Does NDISUIO have a limit on the number of EtherTypes to listen for - windows-ce

I've been asked to look into using raw ethernet frames on WinCE 7.0
As far as I can tell I need to call CreateFile and use IOCTL_NDISUIO_SET_ETHER_TYPE for every ether type I want to receive.
I've tested this calling create file multiple times and using different ether types and it seems that I can create as many as I want but calling ReadFile on more than 3 simultaneously results in Error Code 31 (From GetLastError)
Am I wrong in my assumptions or is there a limit to the number of Ether Types I can listen to using NDISUIO?

Defined in ndisuio.h


Need to measure pairwire (ip based) bandwidth used over time when using TC

I need to measure the datarates of packets between multiple servers. I need pairwise bandwidths between the servers (if possible even the ports), not the overall datarate per interface on each server.
Example output
Server A to B
Server B to A
Server A to C
Server C to A
What I tried or thought of
tcpdump - I was capturing all the packets and looking at ip.len for getting the datarates. It worked quite well till I started testing along with TC.
Turns out tcpdump captures packets at a lower layer than TC. So, the bandwidths I measure using this can't see the limit set by TC.
netstat - I tried using this by greping the output and look at Recv-Q and Send-Q columns. But later I found out that it reports the bytes that have been received and are buffered, waiting for the local process that is using this connection to read and consume them. I won't be able to use them to get bandwidth being used.
iftop - Amazing GUI and has all the things I need. But no way to get the output in a good way to process. Might also overwhelm the storage because of the amount of extra text it stores along with.
bwm-ng - Gives overall datarate per interface on each server but not pairwise.
Please let me know if there are any other ways to achieve what I need.
Thanks in advance for your help.

Finding out the number of dropped packets in raw sockets

I am developing a program that sniffs network packets using a raw socket (AF_PACKET, SOCK_RAW) and processes them in some way.
I am not sure whether my program runs fast enough and succeeds to capture all packets on the socket. I am worried that the recieve buffer for this socket occainally gets full (due to traffic bursts) and some packets are dropped.
How do I know if packets were dropped due to lack of space in the
socket's receive buffer?
I have tried running ss -f link -nlp.
This outputs the number of bytes that are currently stored in the revice buffer for that socket, but I can not tell if any packets were dropped.
I am using Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-52-generic x86_64).
I was having a similar problem as you. I knew that tcpdump was able to to generate statistics about packet drops, so I tried to figure out how it did that. By looking at the code of tcpdump, I noticed that it is not generating those statistic by itself, but that it is using the libpcap library to get those statistics. The libpcap is on the other hand getting those statistics by accessing the if_packet.h header and calling the PACKET_STATISTICS socket option (at least I think so, but I'm no C expert).
Therefore, I saw only two solutions to the problem:
I had to interact somehow with the linux header files from my Pyhton script to get the packet statistics, which seemed a bit complicated.
Use the Python version of libpcap which is pypcap to get those information.
Since I had no clue how to do the first thing, I implemented the second option. Here is an example how to get packet statistics using pypcap and how to get the packet data using dpkg:
import pcap
import dpkt
import socket
pc=pcap.pcap(name="eth0", timeout_ms=10000, immediate=True)
def packet_handler(ts,pkt):
#printing packet statistic (packets received, packets dropped, packets dropped by interface
print pc.stats()
#example packet parsing using dpkt
if eth.type != dpkt.ethernet.ETH_TYPE_IP:
tpacket_stats structure is defined in linux/packet.h header file
Create variable using the tpacket_stats structre and pass it to getSockOpt with PACKET_STATISTICS SOL_SOCKET options will give packets received and dropped count.
-- some times drop can be due to buffer size
-- so if you want to decrease the drop count check increasing the buffersize using setsockopt function
First off, switch your operating system.
You need a reliable, network oriented operating system. Not some pink fluffy "ease of use" with "security" functionality enabled. NetBSD or Gentoo/ArchLinux (the bare installations, not the GUI kitted ones).
Start a simultaneous tcpdump on a network tap and capture the traffic you're supposed to receive along side of your program and compare the results.
There's no efficient way to check if you've received all the packets you intended to on the receiving end since the packets might be dropped on a lower level than you anticipate.
Also this is a question for Unix # StackOverflow, there's no programming here what I can see, at least there's no code.
The only certain way to verify packet drops is to have a much more beefy sender (perhaps a farm of machines that send packets) to a single client, record every packet sent to your reciever. Have the statistical data analyzed and compared against your senders and see how much you dropped.
The cheaper way is to buy a network tap or even more ad-hoc enable port mirroring in your switch if possible. This enables you to dump as much traffic as possible into a second machine.
This will give you a more accurate result because your application machine will be busy as it is taking care of incoming traffic and processing it.
Further more, this is why network taps are effective because they split the communication up into two channels, the receiving and sending directions of your traffic if you will. This enables you to capture traffic on two separate machines (also using tcpdump, but instead of a mirrored port, you get a more accurate traffic mirroring).
So either use port mirroring
Or you buy one of these:

Packing 20 bytes chunk via BLE

I've never worked with bluetooth before. I have to sends data via BLE and I've found the limit of 20 bytes per chunk.
The sender is an Arduino and the receiver could be both an Android or a Node.js app on a pc.
I have to send 9 values, stored in float values, so 4 bytes * 9 = 36 bytes. I need 2 chunks for all my data via BLE. The receiving part needs both chunks to process them. If some data are lost, I don't care.
I'm not expert in network protocols and I think I have to give each message an incremental timestamp so that the receiver can glue the two chunks with the same timestamp or discard the last one if the new timestamp is higher. But I'm not sure how to do a checksum, if I really need it or not, if I really have to care about it, or if - for a simple beta version of my system - I can ignore all those problems..
Does anyone can give me some advice? Like examples of similar situations handled with BLE communication?
You can get around the size limitation using the "Read Blob Request" of ATT. It allows you to read an attribute and also give an offset. So, you can use it to read the attribute with an offset of 0, if there's more than ATT_MTU bytes than you can request again with the offset at ATT_MTU*1, if there's still more ATT_MTU*2, etc... (You can read it in of the Bluetooth v4.1 specifications; it's in the 4.0 spec too but I don't have that in front of me right now)
If the value changes between request, I'm not sure how you could go about detecting such a change. You could have the attribute send notifications when there's a change to interrupt the process in case the value changes in the middle of reading it.

Determine TCP payload activity/statistics

I'd like to lookup a counter of the TCP payload activity (total bytes received) either for a given file descriptor or a given interface. Preferably the given file descriptor, but for the interface would be sufficient. Ideally I'd really like to know about any bytes that have been ack-ed, even ones which I have not read into userspace (yet?).
I've seen the TCP_INFO feature of getsockopt() but none of the fields appear to store "Total bytes received" or "total bytes transmitted (acked, e.g.)" so far as I can tell.
I've also seen the netlink IFLA_STATS+RTNL_TC_BYTES and the SIOCETHTOOL+ETHTOOL_GSTATS ioctl() (rx_bytes field) for the interfaces, and those are great, but I don't think they'll be able to discriminate between the overhead/headers of the other layers and the actual payload bytes.
procfs has /proc/net/tcp but this doesn't seem to contain what I'm looking for either.
Is there any way to get this particular data?
EDIT: promiscuous mode has an unbearable impact on throughput, so I can't leverage anything that uses it. Not to mention that implementing large parts of the IP stack to determine which packets are appropriate is beyond my intended scope for this solution.
The goal is to have an overarching/no-trust/second-guess of what values I store from recvmsg().
The Right Thing™ to do is to keep track of those values correctly, but it would be valuable to have a simple "Hey OS? How many bytes have I really received on this socket?"
One could also use ioctl call with SIOCINQ to get the amount of queued unread data in the receive buffer. Here is usage from the man page:
int value;
error = ioctl(tcp_socket_fd, SIOCINQ, &value);
For interface TCP stats, we can use " netstat -i -p tcp" to find stats on a per-interface basis.
Do you want this for diagnosis, or for development?
If diagnosis, tcpdump can tell you exactly what's happening on the network, filtered by the port and host details.
If for development, perhaps a bit more information about what you're trying to achieve would help...
ifconfig gives RX and TX totals.
ifconfig gets these details from /proc/net/dev (as you can see via strace ifconfig).
There are also the Send/Receive-Q values given by netstat -t, if that's closer to what you want.
Perhaps the statistics in /proc/net/dev can help. I am not familiar with counting payload versus full packets including headers, so that makes the question harder to answer.
As for statistics on individual file descriptors, I am not aware of any standard means to get that information.
If it's possible to control startup of the programs for which the statistics are needed, it is possible to use an "interceptor" library which implements its own read(), write(), sendto(), and recvfrom() calls, passthrough the calls to the standard C library (or directly to system call), keep counters of the activity, and find a way to publish those values.
In case you don't want to just count total RX/TX per interface (which is already available in ifconfig/iproute2 tools)...
If you look into /proc a bit more, you can get somewhat more information. More specifically /proc/<pid>/net/dev.
Sample output:
Inter-| Receive | Transmit
face |bytes packets errs drop fifo frame compressed multicast|bytes packets errs drop fifo colls carrier compressed
eth0: 12106810846 8527175 0 15842 0 0 0 682866 198923814 1503063 0 0 0 0 0 0
lo: 270255057 3992930 0 0 0 0 0 0 270255057 3992930 0 0 0 0 0 0
sit0: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
If you start looking, the information is coming from net/core/net-procfs.c from Linux kernel (procfs just uses this info). All of this of course means you need specific process to track.
You can either peruse information available in /proc or if you need something more stable, then duplicating net-procfs functionality specifically for your application might make sense.

__connect_no_cancel blocks and server gets data out of order

I have a TCP server using select to get data from a client through TCP socket.
The Server is slow in consuming data while the client is much faster. My client sends 8 bytes of data and each time it
-open a new connection
-write data
Because of this ( the server socket must accept many connection ) I increased the backlock value of listen to 500.
Despite this setting, at some point I can see that
-my client blocks in a pthread function called __connect_nocancel and this happens many times.
-after a while my server starts receiving data out of orders. The first data messed up is the one where the client blocks ( followed by other ).
I thought that increasing the backlog may fix this but this issue but this is not the case.
Can You help me? I am in Linux 2.6.32
The backlog parameter of listen(2) is usually capped to some value inside the OS network stack. On Linux the default is 128.
The real problem though is, as #EJP is saying, you are totally mis-using TCP.
If ordering is important, your client must just keep a single connection open and write everything via that single connection. There are no two ways about this. TCP guarantees byte ordering withing the stream. Nothing guarantees the ordering of server-side processing of distinct connections.
It's also considerably more efficient. At present you are exchanging about eight packets for every eight bytes, which implies an overhead of up to 160 bytes.
