To Get Tag value by passing Tag name from a string in XML Parser method in Groovy - groovy

How can I get the value of any tag (e.g. Quantity) from the below XML by passing the tag name without using hard coded tag name-
def temp1="""
<ApprovedBy />
def records = new XmlParser().parseText(temp1)
// records.Quantity[0].text() By using this i am getting value but i want 'Quantity' to come from a string
tag = 'Quantity'
xy = records["Quantity"].value; 'This is not working xy

You should be able to do

You should have used .text() method


filtering out elements found with beautiful soup based on a key word in any attribute

Here is an example of an url.
url = ''
# logo
html_content = requests.get(url, headers=headers).text
soup = BeautifulSoup(html_content, "lxml")
images_found = soup.findAll('img', {'src' : re.compile(r'(jpe?g)|(png)|(svg)$')})
First I'm narrowing down the list of elements to the ones containing jpg, png or svg in a tag. In this case I only get 3 elements. Then I would like to filter those elements to show me only the ones that have a key word 'logo' in ANY attribute.
The element I'm looking for in this example looks like this:
'img alt="Radiology Associates, P.A." class="attachment-full size-full astra-logo-svg" loading="lazy" src=""/'
I want to filter out this element out of all elements based on condition that it has a key word 'logo' in ANY of its attributes
The challenge is that:
I have thousands of urls, and key word logo could be in a different attribute for different url
logic: if 'logo' in ANY(attribute for attribute in list_of_possible_attributes_that_this_element_has) doesn't work the same way as list comprehensions because I couldn't find the way of how to access any possible attribute without using its specific name
Checking all specific names is also problematic because particular attribute could exist in one element but not the other which throws error
Case above is also extra challenging because attribute value is a list, so we would need to flatten it to be able to check if the key word is in it.
For most of the urls the element I'm looking for is not returned as the top one like in this example so choosing top first is not an option.
Is there a way of filtering out elements based on a key word in ANY of its attributes? (without prior knowledge of what the name of the attribute is?).
If I understood you correctly, you could use a filter function similar to this answer to search for all tags such that any tag attribute's value contains val:
def my_filter(tag, val):
types = ['.jpg','.jpeg','.svg','.png']
if tag is not None and == "img" and tag.has_attr("src"):
if all(y not in tag['src'] for y in types):
return False
for key in tag.attrs.keys():
if isinstance(tag[key], list):
if any(val in entry for entry in tag[key]):
return True
if val in tag[key]:
return True
return False
res = soup.find_all(lambda tag: my_filter(tag, "logo"))

SimpleAttribute instead of Attribute in Rapidminer script?

I am trying to extract an Attribute from an ExampleSet in a RapidMiner 'Execute script' like this:
ExampleSet exSet = input[0];
Attributes attrs = exSet.getAttributes();
Attribute attr = attrs.getAttribute("h_area");
but then I get an error and it says that attrs is not a Attributes but a SimpleAttributes object.
This works:
Attribute[] attrs2 = exSet.createRegularAttributeArray();
Attribute attr2 = attrs2.getAt(1);
What is the correct way to get an Attribute from an ExampleSet?
From these docs, it looks like the getAttributes() call will return an object implementing the Attributes abstract class, which SimpleAttributes is, so it looks pretty fair at this stage. However, the getAttribute() method doesn't look like it's defined in either object. I can't test this here and now, but have you tried the following:
ExampleSet exSet = input[0];
Attributes attrs = exSet.getAttributes();
Attribute attr = attrs.get("h_area");

Get element Id from a found element

I'm using the Chrome driver and Selenium tools in my CodedUI tests. I can find the element I need using the SearchProperties and a Contains operator however I need the full Id for subsequent searches.
For example I need to find an input element with Id "pm_modal_28".
This is easy enough by doing a search where Id contains "pm_modal".
I then need to parse the value "28" out of the Id that was found so I can search for the next nested element which has an Id of "dp_28".
When I use the Id property of HtmlDiv I get a NotSupportedException. Is there anyway I can get all of the Html attributes from an Element or get the Id from an element after it has been found?
Not sure if this what you are after, once the control is identified, you would have all its properties to play around with.
For example
var control = new HtmlDiv ();
control.SearchProperties.Add("Id", "MyDiv_28");
if (!control.TryFind()) return;
var newControl = new HtmlDiv();
newControl.SearchProperties.Add("Id", control.Id.Split('_')[1]);
HtmlDiv myDiv = new HtmlDiv(browser);
//Add the search logic u want !
myDiv.SearchProperties.Add("class", "ClassName");
string onewayforID = myDiv.Id;
string anotherWay = myDiv.GetProperty(HtmlDiv.PropertyNames.Id).ToString(); // Or u can simpy pass "Id"
See if that Works !

access response in SOAP UI in Groovy Script

I am new to Groovy Scripting. I am trying to access the value of a Response node
below is the script
def groovyUtils = new;
def responseHolder = groovyUtils.getXmlHolder( testRunner.testCase.testSteps["request"].testRequest.response.responseContent );
String mySection = responseHolder.getNodeValue["//ns0:MT_OrderCreateDTCFulfillmentResponse/ns0:StatusCode"] ; mySection
mySection is printed as []
Response XML:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<soapenv:Header xmlns:v1=""/>
<soapenv:Body xmlns:v1="">
<ns0:MT_OrderCreateDTCFulfillmentResponse xmlns:ns0="">
<FaultDetails>Request for customer order number NA received successfully and format validated.</FaultDetails>
SOAP UI Project Structure - I am running Test_Script. Suggest me what i am missing
You've to use:
instead of responseHolder.getNodeValue["//ns0:MT_OrderCreateDTCFulfillmentResponse/ns0:StatusCode"];
Note that I change responseHolder.getNodeValue invocation to use () instead of [], and also change your xpath since in your response <StatusCode> it's not defined in xmlns:ns0="".
Another option is to use the * wildcard as a namespace to map anyone. So in this case you can use:
Additionally, note that probably you XML is wrong, since I suppose that all sub elements of <MT_OrderCreateDTCFulfillmentResponse> must belongs to "" namespace... so you've to declare it as:
<ns0:MT_OrderCreateDTCFulfillmentResponse xmlns:ns0="">
<ns0:FaultDetails>Request for customer order number NA received successfully and format validated.</ns0:FaultDetails>
Or using as default for this tag:
<MT_OrderCreateDTCFulfillmentResponse xmlns="">
<FaultDetails>Request for customer order number NA received successfully and format validated.</FaultDetails>
Note that if you change you XML with my indication your first XPath it's correct since now StatusCode belongs to your namespace.
Hope it helps,

SharePoint URL retrieval for SPListItem

When I try to retrieve a column which is a hyperlink I get two items that are comma delimited instead of one.
When I pull item["ColumnName"] I get its value:,%20title%20gets%20stars
Why is it showing the link, and title?
You can extract the actual Url and the Description from the column value this way:
SPFieldUrlValue fieldValue = new SPFieldUrlValue(myItem["URL"].ToString());
string linkTitle = fieldValue.Description;
string linkUrl = fieldValue.Url;
Because at the lowest level, all Sharepoint fields are stored as strings. The GetFieldValue method of an SPField accepts a string, and it is up to the logic of that field class to read that string and convert it into a meaningful value object.
item["FieldName"] returns a generic object that represents the field value. By itself the object is usually useless, except as the raw string representation of the data.
If you use the GetFieldValueAsHtml() method, it will return title:
//if field is of type Hyperlink, returns title
//if field is of type Hyperlink, returns Url, Title
//if field is of type Hyperlink, returns Url
The SPListItem URL property does return the URL for the SPListItem including the List/Documetn Library name, but it doesn't return the full URL including the server and site names.
To get the full URL, you can either concatenate the SPLIstItem.Web.Url and the SPListItem.URL, or extract the full URL from the SPListItem.XML data like this:
foreach (SPListItem item in list.Items)
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
XmlNamespaceManager nsm = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable);
nsm.AddNamespace("z", "#RowsetSchema");
string fullURL = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("z:row", nsm).Attributes["ows_EncodedAbsUrl"].Value;
That is how SharePoint stores links. First the URL and then the Title that's actually shown on the page.
From the SharePoint documentation:
"The URL field uniquely consists of two strings separated by a comma and space. One string contains the URL path and the other contains the description used as hyperlinked text."
You have to split the string to get two parts.
string url = field["URL"].Split(',')[0];
string title = field["URL"].Split(',')[1];
Code is not optimal, but just to show you exactly what I mean.
Oliver, you didn't specify SharePoint version. My answer is for 2003 version. If you have MOSS, take a look at SPFieldUrl and SPFieldUrlValue classes.
