sh script with scp variables - cygwin

I am trying to writing a simple script which will figure out the latest version of a file by the filename and then download that file to the local computer.
What I cant figure out is why my code will work in the shell, but not work when I run it as a script. I am also running my script on cygwin, not sure if that will make a difference.
Here is the script
x=$(ssh user#hostname 'ls -r -t /vgf/day1*.gif | tail -1')
echo $x
scp user#hostname:"${x}" /images/day1.gif
x is correctly assigned, but when I get to the scp command I receive something along the lines of
: No such file or directoryif
However if I run the scp command in the shell it will work
$ sh
: No such file or directoryif
$ scp user#hostname:"${x}" /images/day1.gif
day1.gif 100% 22KB 22.1KB/s 00:00
I would be open to different solutions. If I could prevent the version increasing via some linux administration, I may follow that route, although I am still wondering what the problem is here.
By version, I mean day1_001.gif and the new version becoming day1_002.gif and so on. So when the file saves a file day1.gif, it will overwrite the original without creating another version.


Using SSH to execute a command - $PATH is fine but running perl scripts fails?

Going from a Linux host to another Linux host
Say I run:
ssh user#server ' . /etc/profile; /path/to/'
I always get errors involving scripts within that perl script like...
/path/to/ was not found No Such File or Directory
-even though it's obviously there. Running this script locally on "server" works just fine. What's also confusing is that the output of....
ssh user#server ' . /etc/profile; echo $PATH'
...looks EXACTLY the same as echo $PATH when running on "server" locally.
Any ideas as to why this is not working? I do not have permissions to modify the perl script to always* include the complete path to the files listed.
if it's useful this is running with a shebang of #!/usr/bin/env perl - reading up on it now, would this alter my path?**

"cannot execute binary file" when trying to run a shell script on linux

I am very new to linux and shell scriprting.
I am trying to run a shellscript from secure shell (ssh) on linux using following commands:
chmod +x path/to/
sh path/to/
I get this error:
path/to/ path/to/ cannot execute binary file.
Tried using this command:
bash path/to/
I get the same error.
Tried with this command: su - myusername sh path/to/
It is asking for my password and giving me this error: no such file or directory.
1.The result of cat -v path/to/ is:
^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#Rscript "$dir"/diver_script.R
2.When tried 'less path/to/' i got this on my terminal:
for dir in /path/to/* ; do
^#^#^#^#^#^#^#^#Rscript "$dir"/myRscript.R
3.When i ran file path/to/ : i got this "Bourne-Again shell script text executable"
Please give any advice on how I can try executing the shellscript.
chmod -x removes execution permission from a file. Do this:
chmod +x path/to/
And run it with
As the error report says, you script is not actually a script, it's a binary file.
I was getting the same error running my shell script through a bash interpreter in PowerShell. I ran dos2unix on the shell script, and now it runs ok.
From a proposed duplicate: cannot execute binary file
This is because the file is compressed, as indicated by the .xz extension. You need to remove the compression before the file can be used.
xz -d ./
chmod +x ./ # probably not necessary if you already did that before
Other compression schemes like gzip (.gz extension), bzip2 (.bz2 extension) etc behave similarly; you just have to know the name of the command to uncompress it, which is of course usually easy to google.
To anyone else having the problem i had.
i was trying to run a 16 bit unicode text file converted to a shell script, this doesn't work as all 16 bit unicode text files have a 0xFFFE marker at the start making mac os not like the file and this gives the “cannot execute binary file” error.
open the text file click on "Format" at the top, go down to "Make Plain Text" click it.
open your terminal type chmod 777 /path/to/
put in terminal: /path/to/ to run it
That script is simply not a shell script.
A shell script is usually readable and contains shell code.
The output your cat command shows looks indeed like it's a binary of some sort.
As some note, it might be because of a file conversion issue when copying but it looks more like an actual binary to me.
You can check what it is identified as with the file command so:
file path/to/
Just start with a clean script and rewrite the code, it looks like you just want to run some R scripts in a directory?
Make sure the R scripts point to the right R script executioner.
In my case I had a bash script that would not execute. The file was originally generated from a find ... -print0 command. Leaving a \0 character the script, removing that character solved my problem.

How to resolve dependecies while running a shell script remotely?

I'm trying to run a shell script remotely. I'm having a resource(.txt file) in one machine and a shell script in another machine, but in the same network. The script resides in a particular directory and the script takes some binary files that resides in some other directory everything in the target machine. Now, I'm not able to run the script remotely. But I can run a simple shell program which does not have any local dependencies. Can you please suggest a solution to resolve this problem?
Here is the command that I used for running a shell-script-without-any-dependencies.
cat input.txt | ssh clrg# "sh path/to/shell/script/"
On running a script with dependencies, I got the following error,
"ambiguous redirect"
../../deter-4/bin/determine: No such file or directory
../../deter-4/bin/determine1: No such file or directory
Now, how can I tell to accept dependencies while running the shell script
I think your problem is the working directory. Try something like this:
cat input.txt | ssh clrg# "sh -c 'cd /path/to/shell/script; ./'"
Your script seems to expect to be run from a specific working directory only. The error messages you mentioned in your comment about the relative paths (starting with ../../) at least suggest that.

how to convert a text/plain to text/x.shellscript

I am sending a .sh file created from a windows machine to a linux so that I could run it there. The problem is that I keep on getting an error called bad interpreter.But when I program the shell script in the linux machine it runs with no problems even though it has the same code with the one sent from the windows machine. After my ivestigation, I found out that the windows machine .sh script is a text/plain file(using file -bi) and the other one from the linux machine is a text/x.shellscript. Is there a way to convert the text/plain to a text/x.shellscript? thank you
this is the script:
sudo apt-get update
I tried a solution by doing another .sh file in a linux box containing only
Then the windows machine only sent a file containing test commands like :
Then I append the file from the windows box to the linux one with
cat >>
It did not work if I run It says errors like:
./ line 2 $'date\r':command not found
./ line 2 $'hostname\r':command not found
However, if I open then save it again without doing anything. It works
I'm summarising below the steps you need to take so other users can see easily what needs doing:
Firstly, you need to check your script has the correct path to your interpreter after the "#!" in the very first line. This is should probably be:
and you can find which is correct by typing:
which bash
on your Linux box.
Secondly, you need to make sure that any Windows carriage returns (or "^M") at the ends of the lines are removed before expecting your Linux box to run the script. You can do this with:
dos2unix yourscript
Just for reference, you can easily see weird characters such as TABs or linefeeds or carriage returns in Linux by using:
cat -vet yourfile
sed -n l yourfile
Thirdly, you need to make sure your script is executable on Linux, using chmod like this:
chmod +x yourscript
Finally, when you have done all that, you need to either add the directory where the script is located to your PATH variable (and export it) or give the full path to your script like this if your script is in the current directory:
or like this if it is located somewhere else

cp command won't run if executed from shell script

i have very simple shell script
cp -rf /var/www/ksite/app2/* /var/www/ksite/app
echo "----"
echo "done"
but seems cp command fails
if i execute
cp -rf /var/www/ksite/app2/* /var/www/ksite/app
from terminal everything work ok. Can someone tell me how to include cp in shell script?
We seem to have doubt as to how this script fails. If there is no error message then this is a strange one. I suggest:
On the command line (which works), do a which cp
Whatever the reply, then copy that and use it as the cp in the script (e.g. /bin/cp)
Check the widcard expansion, run your script with bash -x script-name and see if you get what you expect.
echo $? after the copy in the script - if it is zero then it (thinks it) worked.
Do a ls -ld /var/www/ksite/app from your script, maybe someone set a symbolic link?
If it still fails, source the script from the command-line and see if that works . script-name
Double check that the copy did actually fail! (maybe that should be step 1.)
Make sure you really have bash at /bin/bash. I think a batter hash bang is:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
This uses the env command to locate the bash binary and set the environment.
I had similar problem. What helped me:
I used windows and putty to write script, so I had \r\n at the end of lines. Be sure, you have only \n symbol.
I copied files and the only way it worked for me at script was cp <source_dir>/fileName <dest_dir>/fileName whereas at command line cp <source_dir>/fileName <dest_dir> worked well too.
Just covering all the bases .. do the permissions vary between the excutions .. i.e. do you execute one with sudo/root privileges, the other as user (unlikely, but thought I'd ask since we don't know what the exact error is)
Similar issue to Vladmir where the script was created in Windows. I created a new file "" in the linux environment using VIM, then read the contents of my script into the file:
Then I saved, closed, then set the file as executable:
chmod 744
From there, I ran the script:
...and it worked. What a weird issue. I was confounded for a moment.
