Pharo: execute code at image startup when package is loaded - pharo

I want to execute some code at image start-up time only if a package is loaded. I see that there exists
a method, which allows me to register a class which would provide startUp and shutDown hooks.
This is cool, but I don't want to execute this code manually.
What's the recommended approach in Pharo?

You need to put the code somewhere. The usual way to add this kind of registering is in the #initialize method of a class in your package.
For example, something like this:
MyClassWithStartUp class>>#initialize
Smalltalk addToStartUpList: self
If your class MyClassWithStartUp is in the package you want to control... then it will be automatically registered when loaded.

Here in section 1.10 you can se how pre and post load scripts can be specified. You can use them to setup startup list.
The approach that I use is to check for the package if a script itself (and I put script in ~/Library/Preferences/pharo/.
For example consider this:
MCWorkingCopy allManagers
select: [ :e | e package name beginsWith: 'Renraku' ]
thenDo: [ :e |
| repository |
If you want to do the same for a bunch of repositories, or you can use #detect for one and so on.


In a Kotlin multi-platform (or JS) project, (how) can one pass custom command line arguments to Node.js?

I'm working on a Kotlin multi-platform project, and I need my JS tests to run on Node.js but with custom command line arguments (specifically I need node to run with the --expose-gc flag, because some tests need to trigger garbage collection).
Looking at the documentation for the Gradle Kotlin JS DSL I didn't find any mention of how to do that; does anyone know whether it's at all possible and how?
Unfortunately can not answer your question directly, but there is some suggestion to help you with reverse engineering.
Let's start from some example. We have Gradle tasks to run our project using webpack's dev server such as browserDevelopmentRun, browserProductionRun (not sure if multi-platform projects have it, but JS projects do). We can add:
to build.gradle.kts to find out the exact class used for this task. When we sync Gradle, it outputs:
Now we know the exact class of this task so we can investigate its API. The auto completion or navigating inside of the KotlinWebpack class helps us to find out that it has a helpful nodeArgs property to configure NodeJS arguments for it, so we can set them, for example:
tasks.named("browserProductionRun", org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.targets.js.webpack.KotlinWebpack::class).get().nodeArgs.add("--trace-deprecation")
Getting back to your question.
In your case I guess you need to investigate the browserTest task. Let's get some info about it by adding:
to build.gradle.kts - a-ha - it seems to be of the org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.targets.js.testing.KotlinJsTest_Decorated type. Let's check what's inside. Open KotlinJsTest.kt somehow - for example by typing its name into the window being opened by CMD + Shift + O (make sure to select "All Places" here) or just by typing its name somewhere in build.gradle.kts and navigating inside it.
The only interesting thing I see inside this open class is the following block:
override fun createTestExecutionSpec(): TCServiceMessagesTestExecutionSpec {
val forkOptions = DefaultProcessForkOptions(fileResolver)
forkOptions.workingDir = npmProject.dir
forkOptions.executable = nodeJs.requireConfigured().nodeExecutable
val nodeJsArgs = mutableListOf<String>()
return testFramework!!.createTestExecutionSpec(
task = this,
forkOptions = forkOptions,
nodeJsArgs = nodeJsArgs,
debug = debug
So maybe it can work out to create your own extension of this class, override its createTestExecutionSpec method and provide nodeJsArgs as you need inside it. After that you'll be needing to declare another Gradle task to launch tests inside build.gradle.kts which will use this new extended class.

Invoke a function on tool mode script reload

How do I invoke a function every time the Script is loaded or reloaded?
func _reload():
print("Changes have been made and saved! Script has been reloaded")
func _load():
print("Project was just opened! Script has been loaded")
I'm not sure what you mean by reloaded (or why it is an issue), but it probably is one of these:
When you add a Node to the scene tree (or when you enable a plugin, which is adding the EditorPlugin to scene tree of the editor), or when it is loaded (all plugins are loaded when you load the project), the code in _enter_tree will run. Similarly when it is removed (or when the plugin is disabled), the code in _exit_tree will run. Be aware that for tool scripts that you run manually (EditorScript), these don't work. So make a Node (or an EditorPlugin).
There is a signal that will notify when the script of an object changed. It is appropriately named "script_changed". So if you want to handle the situation when the tool script was modified, and thus reloaded, you could connect to that signal. You may also want to take advantage of the of _init, which is the first virtual method that Godot calls (on Nodes you can also use _enter_tree and _ready). The signal "script_changed" is emitted before _init is called in the new script.
If you want to handle when properties of a Node are modified (I'm including this since you mention "changed has been made"), you would have to use setters (with setget), or you could intercept the properties in _set.
Since you mention "Project was just opened", I think you want to make an EditorPlugin, and then you can use _enter_tree and _exit_tree.
I haven't found a way to get a notification when the currently edited scene on the editor is saved. However, saving the scene does not mean tool script are loaded or reloaded in anyway.

How to save a Pharo Smalltalk package to disk in Tonel format?

I would like to write Pharo Smalltalk scripts that load and save Smalltalk packages to disk in tonel format but I don't understand the API for saving packages.
Loading from Tonel on disk into the image works like this:
(TonelReader on: aRepositoryDirectory fileName: packageName)
version load.
but what is the inverse operation that saves a package onto disk? (assuming that the package name and target directory are supplied.)
(I explicitly want to avoid using advanced tools like Metacello and Iceberg here. I want to either use the Tonel library directly or else Monticello without depending on any previous repository configuration.)
Perhaps unsurprisingly, it looks like the inverse of TonelReader is implemented by TonelWriter:
[[[ TonelWriter on: ('someDirectory' asFileReference ensureCreateDirectory) ]]]
Here is a full example courtesy Luke:
[ :packageName :directory |
TonelWriter fileOut: packageName asPackage mcWorkingCopy on: directory.
] value: 'BaselineOfTonel' value: '/tmp/tonel-test'

Read file from Jenkins workspace with System groovy script

I have a question very similar to this: Reading file from Workspace in Jenkins with Groovy script
However I need to read the file from a System Groovy script so the solution of using Text-finder or the Groovy PostBuild plugin will not work.
How can I get the workspace path from a system groovy script? I have tried the following:
If you have a file called "a.txt" in your workspace, along with a script called "sysgvy.groovy" that you want to execute as a system groovy script. Suppose your "sysgvy.groovy" script needs to read the file "a.txt".
The issue of this topic is that if your script read "a.txt" directly without providing any path, "sysgvy.groovy" executes and will throw an error saying cannot find "a.txt".
I have tested and found that the following method works good.
def build = Thread.currentThread().executable
Then use
as the full location string to replace "a.txt".
It's also important to run on the Jenkins master machine by placing "a.txt" and "sysgvy.groovy" onto Jenkins master machine's workspace. Executing on slave machine does not work.
Try it, the file should be found and get read in the script without any problem.
If there is problem with variable Thread, it is just that some modules need to be imported. So add these lines to the start of code:
import jenkins.*
import jenkins.model.*
import hudson.*
import hudson.model.*
Each build has a workspace, so you need to find the desired project first. (The terms "job" and "project" are used rather interchangeable in Jenkins - also in the API.)
After that, you can either cross your fingers and just call getWorkspace(), which is deprecated (see JavaDoc for details).
Or you can find a specific build (e.g. the last), which can give you the workspace used for that specific build via the getWorkspace() method as it is defined in the AbstractBuild class.
Example code:
Just use
The "build" variable is available keyword in System Groovy Script.

Which config file to use for each GG example

Which spring-????-config.xml I should use to star GG nodes so the .net example GridClientApiExample works?
Each GridGain example provides a short description of how to run remote nodes in the example documentation.
Usually there are two ways to run remote nodes for the example. The first and, probably, the most convenient one is to run corresponding *NodeStartup class from IDE in the examples project. The name of startup class is specified in example documentation. The second way is to start a node with ggstart.{sh|bat} script with a configuration file specified in the documentation (if available).
GridClientApiExample works only with node started from IDE with ClientExampleNodeStartup, and there is a reason for it. The example expects a specific task class (org.gridgain.examples.misc.client.api.ClientExampleTask) to be in the node's classpath. Since this is an example-only class, it is not present in node classpath when running ggstart.{sh|bat}.
If for some reason you want to run a node with command line script for this example, you should build examples jar file and drop it to $GRIDGAIN_HOME/libs/ext (startup script will automatically pick up all additional libraries placed in this folder). Then you can use the same config which ClientExampleNodeStartup uses, namely examples/config/example-compute.xml
You can use ClientExampleNodeStartup or start node with examples/config/example-compute.xml
