Spark Sql JDBC Support - apache-spark

Currently we are building a reporting platform as a data store we used Shark. Since the development of Shark is stopped so we are in the phase of evaluating Spark SQL. Based on the use cases we have we had few questions.
1) We have data from various sources( MySQL, Oracle, Cassandra, Mongo). We would like to know how can we get this data into Spark SQL? Does there exist any utility which we can use? Does this utility support continuous refresh of data (sync of new add/update/delete on data store to Spark SQL?
2) Is the a way to create multiple database in Spark SQL?
3) For Reporting UI we use Jasper, we would like to connect from Jasper to Spark SQL. When we did our initial search we got to know currently there is no support for consumer to connect Spark SQL through JDBC, but in future releases you would like the add the same. We would like to know by when Spark SQL would have a stable release which would have JDBC Support? Meanwhile we took the source code from but we had some difficulty in setting it up locally and evaluating it . It would be great if you can help us with setup instructions.(I can share the issue we are facing please let me know where can I post the error logs)
4) We would also require a SQL prompt where we can execute queries, currently Spark Shell provides SCALA prompt where SCALA code can be executed, from SCALA code we can fire SQL queries. Like Shark we would like to have SQL prompt in Spark SQL. When we did our search we found that in future release of Spark this would be added. It would be great if you can tell us which release of Spark would address the same.

as for
3) Spark 1.1 provides better support for SparkSQL ThriftServer interface, which you may want to use for JDBC interfacing. Hive JDBC clients that support v. 0.12.0 are able to connect and interface with such server.
4) Spark 1.1 also provides a SparkSQL CLI interface that can be used for entering queries. In the same fashion that Hive CLI or Impala Shell.
Please, provide more details about what you are trying to achieve for 1 and 2.

I can answer (1):
Apache Sqoop was made specifically to solve this problem for the relational databases. The tool was made for HDFS, HBase, and Hive -- as such it can be used to make data available to Spark, via HDFS and the Hive metastore.
I believe Cassandra is available to SparkContext via this connector from DataStax: -- which I have never used.
I'm not aware of any connector for MongoDB.

1) We have data from various sources( MySQL, Oracle, Cassandra, Mongo)
You have to use different driver for each case. For cassandra there is datastax driver (but i encountered some compatibility problems with SparkSQL). For any SQL system you can use JdbcRDD. The usage is straightforward, look at the scala example:
test("basic functionality") {
sc = new SparkContext("local", "test")
val rdd = new JdbcRDD(
() => { DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:derby:target/JdbcRDDSuiteDb") },
1, 100, 3,
(r: ResultSet) => { r.getInt(1) } ).cache()
assert(rdd.count === 100)
assert(rdd.reduce(_+_) === 10100)
But notion that it's just an RDD, so you should work with this data through map-reduce api, not in SQLContext.
Does there exist any utility which we can use?
There is Apache Sqoop project but it's in active development state. The current stable version even doesn't save files in parquet format.

Spark SQL is a capability of the Spark framework. It shouldn't be compared to Shark because Shark is a service. (Recall that with Shark, you run a ThriftServer that you can then connect to from your Thrift app or even ODBC.)
Can you elaborate on what you mean by "get this data into Spark SQL"?

There are a couple of Spark - MongoDB connectors:
- the mongodb connector for hadoop (which doesn't actually need Hadoop at all!)
the Stratio mongodb connector

If your data is huge and need to perform a lot of transformations then Spark SQL can be used for ETL purpose, else presto could solve all your problems. Addressing your queries one by one:
As your data is in MySQL, Oracle, Cassandra, Mongo all these can be integrated in Presto as it has connectors for all these databases.
Once you install Presto in cluster mode you can query all these databases together in one platform, which also provides to join a table from Cassandra and other tables from Mongo, this flexibility is unparalleled.
Presto can be used to connect to Apache Superset which is open source and provides all sets Dashboarding. Also Presto can be connected to Tableau.
You can install MySQL workbench with presto connecting details which helps in providing a UI for all your databases at one place.


Understanging kappa architecture with apache superset

There is a lot of information about kappa architecture in the internet and after going through some of the conceptual aspects I am trying to drill down to something more concrete. As I main source I used this website.
Let's imaging you want to implement a kappa architecture involving the following tech stack:
Apache Kafka
Apache Spark
Apache Superset
Now imagine the application you want to build do data-analytics against has a PostgreSQL database. Of course you can easily directly connect apache superset with the PostgresSQL database and create charts.
But now you want to see how you would do this with a kappa architecture and you add kafka and spark.
You can emit events to kafka and you can read such events in apache spark. Kafka will retain messages for topcis a certain period as pointed out in the answers to this quesition. When I read about connecting superset with spark in the docs it says hive should be used as a connector (also the project websites states the tool is unsupported, and if you look at this issue on pyhive then you find impyla could be an alternative). But apache hive is a completely different project for a storage system. So how would this connection work?
Assuming you have kafka nodes running (with zookeper obviously) and also have spark running and then you connect apache superset through this hive connector with spark.
How can you write queries against the data that is in kafka (which is in fact the live data)?
On spark side itself you can easily write a scala program that reads data from kafka and does something with it but how can you achieve this from apache superset?
Or is this not the intended way of connecting the things?
If I understood your question, you'd need to use Spark Structured Streaming to register a streaming SQL table into the Hive metastore, which could be queried from Superset from the Spark Thiftserver.
Hive itself doesn't store any of the data. Hive also has a built-in Kafka query handler, so Spark isn't completely necessary.
But, Hive/Spark isn't the only option. You could use Spark to write to HDFS/S3 and have Presto query that from Superset.
Or you can remove Spark and use Kafka Connect write to any other thing that a dashboarding tool (Tableau is another popular one) can support - JDBC database (i.e. Postgres), Mongo, Cassandra, etc. Then you'd just refresh the panels to run a new query.

How to link Virtuoso distributed version to Hadoop

I Have a cluster of 4 nodes, I installed Hadoop+ Spark (GraphX)...
Now I have to process a big RDF dataset,
my question is : Can I install Virtuoso on the cluster so to store this RDF datasets and to be able to execute SPARQL distributed queries?
To the best of your knowledge, I need a web endpoint to allow users putting their SPARQL Queries.
in other words: is Virtuoso a good solution that works in a hadoop cluster, and can use SPARK to execute the distributed queries?
The Apache Spark website indicates that Spark SQL can be used to query across JDBC and JSON data sources --
DataFrames and SQL provide a common way to access a variety of data sources, including Hive, Avro, Parquet, ORC, JSON, and JDBC. You can even join data across these sources.
Virtuoso (both Open Source and Enterprise Edition) can deliver SPARQL results as JSON serializations, so that is an option.
We (OpenLink Software) also provide JDBC drivers for Virtuoso (again, both Open Source and Enterprise Edition), so that is also an option.
We are not Apache Spark experts, so we cannot provide much guidance for getting these working beyond assisting with Virtuoso JDBC URLs and/or retrieving SPARQL query results in JSON serialization.
In the other direction, Virtuoso (Enterprise Edition; not Open Source Edition) can be used to query against external ODBC data sources, and there are ODBC drivers available for Hadoop/SPARK data sources, so this is also an option.
We are not Apache Spark experts, so we cannot provide much guidance for getting their drivers working, but once you have a functional ODBC DSN on the Virtuoso host, we can assist in getting Virtuoso connected to and querying against it.
Are you seeking to upload RDF datasets from your Hadoop Cluster using SPARK jobs? If so, you can use JDBC and the connection to Virtuoso.
I stumbled upon a Dzone doc that covers SPARK and JDBC which once understood you can apply to Virtuoso via its ability to process SPARQL queries via SQL connections.
I hope that helps, if not, we can discuss further.

Spark SQL CLI vs Thriftserver/Beeline

Can someone spell out the differences between using the Spark SQL CLI vs. Thriftserver/Beeline to query/modify data in Hive ? The Spark SQL documentation
mentions both of them but when would you use one or the other or are they equivalent alternatives from a functional point of view ?
For clarification:
spark-sql is a program that runs a single instance of Spark and you interact with it as if it were a mysql-like shell prompt and it makes use of the spark-warehouse and those types of features
Spark with Thriftserver is an application that exposes a connection to a running instance of Spark over a JDBC connection.
Beeline is a query / consumer tool that one uses to consume / connect to a running JDBC hive2 table (and thus in the spark documentation, they use beeline to test that the JDBC connection is in fact working). Note: query / connector programs like SQL Workbench can be made to connect to Spark with Thriftserver if it imports the proper Hive2 JDBC drivers & jars

SparkSQL vs Hive on Spark - Difference and pros and cons?

SparkSQL CLI internally uses HiveQL and in case Hive on spark(HIVE-7292) , hive uses spark as backend engine. Can somebody throw some more light, how exactly these two scenarios are different and pros and cons of both approaches?
When SparkSQL uses hive
SparkSQL can use HiveMetastore to get the metadata of the data stored in HDFS. This metadata enables SparkSQL to do better optimization of the queries that it executes. Here Spark is the query processor.
When Hive uses Spark See the JIRA entry: HIVE-7292
Here the the data is accessed via spark. And Hive is the Query processor. So we have all the deign features of Spark Core to take advantage of. But this is a Major Improvement for Hive and is still "in progress" as of Feb 2 2016.
There is a third option to process data with SparkSQL
Use SparkSQL without using Hive. Here SparkSQL does not have access to the metadata from the Hive Metastore. And the queries run slower. I have done some performance tests comparing options 1 and 3. The results are here.
SparkSQL vs Spark API you can simply imagine you are in RDBMS world:
SparkSQL is pure SQL, and Spark API is language for writing stored procedure
Hive on Spark is similar to SparkSQL, it is a pure SQL interface that use spark as execution engine, SparkSQL uses Hive's syntax, so as a language, i would say they are almost the same.
but Hive on Spark has a much better support for hive features, especially hiveserver2 and security features, hive features in SparkSQL is really buggy, there is a hiveserver2 impl in SparkSQL, but in latest release version (1.6.x), hiveserver2 in SparkSQL doesn't work with hivevar and hiveconf argument anymore, and the username for login via jdbc doesn't work either...
i believe hive support in spark project is really very low priority stuff...
sadly Hive on spark integration is not that easy, there are a lot of dependency conflicts... such as
and, when i'm trying hive with spark integration, for debug purpose, i'm always starting hive cli like this:
bin/hive --hiveconf hive.root.logger=DEBUG,console
our requirement is using spark with hiveserver2 in a secure way (with authentication and authorization), currently SparkSQL alone can not provide this, we are using ranger/sentry + Hive on Spark.
hope this can help you to get a better idea which direction you should go.
here is related answer I find in the hive official site:
1.3 Comparison with Shark and Spark SQL 
There are two related projects in the Spark ecosystem that provide Hive QL support on Spark: Shark and Spark SQL. 
●The Shark project translates query plans generated by Hive into its own representation and executes them over Spark.  
●Spark SQL is a feature in Spark. It uses Hive’s parser as the frontend to provide Hive QL support. Spark application developers can easily express their data processing logic in SQL, as well as the other Spark operators, in their code. Spark SQL supports a different use case than Hive. 
Compared with Shark and Spark SQL, our approach by design supports all existing Hive features, including Hive QL (and any future extension), and Hive’s integration with authorization, monitoring, auditing, and other operational tools. 
3. Hive­-Level Design 
As noted in the introduction, this project takes a different approach from that of Shark or Spark SQL in the sense that we are not going to implement SQL semantics using Spark's primitives. On the contrary, we will implement it using MapReduce primitives. The only new thing here is that these MapReduce primitives will be executed in Spark. In fact, only a few of Spark's primitives will be used in this design. 
The approach of executing Hive’s MapReduce primitives on Spark that is different from what Shark or Spark SQL does has the following direct advantages: 
1.Spark users will automatically get the whole set of Hive’s rich features, including any new features that Hive might introduce in the future. 
2.This approach avoids or reduces the necessity of any customization work in Hive’s Spark execution engine.
3.It will also limit the scope of the project and reduce longterm maintenance by keeping Hive­-on­-Spark congruent to Hive MapReduce and Tez. 

Why use Hive on Spark instead of Spark-SQL?

I'm new to the Data Science field and I don't understand why would someone want to connect Hive to Spark instead of just using Sqark-SQL.
What benefits are there for using Hive on Spark rather than Spark-SQL (other than being able to use Hive code already in production)?
That answer above is not correct. The one component that is common between Hive and SparkSQL is SemanticAnalyzer.
Hive has significantly better SQL support and a more sophisticated cost based optimizer.
My recommendation is to use Hive on Tez opposed to Hive on Spark or SparkSQL as it is production ready, more stable and scalable.
hmm, it seems the only answer here gives an advice to use tez...
back to the original question, benefits for using Hive on Spark, IMHO, the benefits are mainly a better hive feature support, not the HiveQL language support, Hive on Spark has a much better support for hiveserver2 and security features.
in SparkSQL they are really buggy, there is a hiveserver2 impl in SparkSQL, but
in latest release version (1.6.x), hiveserver2 in SparkSQL doesn't work with hivevar and hiveconf argument anymore, and the username for login via jdbc doesn't work either... see
our requirement is using spark with hiveserver2 in a secure way (with
authentication and authorization), currently SparkSQL alone can not
provide this, and we do not need to use other hadoop components like HDFS or YARN, we are using spark standalone, so for our requirement, we are using ranger/sentry + Hive on Spark.
