Showing 1900px page on 1024px screen - browser

I have a 1900px-wide web page at that I'd like to display as intelligently as I can on smaller screens, say 1024 x 768. If you show the page now on a 1024-wide screen the left side is cut off and there's no scroll bar to go over and see it.
I've been using
to view the page on various screens.
How can I get browsers to scroll over to the left to see the Box 1 and Box 2 content there?
Or what do I have to do to the HTML/CSS to get it to adjust on load to a smaller screen?

You need a responsive/fluid width design , also if by chance you are using firefox , you can change the resolution of your browser window by pressing CTRL+SHIFT+M
Couple of responsive HTML5 frameworks that might be of help to you --


How Do I Increase the Search Text in my Navigation

I am using Bigcommerce and their them Corner Stone.
How do I increase the size of the "SEARCH" text font?
I attached a screen shot image with a blue circle showing where the "search" text is.
Screen Shot
Thank you
Depending on your theme, you may be able to make this change by navigating to Storefront > My Theme in your back office.
However, it's likely that the font size for that one component is the same for the rest of them; in that case, you may have to make manual changes to the CSS stylesheets by editing your theme files.

Force tab to render

Is there a way to force a certain tab to render, even without currently being the active tab?
The reason i need to do this is because my extension uses chrome.tabs to open multiple tabs and switch between them, and whenever I switch to a tab which has not yet been active, the tab has not rendered yet, which causes a white flash to appear on the tab until the tab renders. The duration of the white flash is also proportional to how heavy the web page is to render.
What I've noticed though, is that if you switch to a tab which was active at least once in the past, the white flash does not appear (since it has been rendered at least once in the past)
I need to force a tab to be rendered before switching to it, so that the white flash doesn't appear.
I am writing on chrome version 38 (due to technical restrictions)
No. You can't control it.
The white flashing is indeed an annoying known issue.
The only wild idea that can be implemented right now:
create a new minimized window with a blank url or about:blank,
move the tab you need into that window via chrome.tabs.move
now that the tab is active Chrome should render it even in a minimized window
then after a while move the tab back and activate it

Can I use an image instead of a title in an Apple Watch app?

How can I put an icon in the top left label and make fullscreen? Apple allocates some space on top for the digital clock and back label. I would like to customize it, but I can't find anything in the SDK to enable this.
The top strip of the Watch screen is reserved for displaying the page title, or occasionally links such as "Cancel" by default for modal views, and the clock. It is not possible to hide this.
It is possible to set an empty title for a page. Some settings will alsoplace a background image behind this text (if you set the mode to 'Aspect Fill', at least in the current Xcode 6.2 beta 3). However, the portion of the image at the top of the screen is simply occluded by a black strip, so this does not achieve what you want.
Additionally, Apple have specifically recommended against displaying logos on the Apple Watch screen, with the rationale that the screen is too small to display for the user anything but actual content.
To set the Global tint:
Select the Interface Controller itself in Interface Builder by clicking on the Yellow circle at the top of the view of the screen.
Press Cmd-Opt-1 to display the File Inspector section of the Utilites on the right hand side.
Set the 'Global Tint' option in the section 'Interface Builder Document', as per the screenshot.
Not possible in the first cut but I think it will come later.
It's not actually a back label. The text in the top left of the Watch screen is the title of the current WKInterfaceController. You can change it by using -[WKInterfaceTitle setTitle:], but you are limited to content that is expressible in an NSString (so no UIImages).
It is possible to customise the status bar in watchOS 4.
Select your interface controller in the storyboard
Open the attributes inspector
Check the Full Screen checkbox
After doing this you can add your custom image to the left of the statusbar.

some browser problems on my code

my website, has some issues acting different for different browsers.
the red panel appearing under the grey buttons on bottom,seems only ff,not other browsers.
when user clicks one of grey buttons on the bottom,red panel should start under the white panel.but it starts a little bit of its left side.
the white panel on the left side on islerimiz.html(which user clicks middle button on bottom) page should be blurred.i added script for this but it is not doing blurring thing.the same script is on the iletisim.html(which user clicks rightest button on bottom) page and it is working truly.
ie6 errors:
the red point seems as a rectangle.
red panel script is not working.
the background of page and the logo's background should be the same but they seems different
the blurred panel on islerimiz.html page is not appearing at all.the bottom buttons seems true but the active button's color should be black but it seems grey too.besides little pictures should appear when mouse hover on the grey buttons,appears on open position.
the blurred panel on iletisim.html is not appearing.the pictures on the blured panel appears with shadows and shape is rectangle.also the links on that pictures is not clickable.
how can i solve this problems with css.if i couldn't solve with css,i can try jquery but my first choice is css.i have more than one javascript library on index page.but if i remove one of them,some scripts is not working.
almost all of those issues are because you are using pngs. switch them to gifs. apply them in a style sheet wrapped in conditional comments, at least for ie6, and a percentage of that list will go away. your selectivizrCSSForIEselectivizr.js is also targeting greater than ie6. i'm not sure what the red panel script exactly is, but i see you are adding webm file for ie...idk 100%, but i'll say it doesn't support that format either. convert it to media type that ie6 likes, and again, only serve this up in the ie6 conditional comments

Hyperlinks displaced on IE7

Browse to a webpage with hyperlinks using IE (I am using IE7) Once on the page, enlarge the fonts using ctl + mouse wheel. Now when you try to hover over the hyperlinks, they are laterally displaced to the right. To click on the link, i have to move the mouse to the right till the cursor turns into a hand.
Anyone has a comment on this??
I was browsing the following page.
It is the 2nd hyperlink in the body of the article. (the link text is "here")
IE7 doesn't handle Zoom correctly, You can see this error on this page (I mean the page you're reading right now) if you zoom large enough, view the logout | about link at the top, hover over it, hover off to the right, back over.
All of the links on that page are displaced to the right on my copy of IE7 (7.0.6001.18000) even before I enlarge or shrink the fonts. Whereas other pages act normally. (My test page was
It appears to be something specific to the page.
