = Sheets("Watch Calculations").Range("B4:B16")
Dim changes As Variant
changes = Sheets("Watch Calculations").Range("G4:G16")
Dim occurances As Variant
occurrences = Sheets("Watch Calculations").Range("G22:G34")
End Sub
I also have a class called counterParty with the following fields:
Public Name As String
Public changeStatus As String
Public negativeOccurences As Integer
How can I loop through all 3 variants at the same time and input the values into an object of the counterParty class based on the row number of each variant. Please see psuedo code below:
Dim i As Integer
Dim MyArray(1 To 13) As Integer
For i = 1 To UBound(MyArray)
'psuedo code stars here
create new object of class counterParty
set object.Name = names(i,1)
set object.changeStatus = changes(i,1)
set object.negativeOccurences= occurrences.get(i,1)
add object to array of counterParty objects
Next i
Try this out
First the class module:
Private pName As String
Private pchangeStatus As String
Private pnegativeOccurrences As Long
Public Property Get Name() As String
Name = pName
End Property
Public Property Let Name(lName As String)
pName = lName
End Property
Public Property Get changeStatus() As String
changeStatus = pchangeStatus
End Property
Public Property Let changeStatus(lchangeStatus As String)
pchangeStatus = lchangeStatus
End Property
Public Property Get negativeOccurrences() As Long
negativeOccurrences = pnegativeOccurrences
End Property
Public Property Let negativeOccurrences(lnegativeOccurrences As Long)
pnegativeOccurrences = lnegativeOccurrences
End Property
Then the module:
Dim names As Variant
names = Sheets("Watch Calculations").Range("B4:B16")
Dim changes As Variant
changes = Sheets("Watch Calculations").Range("G4:G16")
Dim occurrences As Variant
occurrences = Sheets("Watch Calculations").Range("G22:G34")
Dim i As Long
Dim clsarr(1 To 13) As Object 'You can use lbound and ubound on names() to get dynamic values
Dim mycls As Class1
For i = 1 To UBound(names)
Set mycls = New Class1 'Overwrite current object
'assign values to the class properties
mycls.Name = names(i, 1)
mycls.changeStatus = changes(i, 1)
mycls.negativeOccurrences = occurrences(i, 1)
Set clsarr(i) = mycls
Next i

VBA pass variables between Sub and Public Function

I'm new to VBA and am trying to pass a string from a Sub to a Public Function (the Sub and Public Function are in separate modules but the same Workbook), split the string into an array in the Public Function, then pass the array back to the Sub from the Public Function.
I've searched though Stack Overflow and tried several different methods but they haven't worked. Below is the code I currently have which produces the following error:
Run-time error '9':
Subscript out of range
Any help would be appreciated. Apologies for the basic question. Thank you.
Sub export()
Dim testString As String
Dim testValue As Variant
'testString could have any number of values
testString = "TEST1, TEST2, TEST3, TEST4"
'Call the Public Function below
testValue = splitText(testValue)
End Sub
Which calls the following Public Function in another module:
Public Function splitText() As Variant
Dim testValue As Variant
'Trying to import testString from the Sub to split it
testValue = Split(testString, ",")
'Define result of the Public Function
splitText = testValue
End Function
You need to use consistent variable names and pass argument in function call
Public Sub export()
Dim testString As String
Dim testValue As Variant
testString = "TEST1, TEST2, TEST3, TEST4"
testValue = splitText(testString) '<== consistent naming and passed as argument
End Sub
Public Function splitText(ByVal testString As String) As Variant '<== argument referenced in function signature
Dim testValue As Variant
testValue = Split(testString, ",") '<== consistent naming
splitText = testValue
End Function
