NPM throws errors at traceur install on OS X - node.js -- I cloned this git repo down locally. Installed grunt-cli globally, and ran npm run nss (script written by author of original server template -- look in package.json, not complex) and faced numerous errors at the traceur install + git cloning. I've included the trail from terminal window in the pastebin linked below. The npm debug/error log mentioned is not present at the suggested location. npm install alone does not help the situation and returns nothing back. NodeJS v0.10.29 is installed via Node Version Manager (NVM) on OS X 10.9.3.
I'm not the most adept with some of the technologies discussed here. Would someone please attempt to walk me through (a) solution(s) and/or steps to get better clues? All assistance is appreciated.

There's a couple of problems going on which are causing the problems you have seen. The first of which is the command that is run when you run npm run nss, which fails for you with this:
rm: ../../app/static/js/vendor/traceur.js: No such file or directory
This is because, well, the file simply does not exist (yet). If you look at the commands which are run when you run npm run nss, you'll see that the remove file is followed by the copy file of traceur.js to that very location. So I would guess that whoever wrote the script intended for this to be run after it was initially setup, and the remove/copy would be done once the file was initially copied there. Therefore, you must first copy the traceur.js file to app/static/js/vendor before you can successfully execute npm run nss.
But then the next problem, the file should be copied from tools/traceur-compiler/bin doesn't exist either. This is because the traceur-compiler project has recently deleted this (compiled) file from their project, which you can see via this commit:
So you need to regenerate this file, which you can do by (from the itnerary-civic-hacking root directory):
cd tools/traceur-compiler
make bin/traceur.js
cp bin/traceur.js ../../app/static/js/vendor
This will get you in the same state as if you successfully ran npm run nss.
You won't be able to re-run the npm run nss command, but you really shouldn't need to since its more of a setup command than anything (it creates a directory, clones a github repo, etc). If you wanted to update the traceur-compiler in the future (though you may never have to do this) then I would recommend running the following steps (from the itnerary-civic-hacking root directory):
cd tools/traceur-compiler
git pull origin master
npm install
make bin/traceur.js
cp bin/traceur.js ../../app/static/js/vendor


Run npm as superuser, it isn't a good idea?

I'm getting errors with npm while trying to install/update packages without SU permissions on Linux.
The easy way to solve the problem is execute sudo npm install <package>, but I'm not sure if it is a good idea.
Best way is to become the owner of .npm folder, as I found into StackOverflow's questions and blog posts.
My question is: why run npm as SU it isn't a good idea?
Running npm as a super user has a risk of running some untrusted code as a super user which can potentially mess with your entire system. Running npm as an unprivileged user has a risk of running that code with less privileges and it won't be able to mess with the entire system - just with your own files (which can be equally bad, depending on how you look at it).
What I often do and recommend is to install Node in your home directory instead of globally on the system if it's your own computer. That way you don't have to run with sudo or su for npm or even for make install of Node itself.
I run a lot of versions of Node that I compile from sources sometimes with different switches and the convention that I use is to install Node in versioned directories, either globally in /opt (but then you need sudo) or locally in my home directory in ~/opt.
I do it like this:
tar xzvf node-v7.1.0.tar.gz
cd node-v7.1.0
./configure --prefix=$HOME/opt/node-v7.1.0
make && make test && make install
Then I create a symlink ~/opt/node pointing to ~/opt/node-v7.1.0 and I have:
in my .profile or .bashrc.
That way I don't have to run as super user for installing Node or for running npm.
As a bonus I can quickly switch my default Node version just by changing the symlink, and at any time I can run any other version if I change the PATH or run Node with a full path like ~/opt/node-v7.0.0/bin/node.
I explained that installation process in more detail in my other answers:
node 5.5.0 already installed but node -v fetches with “v4.2.1” on OS X & homebrew?
NodeJS API with external deps in other language
I don't want to go into too much detail here since this answer is about why running npm as a superuser is not a good idea - this installation process is just one solution to not have to run npm as a superuser.
Other options of setting your npm permissions to avoid running as a superuser are described in Fixing npm permissions in npm docs (thanks to RyanZim for pointing it out in the comments).

node user directory leading to command not found

I suipidly ran this script to stop having to use sudo on npm -g commands and now my node_modules are located at:
when trying to run a commands i.e yo bower i get -bash: bower: command not found
Do I need to link this directory to the usr/bin?
In trying to sort this out I have run lots of commands and created symbolic links, I feel like my system is a real mess and I cannot really see what is going on? Help to ensure my system is clean would be really helpful.
Generally, it's a good idea to ensure that you do not need admin rights to run npm commands. The problem you're having, is that the directory where npm now installs its commmands (/Users/myusername/.npm-packges/bin) is not in your PATH. Your PATH is a list of directories where your shell searches for the commands you type.
You can add the directory to your path by adding the following line to the .bashrc file in your home directory (create it if it doesn't exist).
export PATH="${PATH}:/Users/myusername/.npm-packages/bin"
Open a new terminal, and bower should work again.
As an additional tip, I believe you're running on OS X? When installing Node.js using Homebrew, it is automatically installed in a proper way (no sudo needed to install packages globally and they will just work). Next time you're installing Node.js (or something else), Homebrew might be worth a try.

Nodejs Meanio module - init Command does not work

In the process of setting up MEAN Stack,
After installing meanio module on node 0.10.26, I can not pass through the command "mean init myApp".
1. npm install -g "meanio'
2. mean init myApp
This always gives me "Prerequisite not installed: undefined".
Could you pls look at it ?
Sometimes it is neccessary to clear npm cache to make sure you really get the latest version you can use the npm cache clear command. There have been a few releases over the last few days so clearing npm cache might help you
Here is a summary of the install procedure.
sudo npm install -g meanio#latest
mean init <your app name>
cd <your app name> && npm install
Checkout!/docs for full documentation and make sure you meet all the prerequites.
If you are a windows user and already installed Git on your machine, first add git to path in environment variable, then try it. It should work.
I too encountered the same issue.Though I have installed GIT on my mcahine, i was getting the error
"Prerequisite not installed: GIT" while running the command "mean init myApp".
This is because your command prompt doesnt know the path of GIT exe file.
I resolved this by adding the GIT path under Environment variables as shown here
Right-Click on My Computer
Click Advanced System Settings link from the left side column
Click Environment Variables in the bottom of the window
Then under System Variables look for the path variable and click edit
Add the path to git's bin and cmd at the end of the string like this:
;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\cmd
Please make sure that your give the correct path of GIT folder in the path under Environment your case it might not be same as mine.check where GIT files were created while installing.
Make sure you have a recent version of Git installed. That error should read, "Prerequisite not installed: git". I'll take a look at why it says undefined instead.
As user3211907 meantioned, please take a look at!/docs for full documentation.
It is problem with git
install git and this problem should solve
To install git in Cent OS or any RedHat flavors use
yum install git

npm install without symlinks option not working

I setup a development environment with Windows 8 and Ubuntu as a virtual machine. For that I use VirtualBox.
I also manage to create a shared folder in VirtualBox.
In this shared folder I try to start a project with ember-generator of Yeoman.
yo ember --skip-install --karma
npm install --no-bin-links
For installing modules NPM I use the option "--no-bin-links" not to create symbolic links. Unfortunately, I still have errors creations symbolic links ... Is what I use although this option ? There he has a bug ?
The NPM docs about parameter "--no-bin-links" say:
will prevent npm from creating symlinks for any binaries the package
might contain.
Which will just cause NPM to not create links in the node_modules/.bin folder. I also searched for a way to prevent NPM from creating symlinks when using npm install ../myPackage, but can't find any solution...
Update: The npm support team said this will reproduce the old behaviour (no symbolic links):
npm install $(npm pack <folder> | tail -1)
Works for me in git-bash on Windows 10.
This Stack Overflow page comes up in Google search results when trying to solve the issue of installing local modules (ie. npm install ../myPackage) and not wanting symbolic links. So I'm adding this answer below to help others who end up here.
Solution #1 - For development environment.
Using the solution proposed by the NPM support team as mentioned in the other answer works...
# Reproduces the old behavior of hard copies and not symlinks
npm install $(npm pack <folder> | tail -1)
This is fine in the development environment for manual installs.
Solution #2 - For build environment.
However, in our case, the development environment doesn't quite matter as much though because when committing our changes to Git, the ./node_modules/ folder is ignored anyway.
The files ./package.json and ./package-lock.json is what is important and is carried into our build environment.
In our build environment (part of our automated CI/CD pipeline), the automation just runs the npm install command and builds from the dependencies listed in the package.json file.
So, here is where the problem affects us. The locally referenced files in the dependencies list of the package.json causes symlinks to appear. Now we are back to the old problem. These symlinks then get carried into the build's output which move onto the Stage and Production environments.
What we did instead is use rsync in archive mode with the --copy-links option that turns symbolic links into copies of the original.
Here is what the command looks like in the automated build:
# Install dependencies based on ./package.json
npm install
# Make a copy that changes symlinks to hard copies
rsync --archive --verbose --copy-links ./node_modules/ ./node_modules_cp/
# Remove and replace
rm -r ./node_modules/
mv ./node_modules_cp/ ./node_modules/
I have a similar environment. Apparently the Virtualbox (vagrant) synchronisation has problems when renaming or moving files, which happens when updating modules.
If you do a file listing (ls -alhp) on the command line and see ??? for the file permissions, then it is time to reboot your virtualbox. This will set the permissions to valid values. Then use the --no-bin-links option when installing a module.

Error message "ENOENT, no such file or directory"

I'm getting this error from my Node.js application:
ENOENT, no such file or directory '~/Desktop/MyApp/newversion/partials/navigation.jade'
I know the file is there because when I try to open the file using the exact copied and pasted path, it works. I also know the application is using the right directory because, well, it outputs it in the error.
I believe the previous answer is the correct answer to this problem but I was getting this error when I tried installing npm package (see below):
The fix for me was: npm init --yes
Tilde expansion is a shell thing. Write the proper pathname (probably /home/yourusername/Desktop/etcetcetc) or use
process.env.HOME + '/Desktop/blahblahblah'
I was also plagued by this error, and after trying all the other answers, magically found the following solution:
Delete file package-lock.json and the node_modules folder, and then run npm install again.
If that doesn't work, try running these in order:
npm install
npm cache clean --force
npm install -g npm
npm install
(taken from #Thisuri's answer and #Mathias Falci's comment respectively)
And then re-deleting the above files and rerunning npm install.
It worked for me!
First try npm install. If the issue is not yet fixed, try the following one after the other.
npm cache clean, then
npm install -g npm , then
npm install. Finally
ng serve --o to run the project.
Gives you the current Node.js application's root directory.
In your case, you'd use
__dirname + '/Desktop/MyApp/newversion/partials/navigation.jade';
See this answer:
How can I get the application base path from a module in Node.js?
I had that issue using the path module:
const path = require('path');
And also do not forget to create the uploads directory first period.
Specifically, rm yarn.lock and then yarn install fixed this for me.
For those running Laravel Mix with npm run watch, just terminate the script and run the command again.
For me, it had my code folder in Dropbox on Windows 10. During the build process Dropbox would flip out over having more than 500,000 files. I moved my folder out and now it builds fine!
When this happened to me, it was when trying to run Karma tests in an Angular project. The tsconfig.spec.js file turned out to be incorrect. It was basically pointing to the wrong directory, and so the error was simply trying to tell me this.
For example, we had ../tsconfig.json instead of ./tsconfig.json, so the runner was looking for tests in the wrong folder. This may be a different use case from the OP, but the same error message brought me here and led me down the rabbit hole of trying the npm install solutions to no avail.
It usually occurs due to a mismatch in the npm version used while creating the package-lock.json that currently exist and the one you are using now.
Removing the package-lock.json and running npm install worked for me.
Sometimes you are just not in the right directory. Check that once and try "npm start" again.
Reason: I have the same issue, where a few guys work on one project and change package dependencies.
Solution: Just kill file package-lock.json and run npm i again
In my case, I was running the terminal in the wrong folder. Please make sure that you navigate to the folder containing your code (App.js and others) and then use a command prompt (for Windows) to open the code. I am using Visual Studio Code, so it is to type "code." after I have opened the command prompt in the exact folder where my code is in.
I ran into this upgrading a Phoenix app to 1.6, which does not use Node.js, so in fact it is not needed. However, elixir_buildpack.config had a reference to phoenix_static_buildpack.config, which defined node. Remove the reference, and the error goes away.
My problem was that I didn't have a package.json file in my working directory.
Another possibility is that you are missing an .npmrc file if you are pulling any packages that are not publicly available.
You will need to add an .npmrc file at the root directory and add the private/internal registry inside of the .npmrc file like this:
