What assumptions can I make when using Redis with a single connection from a NodeJS server - node.js

I'm using SocketIO on a NodeJS instance with a single connection to a Redis cache. This cache is being used as a means to maintain state in a real time environment.
My premises include that concurrency issues will likely occur due to high volume of transactions occurring, however, I'm not sure exactly which concurrency issues I need to account for...
My initial design implements using Lua scripts and EVAL (a script called with EVAL is considered an atomic transaction to Redis) in order enable checks on the state of a given key, but aside from this I'm not sure if I need to implement locks anywhere else.
The main concern I have is when SocketIO catches a connection and subsequently an event to execute, what can I guarantee about the Redis EVAL that happens in that event. A specific use case:
1) Client A emits an event that is caught by the server
2) Server executes requested event, which includes a call to EVAL a Lua script on Redis
3) Client B emits an event that is caught by the server
4) Server executes requested event, which includes a call to the EVAL a different Lua script on Redis
Due to the asynchronous nature of NodeJS, am I able to assume that the EVAL from Client A will always be received by the Redis server before Client B's? Am I understanding the event loop completely wrong?

The answer completely depends on your code. Basically yes, for such type of events nodejs will process them in order they appear on the event loop queue.
However, you say that request processing includes a call to EVAL, that means if your processing includes other I/O (like querying persistent database), the order of steps in processing request from a Client A can interleave with steps in processing requests from Client B.
In general, you should try to avoid creating a logic that breaks on concurrency if possible. If something needs to be done in the exact same order, consider creating a processing queues (global queue where next item can be processed only after previous was completed) or localise critical parts in atomic sequences (like LUA script).


What can cause "idle in transaction" for "BEGIN" statements

We have a node.js application that connects via pg-promise to a Postgres 11 server - all processes are running on a single cloud server in docker containers.
Sometimes we hit a situation where the application does not react anymore.
The last time this happened, I had a little time to check the db via pgadmin and it showed that the connections were idle in transaction with statement BEGIN and an exclusive lock of virtualxid
I think the situation is like this:
the application has started a transaction by sending the BEGIN sql command to the db
the db got this command and started a new transaction and thus acquired an exclusive lock of mode virtualxid
now the db waits for the application to send the next statement/s (until it receives COMMIT or ROLLBACK) - and then it will release the exclusive lock of mode virtualxid
but for some reason it does not get anymore statements:
I think that the node.js event-loop is blocked - because at the time, when we see these locks, the node.js application does not log anymore statements. But the webserver still gets requests and reported some upstream timed out requests.
Does this make sense (I'm really not sure about 2. and 3.)?
Why would all transactions block at the beginning? Is this just coincidence or is the displayed SQL maybe wrong?
BTW: In this answer I found, that we can set idle_in_transaction_session_timeout so that these transactions will be released after a timeout - which is great, but I try to understand what's causing this issue.
The transactions are not blocking at all. The database is waiting for the application to send the next statement.
The lock on the transaction ID is just a technique for transactions to block each other, even if they are not contending for a table lock (for example, if they are waiting for a row lock): each transaction holds an exclusive lock on its own transaction ID, and if it has to wait for a concurrent transaction to complete, it can just request a lock on that transaction's ID (and be blocked).
If all transactions look like this, then the lock must be somewhere in your application; the database is not involved.
When looking for processes blocked in the database, look for rows in pg_locks where granted is false.
Your interpretation is correct. As for why it is happening, that is hard to say. It seems like there is some kind of bug (maybe an undetected deadlock) in your application, or maybe in nodes.js or pg-promise. You will have to debug at that level.
As expected the problems were caused by our application code. Transactions were used incorrectly:
One of the REST endpoints started a new transaction right away, using Database.tx().
This transaction was passed down multiple levels, but one function in the chain had an error and passed undefined instead of the transaction to the next level
the lowest repository level function started a new transaction (because the transaction parameter was undefined), by using Database.tx() a second time
This started to fail, under heavy load:
The connection pool size was set to 10
When there were many simultaneous requests for this endpoint, we had a situation where 10 of the requests started (opened the outer transaction) and had not yet reached the repository code that will request the 2nd transaction.
When these requests reached the repository code, they request a new (2nd) connection from the connection-pool. But this call will block because there are currently all connections in use.
So we have a nasty application level deadlock
So the solution was to fix the application code (the intermediate function must pass down the transaction correctly). Then everything works.
Moreover I strongly recommend to set a sensible idle_in_transaction_session_timeout and connection-timeout. Then, even if such an application-deadlock is introduced again in future versions, the application can recover automatically after this timeout.
pg-postgres before v 10.3.4 contained a small bug #682 related to the connection-timeout
pg-promise before version 10.3.5 could not reocver from an idle-in-transaction-timeout and left the connection in a broken state: see pg-promise #680
Basically there was another issue: there was no need to use a transaction - because all functions were just reading data: so we can just use Database.task() instead of Database.tx()

If Redis is single Threaded, how can it be so fast?

I'm currently trying to understand some basic implementation things of Redis. I know that redis is single-threaded and I have already stumbled upon the following Question: Redis is single-threaded, then how does it do concurrent I/O?
But I still think I didn't understood it right. Afaik Redis uses the reactor pattern using one single thread. So If I understood this right, there is a watcher (which handles FDs/Incoming/outgoing connections) who delegates the work to be done to it's registered event handlers. They do the actual work and set eg. their responses as event to the watcher, who transfers the response back to the clients. But what happens if a request (R1) of a client takes lets say about 1 minute. Another Client creates another (fast) request (R2). Then - since redis is single threaded - R2 cannot be delegated to the right handler until R1 is finished, right? In a multithreade environment you could just start each handler in a single thread, so the "main" Thread is just accepting and responding to io connections and all other work is carried out in own threads.
If it really just queues the io handling and handler logic, it could never be as fast it is. What am I missing here?
You're not missing anything, besides perhaps the fact that most operations in Redis complete in less than a ~millisecond~ couple of microseconds. Long running operations indeed block the server during their execution.
Let’s say if there were 10,000 users doing live data pulling with 10 seconds each on hmget, and on the other side, server were broadcasting using hmset, redis can only issue the set at the last available queue.
Redis is only good for queuing and handle limited processing like inserting lazy last login info, but not for live info broadcasting, in this case, memcached will be the right choice. Redis is single threaded, like FIFO.

How to design a scalable rpc call listener?

I have to listen for rpc calls , stack them somewhere , process them, and answer. The thing is that they are not run as soon as they come. The response is an ACK for each rpc call recieved.
The problem is that i want to design it in a way that i can have many listening servers writing in the same stack of calls, piling them up as they come.
My objective is to listen to as many calls as possible. How should i achieve this?
My main technology is Perl and node.js but would use any open source software for this task.
It sounds like any kind of job queue will do what you need it to; I'm personally a big fan of using Redis for this kind of thing. Since Redis lists maintain insertion order, you can simply LPUSH your RPC call info on to the end of the list from any number of web servers listening to the RPC calls, and somewhere else (in another process/on another machine, I assume) RPOP (or BRPOP) them off and process them.
Since Node.js uses fully asynchronous IO, assuming you're not doing a lot of processing in your RPC listeners (that is, you're only listening for requests, sending an ACK, and pushing onto Redis), my guess is that Node would be exceedingly efficient at this.
An aside on using Redis for a queue: if you want to ensure that, in the event of a catastrophic failure, jobs are not lost, you'll need to implement a little more logic; from the RPOPLPUSH documentation:
Pattern: Reliable queue
Redis is often used as a messaging server to implement processing of background jobs or other kinds of messaging
tasks. A simple form of queue is often obtained pushing values into a
list in the producer side, and waiting for this values in the consumer
side using RPOP (using polling), or BRPOP if the client is better
served by a blocking operation.
However in this context the obtained
queue is not reliable as messages can be lost, for example in the case
there is a network problem or if the consumer crashes just after the
message is received but it is still to process.
BRPOPLPUSH for the blocking variant) offers a way to avoid this
problem: the consumer fetches the message and at the same time pushes
it into a processing list. It will use the LREM command in order to
remove the message from the processing list once the message has been
An additional client may monitor the processing list for
items that remain there for too much time, and will push those timed
out items into the queue again if needed.

How node.js works?

I don't understand several things about nodejs. Every information source says that node.js is more scalable than standard threaded web servers due to the lack of threads locking and context switching, but I wonder, if node.js doesn't use threads how does it handle concurrent requests in parallel? What does event I/O model means?
Your help is much appreciated.
Node is completely event-driven. Basically the server consists of one thread processing one event after another.
A new request coming in is one kind of event. The server starts processing it and when there is a blocking IO operation, it does not wait until it completes and instead registers a callback function. The server then immediately starts to process another event (maybe another request). When the IO operation is finished, that is another kind of event, and the server will process it (i.e. continue working on the request) by executing the callback as soon as it has time.
So the server never needs to create additional threads or switch between threads, which means it has very little overhead. If you want to make full use of multiple hardware cores, you just start multiple instances of node.js
At the lowest level (C++ code, not Javascript), there actually are multiple threads in node.js: there is a pool of IO workers whose job it is to receive the IO interrupts and put the corresponding events into the queue to be processed by the main thread. This prevents the main thread from being interrupted.
Although Question is already explained before a long time, I'm putting my thoughts on the same.
Node.js is single threaded JavaScript runtime environment. Basically it's creator Ryan Dahl concern was that parallel processing using multiple threads is not the right way or too complicated.
if Node.js doesn't use threads how does it handle concurrent requests in parallel
Ans: It's completely wrong sentence when you say it doesn't use threads, Node.js use threads but in a smart way. It uses single thread to serve all the HTTP requests & multiple threads in thread pool(in libuv) for handling any blocking operation
Libuv: A library to handle asynchronous I/O.
What does event I/O model means?
Ans: The right term is non-blocking I/O. It almost never blocks as Node.js official site says. When any request goes to node server it never queues the request. It take request and start executing if it's blocking operation then it's been sent to working threads area and registered a callback for the same as soon as code execution get finished, it trigger the same callback and goes to event queue and processed by event loop again after that create response and send to the respective client.
Useful link:
click here
Node JS is a JavaScript runtime environment. Both browser and Node JS run on V8 JavaScript engine. Node JS uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node JS applications uses single threaded event loop architecture to handle concurrent clients. Actually its' main event loop is single threaded but most of the I/O works on separate threads, because the I/O APIs in Node JS are asynchronous/non-blocking by design, in order to accommodate the main event loop. Consider a scenario where we request a backend database for the details of user1 and user2 and then print them on the screen/console. The response to this request takes time, but both of the user data requests can be carried out independently and at the same time. When 100 people connect at once, rather than having different threads, Node will loop over those connections and fire off any events your code should know about. If a connection is new it will tell you .If a connection has sent you data, it will tell you .If the connection isn’t doing anything ,it will skip over it rather than taking up precision CPU time on it. Everything in Node is based on responding to these events. So we can see the result, the CPU stay focused on that one process and doesn’t have a bunch of threads for attention.There is no buffering in Node.JS application it simply output the data in chunks.
Though its been answered , i would like to just share my understandings in simple terms
Nodejs uses a library called Libuv , so this Libuv is written in C
language which uses the concept of threads . These threads are called
as workers and these workers take care of the multiple requests from client.
Parallel processing in nodejs is achieved with the help of 2 concepts
Non blocking IO

Named pipes: Many clients. How to be prudent with thread creation? Thread Pool?

I'm am using named pipes on Windows for IPC, using C++.
The server creates a named pipe instance via CreateNamedPipe, and waits for clients to connect via ConnectNamedPipe.
Everytime a client calls CreateFile to access the named pipe, the server creates a thread using CreateThread to service that client. After that, the server reiterates the loop, creating a pipe instance via CreateNamedPipe and listening for the next client via ConnectNamedPipe, etc ...
Every client request triggers a CreateThread on the server. If clients come fast and furious, there would be many calls to CreateThread.
Q1: Is it possible to reuse already created threads to service future client requests?
If this is possible, how should I do this?
Q2: Would Thread Pool help in this situation?
I wrote a named pipe server today using IOCompletion ports just to see how.
The basic logic flow was:
I created the first named pipe via CreateNamedPipe
I created the main Io Completion Port object using that handle: CreateIoCompletionPort
I create a pool of worker threads - as a thumb suck, CPUs x2. Each worker thread calls GetQueuedCompletionStatus in a loop.
Then called ConnectNamedPipe passing in an overlapped structure. When this pipe connects, one of the GetQueuedCompletionStatus calls will return.
My main thread then joins the pool of workers by also calling GetQueuedCompletionStatus.
Thats about it really.
Each time a thread returns from GetQueuedCompletionStatus its because the associated pipe has been connected, has read data, or has been closed.
Each time a pipe is connected, I immediately create a unconnected pipe to accept the next client (should probably have more than one waiting at a time) and call ReadFile on the current pipe, passing an overlapped structure - ensuring that as data arrives GetQueuedCompletionStatus will tell me about it.
There are a couple of irritating edge cases where functions return a fail code, but GetLastError() is a success. Because the function "failed" you have to handle the success immediately as no queued completion status was posted. Conversely, (and I belive Vista adds an API to "fix" this) if data is available immediately, the overlapped functions can return success, but a queued completion status is ALSO posted so be careful not to double handle data in that case.
On Windows, the most efficient way to build a concurrent server is to use an asynch model with completion ports. But yes you can use a thread pool and use blocking i/o too, as that is a simpler programming abstraction.
Vista/Windows 2008 provide a thread pool abstraction.
