Gaussian-Bernoulli RBM high reconstruction error - gaussian

I'm normalizing my data to zero mean and unit variance as recommended in most literature to pre-train a GB-RBM. But whatever learning rate I choose and whatsoever is the number of epochs, my mean reconstruction error never drops below around 0.6.
Reconstruction errors for the stacked BB-RBMs easily drop to 0.01 within a few epochs. I've used several toolkits which implement GBRBMs as mentioned in but all have the same issue. Am I missing something or is the reconstruction error meant to stay above 50% ?
I'm normalizing my data by subtracting mean and dividing by the standard deviation along each dimension of input vector:
size(mfcc) --> [mlength rows x 39 cols]
This does give me zero mean and unit var along each dimension. I have tried different datasets, different features and different toolkits, but my reconstr error never drops below 0.6 for GBRBMs.

I would guess you are using exp() as the sigmoid and then using a 3rd party library to do the matrix functions?
if the above is true, I would guess the 3rd party library is swallowing the exp() overflow errors but still stopping the calculation and so the hidden/recreated vectors are invalid.
edit based on comment below:
theano.tensor.nnet.sigmoid() is using exp() so I would first try switching to hard_sigmoid(). It won't be as nice of a curve, but it won't overflow/underflow so you can see if that is the source of error.
I assume you tried other data preprocessing and still had the high reconstruction errors?


How can r-squared be negative when the correlation between prediction and truth is positive?

Trying to understand how the r-squared (and also explained variance) metrics can be negative (thus indicating non-existant forecasting power) when at the same time the correlation factor between prediction and truth (as well as slope in a linear-regression (regressing truth on prediction)) are positive
R Squared can be negative in a rare scenario.
R squared = 1 – (SSR/SST)
Here, SST stands for Sum of Squared Total which is nothing but how much does the predicted points get varies from the mean of the target variable. Mean is nothing but a regression line here.
SST = Sum (Square (Each data point- Mean of the target variable))
For example,
If we want to build a regression model to predict height of a student with weight as the independent variable then a possible prediction without much effort is to calculate the mean height of all current students and consider it as the prediction.
In the above diagram, red line is the regression line which is nothing but the mean of all heights. This mean calculated without much effort and can be considered as one of the worst method of prediction with poor accuracy. In the diagram itself we can see that the prediction is nowhere near to the original data points.
Now come to SSR,
SSR stands for Sum of Squared Residuals. This residual is calculated from the model which we build from our mathematical approach (Linear regression, Bayesian regression, Polynomial regression or any other approach). If we use a sophisticated approach rather than using a naive approach like mean then our accuracy will obviously increase.
SSR = Sum (Square (Each data point - Each corresponding data point in the regression line))
In the above diagram, let's consider that the blue line indicates a sophisticated model with large mathematical analysis. We can see that it has obviously higher accuracy than the red line.
Now come to the formula,
R Squared = 1- (SSR/SST)
SST will be large number because it a very poor model (red line).
SSR will be a small number because it is the best model we developed
after much mathematical analysis (blue line).
So, SSR/SST will be a very small number (It will become very small
whenever SSR decreases).
So, 1- (SSR/SST) will be large number.
So we can infer that whenever R Squared goes higher, it means the
model is too good.
This is a generic case but this cannot be applied in many cases where multiple independent variables are present. In the example, we had only one independent variable and one target variable but in real case, we will have 100's of independent variables for a single dependent variable. The actual problem is that, out of 100's of independent variables-
Some variables will have very high correlation with target variable.
Some variables will have very small correlation with target variable.
Also some independent variables will have no correlation at all.
So, RSquared is calculated on an assumption that the average line of the target which is perpendicular line of y axis is the worst fit a model can have at a maximum riskiest case. SST is the squared difference between this average line and original data points. Similarly, SSR is the squared difference between the predicted data points (by the model plane) and original data points.
SSR/SST gives a ratio how SSR is worst with respect to SST. If your model can somewhat build a plane which is a comparatively good than the worst, then in 99% cases SSR<SST. It eventually makes R squared as positive if you substitute it in the equation.
But what if SSR>SST ? This means that your regression plane is worse than the mean line (SST). In this case, R squared will be obviously negative. But it happens only at 1% of cases or smaller.
Answer was originally written in quora by me -

Choosing the learning_rate using fastai's learn.lr_find()

I am going over this Heroes Recognition ResNet34 notebook published on Kaggle.
The author uses fastai's learn.lr_find() method to find the optimal learning rate.
Plotting the loss function against the learning rate yields the following figure:
It seems that the loss reaches a minimum for 1e-1, yet in the next step the author passes 1e-2 as the max_lr in fit_one_cycle in order to train his model:
Why use 1e-2 over 1e-1 in this example? Wouldn't this only make the training slower?
The idea for a learning rate range test as done in lr_find comes from this paper by Leslie Smith: That has a lot of other useful tuning tips; it's worth studying closely.
In lr_find, the learning rate is slowly ramped up (in a log-linear way). You don't want to pick the point at which loss is lowest; you want to pick the point at which it is dropping fastest per step (=net is learning as fast as possible). That does happen somewhere around the middle of the downward slope or 1e-2, so the guy who wrote the notebook has it about right. Anything between 0.5e-2 and 3e-2 has roughly the same slope and would be a reasonable choice; the smaller values would correspond to a bit slower learning (=more epochs needed, also less regularization) but with a bit less risk of reaching a plateau too early.
I'll try to add a bit of intuition about what is happening when loss is the lowest in this test, say learning rate=1e-1. At this point, the gradient descent algorithm is taking large steps in the direction of the gradient, but loss is not decreasing. How can this happen? Well, it would happen if the steps are consistently too large. Think of trying to get into a well (or canyon) in the loss landscape. If your step size is larger than the size of the well, you can consistently step over it every time and end up on the other side.
This picture from a nice blog post by Jeremy Jordan shows it visually:
In the picture, it shows the gradient descent climbing out of a well by taking too large steps (maybe lr=1+0 in your test). I think this rarely happens exactly like that unless lr is truly excessive; more likely, the well is in a relatively flat landscape, and the gradient descent can step over it, not being able to get into the well in the first place. High-dimensional loss landscapes are hard to visualize, and may be very irregular, but in a sense the lr_find test is looking for the scale of the typical features in the landscape and then picking a learning rate that gives you a step which is similar sized but a bit smaller.
You can find the suggested learning rate as follows:
_, lr = learner.lr_find()

Excel Polynomial Regression with multiple variables

I saw a lot of tutorials online on how to use polynomial regression on Excel and multi-regression but none which explain how to deal with multiple variable AND multiple regression.
In , the left columns contain all my variables X1,X2,X3,X4 (say they are features of a car), and Y1 is the price of the car I am looking for.
I got about 5000 lines of data that I got from running a model with various values of X1,X2,X3,X4 and I am looking to make a regression so that I can get a best estimate of my model without having to run it (saving me valuable computing time).
So far I've managed to do multiple linear regression using the Data Analysis pack in Excel, just by using the X1,X2,X3,X4. I noticed however that the regression looks very messy and inaccurate in places, which is due to the fact that my variables X1,X2,X3,X4, affect my output Y1 non-linearly.
I had a look online and to add polynomials to the mix, tutorial suggest adding a X^2 column. But when I do that (see right part of the chart) my regression is much much worse than when I use linear fits.
I know that polynomials, can over-fit the data, but I though that using a quadratic form was safe since the regression would only have to return a coefficient of 0 to ignore any excess polynomial orders.
Any help would be very welcome,
For info I get an adujsted-R^2 of 0.91 for linear fits and 0.66 when I add a few X^2 columns.
So far this is the best regression I can get (black line is 1:1):
As you can see I would like to increase the fit for the bottom left part and top right parts of the curve.

How do I interpret an incorrect result?

I have been using libsvm. It produces some good results (95% on positives, 94% on negatives). When I examine the ones that it gets incorrect, however, I am confused about why it got them wrong. How do I determine what it is doing wrong? (More importantly, how do I explain it to my boss?). Some of the testing inputs it gets wrong are very close (visually) to some of the testing inputs it gets right.
About my problem: I am looking at images, 32x32 pixels, 8-bit greyscale. I am evaluating different feature detectors and using them as a dense representation (i.e. at every pixel) of the image. Hence, my feature length is often 1024; some of the feature detectors have multiple outputs, sometimes I do not use every pixel but every 3rd or 5th, etc.. It is a binary classification task, looking for figures in the image; for example, I am trying to find a square, with various letters for negatives. The SVM does well. But sometimes, it will classify a T as a square, and I don't know why. If I'm using probabilities, then sometimes the probability is quite high. What do I do to get an insight into what it is doing and why?

Create CDF for Anderson Darling test for Octave forge Statistics package function

I am using Octave and I would like to use the anderson_darling_test from the Octave forge Statistics package to test if two vectors of data are drawn from the same statistical distribution. Furthermore, the reference distribution is unlikely to be "normal". This reference distribution will be the known distribution and taken from the help for the above function " 'If you are selecting from a known distribution, convert your values into CDF values for the distribution and use "uniform'. "
My question therefore is: how would I convert my data values into CDF values for the reference distribution?
Some background information for the problem: I have a vector of raw data values from which I extract the cyclic component (this will be the reference distribution); I then wish to compare this cyclic component with the raw data itself to see if the raw data is essentially cyclic in nature. If the the null hypothesis that the two are the same can be rejected I will then know that most of the movement in the raw data is not due to cyclic influences but is due to either trend or just noise.
If your data has a specific distribution, for instance beta(3,3) then
p = betacdf(x, 3, 3)
will be uniform by the definition of a CDF. If you want to transform it to a normal, you can just call the inverse CDF function
on the uniform p. Once transformed, use your favorite test. I'm not sure I understand your data, but you might consider using a Kolmogorov-Smirnov test instead, which is a nonparametric test of distributional equality.
Your approach is misguided in multiple ways. Several points:
The Anderson-Darling test implemented in Octave forge is a one-sample test: it requires one vector of data and a reference distribution. The distribution should be known - not come from data. While you quote the help-file correctly about using a CDF and the "uniform" option for a distribution that is not built in, you are ignoring the next sentence of the same help file:
Do not use "uniform" if the distribution parameters are estimated from the data itself, as this sharply biases the A^2 statistic toward smaller values.
So, don't do it.
Even if you found or wrote a function implementing a proper two-sample Anderson-Darling or Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, you would still be left with a couple of problems:
Your samples (the data and the cyclic part estimated from the data) are not independent, and these tests assume independence.
Given your description, I assume there is some sort of time predictor involved. So even if the distributions would coincide, that does not mean they coincide at the same time-points, because comparing distributions collapses over the time.
The distribution of cyclic trend + error would not expected to be the same as the distribution of the cyclic trend alone. Suppose the trend is sin(t). Then it never will go above 1. Now add a normally distributed random error term with standard deviation 0.1 (small, so that the trend is dominant). Obviously you could get values well above 1.
We do not have enough information to figure out the proper thing to do, and it is not really a programming question anyway. Look up time series theory - separating cyclic components is a major topic there. But many reasonable analyses will probably be based on the residuals: (observed value - predicted from cyclic component). You will still have to be careful about auto-correlation and other complexities, but at least it will be a move in the right direction.
