Why does negated file existence check in bash return weird results in case of existing target? - linux

I wish to perform an action if a file does not exists in bash with the following command:
if [ ! -a $HOME/.some_directory ] ; then
# do something
However the #do something part is always executed regardless of the existence of $HOME/.some_directory.
I've created a small test where I have tried all cases:
nonexistent directory check
negated nonexistent directory check
existent directory check
negated existent directory check ( this is the only one returning an "invalid" result) - or I am doing something wrong
Here is a screenshot of the result:
~/bin is present while ~/bina is not
I am using bash version: 4.3.18
I've used $HOME instead of ~ because of this SO question
I've taken the file existence check suggestions from this SO question and this reference

This behavior is specified in POSIX:
3 arguments:
If $2 is a binary primary, perform the binary test of $1 and $3.
In your case, $2 is a -a which is a binary primary operator, so $1 and $3 are treated as binary tests. Single words are tested as if with -n ("is non-empty string").
This means that your test is equivalent to:
[[ -n "!" && -n "$HOME/.some_directory" ]]

What happens if you try -d instead of -a?
[ -d FILE ] True if FILE exists and is a directory.
~ http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_07_01.html
Also, seems like -a is deprecated - please review this StackOverflow thread for details.

-a as a test if a file exists, is a unary expression ( one-sided ) is a remnant of ksh86 (KornShell 86). It has become obsolete in more modern, derivative shells and has been replaced by -e which is part of the POSIX standard, but in many shells it is still a synonym of -e for backwards compatibility.
-a can also be used a binary expression (two sided) and then it means an AND logical operator (which is also obsolescent). Here -a is interpreted this way because there is a ! symbol in front of it and a string behind it. Both sides evaluate to true, so by using AND the outcome then becomes logically true.
Using -e fixes this since it cannot be interpreted in another way.
Another way would have been to negate that outcome of the test command like so:
if ! [ -a $HOME/.some_directory ] ; then
or use parentheses for grouping:
if [ ! \( -a $HOME/.some_directory \) ] ; then
But at any rate it is better to stick with operands that are not deprecated / obsolescent..

You put a wrong operator; "-a" means AND.
You need "-e" to check if a file exists.


linux - simplify semantic versioning script

I have semantic versioning for an app component and this is how I update the major version number and then store it back in version.txt. This seems like a lot of lines for a simple operation. Could someone please help me trim this down? No use of bc as the docker python image I'm on doesn't seem to have that command.
This is extracted from a yml file and version.txt only contains a major and minor number. 1.3 for example. The code below updates only the major number (1) and resets the minor number to 0. So if I ran the code on 1.3, I would get 2.
- echo $(<version.txt) 1 | awk '{print $1 + $2}' > version.txt
echo $VERSION > version.txt
echo "New version = $(<version.txt)"
About Simplicity
"Simple" and "short" are not the same thing. echo $foo is shorter than echo "$foo", but it actually does far more things: It splits the value of foo apart on characters in IFS, evaluates each result of that split as a glob expression, and then recombines them.
Similarly, making your code simpler -- as in, limiting the number of steps in the process it goes through -- is not at all the same thing as making it shorter.
Incrementing One Piece, Leaving Others Unmodified
if IFS=. read -r major rest <version.txt || [ -n "$major" ]; then
echo "$((major + 1)).$rest" >"version.txt.$$" && mv "version.txt.$$" version.txt
echo "ERROR: Unable to read version number from version.txt" >&2
exit 1
Incrementing Major Version, Discarding Others
if IFS=. read -r major rest <version.txt || [ -n "$major" ]; then
echo "$((major + 1))" >"version.txt.$$" && mv "version.txt.$$" "version.txt"
echo "ERROR: Unable to read version number from version.txt" >&2
exit 1
Both of the above are POSIX-compliant, and avoid relying on any capabilities not built into the shell.
IFS=. read -r first second third <input reads the first line of input, and splits it on .s into the shell variables first, second and third; notably, the third column in this example includes everything after the first two, so if you had a.b.c.d.e.f, you would get first=a; second=b; third=d.e.f -- hence the name rest to make this clear. See BashFAQ #1 for a detailed explanation.
$(( ... )) creates an arithmetic context in all POSIX-compliant shells. It's only useful for integer math, but since we split the pieces out with the read, we only need integer math. See http://wiki.bash-hackers.org/syntax/arith_expr
Writing to version.txt.$$ and renaming if that write is successful prevents version.txt from being left empty or corrupt if a failure takes place between the open and the write. (A version that was worried about symlink attacks would use mktemp, instead of relying on $$ to generate a unique tempfile name).
Proceeding through to the write only if the read succeeds or [ -n "$major" ] is true prevents the code from resetting the version to 1 (by adding 1 to an empty string, which evaluates in an arithmetic context as 0) if the read fails.

What would cause the BASH error "[: too many arguments" after taking measures for special characters in strings?

I'm writing a simple script to check some repositories updates and, if needed, I'm making new packages from these updates to install new versions of those programs it refers to (in Arch Linux). So I made some testing before executing the real script.
The problem is that I'm getting the error [: excessive number of arguments (but I think the proper translation would be [: too many arguments) from this piece of code:
# Won't work despite the double quoted $r
if [ "$r" == *"irt"* ]; then
echo "TEST"
The code is fixed by adding double square brackets which I did thanks to this SO answer made by #user568458:
# Makes the code works
if [[ "$r" == *"irt"* ]]; then
echo "TEST"
Note that $r is defined by:
# Double quotes should fix it, right? Those special characters/multi-lines
Also note that everything is inside a loop and the loop progress with success. The problems occurs every time the if comparison matches, not printing the "TEST" issued, jumping straight to the next iteration of the loop (no problem: no code exists after this if).
My question is: why would the error happens every time the string matches? By my understanding, the double quotes would suffice to fix it. Also, If I count on double square brackets to fix it, some shells won't recognize it (refers to the answer mentioned above). What's the alternative?
Shell scripting seems a whole new programming paradigm.. I never quite grasp the details and fail to secure a great source for that.
The single bracket is a shell builtin, as opposed to the double bracket which is a shell keyword. The difference is that a builtin behaves like a command: word splitting, file pattern matching, etc. occur when the shell parses the command. If you have files that match the pattern *irt*, say file1irt.txt and file2irt.txt, then when the shell parses the command
[ "$r" = *irt* ]
it expands $r, matches all files matching the pattern *irt*, and eventually sees the command:
[ expansion_of_r = file1irt.txt file2irt.txt ]
which yields an error. No quotes can fix that. In fact, the single bracket form can't handle pattern matching at all.
On the other hand, the double brackets are not handled like commands; Bash will not perform any word splitting nor file pattern matching, so it really sees
[[ "expansion_of_r" = *irt* ]]
In this case, the right hand side is a pattern, so Bash tests whether the left hand side matches that pattern.
For a portable alternative, you can use:
case "$r" in
(*irt*) echo "TEST" ;;
But now you have a horrible anti-pattern here. You're doing:
if [[ "$r" = *irt* ]]; then
echo "TEST"
What I understand is that you want to know whether there are files matching the pattern *irt* in the current directory. A portable possibility is:
for f in *irt*; do
if [ -e "$f" ]; then
echo "TEST"
Since you're checking for files with a certain file name, I'd suggest to use find explicitly. Something like
r="$(find . -name '*irt*' 2> /dev/null)"
if [ ! -z "$r" ]; then
echo "found: $r"

If multiple directories exist then move the directories - test if a globbing pattern matches anything

I want to know how I can use an if statement in a shell script to check the existence of multiple directories.
For example, if /tmp has subdirectories test1, test2, test3, I want to move them to another directory.
I am using if [ -d /tmp/test* ]; then mv test* /pathOfNewDir
but it does not work on the if statement part.
The -d test only accepts one argument, so you'll need to test each directory individually. I would also not recommend moving test* as it may match more than you intended.
Use the double-bracket syntax test syntax (e.g. if [[ -d...), which is bash-specific but tends to be clearer and have fewer gotchas than the single-bracket syntax. If you just need to check a few directories, you can do it with a simple statement like if [[ -d /tmp/test1 && -d /tmp/test2 && -d /tmp/test3 ]]; then...
Unfortunately, the shell's file-testing operators (such as -d and -f) operate on a single, literal path only:
A conditional such as [ -d /tmp/test* ] won't work, because if /tmp/test* expands to multiple matches, you'll get a syntax error (only 1 argument accepted).
The bash variant [[ -d /tmp/test* ]] doesn't work either, because no globbing (pathname expansion) is performed inside [[ ... ]].
To test whether a globbing pattern matches anything, the cleanest approach is to define an auxiliary function (this solution is POSIX-compliant):
exists() { [ -e "$1" ]; }
Invoke it with an [unquoted] pattern, e.g.:
exists foo* && echo 'HAVE MATCHES'
# or, in an `if` statement:
if exists foo*; then # ...
The only caveat is that if shopt -s failglob is in effect in bash, an error message will be printed to stderr if there's no match, and the rest of the command will not be executed.
See below for an explanation of the function.
Applied to your specific scenario, we get (using bash syntax):
# Define aux. function
exists() { [[ -e $1 ]]; }
exists /tmp/test*/ && mv /tmp/test*/ /path/to/new/dir
Note the trailing / in /tmp/test*/ to ensure that only directories match, if any.
&& ensures that the following command is only executed if the function's exit code indicates true.
mv /tmp/test*/ ... moves all matching directories at once to the new target directory.
Alternatively, capture globbing results in an helper array variable:
if matches=(/tmp/test*/) && [[ -e ${matches[0]} ]]; then
mv "${matches[#]}" /path/to/new/dir
Or, process matches individually:
for d in /tmp/test*/; do
[[ -e $d ]] || break # exit, if no actual match
# Process individual match.
mv "$d" /path/to/new/dir
Explanation of auxiliary function exists() { [ -e "$1" ]; }:
It takes advantage of several shell features:
If you invoke it with a[n unquoted] pattern such as exists foo*, the shell will expand foo* to all matching files/directories and pass their names as individual arguments to the function.
If there are no matches, the pattern will be passed as is to the function - this behavior is mandated by POSIX.
Caveat: bash has configuration items that allow changing this behavior (shell options failglob and nullglob) - though by default it acts as mandated by POSIX in this case. (zsh, sadly, by default fails if there's no match.)
Inside the function, it's sufficient to examine the 1st argument ($1) to determine whether any matches were found:
If the 1st argument, $1 refers to an actual, existing filesystem item (as indicated by the exit code of the -e file-test operator), the implication is that the pattern indeed matched something (at least one, possibly more items).
Otherwise, the implication is that the pattern was passed as is, implying that no matches were found.
Note that the exit code of the -e test - due to being the last command in the function - implicitly serves as the exit code of the function as a whole.
It looks like you may want to use find:
find /tmp -name "test*" -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec mv \{\} /target/directory \;
This finds all test* directories directly under /tmp without recursion and moves them to /target/directory.
This approach uses ls and grep to create a list of matching directories or write an error in case no such directories are found:
" # input is separated with newlines
if dirs=$( ls -1 -F | grep "^test.*/" | tr -d "/" )
# directories found - move them:
for d in $dirs
mv "$d" "$target_directory"/
# no directories found - send error
While it would seem feasible to use find for such a task, find does not directly provide feedback on the number of matches as required by the OP according to the comments.
Note: Using ls for the task introduces a few limitations on filenames. This approach will not work with filenames containing newlines or wildcard characters.

Bourne Shell Script test throws error with two of same file-type in folder?

I am writing a Bourne Script and am looking to select files that match certain regular expressions. I am doing this with an if test structure, and it identifies a file ending in ".o". However, when there are two files in a directory which I am searching that end in ".o" I get the following error: "expr: syntax error". How could this be possible?
if test "`expr \"$file\" : ${SPECIFIED_DIRECTORY}/*.o`" != "0"; then
do something
A regular expression test is almost certainly the wrong tool for the job here, but let's assume that specified_directory (lower-case by convention to avoid conflicts with environment variables and builtins) contained a regex to match a directory name, as opposed to a literal name, and thus actually was the right tool. If that were the case, you'd want to write...
if expr "$file" : "$specified_directory"/'.*[.]o' >/dev/null; then
No test command, no subshell. Keep it simple.
If you don't escape the . (in this case, by making it a character class, [.]), it has its normal regular-expression meaning, of matching exactly one character. Similarly, .* is the way to match zero-or-more of any character in a regex, not bare * (which is the fnmatch syntax).
This approach works on any POSIX shell, and calls no tools not available built-in to the shell, thus making it efficient at runtime.
contains_any_files() {
set -- "$1"/*
[ "$#" -gt 0 ] && [ -f "$1" ]
if contains_any_files "$dir"; then
If I understand correctly, if there are any .o files in the directory, then do something:
if find "$dir"/*.o >/dev/null 2>&1; then
# do something
The find command will exit with success only if there are any matching files. Otherwise it will exit with failure, and the then block won't be executed. The >/dev/null 2>&1 is to hide stdout and stderr.

Bash command to move only some files?

Let's say I have the following files in my current directory:
Is there a terminal/bash/linux command that can do something like
if the file [an integer]original.jpg exists,
then move [an integer].jpg and [an integer]original.jpg to another directory.
Executing such a command will cause 1.jpg, 1original.jpg, 2.jpg and 2original.jpg to be in their own directory.
This doesn't have to be one command. I can be a combination of simple commands. Maybe something like copy original files to a new directory. Then do some regular expression filter on files in the newdir to get a list of file names from old directory that still need to be copied over etc..
Turning on extended glob support will allow you to write a regular-expression-like pattern. This can handle files with multi-digit integers, such as '87.jpg' and '87original.jpg'. Bash parameter expansion can then be used to strip "original" from the name of a found file to allow you to move the two related files together.
shopt -s extglob
for f in +([[:digit:]])original.jpg; do
mv $f ${f/original/} otherDirectory
In an extended pattern, +( x ) matches one or more of the things inside the parentheses, analogous to the regular expression x+. Here, x is any digit. Therefore, we match all files in the current directory whose name consists of 1 or more digits followed by "original.jpg".
${f/original/} is an example of bash's pattern substitution. It removes the first occurrence of the string "original" from the value of f. So if f is the string "1original.jpg", then ${f/original/} is the string "1.jpg".
well, not directly, but it's an oneliner (edit: not anymore):
for i in [0-9].jpg; do
[ -f $orig ] && mv $i $orig another_dir/
edit: probably I should point out my solution:
for i in [0-9].jpg: execute the loop body for each jpg file with one number as filename. store whole filename in $i
orig={i%.*}original.jpg: save in $orig the possible filename for the "original file"
[ -f $orig ]: check via test(1) (the [ ... ] stuff) if the original file for $i exists. if yes, move both files to another_dir. this is done via &&: the part after it will be only executed if the test was successful.
This should work for any strictly numeric prefix, i.e. 234.jpg
for f in *original.jpg; do
if [[ -e "$pre.jpg" && "$pre" -eq "$pre" ]] 2>/dev/null; then
mv "$f" "$pre.jpg" targetDir
"$pre" -eq "$pre" gives an error if not integer
this fails if there exist original.jpg and .jpg both.
$pre is then nullstring and "$pre" -eq "$pre" is true.
The following would work and is easy to understand (replace out with the output directory, and {1..9} with the actual range of your numbers.
for x in {1..9}
if [ -e ${x}original.jpg ]
mv $x.jpg out
mv ${x}original.jpg out
You can obviously also enter it as a single line.
You can use Regex statements to find "matches" in the files names that you are looking through. Then perform your actions on the "matches" you find.
integer=0; while [ $integer -le 9 ] ; do if [ -e ${integer}original.jpg ] ; then mv -vi ${integer}.jpg ${integer}original.jpg lol/ ; fi ; integer=$[ $integer + 1 ] ; done
Note that here, "lol" is the destination directory. You can change it to anything you like. Also, you can change the 9 in while [ $integer -le 9 ] to check integers larger than 9. Right now it starts at 0* and stops after checking 9*.
Edit: If you want to, you can replace the semicolons in my code with carriage returns and it may be easier to read. Also, you can paste the whole block into the terminal this way, even if that might not immediately be obvious.
